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One question to devs

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I don't see why there wouldn't be.



One of MCA's many comments on video game romance:



Not a big fan of romances. I did four in Alpha Protocol because Chris Parker, our project director, demanded it because he thinks romance apparently is easy, or MAYBE it’s because he wanted to be an assho le and give me tons of them to do because I LOVE them so much (although to be honest, I think he felt it was more in keeping with the spy genre to have so many romances, even if I did ask to downscope them). At least I got to do the “hatemance” version of most of them, which makes it a little more palatable.




So if I were to implement a romance subplot in Eternity - I wouldn’t.

Edited by AGX-17
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APs romances were handled poorly... they were more like one night stands than anything else.


Anyways my stance on romance in games:


People hate them, people love them. In the end they should be an optional sub plot for players since it will offer the chance of further character development. That said I cannot say for others but I do know that a romance sub plot can be an extremely powerful tool to utilize for creating hard choices and consequences. Especially if the plot is handled in a well thought out and written manner. 


Scenario 1: Your choice


Let's say you have spent the last 30 hours learning about and getting to know a companion. This particular companion is one that you have grown attached to and hey cool there is romance sub plot there for you! Sadly a little later down the road a hard choice befalls you; do you sacrifice your companion so that they may hold the line for a bold escape so that you may survive them and finish the mission. Or will you decide to let the area needed defense fall so that you may save your companion that you have grown attached to?


Scenario 2: Altering a companions choice


Let's say that in the story there is a possibility of having a turn coat. Luckily or unluckily you have begun making an impression on the companion to sway them away from the original plan (Perhaps they are a mole for the big enemy). After a while they decide to say screw it to the whole plan in the first place and fully join your side in more than one way.


Sure you don't -need- romance to utilize these scenario's. However you can say it adds a certain spice to it. Also you might notice that both of those are utilized in the Mass Effect Series. Which is arguably -the- space-opera of our time now. I feel that hating on the prospect of romances in games is becoming the "cool" thing to do. I could be wrong in that observation though, as a good deal of people that fight for romances in a game tend to come off as whiny and desperate. 


In short what I am saying is that if you are developing a game based around an intricate and well written story your should also write interesting and compelling characters for the game. There should be options for the players as well. Choosing to tell a person to go suck an egg and venture alone is all fine and dandy. If the player doesn't tell the to suck an egg and plays through their story lines and learns about them. Why not reward the player with choices on how the companion can perceive their character? After all the main purpose of Game Design is to design experiences and memories for the players. Why not give them something to remember?

Edited by NanoPaladin
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APs romances were handled poorly... they were more like one night stands than anything else.



Well, spy game, genre tropes, etc.



Yeah I understand that. I still think they were poorly written. Actually I really wanted a romance with the mute girl but she was the only one that didn't have one haha. I guess it would have been a little weird since she was like 16 though.

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Yeah I understand that. I still think they were poorly written. Actually I really wanted a romance with the mute girl but she was the only one that didn't have one haha. I guess it would have been a little weird since she was like 16 though.

Can't say I'm surprised given Chris's stance. Force someone into doing something he's not very fond of and behold the results.

To qote AGX-17: "just saying"

"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones." - Ross Scott

 It's not that I'm lazy. I just don't care.

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Hopefully not, it usually makes an interesting character into a one dimensional prize for the player to win, i'd much rather have a companionship like with Cass or Kaelyn. I also dislike that the npc never gets any choice in the matter, the player simply spouts the right lines and gets his reward, always seems slightly grubby and too Bioware-ish.

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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Hopefully not, it usually makes an interesting character into a one dimensional prize for the player to win, i'd much rather have a companionship like with Cass or Kaelyn. I also dislike that the npc never gets any choice in the matter, the player simply spouts the right lines and gets his reward, always seems slightly grubby and too Bioware-ish.

Indeed. Unless the player is controlling an actual character with their own predetermined personality and dialogue, and such a relationship is part of the story, it almost always comes off as pandering.

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Where's BruceVC?

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Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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Why does the OP hate punctuation so?

It killed his father.

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Hopefully not, it usually makes an interesting character into a one dimensional prize for the player to win, i'd much rather have a companionship like with Cass or Kaelyn. I also dislike that the npc never gets any choice in the matter, the player simply spouts the right lines and gets his reward, always seems slightly grubby and too Bioware-ish.


Don't forget Mira in KotoR II though. She blew you off, no matter what romantic lines you tried.


But I get what you are saying; the NPC is forced upon the player, as if it didn't have an own free will. And it doesn't. That's kind of the point. Someone has written a character to be and act a certain way; being interested in the PC (or not).

I'll do it, for a turnip.


DnD item quality description mod (for PoE2) by peardox

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APs romances were handled poorly... they were more like one night stands than anything else.


Just like in BioWare games... except they try to make it something deeper.

And fail horrible to cringeworthy/superhilarious (cross out whatever of the 2 goes for you) effect...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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The more I think about it the less I want it back.

I think I understand the sentiment and how it stems from the fact, that many of us were teenagers when BG2 happened. Struggling with our own developing feelings must have been an important factor. And I bet I'm not the only one that pursued and more importantly ENJOYED Aerie's romance at least until real life gave us a lesson or two and we moved on, to discover new found appreciation for story arcs of Jaheira (in case of my friend) and Viconia (in my case).

And after that how long it took, before all of it grew old and felt flat in comparison to the first hand experience?


In my case, that fascination ended right there, because I didn't really enjoyed any romances after BG2. For example I don't remember almost anything about them in NWN2 and to top that I learned about Bastila's good ending only thanks to the internet.

Also, can't say I did a lot of "research" upon that topic in ME or DA:O. Mostly, because I tend to play as a female character in a vain hope that it will be a meaningful, game changing factor*. When I did play as a male though, I discovered that Tali and Morrigan are nothing more than HD versions of character sheets used back then when I cared (i.e. Aerie and Viconia). And that made me believe, they are still appealing -yes- but mostly for those who are, today, what we were back then. Kids imagining and secretly** longing for things we couldn't comprehend at the time.


Who knows though, maybe someday, someone will write a romance arc, that will be genuinely interesting for old farts like myself :p

Stranger things happened and are still happening.


moment of realization:

So... just how many women and homosexuals are there, expecting PoE, and do they/you feel different about all that "romancing"? I'm honestly curious because, sadly, I don't know any female or gay gamer IRL so I never had any chance to discuss it "outside the box".

To make it worse I didn't even read anything about it, given that 99% game journalist I follow are men and overwhelming majority of them are straight.


So, is it a factor? Or am I making narrow minded fool of myself here?



* I must admit both Fallout (1&2) and Arcanum were not that revolutionary in the field as my nostalgia let me believe. Still they do outrun games of modern age in this regard, so tell me how sad is that?

** Show me an underaged male openly discussing love with his buddies. BG2 did that - me and my classmates were arguing about Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia almost as much, as we did about Quake vs Unreal or Bozar vs Gauss Rifle. And we did so free from that stupid stigma of doing something "unmanly" because we had "it's just a game" excuse.

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"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones." - Ross Scott

 It's not that I'm lazy. I just don't care.

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I remember playing Mass Effect 1.


Just picked up whats-her-name-blue-girl from the last planet, and since it was the last planet, I could go through all her conversations in a row.

I was just being nice and all, when suddenly they "romanced"... WHAT THE... Where did that come from? I don't want this... make them stop.


Sadly, they became love interests, somehow. From that one series of conversations, which still make me scratch my head how.


I nuked racist girl since she was so so annoying, and set up to be a romance otherwise. Well, guess what? I don't want your romance! *nukes*

Ah, good ingame romances... nuke-targets. That's the way it should be :)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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First of all one thing this is second time i done this typo PoF when it should be PoE(Pillars of Eternity). Now to important things whey i'm so into romance in this game answer is one simple word Replayability and romance give you a lot more options.


Let's start with the best: BG2 i actually have play this game many times and it was great every single time whey it have 3 romance for male team really interact even there was romance inside your team that was something new and great to this point i still play BG2 from time to time with new mods. Funny thing i never ended BG1 too slow pacing.

Now for some game without romance like ID and ID 2 i love both of them they are good but in there you create your on part and both of them have great pacing not too slow not too quick you can choose any part you want 6 Paladin you have them.

Now to other games NWN 1 and expansions, main game have done it wrong when it come to romance it have little change in game and fell wrong, the second expansions Hordes of the Underdark was good in this department it make me want to play it again. NWN2 have the same problem romance was bad but pacing was good so i play it many time and there was Mask of the Betrayer with great story good romance and good pasing and i have to say that personally played it 2 as many times as NWN2. About Storm of Zehir i say nothing to this point still have to end it.

Then now we go to Alpha Protocol many players say romance is poorly write but could it be better when the only person in it you actually have some more interaction is your handler Mina this is just that type of game it still fun and give you the James Bond feeling;)

Next is KOTOR 1 and 2 in the first one the romance was giving some change to the game it was ok and second one can't really say because it was not finished game but i actually like that Mira motive it was something new and funny it should be more explored in games.

Dragon Age: Origins have a good romance and it make game better and there is DA2 it was horrible romance in bad game. ME 1 romance feel a bit forced on player because there is no friendship only romance or nothing and the same go for ME2 and ME3 but they are shooters so i will not a lot about them.

In conclusion Romance makes games better it give you more ways to explore the game world if it good written like BG2, NWN1:HotU or NWN2:MotB.


PS. Sorry for my bad English.

PS2. Sorry for long post:)

PS3. There are 2 new interview on RPGCodex.net one with Josh other with Chris but there is a little info on PoE in them so i will not post it as a new topic.

Edited by GrayAngel
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