crackwise Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 On 2/7/2013 at 9:18 PM, JFSOCC said: In keeping with the design a god thread, and the creatures in project eternity thread. I present the Design a monster thread. I'll start: ----- The Ragman Ever wondered "Why does no-one do something to help those poor souls?" When the beggars come calling. I mean, not you, obviously, you'd love to help. Sometimes you even donate. But why isn't anything really done? The Ragman is why. Help the ragman and he'll take your place. And you become the Ragman. A shambling ragged creature, he looks like a pitiful man, down on his luck, shaking with a small cup. He's a true picture of sadness, engineered to play the heartstrings of those bleeding hearts. The weak. He seems just sad. quiet and sometimes mumbling. You never actually listen, you give him a coin and then leave. Big mistake. The moment you put something in his cup, he will latch on to you, first your arm, then something hooks your legs, and before you know it more limbs, nay tentacles are grabbing on. His raggedy cloak envelops you, you feel yourself squeezed into it. gasping, the clothes fit you now, but they are ever so tight. You can hardly breathe, only maybe made the sounds of a soft mumble. the constricting grip of the clothes make you shake, shake the cup in your hand... And as you get up from your prone position, you see yourself, walking off... The Ragman has stolen your body. You are The Ragman now. But there is one hope... Maybe if someone puts a coin in your cup... Maybe. Thriving in the back-alleys in the poorest sections of big cities, no-one has ever done much about the issue. I mean, there are stories, sure, but they are to prevent the kids from going to those places. The Ragman preys on the weak, he will not attack groups but a single member, provided he's isolated enough (or seems that way), may find him or herself targeted by the constricting tentacle-monster. More likely, the player will encounter the rag-man preying on someone else, if the player is observant enough. JFSOCC, if you ever write a fantasy novel or something like that, just tell us. Awesome monster designs and great stories while explaining them. Your style reminds me of Todd McFarlane's writing style somehow. I like them a lot, keep 'em coming 2
Naesh Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 (edited) Voracious eater A fluffy, furry, cute little creature that looks and behaves just like an ordinary puppy. It barks happily, wailing it's tail as it follows you around, lightening the mood of those around it. But it's not a puppy. It's a doppleganger imitating a dog and unfortunately for you, this creature is not vegetarian. By it's nature, the voracious eater sucks away the luck of those around it. So, as long as you keep it around, all your rolls will be disasterous. Plus, it emits a sweet scent that marks you as prey for the other monsters. They will attack you in greater numbers, more viciously than ever. Even the peaceful herbivores will attack you on sight. Once the other monsters are done with the dirty work, this cute little creature will happily dig into your spilled guts and intestines, feeding it's belly. Once it's hungry again, the voracious eater proceeds to find a good spot (a popular trade route perhaps) to latch onto an other sucker that comes along. Merchants beware. The party has a chance of survival only when the pc realises the true nature of this creature before it lures in a greater horde of monsters from the wilderness. Once the pc knows about this dirty little trick, he/she might want to try to kill it. Bad choice. Considering that some party members might be more emotional than others, they might get overly attached to the little bugger and convincing them of the grim truth wont be an easy task. They might even go as far as to try to defend this creature from the pc. Indeed, the best way to get rid of the voracious eater might be to pass it on to someone else, a trading caravan or an other adventurer party with more people perhaps.... Edited April 21, 2013 by Naesh 3
Naesh Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 (edited) Shadowsnake This creature is basically an invisible snake. Only the shadow of this creature is visible to the careful observer. By it's nature, it avoids light and likes dark places where it's completely invisible. It lays it's eggs in the heads of sleeping animals. Once the eggs hatch, the hatchlings start to eat up the host before leaving. Symptoms range from a rapidly changing, unstable personality and memory loss to paralysis. Resting in places this creature frequents is very dangerous, but a campfire mostly keeps it away. Clearing an area of shadowsnakes is advised before resting. Edited April 21, 2013 by Naesh
Naesh Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Void spider This creature exists in places no one can look at. At the bottom of chasms, at the depth of endless caves, in cascets and chests buried and forgotten many years ago. The void spider builds it's ethereal web across the planes, connecting only places like that. Once an animal looks at a void spider, it escapes through it's web, often pulling the onlooker with him to an other place no one can look at. It is said that once a void spider pulls you with it, you will be lost across the planes and never find a way to home again. 3
BruceVC Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 On 4/21/2013 at 5:39 AM, Naesh said: Voracious eater A fluffy, furry, cute little creature that looks and behaves just like an ordinary puppy. It barks happily, wailing it's tail as it follows you around, lightening the mood of those around it. But it's not a puppy. It's a doppleganger imitating a dog and unfortunately for you, this creature is not vegetarian. By it's nature, the voracious eater sucks away the luck of those around it. So, as long as you keep it around, all your rolls will be disasterous. Plus, it emits a sweet scent that marks you as prey for the other monsters. They will attack you in greater numbers, more viciously than ever. Even the peaceful herbivores will attack you on sight. Once the other monsters are done with the dirty work, this cute little creature will happily dig into your spilled guts and intestines, feeding it's belly. Once it's hungry again, the voracious eater proceeds to find a good spot (a popular trade route perhaps) to latch onto an other sucker that comes along. Merchants beware. The party has a chance of survival only when the pc realises the true nature of this creature before it lures in a greater horde of monsters from the wilderness. Once the pc knows about this dirty little trick, he/she might want to try to kill it. Bad choice. Considering that some party members might be more emotional than others, they might get overly attached to the little bugger and convincing them of the grim truth wont be an easy task. They might even go as far as to try to defend this creature from the pc. Indeed, the best way to get rid of the voracious eater might be to pass it on to someone else, a trading caravan or an other adventurer party with more people perhaps.... Wow, some good idea's there around monsters. Nice one "Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss” John Milton "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw "What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela
Solviulnir the Soulbinder Posted May 17, 2013 Posted May 17, 2013 That looks like fun.- daggerweed - A yellowish plant which usually grows in clumps covering large grassy areas. Usually it can be found growing in tall grass where it's hard to spot from a distance. Step on it and you will know why it's called that way. It will not actively attack you of course, it's blade-shaped leaves are mainly means of passive (but effective) defence. Each spring hundreds of cattle throughout Palatinate fall as a result of infections caused by stepping on daggerweed. It's that part of the year when its razor sharp leaves become rigid like Kus-namay steel and can pierce even through horseshoes. Eastern tribes are known to use them as arrowheads or even (partially wrapped in cloth) as kitchen knives. 1
Iyanga Posted May 17, 2013 Posted May 17, 2013 No need to invent much, there are ****ing strange things on our planet already. Meet the Aye-aye Just picture it large as a human. - Can hear you from a mile away and uses echolocation to find you, so it's not affected by blindness-based spells, but maybe silence-based ones. - Has the ability to grab a party member with its large hands. The party member will be stunned while grabbed and receive a DoT, as the Aye-aye happily gnaws on such a victim. A percentage of the damage done to the Aye-aye is distributed to the grabbed party member. 1
Lephys Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 On 5/17/2013 at 8:29 PM, Iyanga said: - Can hear you from a mile away and uses echolocation to find you, so it's not affected by blindness-based spells, but maybe silence-based ones. - Has the ability to grab a party member with its large hands. The party member will be stunned while grabbed and receive a DoT, as the Aye-aye happily gnaws on such a victim. A percentage of the damage done to the Aye-aye is distributed to the grabbed party member. - Freaks the hell out if you steal its Precious... Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u
JFSOCC Posted May 20, 2013 Author Posted May 20, 2013 (edited) Saints beetle Saints beetles are friendly creatures as long as you avoid them. Although they might just be where you need to be. Orange striped with blue dots, the saints beetle is a small creature, about the size of two thumbs side by side. Easily missed and easily crushed underfoot. It has no real defence and few HP. They live in groups of about 5-25 beetles. Found in forests and open caves, the problem about the saints beetle is revenge Saints beetles are fairly harmless creatures, peaceable, but they have the Protection of one of the gods with a sense of humour. If you aggro a saints beetle group (staying within range for more than 2 minutes or damage any one of them) they will eventually sting you. this does hardly any damage, but ignores armour completely. Eventually the 1hp hits will make you want to swat them. bad idea. Killing a Saints beetle will not only release their poisonous blood, which will drain 1hp per second for 5 minutes straight (roll a save to ignore damage) but, for every Saints beetle killed there is a % chance you will summon a "Beetle saint" A shadow beetle the size of a man, takes no physical damage, and deals armour ignoring piercing damage. Its first attack is always a successful critical hit (sneak attack) and has a life draining aura. (-1hp per second) And every 30 seconds, it spawns a saints beetle. Once killed it will evaporate with a sound like gas being sucked out of an airlock, it will spawn 10-20 (peaceable) saints beetles. It drops no loot. (else you could farm it) Edited May 20, 2013 by JFSOCC Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.---Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.
Chilloutman Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Hejkal (Howler) Hejkal is almost 2 meters tall furry humanoid living in forested areas on trees like monkey. By looks he is cross between human and gorilla with long fur. During day he is quite shy creature running away on sight. At night these creatures are drawn closer to civilization enjoying their wicked fun. They close to roads or pathways waiting for any foolish person wandering at nights. When they see their prey they start howling and barking high in trees and insisting fear into poor souls heart. Mostly person starts to run away, exhausting himself and often get lost in forest. Once prey is weak enough, Hejkal swoop from hight of trees jumping on his prey and mostly killing it instantly. On ground, Hejkal is bit clumsy so if person survive first brutal strike they have chance to run away or try to fight Hejkal. Hejkal is mostly solitary creature attacking only lone persons but there are records of bands of these creatures terrorizing far-off villages cutting contact with rest of country as noone was able to get out if travel takes longer than day. Atributes: Strong, Slow movement, Fast attacks, Low health Abilities: Howl - Fear person Leaping strike - Jump from trees on pray dealing heavy damage, knocking it on ground 1 I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"
TrashMan Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Bronycholus A monster resembling a vaguely humanoid miniature horse, with highly irregular proportions. When standing fully upright, they are on average shorter than a human. They come in various, vibrant colors and usually with strange, occult marks on their rear leg. Some have horns, some have antlers, some even have a single, long horn - but they all have long manes. While the main is usually single-colored, some individual Bronycholuses have been reported to have multi-colored manes. The unfortunate traveler that walks into their midsts will find himself under the diabolical effect fo their aura - he will become more and more docile and open to suggestion, ultimatively becoming a slave and eventually host. They poses disturbingly oversized eyes with huge retinas that grant them excellent night vision. Legends say that if one looks into their eyes too long, he can see the endless black void and his soul is sucked out forever. The empty shell is then inhabited by it's progeny. The unfortunate host will mantain it's human apperance for a while, but the body will evantually change and turn into a full Bronycholus. Before that happens, it will attempt to use it's apperance to trick or lure more victims. Bronycholus are physicly not very ressilient, but poses significant strength, especially in their lower legs. Combined with their hornes, they can make a deadly adversary if underestimated. The more powerfull among them posses magical powers, usually in the form of limited telekinesis, but some can unleash a magical disharge from their horn. The best way to deal with them is pure violence. The adrenaline and rage can fight off the effect of their aura for a while - indeed, some schoolars theorize that it actually hurts them - and all weapons are quite effective at killing them. 5 * YOU ARE A WRONGULARITY FROM WHICH NO RIGHT CAN ESCAPE! *Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!
Naesh Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 On 5/24/2013 at 11:08 AM, TrashMan said: Bronycholus A monster resembling a vaguely humanoid miniature horse, with highly irregular proportions. When standing fully upright, they are on average shorter than a human. They come in various, vibrant colors and usually with strange, occult marks on their rear leg. Some have horns, some have antlers, some even have a single, long horn - but they all have long manes. While the main is usually single-colored, some individual Bronycholuses have been reported to have multi-colored manes. The unfortunate traveler that walks into their midsts will find himself under the diabolical effect fo their aura - he will become more and more docile and open to suggestion, ultimatively becoming a slave and eventually host. They poses disturbingly oversized eyes with huge retinas that grant them excellent night vision. Legends say that if one looks into their eyes too long, he can see the endless black void and his soul is sucked out forever. The empty shell is then inhabited by it's progeny. The unfortunate host will mantain it's human apperance for a while, but the body will evantually change and turn into a full Bronycholus. Before that happens, it will attempt to use it's apperance to trick or lure more victims. Bronycholus are physicly not very ressilient, but poses significant strength, especially in their lower legs. Combined with their hornes, they can make a deadly adversary if underestimated. The more powerfull among them posses magical powers, usually in the form of limited telekinesis, but some can unleash a magical disharge from their horn. The best way to deal with them is pure violence. The adrenaline and rage can fight off the effect of their aura for a while - indeed, some schoolars theorize that it actually hurts them - and all weapons are quite effective at killing them. This creature can easily be made into a trap for those players who like to resolve conflicts without bloodshed. The longer you converse with a Bronycholus, the weaker you will be at the actual fight (if there ever will be one - if you talk too much, it's over for the pc). Of course, a Bronycholus might want to have lengthy discussions with you. Nice. 2
Dragoonlordz Posted June 4, 2013 Posted June 4, 2013 (edited) The Gizmorph Cute fuzzy little guy who when night falls turns into cannibalistic gruesome little gremlin. They stay in packs so there is never just one of them alone and when come across them during day your like "aww they so sweet...I want one!" but at night it's "aww ****...RUN!" Edited June 4, 2013 by Dragoonlordz 1
Lephys Posted June 4, 2013 Posted June 4, 2013 On 6/4/2013 at 12:16 AM, Dragoonlordz said: The Gizmorph Cute fuzzy little guy who when night falls turns into cannibalistic gruesome little gremlin. They stay in packs so there is never just one of them alone and when come across them during day your like "aww they so sweet...I want one!" but at night it's "aww ****...RUN!" Instant time-of-day significance! 8D! You could be in a field of those little guys, and you definitely wouldn't want to make camp... 8P Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u
Failion Posted June 4, 2013 Posted June 4, 2013 trashtopus The trashtopus looks nearly identical to a real life octopus and are 12 feet in length and their skin is pale white and looks similar to dust. The creatures head is never visible because it resides in the middle of gathered waste. Adventurers that find themselves around trash dumps in cities or in dank dungeons must be cautious not to get to close and disturb the pile of refuse. Or they may find long ghastly tentacles reaching out strong enough to pull them under their feet and into the trashtopus itself.
TrashMan Posted June 6, 2013 Posted June 6, 2013 The fahnn The fan is a curious, morrbid humanoid creature. If an adventurer or traveler catches it's attention, it will begin to follow from a distance, observing everything. As time passes it will not be satisfied with merely following, it will talk in a maddening language about it's target to anyone willing (and unwilling) to listen and will collect items connected to or belonging to it. But even that will nto be enough so it will creep always closer to the target, eventually engaging in what it percieves as verbal communication, but for everyone else it seems a cacaphony of obnoxius sounds, that can (and will) eventually drive anyone insane. Adventurers that have been targeted by a fahnn have tried to distance themselves, but the fahnn follows wherever they go, possesing a supernatural ability to track the unfortunate victim even in impossible places. If spurred, the fahnn falls into a murderous rage, slays the target and proceeds to wear his skin and take up all of it's habbits and routines. It rarely works. 3 * YOU ARE A WRONGULARITY FROM WHICH NO RIGHT CAN ESCAPE! *Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!
Lephys Posted June 7, 2013 Posted June 7, 2013 ^ If someone says "You don't enjoy stalking people and collecting their personal belongings?," you could respond, "Nope... I'm not a fahnn." Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u
JFSOCC Posted June 11, 2013 Author Posted June 11, 2013 You'd say "I'm not a fahnn of that sort of behaviour." Torchmoth Torchmoths are fairly harmless, but can strike fear in the heart of the unprepared. Torchmoths are large moths which hang around in dark areas, when an adventures turns on the light/places a torch, the torchmoth will instantly fly towards it, it will be consumed by the flame. When this happens it releases a loud shrill and piercing shriek which can be heard for a hundred yards, alerting all to your presence. there is a small chance the shriek will be so loud that it disables any spellcasting which requires sound for a short period. Torchmoths can easily be killed before they burn, if you're fast enough. 1 Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.---Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.
Nonek Posted June 11, 2013 Posted June 11, 2013 The Illustrated Man. One word at a time he carved the spells into his flesh, litanies of power scrawled and shifted as his brow wrinkled in concentration. Not once inch of his skin remained free of rune or sigil, for an entire library of secrets and spells wrapped around his body, the lost learning of a civilisation long since vanished. Finally his work finished he arose, naked as a babe and looked up to the rising sun. There was time yet, time enough to save his people and their knowledge. At his feet the corpse shuddered and steamed, the illustrations disappearing from its flesh. He looked down and shook his head, another life wasted in his quest, used up all too quickly. Who would think that this aged and withered corpse had seen only two dozen summers, there was a price for bearing the library, a price that he still held was worth it. Looking at his illustrated hands the Man flexed his fingers into a fist and watched sorcerous fires dance and flicker, young and strong, this body would endure for a while. With a gesture he robed himself in nondescript sackcloth, and turned his face to the dawn. Maybe some clue would be found on this path, maybe some hint left by his creators. It had been many centuries since the last marker, but the Man did not give up hope. The library would be re-united with its reader, if it must wander until the end of time. No other option remained to it. 3 Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin. Tea for the teapot!
JFSOCC Posted July 2, 2013 Author Posted July 2, 2013 Seagre the Dominator Seagre is a Wizard who has chosen to study the Mindpowers of a cipher in order to further his own power. Finding a fairly secluded town in which the locals were easily overpowered, he's taken over most of their minds. Those he couldn't control through his mind now serve him out of fear for their loved ones. Each now stands in place until Seagre directs them to fight for him, pleasure him, feed him. Seagre cannot pierce the mind of a conscious person, but anyone who falls unconscious will be restored under his control. Seagre doesn't fight himself, he uses his victims to do that for him, and as such he has access to a diverse array of combatants. Seagre has some limits, which are key to defeating him. 1. He cannot fight with more than two of his dominated victims at the same time. He can only move when he is fighting with one of them. 2. There is an upper limit of minds which Seagre can control, he hasn't reached it yet, but overloading him may be key to defeating him. 3. Anytime one of his dominated victims dies, Seagre will need a small amount of time to access another thrall. 4. Seagre himself is not very strong or well armoured. He attempts to stay out of range/sight, but in melee will quickly fall. 5. At night, Seagre sleeps, He has his strongest thrall guarding his barricaded room, but his other thralls will be active (but not free either) Anyone who is under Seagre's thrall will lose their mind if Seagre dies. Seagre has made no secret of this fact. -- Stranglerfish Strangler fish are eel-like fish which thrive in shoulder-high water. Strangler fish kill their prey by latching on to the limbs of their victims. immobilizing them and drowning them. Whenever they successfully kill a target, they enter a feeding frenzy, ignoring anything but a direct attack until there is no more food left. In this way, they can strip a victim to the bones in ten minutes. Stranglerfish live in schools and attack together. Defeating a stranglerfish school involves killing them one by one before they've got all your limbs locked down, a process which is slowed for each one latched on to the victim. Leaving the water will not remove the Stranglerfish, but it will prevent more from latching on. Stranglerfish generally don't strike a target unless they're fairly certain they can drag it down in less than a minute. A player will likely encounter Stranglerfish anywhere where animals gather to drink, or cross shallow water, on occasion they can be found in tidal pools. Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.---Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.
Mr. Magniloquent Posted July 3, 2013 Posted July 3, 2013 It's been awhile since I've attempted to make a monster. I had been mulling over a spectre type concept, but could never properly capture the flavor or abilities. Not my best work. This is where I left off. Name: The Forsaken Description: The Forsaken are the shattered and incomplete remains of souls the gods have abandoned. Some were merely finished and never guided to a living vessel, while others never completed to begin with. These pitful beings cling to existence, yearning for mortality that destiny denied them. The shimmering spectral tatters of the Forsaken attempt to resemble and reproduce things in the living world in order to become closer to it. Abilities: Mimic: Attempting to assume the ways of the living, Forsaken souls have X% chance to mimic any ability used by an opponent during their next action. The attunement to the target's soul is unstable, and can only be used once by the Forsaken for each time it was used by an opponent, and only immediately after. Doppelganger: The Forsaken may attempt to imitate a living creature it encounters. The Forsaken gains all phyiscal attributes, attacks, and special abilities of target opponent. However, these values are only 30% of the target's maximum scores. Wail of Anguish: The Forsaken are tormented creatures, and the void within their beings is tangible. Releasing a terrible moan, the fractures within their incomplete soul ripple out and potentially damage the essence of living beings. All living creatures within X yards have Y% chance to have their movement slowed and attributes lowered by Z unless resisted. Attributes: Incorporeal: Immune to non-magical weapons and physical (non-elemental) damage. Attacks bypass non-magical armor. Low: Health, Stamina, Magic resistance Med: Attack High: Speed, Evasion 2
rjshae Posted August 12, 2013 Posted August 12, 2013 Tofu Kaiju A massive, opaque cube formed out of gelatinous vegetable matter that has been insinuated by a colony of single-celled, amoeba-like creatures, this monster seeks out carnivorous life forms through its sense of scent and swallows them whole. Trapped inside, the victim is slowly curdified and absorbed by the animated matter. The digested remains slowly leak gas, creating noxious eruptions of unpleasant fumes. Creatures striking at the mass may release pockets of this gas, causing attackers to choke and wretch. 1 "It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."
okkoko Posted August 12, 2013 Posted August 12, 2013 Soul devourer can look like many things one can have taken the shap as a giant Spider other giant scorpions and all most all the time it look like an insect just in giant form the size of a horse its got different shades of collores dark red pitch black dark yellow but allways a special thing all Soul devourers have is white agonizing faces on their skin like the souls they already have are not there of free accord abilities : Drains Soul Weakness : if it is killed all the Drained soul it have is rewarded to the ones slaying it Fire vulnerability take 25% more damage from fire attacks the more filled with soul the Soul devourer is the less vunable it gets to fire attack each 1000 points of soul energy 5 % less vulnerability to fire.. bite damage 1d6 each 2000 soul energy Armor 1 % damage reduction each 1000 soul energy 1
JFSOCC Posted August 14, 2013 Author Posted August 14, 2013 Misandrist madam. A monster which looks like a woman and hates men. It is NOT human, but can effectively conceal its nature to all but the most observant. The Misandrist was created when a victimised soul failed to get closure before her death. The Misandrist is an intelligent undead creature which tries to trap men by their assumed character flaws. For instance, tricking men by flirting with them, isolating them, and then killing them. It is not uncommon to find men dead in their bedrooms having bled out when their genitals were bitten off. Anything "Typical male behaviour" might set off the Misandrist Madam. From cupping a feel, to whistling, to even paying a compliment based on looks. The Misandrist madam has already made up her mind. Men are evil. And she will continue to see everything they do in a negative light. Any man who shows anger probably beats his wife, any man who smiles at her is probably a lecherous hump only interested in her body. Any man who is nice to her is trying to manipulate her. The Madam will first attempt to subtly ruin a male's standing amongst his peers, sometimes she will change tactics and try to seduce him. This change in tone can be very surreal and herein lies the key to recognising the Misandrist madam. Once exposed MM will flee, as she depends on surprise. She will run and scream for her life. Shouting things like "You filthy rapist bastard" or "This man hit me!" attempting to fool others into attacking her victim for her. The abuse is directly related to the abuse which led to her creation, very real abuse that went unresolved. The Misandrist Madam is not unknown in society, although she has yet to be dealt with. Rumours abound of women "getting back at" abusive men. She's viewed in different ways. Some of her victims truly are misogynist men who deserve to be confronted with their behaviour, and she's inspired some women to stand up for themselves when previously they could not. But the Misandrist Madam is incapable of fair assessment, and many of her victims are innocent of the crimes she accuses them of. Women have nothing to fear from her directly, but she might still go after their male friends or family, certain that they've brainwashed this innocent woman of thinking nothing is wrong, or having cowed her into refusing to admit any wrongdoing. The Misandrist Madam stalks places men of low standards frequent, bars of ill repute, brothels, gambling dens, approaching off-duty soldiers. A player may encounter the MM when she helpfully distracts a guard on one of their missions, leading the guard to his doom while the player can choose to take it as a blessing and move on, or investigate. She can encountered in a place of ill repute, coming on to a male PC, trying to lure him away. Or the player can encounter her after seeking revenge for one of her victims, investigating the crime spree, or searching for a missing man. She can be defeated through combat, or the player can investigate the crime that led to her creation, which may, if they're very lucky, resolve her horrible tale and allow her to let go and move on. 3 Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.---Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.
Hormalakh Posted August 14, 2013 Posted August 14, 2013 (edited) The Reeh A gatherer (or devourer, depending on who you ask) of damaged and incomplete souls, this "monster" is in reality one thought to be created by the gods as a way to protect the souls of all living creatures. It isn't exactly clear what these creatures do, but there are reports by those who delve into such things that they gather the destroyed and incomplete souls and return them to the "ether" once more (at least, that is what is thought). In effect, they have been known to cause the destruction of many animancy experiments especially those that dealt with the "engraving" of souls onto copper and other spells that shatter souls whole. It isn't clear whether these creatures are good or evil and different cultures react to them differently: some believe that they bring the souls back to their natural, complete state while others accept them as the natural mechanism of the gods towards "frustrating the curious by the destruction of years of animancy research and study into the soul" while even others (especially those who are thought to have mixed-souls and incomplete souls) regard them as nothing but malevolent creatures that must be obliterated with extreme prejudice. These creatures have little to no effect on "complete" souls in living creatures but are notorious for destroying soul-infused inanimate objects. They gather strength by "gathering" soul-infused attacks, taking a part of the attacker's soul along with the attacks/spells, but release them (and any other "soul-pieces" they have gathered) when they are destroyed. There have been reports of researchers gathering them (by baiting with a shattered soul - and the reeh being "farmed" like moths to a flame) to fuel research but the method of destruction of these creatures is a tightly held secret, and heavily frowned upon, especially in those circles where these creatures are thought to be "good creatures beneficial to the circle of life." Edited August 14, 2013 by Hormalakh 3 My blog is where I'm keeping a record of all of my suggestions and bug mentions. UPDATED 9/26/2014 My DXdiag:
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