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The End of America (and Western World)


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i read all about how 'evil' the west is and then I wonder...why aren't the middle east, China, Russia and Africa held accountable?


this is just super power/1st world aggro.


If the Chinese or some Islamic caliphate ever rose to power in the world on the scale the US has you would all weep tears of blood rather than just the salty tears of envy.

Edited by NerdBoner
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I think that's just where having more food comes in. Not only is our weight skyrocketing, but it seems like our general size is bumping up. People are taller and just larger as a general rule. I'm about 6'1 and 240ish, both my parents are below 6' and nobody in either family breaks that level. In our christmas photos I look downright massive next to them.

For obesity vs 'natural' height and weight growth there's the Body Mass Index and the like as normalisers, it isn't just that people are getting taller and hence heavier, they're getting taller but their weights are increasing disproportionately, ie they're getting taller and fatter. Glycemic index can be used to illustrate the overall problem with a lot of western food in that all too often it is very rich in energy but disproportionately poor in terms of making you feel 'full' after eating. Drinking a litre of coke gives you a huge amount of energy, but won't make you feel full for very long, as an extreme example. If you are doing lots of exercise drinking coke won't make you put on fat, but most people aren't doing that much exercise.
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Ugh, soda.  I try not to have a soda more than once or twice a month.


The main issue is cost and time.  It is pretty cheap to take a family of four to McDonalds and feed them.  It is expensive to eat healthy, or it takes a lot of time to make food from scratch.


It took me four hours to make a stromboli for a football party yesterday.  Making the dough, letting it rise, putting all the fresh ingredients together, then cooking it.  It also cost me about $15 in ingredients.  Now I can take that money and go buy something from the frozen food aisle, stick it in the oven or microwave, and have it done in no time for probably half the cost.  But it will be loaded with way more salt and other junk that isn't fresh.


Of course mine tasted a lot better too :p    

Edited by Hurlshot
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Ugh, soda.  I try not to have a soda more than once or twice a month.


The main issue is cost and time.  It is pretty cheap to take a family of four to McDonalds and feed them.  It is expensive to eat healthy, or it takes a lot of time to make food from scratch.


It took me four hours to make a stromboli for a football party yesterday.  Making the dough, letting it rise, putting all the fresh ingredients together, then cooking it.  It also cost me about $15 in ingredients.  Now I can take that money and go buy something from the frozen food aisle, stick it in the oven or microwave, and have it done in no time for probably half the cost.  But it will be loaded with way more salt and other junk that isn't fresh.


Of course mine tasted a lot better too :p    

You'd be surprised at how many people I see at my store with cars that are entirely full of mcdonalds trash in the back and side seats (so I we can even see the passenger window).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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The main issue is cost and time.  It is pretty cheap to take a family of four to McDonalds and feed them.  It is expensive to eat healthy, or it takes a lot of time to make food from scratch.

Time is certainly a big factor, though it is possible to cook healthily and quickly too everyone loves convenience. I would add education as well though, lots of people simply do not know much about what food is healthy, and many do not know how to cook much at all.


I'd dispute the other part though, at least here I could buy healthy food more cheaply than something like McDonalds even once a day. I'd reckon I could feed four people reasonably healthily for roughly what it would cost one person to eat at Maccas- they wouldn't be getting wine with the meal but I don't think you get that at the golden arches anyway. If it were something like a noodle based vegetable stir fry I reckon I could do it as quickly, too.

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Free-thinking people, who are oppressed by government, have more freedom, than obedient citizens, whose rights "protected" by laws. If people have enslaved mind, all rights are useless thing. People just don't understand, what they talking about, when they say: "Our government is better now than then". Any government was nothing but an tool of viciousness and oppression. They passes laws for yourself, not for you. They even never asking your opinion about this, while these laws regulate your life. But it's their laws, not yours. You must not have to obey their laws, only because government can punish you. Much worse if you break your own laws, while you try be law abiding citizen. Even you try fight against own government by legal methods - it's means you play in their game by their Rules. You never win, it's game invented especially for you. Because this all these "Occupy" movements so lame. They can reach nothing. If someday these opposition has been included into government - they anyway continue play same game. Look at French socialists now. They begin war against Tuareg's to protect interests of French oligarchic elite. They are socialists, really! Similar thing i can say about any opposition included into government. As part of government, they are protect government interests, not your.


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The main issue is cost and time.  It is pretty cheap to take a family of four to McDonalds and feed them.  It is expensive to eat healthy, or it takes a lot of time to make food from scratch.

Time is certainly a big factor, though it is possible to cook healthily and quickly too everyone loves convenience. I would add education as well though, lots of people simply do not know much about what food is healthy, and many do not know how to cook much at all.


I'd dispute the other part though, at least here I could buy healthy food more cheaply than something like McDonalds even once a day. I'd reckon I could feed four people reasonably healthily for roughly what it would cost one person to eat at Maccas- they wouldn't be getting wine with the meal but I don't think you get that at the golden arches anyway. If it were something like a noodle based vegetable stir fry I reckon I could do it as quickly, too.




Cooking is not hard. If someone makes it far into adulthood and hasn't yet learned how there's an extremely high possibility that they're either always benefiting from someone else cooking for them or they're lazy. The best way to learn how to cook is to have to do it. Of course it helps if you have someone giving you tips, but it's not necessary. And even then, just like driving a car, the only way to really learn is to do it yourself. You'll pick it up quick if you go to the store, get the ingredients, take them home, and start figuring out what you need to do. You do that a few times and you'll find that unless you're seriously mentally handicapped you're going to have figured out how to make some good stuff (at least that you think is good). Cooking is a LOT easier than many people try and pretend it is.


And eating healthy is generally less expensive than any fast food place, and relatively so even if you're eating the same type of food (eg. burgers and fries).


As for the education part. Anyone can look at the ingredients of something. Most don't though. And if you make it to adulthood and haven't somewhere learned that veggies, a variety of vitamins, and such are good for you, you're a hopeless case.

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Oversight hearings are Senate hearings that examine the functioning of government activities. Although the executive branch is responsible for carrying out Congress's instructions, Congress retains the right and responsibility to oversee its work. This is part of the system of checks and balances that runs throughout the structure of the United States government. The procedure of an oversight hearing is similar to a legislative hearing, in that it involves the Senate, or a committee, calling witnesses to provide information on a particular subject.


Hillary Clinton Erupts at Benghazi Senate Hearing. Yeah, these senators must known their place!




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Big brother needs to get cable. I'm not remotely entertaining.

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"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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"All my life, I've had to listen to rhetoric about the United States being a model of freedom and democracy, the most uniquely enlightened and humanitarian country in history, a "nation of laws" which, unlike others, has never pursued policies of conquest and aggression. I'm sure you've heard it before. It's the official "truth" in the United States. It's what is taught to school children, and it's the line peddled to the general public. Well, I've got a hot news flash for everybody here. It's a lie. The whole thing's a lie, and it always has been. Leaving aside the obvious points which could be raised to disprove it by Blacks and Chicanos and Asian immigrants right here in North America - not to mention the Mexicans, the Nicaraguans, the Guatemalans, the Puerto Ricans, the Hawaiians, the Filipinos, the Samoans, the Tamarros of Guam, the Marshall Islanders, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Cubans, the Dominicans, the Grenadans, the Libyans, the Panamanians, the Iraqis, and a few dozen other peoples out there who've suffered American invasions and occupations first hand - there's a little matter of genocide that's got to be taken into account right here at home. I'm talking about the genocide which has been perpetrated against American Indians, a genocide that began the instant the first of Europe's boat people washed up on the beach of Turtle Island, a genocide that's continuing right now, at this moment. Against Indians, there's not a law the United States hasn't broken, not a Crime Against Humanity it hasn't committed, and it's still going on."

A group of Native Americans called the Lakota Freedom Delegation traveled to Washington, D.C., on 17 December 2007 and delivered a statement asserting the independence of the Lakota from the United States. The group argues that the recent declaration of independence is not a secession from the USA, but rather a reassertion of sovereignty. Their leader was Russell Means, one of the prominent members of the American Indian Movement in the late 1960s and 1970s.




Interesting what they can reach by this. If they create autonomous base for guerrilla - it's good(FARK/ELZN experience approve this), but they must have nuts for this. Comparison between Wounded Knee Incident and Idle no More actions showing how reducing number of people with nuts in US/Canada.




And here was the first reality check: peaceful parades do not in and of themselves have a significant impact. They are in fact routine and serve to reinforce the illusion of democratic rights. What does impact the state and corporations is economic disruption, actions that stop the flow of capital and industry. But it is highly unlikely the Indian Act Indians will promote such a strategy as it would be political suicide on their part (aside from a few public relations stunts).


Like Occupy, there is also a sprinkling of new activists who think pacifist methods are the only acceptable forms of protest, and that it is of paramount importance to get positive media coverage. One of the organizers for Winnipeg’s rally, Jerry Daniels, was quoted as saying “They are trying to make us look like radicals but that’s not what we stand for.” Really? You don’t want to see radical change to an oppressive and genocidal system?

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This thread about peoples of USA and other Wester countries.

It's painfully to see how free-minded cool peoples transform into brainwashed patriotic zombies now. Just look at Americans from 1970s and make comparison with modern generation. Generation of 70s is healthy, beautiful, independent and creative, they are capable to stop Vietnam massacre and more others. Modern generation is obedient government slaves, they can only consume and can't produce anything, even thinking by own head impossible for they. It's just physical and mental degradation. Your government make two Vietnam wars now and American Peoples even don't try stop this.

Yes, U.S. government been badas in all times, but peoples of 70s understand this. They don't support all this [ digestive tract waste ] at least.

Even the physical condition and appearance been changed.


Bah, another ignorant troll. Come back when you've learned some history.

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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The new generation, at least here in Europe; is full of paleo, vegans, raw food, straight edge hipsters - who incidentally also ran the occupy movement and various other anti-fascist and anti-corruption campaigns.. I think we are gonna be all right, I mean sure we are full of ourselves, but there's a very serious focus on health and both physical and mental.

I went paleo in 2008 on my own accord without realizing that the trend already existed. I noticed that a diet of mostly grains/carbohydrates, HFCS, and artificial sweeteners were giving me constant headaches, wild weight fluctuations, and even sores in my mouth from what my dentist attributed to "malnutrition". I switched to eating only vegetables and meat, discovered the who paleo movement, and have been feeling (dietary/health wise) excellent ever since. I know a great deal of other people my age (early 20s) who are on board as well.

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The reason we're in decline is because people have stopped thinking. Sit down, talk with anyone on either side of the political debates going on and you'll hear, by and large, only one thing: the regurgitation of exactly what the so-called experts in the major media outlets say. Doesn't matter which one, hell I've even heard people use arguments from the other side about a different issue entirely.


Example: I saw a liberal post this in response to an article about the video game violence debate, "People need to stop blaming inanimate objects for the actions of the criminally insane." Really? I wonder where he heard that.


I see few, and I mean very few, responses on either side to any debate that aren't almost verbatim reiterations of made on TV arguments. Hell, I've even done it myself from time to time, but when I realize what I'm doing and try to come at it from my own perspective. Four years ago I decided that I wasn't happy with how watching most television made me feel at the end of the day, and now I can realistically say I watch fewer than 5 hours a week, with most of that being movies. I am much happier and have far less stress than all that junk use to create.  But, the side-effect of that is now I end up thinking for myself and both sides of the TV peoples usually end up trying to vilify me because I won't agree 100% on a liberal or conservative agenda.


"Wait, how can you be for Gay Rights and not for Gun Control?"

"Because I know the path to tyranny is laid with bricks called 'good intentions' and because I believe people should be free to live as they wish."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"Perhaps you should spend a little less time watching American Idol and a little more reading history."

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. - Julius Caesar


:facepalm: #define TRUE (!FALSE)

I ran across an article where the above statement was found in a release tarball. LOL! Who does something like this? Predictably, this oddity was found when the article's author tried to build said tarball and the compiler promptly went into cardiac arrest. If you're not a developer, imagine telling someone the literal meaning of up is "not down". Such nonsense makes computers, and developers... angry.

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Christopher Jordan Dorner Manifesto:



To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement. 


I don't really get why the LAPD is even reopening his case.  His actions have proved without a doubt that he was not fit to be an officer.  I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in such a large police department, but he clearly never should have been allowed to wear a badge in the first place.

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"Amazingly, and sadly, smoking is still cool amongst a very large portion of the populace."


Define 'very alrge portion'. it's certainly a heck of a lot smaller than in the 70s.



"Yea.... except that isn't correct by most estimations, and Oby is pretty
good with his/her facts. Much better than most others posting in these


HAHAHAHAHAHA! You must be a comedian. :p




"For obesity vs 'natural' height and weight growth there's the Body Mass
Index and the like as normalisers, it isn't just that people are getting
taller and hence heavier, they're getting taller but their weights are
increasing disproportionately, ie they're getting taller and fatter.
Glycemic index can be used to illustrate the overall problem with a lot
of western food in that all too often it is very rich in energy but
disproportionately poor in terms of making you feel 'full' after eating.
Drinking a litre of coke gives you a huge amount of energy, but won't
make you feel full for very long, as an extreme example. If you are
doing lots of exercise drinking coke won't make you put on fat, but most
people aren't doing that much exercise."


I drink a lot of soda, and eat lots of junk food, Outside of work, I don't exercise at all. I'm not fat. In fact, quite skinny at 6'0" and about 160-175lbs approx.  Don't make stuff up. :)


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Much as with the apocryphal person who smokes but lives to 95 it's an anecdote and argument by exception only, not a statistical counter argument. Feed most people on soda and fast food and they'll get fat, FACT! even if some can eat whatever they like and not put on a pound. Not everyone has your iron constitution and perfectly balanced metabolism, volo, some are fallible mortals.

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Honestly what surprises me the most about Oby's posts is  that people from America on these forums actually respond at all? Not only are his posts a constant insult to your culture and history but nearly  everything he says is factually incorrect, its incorrect. So not only is he completely misinformed he is a conspiracy theorist and you will never ever  get him to concede or admit he wrong on anything he says. Trust me I have had many debates with conspiracy theorists and by there nature they will not recognize any source of information that you can provide that deviates from there myopic view of the world and history.


Whats the point of having a debate with someone who is incapable of learning anything from your opinion? I would prefer to debate with my 6 year old niece :)

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"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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You're funny in that you think posts on a forum is a debate.  Heh, as for Dorner, it would be funny if the LAPD ends up shooting more people (Edit : used civilians, forgot cops are civlians as well) than he does.  So brave and highly trained, heh. 

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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You're funny in that you think posts on a forum is a debate.  Heh, as for Dorner, it would be funny if the LAPD ends up shooting more people (Edit : used civilians, forgot cops are civlians as well) than he does.  So brave and highly trained, heh. 


Actually I do, there have been many debates on these forums and others that are based on intellectual discussion. I have learnt and continue to learn many new things about other peoples countries, cultures and opinions on a wide range of topics. Of course I also consult other sources but Internet forums can be a wealth of knowledge, so I am surprised you feel that forums like this offer you so little mental stimulation?

Huh, I always just assumed Oby was a satirist making fun of Russia.  Bulgakov would be proud young man.




You think his posts are really about making light of Russia? I don't think so at all, but I may be wrong

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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