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Agreed. Dragon Age 2 is a much, much better game but because people had completely wrong expectations they ended up getting convinced it was a bad game. Oh the irony.


I just got done with a huge boss battle with a guy who was holding a hostage. I almost got lost in the cave he was in.

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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  On 11/7/2012 at 1:18 PM, anubite said:

Agreed. Dragon Age 2 is a much, much better game but because people had completely wrong expectations they ended up getting convinced it was a bad game. Oh the irony.


I just got done with a huge boss battle with a guy who was holding a hostage. I almost got lost in the cave he was in.

To be fair, he does make a good point. If BioWare had marketed it as a more action-oriented spin-off and gave it a subtitle referencing the city or the overarching plot, people would've known what they were getting and there would've been a lot less disappointment and raging.


Look at the flash games they did -- Dragon Age Journeys and, what was the other one called, Legends? Or even the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance console games a few years back -- it was perfectly clear what those games were about and what players could expect from them, and they were appreciated for what they were. Calling the game "Dragon Age 2" was extremely misleading.

Shadow Thief of the Obsidian Order

My Backloggery


Posted (edited)

Really, the difference between KOTOR1 and DA2 is the difference between communism and capitalism. Are you a communist? You probably think DA2 is a bad game. Are you a capitalist? **** yeah, enjoy the most capitalistic game ever. ****ing commies ruining the gaming scene, getting upset that DA2 isn't "fair" or something. They're soooo entitled.


I think I can see where Volorun is coming from with this. I hope he'll invite me to the meeting tonight.

Edited by anubite

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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I'm not sure what you're implying. If Volourn is allowed to have as many posts as he does, I highly doubt there's a limit to how trolly somebody can be on these forums.

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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So the best way to deal with him is to become like him?


Look, most people just ignore his posts. New members usually get annoyed with him when they first encounter him, but most realize pretty quickly what he is about. He's been around for ages and that's why he's generally just accepted as a fact of life around these parts. You can try to do that, or utilize the forums' ignore function.

Shadow Thief of the Obsidian Order

My Backloggery



"I'm not sure what you're implying. If Volourn is allowed to have as many posts as he does, I highly doubt there's a limit to how trolly somebody can be on these forums."


That's because I don't troll. I don't need to. Just posting my honest opinion is enough to make those who hate differing opinions to cry. Unlike somebody on you has taken it upon himself to basically lie the last few post sn state things dishonestly *just* for laughs and get reaction.


That said, anyone who thinks that KOTOR has better chaarcters than DA2 is drunk. Seriously? Let's take Batista. She's alright but she is a copy cat rip off of Aribeth from NWN. Batista is a cookie cutgter cutter. Isabella has more depth than Batista. yes, she likes sex, but she is much more than that. She actually grows as a character as DA2 goes on. That's what good writing does. Batista never grows. Never changes. She is the exact same person at the end as she is at the start. Even if she 'turns to the DS' she is the same exact person. And, there is no character as awesome as Varric in KOTOR. hell, Carth is nothing special. He's your typical leading man. *yawn*. Then we have the always popular HK-47. yeha, his evil funny lines can be funny but that's uit. That's his whole one dimensional shtick. Then Jolee, another well liked chaarcter amlongst the 'hardcore'. He's your typical old geezer spouting philosphocial nonsense aka Kreia except without the evil intentions. He's alright but again one dimensional. Majority of DA2's characters at least have more than one dimension and actually grow during the game. None of the KOTOR characters change during the game. They are the same people at the end as they are at the beginning.


Do we really need to get into why DA2 characters are better than BG1 characters? I hope not since none of the BG1 characters have any depth at all. They're just character stats. The only good thing aboutn them is their inetractions with each other and even that is limited to linearity stuff. The two couples will eevntually attack each other. Period. That can't be changed. Minsc will eventually go psycho if you don't find his lady love etc., etc. But, none of them axctually grow. *yawn*


P.S. KOTOR series combat is the worst combat system of any BIO/OBS series with the possible exception of AP and even that could be strtetching. It's an EXTREMELY dumbed down version of NWN series. Only thing it has going for it, is it looks 'pretty'. *puke*



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I was going to compare the characters of The Great Gatsby to KotOR, but then I decided you guys already covered everything.

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  On 11/7/2012 at 8:37 PM, Volourn said:

Great Gatsby is awesome. 'Nough said.


I've had enough! I'm going to re-read the Great Gatsby and put it up on youtube, so I can dissect the character flaws of Nick Carraway!

  • Like 4

GG is kind of overrated. You should.


Now, Moby ****. That's not something you can touch.

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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  On 11/7/2012 at 7:42 PM, Drudanae said:
  On 11/7/2012 at 6:10 PM, Volourn said:

Batista is a cookie cutgter cutter.

Volourn is a dirty commie!

What would Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara have achieved without their shadowy PR master delivering cutting barbs against their enemy? Ultimately guns and bullets are secondary to reducing your enemy to a quivering mess with a well delivered insult. I also hear that Fidel credits his oratorical skills to input from said shadowy revolutionary presence...


Finally finished my DA2 replay-through. But ugh, three-hundred clips of <1 minute each I've got to sort through now and make into a video somehow. Gonna be a while.

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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  On 11/12/2012 at 4:34 PM, Bos_hybrid said:


Don't be surprised when DA3 outsells DA:O.


Wont be surprised if it does. Wont be surprised if it doesn't.

  • Like 1

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).


It likely won't outsell DA1 or DA2... at least if the 'smart' people know what theya re talking about. L0L DA3 should, according to all the haters, sell no more than 1000 copies.


  On 11/12/2012 at 9:35 PM, Volourn said:

It likely won't outsell DA1 or DA2... at least if the 'smart' people know what theya re talking about. L0L DA3 should, according to all the haters, sell no more than 1000 copies.


That's how much DA2 should have sold


Rants aside, as a completionist, it mirfs me how they they cancelled the expansion.




Wait a sec... you hate DA2 as evidenced by syaing it 'should' have sold hardly anything.. yet you would have rushed out and bought the expansion? Oh, I get it... Youa re one of 'those' people. *puke*

  • Like 1



The internet.


More seriously, supposedlt, stores were balking at carrying special editions and the expansion. Also, theyd ecided to put all their focus on DA3.


I say it's pretty poppy**** of an excuse. Expansions , in comaprison, are relatviely cheap to make.. it likely would have been profitable.. just look at NKKK's attuitude above. He claims to loathe DA2 yet readily admits he was ANGRY that no DA2 expansion was released b/c he would have boguht it. L0L


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