DiabolicallyRandom Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 Or am I just some relic of a bygone era? I have never been able to get into D&D 3.x, 4.x, etc - I still prefer the original "AD&D" ruleset - I know people love to hate on THAC0 but I loved it. It is pretty much impossible to find anyone in my area who still plays the old stuff - everyone I run into either plays something entirely different and won't touch AD&D, or only plays 3.x+. 2
SigmaBunny Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 An AD&D styled game runs at my local gaming club every week. Not actual ruleset, but based on. But unless you're in Sydney, that's of little use to you if you're looking for someone to play. I'm not evil... I'm morally ambiguous.
PK htiw klaw eriF Posted October 14, 2012 Posted October 14, 2012 People generally play different rulesets than D&D because lately it has gone down the crapper. 4E plays like an horrible MMO. 3/3.5E were really good IMO and were just as good as 2E(different sure, but just as good). Anyways, GURPs or Heroes Unlimited(or Rifts, Palladium uses a ruleset that can easily be adapted to fit any campaign) are probably the best to play. 1 "Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic "you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus "Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander "Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador "You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort "thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex "Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock "Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco "we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii "I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing "feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth "Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi "Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor "I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine "I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands
Deadly_Nightshade Posted October 14, 2012 Posted October 14, 2012 I'll be playing AD&D next weekend (as well as the Buffy RPG the day before - although that's newer). "Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum." -Hurlshot
Niccolado Posted October 15, 2012 Posted October 15, 2012 (edited) On 10/12/2012 at 10:23 PM, DiabolicallyRandom said: Or am I just some relic of a bygone era? I have never been able to get into D&D 3.x, 4.x, etc - I still prefer the original "AD&D" ruleset - I know people love to hate on THAC0 but I loved it. It is pretty much impossible to find anyone in my area who still plays the old stuff - everyone I run into either plays something entirely different and won't touch AD&D, or only plays 3.x+. I am still playing AD&D at the age of 36 years old. And so are my friends! We have been playing for 20 years now I think.. The only real change we have done lately though is we have put aside the 2nd edition - if not completely!! -and play v3,5 now and then. (And we dont plan at all touching v4 since we feel its been "dumbed down" too much!) So instead of having beer nights with friends when we now can get away from our own families we have instead AD&D nights together with coca cola and potato ships! Just like when we where 14!! Edited October 15, 2012 by Niccolado 2
melkathi Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 If I could get a group that palys Birthright I'd love to play some AD&D. Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).
cognatus Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 There are lots of other very awesome P&P games aside from AD&D! Shadowrun, anyone? GURPS? 1
melkathi Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 On 10/16/2012 at 9:13 AM, cognatus said: There are lots of other very awesome P&P games aside from AD&D! Shadowrun, anyone? GURPS? Backed Shadowrun Returns and Shadowrun Online. It hink I havea 3rd ed rulebook somewhere. Got GURPS Discworld... Also have the rulebook for Furry Pirates Thinking of starting a Changeling campaign around christmas. Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).
Amentep Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 There used to be a DM on the old BIS boards who ran a Planescape campaign. I'm not in or running any games, but I'm still working on getting a complete set of some of the 2nd edition books (still not quite finished with Ravenloft, Planescape or Al Qadim). I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man
Larkaloke Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 First edition AD&D is still my favourite, and I keep trying to get together a group for it again but not enough people around here seem interested (though I may be DMing a one-shot game of it some time this month, if all goes well). I'd most like to get a Planescape game together. For D&D, these days I mostly play 3rd edition with a heavy dose of house rules. I expect that I'll continue to do so into the foreseeable future. Sadly, a significant chunk of people I know insist on always playing the newest edition, and so are currently playing 4th (which, while I gave it a fair shot, I just can't stand). The other game I spend a good deal of time playing is MERP, which I suppose is getting to be an old game now, although I wouldn't consider it to be there yet. 1
LeSquide Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 The older editions are still played, all the way back to the three original Dungeons and Dragons booklets which Gygax originally self-published. There's actually been an upswing in the available of rules for editions from 1e AD&D back due to the 'Old School Rennissence' and retroclone movement on sites like Dragonsfoot and The Piazza. This isn't to say that you can find a game of Basic Dungeons and Dragons, 1e D&D, or 2e D&D in any given gaming store or college campus, but they're out there. That being said, I think that most of the criticisms of 4e in this thread are pretty far afield of how it's actually played outside of D&D Encounters events. It does have a serious case of hit point inflation making the PCs and monsters too durable alike, and I'm finding the combats just take too long at this point. I prefer to run a variant of BD&D if I have my druthers. (I run an ongoing game of 4e weekly, and BD&D about twice a month.) On non-D&D older stuff: There's a lot of stuff being reprinted these days, so it's hard to say what really qualifies as old, but I'd love a chance to run more Talislanta. I'm a big fan of the simple system the 4th and 5th editions use, and I love the weird, wild setting. Adventure! by White Wolf is still one of my favorite pulp games, but the genre can be hard to find players for. Mekton Zeta, despite all its flaws, is one of my favorite games. I'm a mecha nerd at heart, and it's a lot more open than something like Battletech.
DiabolicallyRandom Posted October 19, 2012 Author Posted October 19, 2012 Interesting to read everyone's posts here - I do get the general feel in any case that 1st Edition AD&D is, like many other things of its era, mostly an edge case. In other words, people do still play it, but it is going to be difficult to find enough of them to run a good campaign. I am mostly ignorant of online Pen and Paper communities - I wonder if there might be more people online using some of the RPG tools I've seen floating around to play some of the more obscure / older pen and paper stuff "online".
LeSquide Posted October 20, 2012 Posted October 20, 2012 A bunch of people in various gaming circles on Google+ use hangouts and/or videochat to game. I don't think there's too much use mapping tools or the like, though I could be mistaken.
TheDogProfessor Posted November 16, 2012 Posted November 16, 2012 When I was in primary school and earlier high school (I'm currently studying for my final high school exam; woo!! :D) I had a friend who's dad DMed an AD&D campaign for him and his sister. I played an AD&D campaign in Primary School (DMed by aforementioned friend) after being introduced to the rules through Baldur's Gate. My brother, dad and I were also going to start a Gamma World campaign but that never got off the ground (I'll need to ask about that). Kind of related to the post: I'm currently creating my own universe for a Mongoose Traveller campaign. From what I've heard, Mongoose Traveller is very similar to the Classic Traveller ruleset; it's been updated to include computers and stuff, but essentially uses the same mechanics. Brown Bear- attacks Squirrel Brown Bear did 18 damage to SquirrelSquirrel- death
Pshaw Posted November 16, 2012 Posted November 16, 2012 While I sadly don't play or run anything anymore I always played Vampire the Masquerade even once Requiem was released. I know my brother is currently running a 2nd edition D&D game right now with some of his friends. I have another friend who only plays 3/3.5. In the end if you really like a rule set there is no reason to go to a new system you like less. So long as some people prefer the old system people will always play em. 1 K is for Kid, a guy or gal just like you. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, since there's nothin' a kid can't do.
specialagent Posted December 12, 2012 Posted December 12, 2012 I was introduced to the hobby with D&D 3.5e (which I wasn't a big fan of for reasons that are not relevant to this discussion), and stayed in the hobby because I fell in love with 4e. I'm a little sad about all the misconceptions surrounding the game. But again, not relevant. Thanks to games like IWD and BG, I've been introduced to earlier iterations of the rules and after some reading around I've found that there is just something so charming about the Original D&D ruleset. The problem of course, is finding players who would like to give it a go. I've even tried to push for an updated retroclone (found here: http://www.swordsandwizardry.com/), but no luck as of yet.
Lord of Lost Socks Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 I play 4th ed. 4th ed. maybe be more gamey, but since I prefer playing fighter style classes, I do enjoy having something to do other than auto attack. My thoughts on how character powers and urgency could be implemented: http://forums.obsidi...nse-of-urgency/
melkathi Posted December 18, 2012 Posted December 18, 2012 I just hate playing games on a grid. It kills it for me. Had a big argument about the realism of someone in a combat situation being able to target the fireball at the exact spot where the blast will burn the kobold but not the big barbarian looming over it. Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).
Frisk Posted December 21, 2012 Posted December 21, 2012 My group mostly uses Pathfinder rules, with some "house" variations - but some of us have been playing together for over 25 years, and we have tried a huge number of systems....some of which we liked, and others we hated. A few of my old tools
Tsuga C Posted December 21, 2012 Posted December 21, 2012 I still have my original AD&D books: PH, DMG, MM, FF, & D&D, but I have no one with whom to game any longer. Truth be told, my schedule is such that it'd be tough to schedule a regular "game night". This is why I'm placing such high hopes in Project: Eternity--need my fix! http://cbrrescue.org/ Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forests and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoors experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.----Fred Bear http://michigansaf.org/
Fionavar Posted December 22, 2012 Posted December 22, 2012 Now playing Pathfinder fwiiw ... stopped with 3.0 ... but PFRPG reminds me a lot of my old AD&D days fwiiw In fact, we are having to turn people away as the campagn has too many imho @ this point 1 The universe is change; your life is what our thoughts make it - Marcus Aurelius (161)
Raithe Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 Heh, I've got one shelf stacked up with AD&D 2nd edition stuff, all the core books, and nearly the complete boxed sets and supplements for Al-Quadim, Birthright, Dark Sun, Forgotten Realms, a chunk of the Planescape and Spelljammer... Although it's been about 6 years since we last used any of it. That annoying time when the group that had been playing together for a decade plus ends up scattering around the country and dealing with jobs, marriage and suchlike.. I still pick up new rpg books, but I've found it tends to be more for my own personal reading and occasionally doodling of ideas rather then getting actual gaming in with a group. "Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."
TMZuk Posted January 10, 2013 Posted January 10, 2013 (edited) These days where work, girlfriend, children and other small details of life prevents me from playing that often, I play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition exclusively. It's a good system, if not perfect. But which system is? Edited January 10, 2013 by TMZuk
melkathi Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 On 1/10/2013 at 1:12 PM, TMZuk said: These days where work, girlfriend, children and other small details of life prevents me from playing that often, I play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition exclusively. It's a good system, if not perfect. But which system is? The magic system is nice. The new careers they added really rubbed me the wrong way though so whenever I try to pick up the rule book I remember "Eh, that's written by the people who thought putting in random starting careers that dictate the players background was a fantastic new thing to do". To me they just missed the whole point of having generic careers that could be anywhere in the Old World, leaving it up to players and GM to flesh out the characters. I know, I could just ignore those handfull of careers and use the rest of the system, but as I said, it rubbed me the wrong way 1 Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).
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