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I like that we tried to tell a more personal story.

I liked that it was attempted, but it fell flat because the personal part didn't go anywhere. It was basically three stories, two of which weren't personal at all, that only connect because they had to.


I think the passive issue mainly arises from the intense railroading so that all three of the stories end the same way. The player doesn't feel he mattered, he just was along for the ride.


Anyway, finished the "scenario" campaign for Fallen Enchantress. I have no idea why that campaign exists.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I want to, but LP'ing means for every hour of play it's another hour or more to LP, and right now the I have about half an hour of game time a day.


I think I can do it in November, once I push off a few articles off my back.

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I want to, but LP'ing means for every hour of play it's another hour or more to LP, and right now the I have about half an hour of game time a day.


I think I can do it in November, once I push off a few articles off my back.


Try Sequence?

Edited by Deraldin
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Took a flyer on the Inquisitor RPG (since it was cheap and I am bored). Downloading now.


Feedback I heard it's that it's a mechanically terrible game with a decent story/setting and a somewhat awkward translation. Also that you should probably play it on easy. I'm still interested because RPGs with settings that vary ever so slightly from the norm are not exactly common, but it's not high on my playing list.

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So I decided to play as a Bard (Jester, to be exact, for the kicks), mainly because I've never done so before, and a few hours into the game I'm wondering why I chose this class.


I really don't see a benefit to it. I can't wear armor because it means my mage spells get disabled, but at the same time my mage spell level is pretty low as to not offset that. So I've got a weird hybrid of a mage/pickpocket guy, who can't open locks or detect traps, and who can't wear armor.


Maybe I'm just not very familiar with the class, but I can't see a single thing that's appealing about playing a Bard (Jester).

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I like that we tried to tell a more personal story. Though some feel that Hawke is too passive and as a result the story kind of falls flat for them. Act 3 is the weakest of the acts IMO though. And yes, the Varric scene with his brother was great. Part of the plan was to do stuff like that a bit more, particularly at the start of each Act, but I guess some internal feedback was that it was a bit too spoilerish (it'd often show what was happening at the end of the act) and started to get a bit old.


My internal joke was that Varric should have rick-rolled the fan base, and cut to Cassandra looking at him unimpressed, but alas not everyone agrees with my awesome ideas :-



We were raked over the coals for the level reuse (for good reason), as well as just variation in the setting (many people grew tired of Kirkwall).



I like what you tried to do with the game; how you tried to explore ways of story telling. I even liked that the whole game stayed in the same location.

But I believe in Act 3 the story fell apart. But I'll spare you my opinions ;)


The fight with the Arishok was fun, the most difficult part of the game and, in a way, I guess unavoidable? We all knew that things with the Qunari could not end well.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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So I decided to play as a Bard (Jester, to be exact, for the kicks), mainly because I've never done so before, and a few hours into the game I'm wondering why I chose this class.


I really don't see a benefit to it. I can't wear armor because it means my mage spells get disabled, but at the same time my mage spell level is pretty low as to not offset that. So I've got a weird hybrid of a mage/pickpocket guy, who can't open locks or detect traps, and who can't wear armor.


Maybe I'm just not very familiar with the class, but I can't see a single thing that's appealing about playing a Bard (Jester).

You jest, right?


Oh, I'm so funny... :p


Never played the jester, but I did complete chapter 2 (didn't quite finish the game) as a bard. Mostly to play through the "Stronghold" bits which were worth it. I didn't bother with armour, but relied on defensive spells to see me through. Think of him as a fighter-mage or rather a fighter-sorcerer. If you can cast stoneskin, blur, fire shields and globes of invulnerability etc. you can survive a lot of hostility.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Temple of Elemental Evil. I finally finished clearing the moathouse, after several restarts. Some fights got really frustrating but combat was still fun. Everything else in the game, other than the combat was meh. I just started Nulb and I hope it's not as boring as Hommlet. *sigh* If only I could skip all the non-combat parts...


It's the opposite of PST for me, where I wanted to skip most of the combat parts, and everything else was done very well.

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So I decided to play as a Bard (Jester, to be exact, for the kicks), mainly because I've never done so before, and a few hours into the game I'm wondering why I chose this class.


I really don't see a benefit to it. I can't wear armor because it means my mage spells get disabled, but at the same time my mage spell level is pretty low as to not offset that. So I've got a weird hybrid of a mage/pickpocket guy, who can't open locks or detect traps, and who can't wear armor.


Maybe I'm just not very familiar with the class, but I can't see a single thing that's appealing about playing a Bard (Jester).

You can wear Elven chainmail.


The Jester is actually quite useful due to the song that can confuse enemies. It makes a lot of early fights very easy (Mencar Pubblecrusher, for instance). If you want to be more than just support, you should have picked Blade.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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You jest, right?


Oh, I'm so funny... :p


Never played the jester, but I did complete chapter 2 (didn't quite finish the game) as a bard. Mostly to play through the "Stronghold" bits which were worth it. I didn't bother with armour, but relied on defensive spells to see me through. Think of him as a fighter-mage or rather a fighter-sorcerer. If you can cast stoneskin, blur, fire shields and globes of invulnerability etc. you can survive a lot of hostility.


It's not so much that I'm having trouble in combat with him, but more the fact I haven't really seen any real strength he brings to my party that makes him useful to the group. Which is a strange predicament seeing as how my character should be central to the group. Right now he's along because he's the PC and has to be there, rather than because he's an asset to the party.


You can wear Elven chainmail.


The Jester is actually quite useful due to the song that can confuse enemies. It makes a lot of early fights very easy (Mencar Pubblecrusher, for instance). If you want to be more than just support, you should have picked Blade.


I haven't come across any Elven chainmail at this point.


I'll have to look more closely at his abilities. If confusing enemies is his only real strength, he's still largely irrelevant in my party because my mages also can cast that. I was hoping he could do something that no other party member could.

Edited by GhostofAnakin

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Feedback I heard it's that it's a mechanically terrible game with a decent story/setting and a somewhat awkward translation. Also that you should probably play it on easy. I'm still interested because RPGs with settings that vary ever so slightly from the norm are not exactly common, but it's not high on my playing list.


Game mechanics are nothing special for sure. Though I've learned how to deal with it (mostly by stacking a ton of stamina/health potions for my Paladin). Story itself seems interesting enough, however. Enough for me to play it for a few hours, and to want to play it again tonight.


It's a very slow paced game I find (which is neither good nor bad in my eyes).

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I'm finding it difficult to play an evil character in BG2. It seems most of the "evil" choices boil down to being a jerk or rude in dialogue. Not to mention it seems you miss out on a lot of quests by being a jerk to people you meet.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Just completed my first game of Fallen Enchantress. I won but, didn't think I would. Was facing an alliance of 3 other empires and had just lost my only dragon and major money making city, however I was questing on a major quest with my ruler, when completing it triggered the end game quest... Should of paid more attention to the actual quest was.


Still enjoyed it, started up another one, this time will look towards a magic victory.

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Finally tried the Mech class in BL2. The robot is cool I guess. Seems more effective than the turret in some ways. But every character just feels too much the same, especially in the beginning. In terms of the way the class feels during actual gunplay (vs. using their special skill), I feel like I'm playing the same character, only with a turret, or a phaselock, or a robot helper, etc. Like playing an ice mage vs. a cold mage vs. a fire mage. Different, but the same. Maybe that seems weird but...eh.


Had enough of BL2. Is P.E. out yet? :p

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Creed of the Assassins. Kind of annoying because they don't really seem to frame the story THAT well.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Creed of the Assassins. Kind of annoying because they don't really seem to frame the story THAT well.

Which one? I liked the framing in 1, 2, and Brotherhood. Revelations was just terrible. I'm not familiar with how 3 works out, just how it ends.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Played through Deadlight. Okay story, some cruddy voice-acting for some characters. Some control issues, but it was decent for what it was. I would be interested to see if they make a sequel with some better gameplay. Pretty short overall, steam has me clocked at about 2 hours, but probably closer to 3 overall. To be truthful, it was nice to just play a game and have it end fairly soon after having ongoing games going with Xcom and Borderlands 2 right now which are hard to get to due to time constraints.

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