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Assassin's Creed 3 is a waste of time


All Ubisoft games are a waste of time for that matter.


True dat. I always feel their games are playing themselves and that my participation is there so the game can show off, like that annoying friend who invites you over to his house to play games only to play them by himself while you watch.

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It's a sad day, Boo has become a race traitor.


b) comfort, no back pain on the sofa eh


Am I the only one that sits in a recliner while on the computer?


Seriously now, this generation the PS3 has had the more worthwhile exclusives, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will carry over into the next generation. I mean Obs was working on an next gen xbox exclusive, chances are there are more dev companies are out there doing the same thing.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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Eurogamer talks to the author of The Witcher books about the game series.


Interesting read. Though he seems to have some very negative preconceptions about narrative and story telling in video games, and he also comes off as kind of bitter about the success of the games.


[Eurogamer] There's no chance of The Witcher games influencing the outcome of the The Witcher books, then.


[Andrzej Sapkowski] "I will definitely skip any 'alternative ideas'," Sapkowski promised. "It'll come easily to me anyway, as I don't know any of them. And even if I knew, it would be funny and silly were I to write based on the game's suggestions. I suppose I have made myself clear when I said that I will never accept any ideas and concepts of 'complementarity plots' and 'building coherent stories'. A story can only be contained in a book."

Edited by Lorfean

Shadow Thief of the Obsidian Order

My Backloggery


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Sadly, it doesn't matter. Hardware was never the PC's problem, as a platform.


Now that my PC has aged beyond what a reasonable upgrade would fix I'm seriously considering switching to consoles more or less permanently because:

a) I don't have time for long stretches in front of the monitor anymore and my future job will likely consist of starting at the computer screen for 8 hours per day anyway

b) comfort, no back pain on the sofa eh

c) the social side - with consoles I can spend time with my gf/friends and engage in my hobby at the same time. You can't do that (in general) with one PC

d) money. A top of the line PC costs almost twice as much as a console. Its a far better tool but I don't really use it for anything other than games and internet, and a console can do that almost as well now


I'm sure that plenty of people feel the same way, and if they do, the PC is going to stay the red headed stepchild for the forseeable future.


The only question I'm asking myself is - which next gen console to invest in. Wii U is out of the question.


You are now the False Emperor. :p

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Eurogamer talks to the author of The Witcher books about the game series.


Interesting read. Though he seems to have some very negative preconceptions about narrative and story telling in video games, and he also comes off as kind of bitter about the success of the games.


[Eurogamer] There's no chance of The Witcher games influencing the outcome of the The Witcher books, then.


[Andrzej Sapkowski] "I will definitely skip any 'alternative ideas'," Sapkowski promised. "It'll come easily to me anyway, as I don't know any of them. And even if I knew, it would be funny and silly were I to write based on the game's suggestions. I suppose I have made myself clear when I said that I will never accept any ideas and concepts of 'complementarity plots' and 'building coherent stories'. A story can only be contained in a book."

He always made it very clear he thinks little of video games and is selling IP adaptation rights only for the money.

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It's a sad day, Boo has become a race traitor.


Seriously now, this generation the PS3 has had the more worthwhile exclusives, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will carry over into the next generation. I mean Obs was working on an next gen xbox exclusive, chances are there are more dev companies are out there doing the same thing.



Its you hedonistic master race people who sit in a recliner while playing games that turned me away and now I retire to the poverty of couch based console gaming.


The PS3 on the whole has fewer exclusives than the PS2 and its a trend that may well continue, especially as its inevitable that some long running exclusive series will hit a brick wall at some point - like Final Fantasy did. Investing in PS4 in the first year of its release would be a huge gamble.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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Eurogamer talks to the author of The Witcher books about the game series.


Interesting read. Though he seems to have some very negative preconceptions about narrative and story telling in video games, and he also comes off as kind of bitter about the success of the games.


[Eurogamer] There's no chance of The Witcher games influencing the outcome of the The Witcher books, then.


[Andrzej Sapkowski] "I will definitely skip any 'alternative ideas'," Sapkowski promised. "It'll come easily to me anyway, as I don't know any of them. And even if I knew, it would be funny and silly were I to write based on the game's suggestions. I suppose I have made myself clear when I said that I will never accept any ideas and concepts of 'complementarity plots' and 'building coherent stories'. A story can only be contained in a book."


And I call BS on his attitude. I have read two of his books, and nothing elevates him from the cesspool of epic fantasy literature. In fact, the game was the best thing that happened to him and to his books. In some ways the games are even superior, like the characteristic atmosphere of the first Witcher (that is nowhere to be found in the books).

The reason his books never got a worldwide breakthrough in the genre is because they aren't good enough (and they wouldn't be even if he was American).

The reason the game succeeded is because it was (and still is) a great achievement in the world of computer games.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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Nah I have a nice expensive office chair, but I do get up and move around every now and then. Don't really play all that much these days, must be burnt out on the hobby :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Eurogamer talks to the author of The Witcher books about the game series.


Interesting read. Though he seems to have some very negative preconceptions about narrative and story telling in video games, and he also comes off as kind of bitter about the success of the games.


[Eurogamer] There's no chance of The Witcher games influencing the outcome of the The Witcher books, then.


[Andrzej Sapkowski] "I will definitely skip any 'alternative ideas'," Sapkowski promised. "It'll come easily to me anyway, as I don't know any of them. And even if I knew, it would be funny and silly were I to write based on the game's suggestions. I suppose I have made myself clear when I said that I will never accept any ideas and concepts of 'complementarity plots' and 'building coherent stories'. A story can only be contained in a book."


And I call BS on his attitude. I have read two of his books, and nothing elevates him from the cesspool of epic fantasy literature. In fact, the game was the best thing that happened to him and to his books. In some ways the games are even superior, like the characteristic atmosphere of the first Witcher (that is nowhere to be found in the books).

The reason his books never got a worldwide breakthrough in the genre is because they aren't good enough (and they wouldn't be even if he was American).

The reason the game succeeded is because it was (and still is) a great achievement in the world of computer games.

I'm betting he got a lump sum instead of royalties. And regrets it.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Nah I have a nice expensive office chair, but I do get up and move around every now and then. Don't really play all that much these days, must be burnt out on the hobby :p


Why is it always that when you can finally have all the toys playing isn't so much fun anymore.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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Boy, that Sapkowski plougher seems like he'd give ten lashes to each developer and hang every third one.


Also, I almost want to call this next bit troll logic, however what he says, might be true in Poland

"I believe it is the success of my books that significantly affects the popularity of the games," he returned. "That in reality, the games used this fact, as my success beat the games to the punch.


He always made it very clear he thinks little of video games and is selling IP adaptation rights only for the money.

I guess the notorious TV show didn't hurt his credibility any?



The reason the game succeeded is because it was (and still is) a great achievement in the world of computer games.

And because of Sapkowski not taking any part in the writing, (I bet CDProjekt begged him to help, they now have Pondsmith on board with Cyberpunk 2077) he can't really get much of the credit. He might have created the world, but it's CDProjekt RED that breathed new life into it and made it one of the best RPGs of this console generation Edited by Nordicus
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There's that but this is really just a case of hurt professional pride - the game succeeded at doing his thing while he did not, at least not as much as he feels he's entitled to.

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"And I call BS on his attitude. I have read two of his books, and nothing elevates him from the cesspool of epic fantasy literature. In fact, the game was the best thing that happened to him and to his books. In some ways the games are even superior, like the characteristic atmosphere of the first Witcher (that is nowhere to be found in the books).

The reason his books never got a worldwide breakthrough in the genre is because they aren't good enough (and they wouldn't be even if he was American).

The reason the game succeeded is because it was (and still is) a great achievement in the world of computer games."


L0L Bitter gamers crying because soemone doesn't like the same thing they do. Typical internet geek troll logic. And, the first thing you guys do, is attack him like little school children becsause he hurt your precious toy. Get over it.


His books are a success because ofn him. To claim the games nmade the books a success is nonsensical sense if the book wasn't successful the games never would have been made in the first place for pete sake.


Plus, while I never read the Twitcher novel. I played the Twitcher game (part 1 not part 2) and it's overrated trash.


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Well, probably the games made it more successful outside of Poland. Expected as much from him, had seen similar comments from him about the games, I did think CDPR had passed it by him for the first game but hazy about that so it might be false.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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L0L Bitter gamers crying because soemone doesn't like the same thing they do. Typical internet geek troll logic. And, the first thing you guys do, is attack him like little school children becsause he hurt your precious toy. Get over it.


That's a high horse you've got there.

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Volourn rides in on a brontosaurus each time, a mere horse can't hold that much arrogance.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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I'm the arrogant one? I'm not the one who calls someone a piece of crap merely beause he dislikes my precious toy. That was YOU Drowsy. And, it's hialrious now consideirng youa re now on the console bandwagon.


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I'm the arrogant one? I'm not the one who calls someone a piece of crap merely beause he dislikes my precious toy. That was YOU Drowsy. And, it's hialrious now consideirng youa re now on the console bandwagon.


Sing for us Volo



...you'll feel better afterwards, I guarantee it

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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wow, no errors in that post, Volo. I'm beginning to see a pattern, I think...

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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