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(2) I recognize your pain.

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This time I do remember the source quote!

Looks like ETERNITY might be a winner.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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"I recognize your pain. Your kind must learn it comes from straining against the turning of the world. It spins thus. You cannot stop it. One day, you will wake up. You will stop pulling. The pain will be gone. Until then, all your waking hours are suffering."


This quote seems similar in theme to a Wheel of Time quote:


"Time is a wheel with seven spokes, each spoke an Age. As the Wheel turns, the Ages come and go, each leaving memories that fade to legend, then to myth, and are forgotten by the time that Age comes again. The Pattern of an Age is slightly different each time an Age comes, and each time it is subject to greater change."


To be perfectly clear, I don't think this new game has *anything* to do with Wheel of Time, I'm just pointing out the similarities in theme based on the quote. :p

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"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."


- The Shaw quote that has been in Gromnir's signature for a decade or so.

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countdown to a countdown to a countdown.


A countdown to a countdown to a countdown to... Countdown with Keith Olbermann!


(Tip the waiter on the way out, he'll be here all week)




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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In the Heresy Era, the Thousand Sons marched to Godhammer on the recently-rediscovered Machine World of the same name. Their current crest/symbol emblazoned on their left shoulder plates is that of the ouroboros.


Food for thought... ;)






and more on the ouroboros itself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros

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And on friday it will turn into a link to Black Mesa, which is currently running a countdown till friday as well.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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In the Heresy Era, the Thousand Sons marched to Godhammer on the recently-rediscovered Machine World of the same name. Their current crest/symbol emblazoned on their left shoulder plates is that of the ouroboros.


Food for thought... ;)





Stop giving me hope!


Was thinking along similar lines when the "200 years ago" was mentioned (the duration of the Great Crusade at the time of the heresy) and Lorgar and Magnus both being fascinated with books.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Minds will be blown. I cannot freaking wait for the countdown to end... Except then, I have to wait to actually play it.


"My body is ready," or so the kids seem to say these days

I feel a disturbance in the force. It's as though a hundred devs simultaneously facepalmed, and then fell silent bc the nda is still in place.


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I believe the word is INFINITY.

Seems a likely candidate since they seem to be doing pairs of words organized by the first vowel(aa, ee, ii, and so forth). After Infinity it will probably be Obesity.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I believe the word is INFINITY.

Seems a likely candidate since they seem to be doing pairs of words organized by the first vowel(aa, ee, ii, and so forth). After Infinity it will probably be Obesity.


We started at 4 and we are filling 5 slots. They already did I. So there wont be another I. A letter must repeat to make five. Also your eternity guesses don't even fit.


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In the Heresy Era, the Thousand Sons marched to Godhammer on the recently-rediscovered Machine World of the same name. Their current crest/symbol emblazoned on their left shoulder plates is that of the ouroboros.


Food for thought... ;)





Stop giving me hope!


Was thinking along similar lines when the "200 years ago" was mentioned (the duration of the Great Crusade at the time of the heresy) and Lorgar and Magnus both being fascinated with books.


That would be a VERY interesting theory. A WH40K RPG would also probably cash in on Kickstarter like crazy... But I have the feeling that's not it. If it would be, then maybe it's Project Vermont being kickstarted? Still, I don't think so.


Also, their Kickstarter profile reads "Prior to Obsidian, each of the owners worked for Black Isle Studios as production, design, management, and programming staff, having worked on the Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment series.

We loved working on those games, and feel there's a real nostalgia for them, and we're looking to you for help to bring them back!"


If that's to be taken literally, and the hidden word in the source code is "INFINITY" (although "ETERNITY" is more probable) maybe we're looking at EEs of those games? I can't say for sure but I don't think there's any chance of a completely new game using the Infinity engine, modded or vanilla. That would of course be killer, for sure...


At the moment, I still think that what we're looking at is a completely new IP heavily influenced by Germanic folklore. Likely, Sawyer has been working it for some time (from what we know through twitter and interviews with other Obsidian employees), at least since earlier this year, or since the shelving of Project North Carolina. Maybe this new IP will incorporate some elements from past cancelled projects, although I think it's likely that most of it is new. The very fact that it's being Kickstarted speaks against the involvement of any already existing IP that Obsidian does not already own themselves (EDIT: Or, of course, that InXile owns...). Sawyer's recent post on "world building" also reinforces the theory of a new IP.

Edited by Rostere

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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In the Heresy Era, the Thousand Sons marched to Godhammer on the recently-rediscovered Machine World of the same name. Their current crest/symbol emblazoned on their left shoulder plates is that of the ouroboros.


Food for thought... ;)






and more on the ouroboros itself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros


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Only 2 days to go. I'm starting to think this is either Defiance or Icewind Dale 3. This is most probably not Dungeon Siege 4 like I first guessed.


Why are people so hung up on "Defiance"? Has it just become a replacement for "Every not picked up Obsidian game"?


We only heard from it in ONE interview, talking about something that happened in 2008/9 and IIRC we had no indication that it was even a Sawyer related project.

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Also, Feargus on different settings in new games (from here: http://forums.obsidi...p-ten-obsidian/):


As for future titles, I would like us to continue making both Fantasy games and games placed in other genres - like Post Apocalyptic and SciFi. A number of us have been toying around with the idea of a Post Apocalyptic Fantasy world. There are a number of campaign worlds out there that explore this idea and I think a really cool video/computer game could be made within a world like that. While we couldn't go with the campy 50's feel of Fallout (campy as in the Pip Boy look, not campy as in culture references), I think the tension created by having all the different fantasy societies trying to scrape by and rebuild would make for an interesting world to explore. As for a straight SciFi game, I don't have an real specific ideas about what we might do just yet. I know a lot of people around here love 40K, so I was thinking of talking to THQ at some point about whether they would like to a 40K game that is more RPG than RTS.


Another thing against the 40K theory is of course the upcoming 40K: Dark Millenium game. Bard's Tale 4 is still the most likely candidate for Project X if we take only existing IPs in mind...


Also, post-apoc fantasy? Sounds intriguing. The Dark Sun games are from way back and I don't think we've seen anything similar since. Keeping in mind the Germanic influences however, I think we're talking more post-Ragnar

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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Also, post-apoc fantasy? Sounds intriguing.

Sounds quite plausible too considering the Feargus quote.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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