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Praise it!


The sun, I mean.

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"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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oh, then in that case, yeah i can see how that would be really frustrating. its almost certainly not going to get fixed either since the devs sound pretty lost when it comes to pc development.


i guess if you cant beat them you must join them?

I guess. I'm staying away from PC version though so i have to wait for 2 more months. :( I also put the game on the shelf so i'll be more excited when DLC arrives. Although i probably should plan some new builds before the patch hits so i have all the materials and weapons ready, and i dont have to look for them. :D

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Still playing a little bit of FO:NV every now and then. After finishing OWB, which I quite liked (nice change of "tone" and setting, only real beef was the same as with Point Lookout, the goons are too many of the same and way too much bullet sponges), I'm busy shuffling stuff between my stashes and stores with enough caps. Not sure if it's a bug in the sink, but half the time it doesn't seem to actually pay you for stuff you sell, despite listing a number of caps it's willing to pay. I lost 60000 caps that way, not checking that money actually went to my account. Once done with that, I'll probably head for Lonesome Road.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Been replaying KOTOR2 using the steam version and the restored content mod.


All in all it's a far more interesting game than... well, a good game I suppose. The story is still really interesting, and many additions from the content mod flesh things out even a bit further. But urgh, the KOTOR gameplay... It's such a boring slog. Unfortunately, some of the combat sections reintroduced by the content mod are really boring to play through which kinda hurts the game.

Still, you can't really argue with a lot of the writing. It's a game that hooks me when I play it despite the fact that I really dislike the combat.


Now playing Dragon Age Origins again.

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Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Finished DX:HR. Chose the


ending. Not sure why anyone who's playing this style game would want to choose a different option. And with that, I could never replay the game as I saw as much as I need in the one playthrough. Now I might play the other takes-itself-too-seriously sci-fi drama in ME3 and see what all of the fuss was/is about.

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Not sure why anyone who's playing this style game would want to choose a different option.


Well all of the option had appeal in my opinion, but it came down to whether you trusted the people involved in each of them.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Not sure why anyone who's playing this style game would want to choose a different option.


Well all of the option had appeal in my opinion, but it came down to whether you trusted the people involved in each of them.

But you had no reason to trust any of them.

At least not after the

conspiracy revelation.



On Topic:Finished a quick run through Dark Souls on PC.

Didn't make me think any better of the game but now I understand where the 100+ hours playthroughs come from.

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Not sure why anyone who's playing this style game would want to choose a different option.


Well all of the option had appeal in my opinion, but it came down to whether you trusted the people involved in each of them.

Ok well what I mean is that

if you're a fan of sci-fi, why would you want progress slowed down or haulted altogether whether you trust Sarif or not? The other choices are to either, (A) let politicians control you, (B) being naive almost to the point of religion, or

Edited by Blodhemn
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Deus Ex spoiler ahead:


so the world can continue it's cycle of being set back and coming back to the same point anyway.

You need to read some contemporary history .. This is not a cycle that is currently going on.


Why choose the others seeing as the planet isn't going to last forever, and civilization could die out before then anyway unless technological advancements avert it?

It's also fairly easy argue that technology is the reason why we are having problems - to say that technological advancement is universally good is a bit naive.. Black/white definitions are by their nature a simplification and therefore almost always wrong.


Furthermore, you're playing a game with a guy who has robotic arms and souped up abilities for the entire game. All of a sudden augs are a bad idea?

How did you use those augs?


The great thing about these kind of games are that they make you consider the theme, morality, ethical implications etc. I can see why you would prefer the option you took (which I took as well), but to say that's it's the only logical one is wrong imho. I would say that even thinking that kinda shows you haven't thought it entirely through.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Finished the latest episode of The Walking Dead. I really wish this game weren't episodic. While the game does a good job of reminding you of what happened and re-establishing the mood, it's still annoying to have to wait months just to find out how it goes on.

Well, still better than HL2 Ep3 on that front.

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Deus Ex spoiler ahead:


You need to read some contemporary history .. This is not a cycle that is currently going on.

Yeah and we haven't totally abolished technological advancements or destroyed ourselves yet. Everytime there's a cycle, things start over but they return to the same point much more quickly, so my point is that it doesn't really matter.


It's also fairly easy argue that technology is the reason why we are having problems - to say that technological advancement is universally good is a bit naive.. Black/white definitions are by their nature a simplification and therefore almost always wrong.
Technology can cause problems for sure but can also do things like prevent disasters. Would people rather just sit on their hands instead of develop ways to make meteors avoid colliding with earth(which they do from time to time)? I think the positives outweigh the negatives and stalling that is just further putting everyone at risk.


How did you use those augs?


The great thing about these kind of games are that they make you consider the theme, morality, ethical implications etc. I can see why you would prefer the option you took (which I took as well), but to say that's it's the only logical one is wrong imho. I would say that even thinking that kinda shows you haven't thought it entirely through.

I snuck around and knocked people out for the first half of the game and then just started shooting them in the head as the game was getting stale and tedious and I still ended with the "good" ending. I see the point in all of the endings however all of them are hypocritical and made redundant. I.E. murdering everyone at the base does nothing but takes away spin from those imediate groups you deal with. Leaving choices up to politicians does nothing but gives up your control and now they can do everything they wont permit you to do and on top of it make you pay for it and as well start wars and chaos themselves. Exposing both sides to the world is assuming that the world will then live in peace and harmony - lol, how is that ever going to happen? The natural order is chaos. Accept it that we are flawed and harness it - but don't keep us down with religion or superficial morality on a grand scale. People already suffer today without augments - talk to people who have amputations and their mind can still connect with that limb that's no longer there. We are just now beginning to understand parts of the brain and how it works. Taking that away and setting it back wouldnt cure depression, killings and all that sort of thing. Sure, a whole lot of bad things could happen within this realm on an individual basis, but the important thing is leaving people with a choice instead of keeping them in control because it could be quite helpful to other individuals who choose to take whatever augmented steps they're taking. So basically, in the grand scheme, there's going to be chaos anyway... why not try to make the most of it?

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Ok well what I mean is that

if you're a fan of sci-fi, why would you want progress slowed down or haulted altogether whether you trust Sarif or not? The other choices are to either, (A) let politicians control you, (B) being naive almost to the point of religion, or

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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If you hated the DX:HR endings, wait until you play ME3. Same endings (to the point where it's hard to believe Bio simply didn't rip the endings off and "alter" them to fit the setting), but much, much more nonsensical.

Ha, I heard about that so that's why I chose to play DX first. Funny though that DX then copied the intro to ME2 to a degree.


I didn't hate the ending btw. I actually thought they were pretty well done for gaming's standard. I simply just am confused to why someone who likes the DX universe so much wouldn't want to choose that one option. The other choices would be for people who are general gamers but aren't neccessarily into sci-fi much or so I would imagine..

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So I downloaded ME3 through Amazon's slow servers. The installation stalled at 81% and gave me a disc read error and suggests that I clean the disc or download and install the digital version(lol). So I exit the installation and retry it and the installation flickered between 99-100% and said the same damn thing. I'm gonna keep trying the install and hopefully one of these work because I'm not in the mood to redownload the whole file right now. What a garbage service.

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Heh, it didn't work. So I'm going to have to redownload the whole file. Good thing that my bandwidth isn't capped yet. So then I thought, since I'm on Origin and haven't played Battlefield 3 for several months, I might as well update it and play a few rounds. I update it, the game and the browser plugin and all of that jazz. I click to play and all I get is this "need to install game first". Hahaha. So I've spent the whole night trying to get two games to run on this **** Origin system and they both fail to f'n launch. Thank you EA and your horrible system.

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The Walking dead... finished all 3 eps.


It's... not really that good. Especially as people make it out to be. It's in the trend of recent TTG games; Interactive movies. Atleast the choice and moral choices make it better than BttF and Jurrassic Park, but yeah, it's still not very good a game...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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The Walking dead... finished all 3 eps.


It's... not really that good. Especially as people make it out to be. It's in the trend of recent TTG games; Interactive movies. Atleast the choice and moral choices make it better than BttF and Jurrassic Park, but yeah, it's still not very good a game...

I've seen a lot of people who really like it for the episodic/periodical feel I think. eg, that the format can encompass bigger or more meaningful stories that way, or something, but waiting for installments in order to get/finish the whole game I paid for is not my thing. And interactive movies are definitely not my thing.


Tried a few minutes of dark souls over a friend's house. I was warned that the KB/M controls were bad but holy hell I wasn't expecting THAT bad.

So one should take the notice on Steam's game page that an Xbox controller is "strongly" recommended seriously, then? :lol:

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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So, some here are saying Transformers: Battle for Cybertron is actually good? I shunned it originally because it's a movie based game (and we know how those turn out 99% of the time).


What type of game did it turn out to be and why is it actually something one should consider playing?

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Finished DX:HR. Chose the


ending. Not sure why anyone who's playing this style game would want to choose a different option. And with that, I could never replay the game as I saw as much as I need in the one playthrough. Now I might play the other takes-itself-too-seriously sci-fi drama in ME3 and see what all of the fuss was/is about.

I think the issue is that people take Mass Effect more seriously than it does itself. I never saw them denounce the "80s scifi pastiche" approach they had to the setting, and the music in 3 certainly supports this, as well.


Not an excuse for the ending, but certainly for a lot of the other more aspy gripes.


Also, DXHR is all about hitting the fourth button.

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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So, some here are saying Transformers: Battle for Cybertron is actually good? I shunned it originally because it's a movie based game (and we know how those turn out 99% of the time).

It's not? It's just a franchise based game, has nothing to do with the movies.
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Finished DX:HR. Chose the


ending. Not sure why anyone who's playing this style game would want to choose a different option. And with that, I could never replay the game as I saw as much as I need in the one playthrough. Now I might play the other takes-itself-too-seriously sci-fi drama in ME3 and see what all of the fuss was/is about.

I think the issue is that people take Mass Effect more seriously than it does itself. I never saw them denounce the "80s scifi pastiche" approach they had to the setting, and the music in 3 certainly supports this, as well.


Not an excuse for the ending, but certainly for a lot of the other more aspy gripes.


Also, DXHR is all about hitting the fourth button.


Oh man, I visited the Bioware forums near the release and it was mayhem--nerd rage galore!! I finally got the game running today, played the first mission until the first resting point, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. No doubt, low expectations always makes things better than they probably are but it's well done so far, for what it is. I haven't played in the ME universe in 2 years so it's kind of weird getting used to it again. I wish there were no renegade/paragon system - it's just horribly done and gimmicky at this point. I got renegade points for simply telling a squadmate to "focus" in a somewhat casual manner during a mission. I guess that makes me a badass? That's kind of the part where I feel the game takes itself too seriously - all of the dialogue is forceful in some way, overly imperative or overly concerned and caring and even when it's more casual, there's too much importance placed into a simple response. Anyway, it's kind of nice to play a more straight forward game without having to hack every 10ft you move like in DXHR. Hacking needs to be eliminated from gaming, or atleast made a tiny bit interesting.


And about the DX ending...

why do you say that about the 4th choice? Because it follows those sci-fi stories that warn about technology being wrongly used and must be destroyed?


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