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Sweet, we can throw our guns at the xenos ?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I actually found the opposite, in that I was still getting hit "through" things. Though I found in general there weren't many misses in the demo.


Of course, the original XCOM didn't even factor distance into your accuracy at all, which is obviously superior. You could be right beside the guy, or the entire level away with someone else spotting for you. That shot is 74%!



After reading that Rock Paper Shotgun article, it seems the dumb simpletons that like simple gameplay aren't the only stupid ones. How anyone defintiively concludes "OMG THIS IS HOW THE ENTIRE GAME IS" rather than simply "This is literally the opening part of our game" is people just looking to actually hate and be disappointed. They give out the basic tutorial which teaches the basics of how to play the game, and then let the players solve the final mission how they see fit. It gives players an idea on how controlling the characters works, what the interface for the base control will be like, and so forth.


Having said that, these people are certainly not doing themselves any favours if they're the types that actually want devs to release demos for their games.

Edited by alanschu
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I wish the tutorial part was skippable in the demo. I tried it but failed at the terminal boredom check before getting to see much of the game. Never got to see how effectively they've implemented destructible terrain. Might just give it a second try tonight (especially after having downloaded 5+ gb).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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At least the actual mission gameplay seemed fine, still kinda wondering how all the base stuff has been implemented as the demo really didn't show much of that.


I spent a good amount of time simply looking at all the options, even though they were disabled for the demo. It looks like we've got a lot a lot of different things to do, that's for sure.

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I'm definitely a little late to the game not really getting the chance to play the previous Xcom games, however I'm excited for this game after watching quite a few previews and gameplays, however can someone explain what "Overwatch" in the game is, to me.

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AFAIK, it's an action that you use, and if an enemy then walks into the soldier's sight on the Alien turn, the soldier gets a shot off at the enemy. Sorta like an attack of opportunity.


Alright, that's what I was thinking, but I wanted to check. Thanks.

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Yes, I have. But this isn't 1995 anymore.


But why do you want a bigger map? The map sizes in the original were perfect.


Extending the map in a turn-based game simply means more time spent searching to the edges of the map. It doesn't actually improve the game. I'll admit the tutorial missions were a bit small, but I doubt they are indicative of the average mission size, and much like the original I am guessing map size depends on the mission.

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I'm really looking forward to this game. I'm not going to play the demo. I'll just keep my ear to the ground, listen to what you folks say, and maybe read reviews (with a grain of salt, of course). I'm more likely to take the advise here than the so-called 'professional' reviews, but I'll take a gander at both to inform my decision, but I'm pretty sure that I'll be buying this on or soon after release.

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To be less linear and have more tactical options, which hopefully the AI is able to use them as well.


Are you talking about within the missions? The first mission and a half are clearly a guided tutorial, but once that turned off in the second mission, you pretty much had free will to go after the rest of the aliens any way you wanted. It was really just a small taste of the action. What tactical options did you feel were lacking?

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I just love how confident the developers seem to be about their product. They're really getting it out there that they've got an amazing product, and putting themselves in the line of fire in case it's not. It's very rare for me to see that. I'm super psyched, less than a week to go now (but it's probably region locked, so next friday in europe?)

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I'd be weirded out if that guy came up to me and started talking about the game (or any game).

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I'm torn between getting this and Dishonored, this or Dishonored, or neither of them. If I do get X-COM I'll likely go ahead and get Dishonored as the $10 back deal combined with the 25% off deal on Green Man Gaming makes the entry price a low(ish) $35 for Dishonored and $45 for X-COM (with the extra $10 of savings going to the other game).

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I actually cancelled my Dishonored preorder and put it towards Xcom. I'm sure I will enjoy a playthrough of Dishonored, but Xcom is clearly a game I will play for hours and hours, and likely years to come. Plus we've gotten a few good games like Dishonored in the last couple years, but nothing anywhere near Xcom.

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