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I actually really enjoyed TFU series.

One was better than Two. Also, I cannot to this day use force lighting without yelling: "POWEEEERR!!"

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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An interview with their lawer... and here are his words about what's happening.


Schwartz: Spin - lawyers will spin.


I'm fairly certain that if you had an acti lawyer trying to get the exact same facts across his use of words would slant things the exact other way.

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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another proof that Activision is evil


Not only is this wrong, it's criminal. Facism pure.


Yes, it's wrong but I'd say we were moving more towards a Corporatist position, not Fascism. Sorry to be a pedant, but the 'F' word does tend to get bandied around a tad too casually. I hope you agree.


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It's a dirty dirty dirty scenario that unraveled there between those parties.


I'm tending to lean more towards West and Zampella instead of Activision on this one, from the little that's leaked out overall. The preponderance I think is against Activision, and I think it's Activision that broke contract, labor laws, and a whole slew of other items (and thus should be prosecuted under US law...but interestingly probably won't)...HOWEVER, I wouldn't say West and Zampella are completely innocent either. I have a suspicion that they were a little too full of themselves as well and how they treated their status as Video game super starts while at Activision, and that was also a contributor overall.


Still, I'd probably side with them getting money and perhaps more if the clause that Activision couldn't release ANY CoD or MW game without their approval, hence leaning a slight unique view in regards to almost every CoD game that's been released since.

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I've been underwhelmed by everything they've released since KOTOR II. The Force Unleashed games, expecially, disappointed me. Hopefully it's not just a rehash of The Force Unleashed, but staring one of the Clone Wars era characters.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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It's a dirty dirty dirty scenario that unraveled there between those parties.


I'm tending to lean more towards West and Zampella instead of Activision on this one, from the little that's leaked out overall. The preponderance I think is against Activision, and I think it's Activision that broke contract, labor laws, and a whole slew of other items (and thus should be prosecuted under US law...but interestingly probably won't)...HOWEVER, I wouldn't say West and Zampella are completely innocent either. I have a suspicion that they were a little too full of themselves as well and how they treated their status as Video game super starts while at Activision, and that was also a contributor overall.


Still, I'd probably side with them getting money and perhaps more if the clause that Activision couldn't release ANY CoD or MW game without their approval, hence leaning a slight unique view in regards to almost every CoD game that's been released since.

We'd need to see the agreement, but I'm more on acti's side when you consider something like "not putting acti's logo in the game" (which is baseline for everything else Acti produces). And the info put out last year when this (and this thread) had their genesis, was exactly what you said, West and Zamp were getting to full of themselves and using the game they were contracted to develop as a bargaining tool to keep money coming in and get the keys to the nuthouse.


Were acti entirely justified in what they did? No, but there was reasoning behind it, and the EA E-mails just became an after the fact clincher.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I've been underwhelmed by everything they've released since KOTOR II. The Force Unleashed games, expecially, disappointed me. Hopefully it's not just a rehash of The Force Unleashed, but staring one of the Clone Wars era characters.


I'm not a SW fan, but not a hater either. I just think that the franchise is cursed.


Last SW game I enjoyed was either TIE Fighter or that AoE SW RTS rip-off which was actually quite good fun.


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I've been underwhelmed by everything they've released since KOTOR II. The Force Unleashed games, expecially, disappointed me. Hopefully it's not just a rehash of The Force Unleashed, but staring one of the Clone Wars era characters.


I'm not a SW fan, but not a hater either. I just think that the franchise is cursed.


Last SW game I enjoyed was either TIE Fighter or that AoE SW RTS rip-off which was actually quite good fun.


X-wing series was good. If you enjoyed Star Wars Battlegrounds, you should give Star Wars Empire at War a shot. The ground battles are not that great, but the space battles are awesome.

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Were acti entirely justified in what they did? No, but there was reasoning behind it, and the EA E-mails just became an after the fact clincher.

Dunno really, there's usually blame on both sides but I don't know about the balance. Activision belatedly paying out bonuses suggests they were being withheld and later realised their position was untenable, and the treatment of the general IW staff around the time was dreadful and probably would have been criminal if done by an individual rather than a multi-billion dollar company. Then again I'm pretty much always going to back a developer over a publisher on this sort of thing since it is clear that IW were delivering a good product (even if I don't personally like it it sold like hotcakes) that should have been rewarded commensurately.


As a casual observer I'd laugh, loudly, if Activision actually lost Modern Warfare to W&Z since it's the flagship Activision Yearly Iteration Franchise game but I suspect that claim is just leverage.

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The question to me is "Would Modern Warfare 2 have sold that much, without a PHENOMINAL first game and a MASSIVE pile of hype behind it?"


Most of those sales records were set very early, but when you get down to brass tacks, the game would have been laughed out of a gamestop if it didn't have the name recognition and hype machine behind it. It was buggy, unbalanced, and it's single player component was hilariously insane, it's just that with the "Call of Duty" name attached, it was a good seller.


I can bet you right now anything from Respawn entertainment will say "From the people that brought you Call of Duty!". Even if only one guy who did the blood splatter animations from CoD was on the project.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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What a horrible list.


Ugh. I hate to say that things were better in the days of old, but things like this forces me to draw such conclusions...

It must be a mistake. I didn't spot a single roleplaying game on the list. It's all mmo or fighting/beat-em up games :getlost:


I suddenly feel all warm and fuzzy for having supported Wasteland 2.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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What a horrible list.


God, that really is a terrible list. If that's all there is to look forward to the rest of this year, with regards to RPGs, I'm going to be playing everything *except* RPGs.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Not sure...I don't recognize many of them - except Persona from Megami Tensei series. I could reckon the series but it used to be more of Wizardry-like dungeon crawler on PC except that the protagonist is a Japanese highschool student (!). As I kept an eye on it, it has been "evolved" into Persona series with some psychological factors which decide PC-NPC relationship on RPG-ADV-interactive-novel format. According to what I heard/read, some ideas like this, indeed, sound interesting for me since I'm interested in story-focused role-playing games. However, its being on console and for teenagers have been keeping me away from it. Also, it defintely has the distinct smell of overly-commercialized products (About this, maybe, I'm being bit unfair, though).

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What a horrible list.


God, that really is a terrible list. If that's all there is to look forward to the rest of this year, with regards to RPGs, I'm going to be playing everything *except* RPGs.

I was actually just thinking of what games I'm currently looking forward to getting... and it was a short list. In fact, there wasn't a list at all. Can't remember the last time it's been like this...

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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What a horrible list.


I dunno. No "real" role playing game but some entertaining titles nonetheless. I'm interested in The Secret World (Just for Ragnar), Persona 4 Golden (the original version was quite fun), The Last Story (already played it, though), Paper Mario 3DS (Paper Mario and TYYD were both excellent, hopefully this is a return to form) and maybe I will check out B&W2 down the line just because,

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They missed some ones on there, for instance Atelier Meruru is coming out this week.


Also Agarest 2 is coming out next month, though technically that would be more of a strategy RPG rather than a straight up RPG.


There are others as well, those are just within the next month that are coming out.

Edited by greylord
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Diablo 3 guild wars 2 borderlands 2.


That's all the list I need this year

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Alice: Madness Returns is 80% off on Steam.


Yes or No guys?


Yes. It's probably too long for its own good, but it's a fairly decent and fun platformer with a little entertaining combat system. Really pretty too.


By the way, why is Larian able to do a turn-based iso RPG with their own funds (they're self-publishing) and Obsidian hasn't even attempted the Kickstarter route? I mean, at least Avellone is working on Wasteland 2 but..

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