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Played some multiplayer today, to gain some more active war assets. Damn, the multiplayer gets old and tedious very fast. Played - I think - 7 or 8 matches and it's pretty much always the same. Grind, grind, grind to activate new weapon, so you can grind more, to activate even more weapons... Other than gaining new weapons, I don't see much fun in here and "fun" isn't even the right word.


Pretty sure I won't play much more ME3 in multiplayer.

Do war assets carry over in NG+?


If not, the only option for anyone not touching MP to gain enough war assets for the "best" ending is editing coalesced.bin or a save editor.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I doubt they do because they're quest items rather than inventory items. It'd be like all the uncharted planet stuff from ME1 carrying over.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Tsk..and then I had a few things I'd picked up for Citadel missions after wrapping up Tuchunka.. only to go back and directly into that

Cerberus Coup

.. and now most of those missions are greyed out rather then allowing hand in. Dang it. Something to remember for the future...

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Played some multiplayer today, to gain some more active war assets. Damn, the multiplayer gets old and tedious very fast. Played - I think - 7 or 8 matches and it's pretty much always the same. Grind, grind, grind to activate new weapon, so you can grind more, to activate even more weapons... Other than gaining new weapons, I don't see much fun in here and "fun" isn't even the right word.


Pretty sure I won't play much more ME3 in multiplayer.

Do war assets carry over in NG+?


If not, the only option for anyone not touching MP to gain enough war assets for the "best" ending is editing coalesced.bin or a save editor.


Well, a heads up after going back and doing a lot of stuff.


There is no "best" ending in comparison. Not that I've found. People said there was, but really...not really.


There is one which has an extra 15 second (approximated) clip in it...it hints at something...but overall...not better at all.


Just remember, if you actually have done what is necessary for that extra 15 seconds...you don't want to pick what BW considers the "best" ending (synthesis), you want to go with what they'd consider the worst ending. Except for the 15 seconds you can get that ending with just about any amount of war assets I believe.

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I haven't played the game yet, but I do have one question: Can I skip multiplayer and still get the best ending, because I have no intention on touching anything but the singleplayer story.


Bioware says "yes". Players say "hmmm", because there's some conflicting information.


In any case, the endings don't differ that much from each other, so I wouldn't worry.

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I haven't played the game yet, but I do have one question: Can I skip multiplayer and still get the best ending, because I have no intention on touching anything but the singleplayer story.

In theory, yes. But you'll have to do every little thing you come across to get your war points up.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I haven't played the game yet, but I do have one question: Can I skip multiplayer and still get the best ending, because I have no intention on touching anything but the singleplayer story.

In theory, yes. But you'll have to do every little thing you come across to get your war points up.


As long as some quests don't gets bugged like in ME2 or DA2, I'll be doing everything I can since I hate having unfinished quests, so that's not a big problem.

Edited by Labadal
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Now.... wtf did I just see as an ending?


Ending spoiler people don't read unless you've completed it or don't care.



The catalyst.... :facepalm:


It got better after that with Shep :skull: . But then it decided to take the citadel away, and destroy the entire relay network. You know the thing the entire series is named after, then for some bloody reason Joker thought it would be a good time for the Normandy to use the network, you know for fun and end up crash landing on some unknown world. Then you end up with buzz talking to some child looking at the sky........ the legend of Shep.....





Now people can use the 'it's about the journey not the destination', but when the destination is a place where all there is to eat is crap, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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I don't think the 'best' ending is the same as the 'secret' ending you get when you get your effective military strength up to a certain point.


I don't think you can't get the 'secret' ending unless you play MP, but it being the best is up for debate according to how you played your Shephard.

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I think the ending is ok, it is just presented in a way that doesn't provide any kind of meaningful insight into why the whole Reaper cycle exists. Plus I don't think it makes any sense.



Apparently millions of years ago a highly advanced civilization came to the conclusion that organics would inevitably create synthetic life, and that synthetic life would inevitably destroy all organic life. In order to preserve organic life this civilization (or maybe it was the AI that this civilization created) created the Reapers to harvest organic life and preserve it in Reaper form, at a point in time when synthetic life started posing a threat. I guess in the current cycle it was the Geth and all the rogue VI we run into over the course of the ME1 and 2.


However the creators of the Reapers realize that this solution is not optimal. Basically preservation in Reaper form by destroying advanced organic civilizations is just one step above having synthetic life destroy organic life. So they create a test using the Catalyst and Crucible. The Crucible can only be built by a galactic civilization that has learned to pool all its resources together, across species, across organic-synthetic life forms, against the Reaper threat. Galactic evolution has reached a point where there is hope that everyone, creator and created, can get along and the Reaper solution might no longer be needed.


In the current cycle, the galactic civilizaztion is able to achieve this, largely due to the leadership of Shephard. Basically they pass the test when Shephard finds his way to the Catalyst and is offered the choices he is given. Basically it boils down to how you played your Shephard regarding the two major events that we are constantly reminded of throughout the series.


First the Genophage. Basically the Krogan we know currently were uplifted by the Salarians. Salarians are the creator and Krogan the created. Krogan bear a huge grudge against everyone basically, after having saved the galaxy from the Rachni then getting shafted with the Genophage. Does Shephard think the Krogan have advanced enough that they will not rebel against the rest of the galaxy once the Genophage is cured?


Second the Geth-Quarian conflict. Does Shephard believe they can forge a lasting peace together or is war inevitable and one of them has to be wiped out for peace.


Depends on how you play of course and I think the endgame choices reflect that. If you're a Paragon Shephard, I think you'd want to lean more to the control side. Give this cycle a chance, but keep the Reapers as back up. The Geth and EDI are not destroyed and the galaxy largely continues on minus the relays...which change everything. If you're more Renegade, the destroy choice might make more sense. No we don't need the Reapers anymore. We've learned to work together and we might be wrong but damn the consequences. Who are you to control our entire future for us...yadda yadda.


I think the synthesis option is really stupid. If the Catalyst has the power to make viable changes to our DNA at the atomic level...well it is basically an omnipotent god and why didn't it just create life like this in the first place and have that life evolve in the galaxy. I mean it created the Reapers which are organic-synthetic hybrids. Why not just have the first Reapers develop by themselves as the perfect hybrid form of life. Then the entire test wouldn't be needed.


And the entire premise that synthetic life will always destroy organic life makes no sense to me. You mean advanced synthetic life will scour the entire galaxy killing all life based on the organic elements? ALL LIFE? Sounds like a waste of time and resources for a synthetic being, besides being impossible.


And what is the Catalyst? Is it the Creator or the Created? If it is the creator, some form of organic life from millions of years ago that has achieved some god like state, well haven't you already disproven your claim that synthetic life will destroy organic life? You've basically been controlling Reapers, something you created, for millions of years without them rebeling against you. If the Catalyst is the created, why does it feel the need to harvest organic life to preserve it? Either way evolution has lead to the Catalyst becoming a super-powerful entity. Why not give other civilizations this chance instead of wiping them out every 50,000 years. The motives of the Catalyst make no sense to me and brings what is an otherwise great game down.


I would much rather have had a story where the Reapers are actually protecting organics by preserving them, against an even larger threat from another galaxy entirely. The Crucible was actually a superweapon developed and passed down over millions of years from once civilization to the next and Shephard uses it to confront Reapers. The end game choices would be Shephard thinks Reaperization is the best option for the defense of the galaxy and becomes one himself, forms a truce with the Reapers to confront threat together or destroys Reapers and lets the galaxy fight this menace on their own.


All this space-magic mumbo jumbo at the end just seems out of place. Sorry for wall of text....




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Azure, the thing is


the only ending that doesn't totally invalidate half of what you do, is control. Synth, as I posted, is the most idiotic in that curing the genophage, and making peace between geth and quarians, are ultimately meaningless because, hey, they're all different now! But it doesn't work in the others because of the destruction of the relays. EVERYTHING was built on those relays... EVERYTHING. All intergalactic travel has ceased, and the various wars that were going on would just cease anyway because there's no way for things to continue without supplies/logistical support.



Add onto that it doesn't feel like they really wrapped up any of their sub-plots with your partners.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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You don't need to play MP to get the best ending. Anyone claims otherwise is flat out lying.


The best ending still tastes like crap.


Bio should of looked at how FO:NV did it's ending, that was an ending.


Azure, the thing is


the only ending that doesn't totally invalidate half of what you do, is control. Synth, as I posted, is the most idiotic in that curing the genophage, and making peace between geth and quarians, are ultimately meaningless because, hey, they're all different now! But it doesn't work in the others because of the destruction of the relays. EVERYTHING was built on those relays... EVERYTHING. All intergalactic travel has ceased, and the various wars that were going on would just cease anyway because there's no way for things to continue without supplies/logistical support.



Add onto that it doesn't feel like they really wrapped up any of their sub-plots with your partners.



Your choices throughout the series mean nothing


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Life sucks. then you die. Welcome to 'dark sci fi' just as BIO promised.


This ain't Happy Happy Land, afterall.



Have no problem with Shep dieing

, have a problem with the horribly executed ending.

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Kinda disappointing yes. So much you counldn't do in the ending, either because you didn't play the previous games, didn't do multiplayer, didn't do all the fed ex quests, didn't have the right paragon/renegade scores... So you wind up with the bare minimum and a binary choice. All the while thinking really, is this the angle. It has been a theme sure, but not a hugely comprehensive one.


No satisfactory explanation is given as to why Shepard

has to sacrifice himself, and why even bother. He has already come back from the dead once. There is no dramatic effect left in it.


Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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That was not just bad but KOTOR2-caliber baffling. "there's got to be a mountain of cut content" baffling.



how and why did the Normandy disengage from the final fight for the fate of the Galaxy on Earth, travel to the edge of the Sol system, and jump through the Mass Relay such that the ending would make sense? Was there somewhere they'd rather be?


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The synthesis ending is so mind bogglingly stupid. Ignoring the fact that the destruction of the Mass Relay in "The Arrival" destroyed a solar system, how would the synthesis solve the problem? Did it also make synthetics half organic? EDI is still 100% robotic so I guess it didn't. That means the division still exists. It's just that instead of organics vs. synthetics, it's cyborgs vs. pure synthetics. The Pure synthetics still have the advantage since robots can be mass produced in factories while cyborgs still have to rely on sexual reproduction. Not to mention the fact that cyborgs still have the same vulnerabilities as organics.

Edited by Giantevilhead
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I haven't played the game yet, but I do have one question: Can I skip multiplayer and still get the best ending, because I have no intention on touching anything but the singleplayer story.

In theory, yes. But you'll have to do every little thing you come across to get your war points up.


I did that, inclusive of DLC...every friggen thing. Got all the good things overall...and didn't get the "best" ending (the extra 15 seconds or so) with my SP playthrough.


Then again, it's only 15 seconds and doesn't really change much at all. Just enjoy the game and give up on any good ending that you might desire...it doesn't exist.

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That was not just bad but KOTOR2-caliber baffling. "there's got to be a mountain of cut content" baffling.



how and why did the Normandy disengage from the final fight for the fate of the Galaxy on Earth, travel to the edge of the Sol system, and jump through the Mass Relay such that the ending would make sense? Was there somewhere they'd rather be?



I actually am one of the few that actually thinks the endings make sense. However...I still think they are friggen stupid and dislike them.


As for Volourn saying anyone claiming that the "best" ending can be reached in SP and anyone claiming it can't must be lying...I haven't seen anyone that truly did only SP and got the "best" ending as it was. The "Best" I think one can really get is to the three ending choices without the 15 seconds extra. No WAY you can get 5000 points I'm thinking...but that IS my opinion...not fact. I just know I did everything...and that means uniting certain groups (unnamed so no spoiler tag)and other things...and got NO "best ending" on my SP playthrough.


I got all the choices though...just not that extra 15 seconds on my SP only game.




Synthetic actually can make some sense with Joker and EDI. Afterall, for them that probably IS the happiest choice as then Joker and EDI can actually fulfill that relationship...in all probability. The DNA is changed, perhaps meaning that EDI now HAS DNA, and they can hence join. Then again...everyone is basically now a Reaper...in miniaturized form. They still have their thoughts and individuality...but...basically are like that half organic/half synthetic that REAPERS are.


Also, I had them call all forces retreat/withdraw in my playthrough after we got decimated by the Reaper/Harbinger? and with the time that passed, that was probably enough time for the crew to get to Normandy and bugger out. I don't really have a problem with that either. Not that much of the fleet was left around the Citadel indicating that perhaps the other races had abandoned the attempt as well and overall fled...somehow knowing that it was all done or something. The biggest mystery is if they found out that something was coming or not and how that was done...it's NOT just the Normandy that's missing, but most of the fleet at the end cinematic.





Still, I want Bio to redo those endings...give it something that makes all those choices I made through the three games have a little bit more impact. I played it on PS3, and I played it on PC. I went through the trouble of going through Origin...learning how to bypass Origin (self-done and no I didn't share it online) simply so it didn't crash on me due to the stupid way EA has Origin meshing with ME3 (EA should hire me as a consultant...I'd fix half their bugs as a one man team instead of their group thought...then again...with cutting out the integration of Origin and ME3...that probably defeats their purpose of forcing everyone online to game MP and being able to monitor everything you do ingame)...as well as figuring how to bring my character from ME1 and ME2 (female version on the PC) through to ME3...headache after headache...and for THOSE endings.


Call me disappointed slightly...well maybe more than slightly.

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