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SW: The Old Republic Part 3

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Does this mean he can no longer play his copy of TOR, or that he's just been kicked out of the forums?

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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I'd think he'd be banned from the game, too. The game has the same restriction as the forum with regards to age.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Too much work, and I guess the moderator just wanted to swing it regardless.


Is funny how people randomly try to group with you if you're killing stuff in the area, then get mad if you decline it. :(

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Wouldn't he need a credit card to subscribe? With a name matching the forum user's name and a verified age and everything?

That could all belong to his father.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Ah, well from their TOS


To create a TOR Account, you must have an email address, and provide truthful and accurate information. TOR Accounts are available only to adults, or in their discretion, their minor child. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian must complete the registration process, in which case he or she takes full responsibility for all obligations under this Terms of Service. TOR Accounts will not be allowed for minors under thirteen (13) years of age, regardless of permission and/or registration by such minor's parent or guardian.
Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Wouldn't he need a credit card to subscribe? With a name matching the forum user's name and a verified age and everything?

That could all belong to his father.

"Customer service? Hello, my name is Mr Montgomery, you have suspended my forum and ingame account because of a post my son made on your forums while I was on the toilet."
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Wouldn't he need a credit card to subscribe? With a name matching the forum user's name and a verified age and everything?

That could all belong to his father.

"Customer service? Hello, my name is Mr Montgomery, you have suspended my forum and ingame account because of a post my son made on your forums while I was on the toilet."

I'm not sure anyone (or at least not many) are arguing that he should be incapable of being unbanned. But their reason for the ban itself was understandable.


An argument for appeal strikes me as neither here nor there.


Or as I like to say "not even on the board." People should steal that from me. I'd appreciate it.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Wouldn't he need a credit card to subscribe? With a name matching the forum user's name and a verified age and everything?

That could all belong to his father.

"Customer service? Hello, my name is Mr Montgomery, you have suspended my forum and ingame account because of a post my son made on your forums while I was on the toilet."

I'm not sure anyone (or at least not many) are arguing that he should be incapable of being unbanned. But their reason for the ban itself was understandable.


An argument for appeal strikes me as neither here nor there.

Sure. Must not be one of the more famous memes either, I at least never heard it before.
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Well this is one of those cases where normally everything would be fine if everyone kept their mouth shut, but since it got out, the law's the law as they say.


The age ratings still remain stupid and arbitrary however, especially for "under 18" content.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Well this is one of those cases where normally everything would be fine if everyone kept their mouth shut, but since it got out, the law's the law as they say.


The age ratings still remain stupid and arbitrary however, especially for "under 18" content.


If you aren't smart enough to get around the age ratings, you probably shouldn't have access to adult content. It's just like keeping a low profile when you are at a casino underage.

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Meh, Im hitting a mental wall in the game. Loitering at level 47 with no motivation to go to Voss, tired of sitting in the space station hoping to find a group for a flashpoint and have a sinking feeling that I chose crap professions (Archeology, Artifacing (sp) and Treasure Hunting). :thumbsup:

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Voss is a so so world, travelling around it is a bother with the damn valleys they shove you in.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I like Voss, very refreshing after Belsavis (which was the planet before Voss in empire side at least). Couldn't get out from Belsavis fast enough.


Hit lvl 50 with my sith warrior. The class story was okay I guess.. well, the class quests were better than the normal planet quests at least. I feel bioware went for quantity over quality, but I guess MMO's are like this for a reason. Not much point to make a MMO that you can play thoroughly in a week :thumbsup:

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Now Correllia was rather irritating I found. Just something about it just never settled right with me.

I've left my 50 Sith Inquisitor idling for the moment on the Space Station, but Captain Dhar Khorval my smuggler is just wrapping up Taris and about to head on his way to not-so-sunny Nar Shadda..


Although I have to admit, the hour I grabbed after dinner seemed suprisingly glitchy. Latency kept jumping up way beyond anything normal, I got a few random disconnects, and for some reason I was only getting ambient sound. No special effects, no blaster shots, and no musical score in the b ackground..


And I have to say, that can have a surprisingly disquieting effect on the gameplay...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I know I'm a bit of an oddity in that I rarely hit the level caps in MMO's, but I really think some of you folks are overdoing it here. Slow down and enjoy the ride, hitting the level cap in a month is actually a bad thing.

Hmm I don't know. I never personally felt like I was rushing forward. Well, maybe the last third of the game I was, the quests started to repeat themselves too much to play the game just to enjoy the ride. We all do things the way we like, games aren't different in that regard.


Although I have to admit, the hour I grabbed after dinner seemed suprisingly glitchy. Latency kept jumping up way beyond anything normal, I got a few random disconnects, and for some reason I was only getting ambient sound. No special effects, no blaster shots, and no musical score in the b ackground..

Oh then that happened elsewhere too, I stopped playing because the game started to lag bad and then I got a blue screen of death.

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So now that you burned through everything in less than a month, are you gonna start another character?

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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I already did. Progression speed with that one is going to be a fraction of my first character though, the planetary quests aren't going to be any more imaginative with a different character


Most likely I'll keep playing till I run out of subscription. Then I'll decide do I play it enough to justify the monthly fee.

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I'm having fun exploring the storylines. I certainly plan to poke around on the other classes as time allows.


I think there's a certain pacing to it. Your first class is the one you push because you're exploring whats' what. Which can end up with you playing more then you might normally. I'm not going to have so many.. intensive play sessions as I did during that first month, so I fully expect things to slow down as I work my way through the classes.

I haven't been rushing to "get to 50" with my Sith Inquistior, but I did want to explore the storyline, so I kept playing when I had the chance just to see how it developed and where it would go.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I'm enjoying a few different characters at the moment, but I'm not entirely happy with the social groups I've been involved with. I joined one guild with a real world friend, and they are a pretty competitive bunch. They talk about min/maxing and gear all day, but there isn't any talk about real life stuff. It's just not really my idea of socializing.


I also joined a couple friends on an RP server. They decided that they didn't like the game, which was a bummer because I enjoy playing MMO's with them. The server itself is a bit odd, so far I've grouped with two people, one tried to cyber with me, and the other seemed to be roleplaying someone with a brain injury.


Ah well, the same thing happened with Lord of the Rings Online. I played by myself for about a year before I stumbled upon a group I really enjoyed talking to. It's tough to find the right mix of casual gamers that are on fairly regularly and mature enough to have a real conversation. I guess it's the same reason I never leave these forums :)

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I know I'm a bit of an oddity in that I rarely hit the level caps in MMO's, but I really think some of you folks are overdoing it here. Slow down and enjoy the ride, hitting the level cap in a month is actually a bad thing.


I'm not rushing at all, not really much to enjoy if you're not questing anyway, crafting's done by others. Not bothering with flashpoints (outside of my 2 friends and I - PUGing''s feh) or heroics and I'm still at the tail end of the range for planets when I arrive there.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I know I'm a bit of an oddity in that I rarely hit the level caps in MMO's, but I really think some of you folks are overdoing it here. Slow down and enjoy the ride, hitting the level cap in a month is actually a bad thing.


We're playing 2-5 hours a day typically, perhaps more on the weekends. We're level 46-47. Don't feel like we're rushing, but we certainly are playing a lot. Most of our guildies (who are more experienced in these games) are starting to hit 50, som did after two or three weeks I think.


Hitting 50 now is fairly normal if you're devoted to one character, it is fast to level in the game. More so than other mmos, if I've been informed correctly.

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