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SW: The Old Republic Part 2


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There's some nice art and "in-game" lore in the Journal of Master Gnos-Dural (or however you spell/pronounce it).


The box itself is incredibly shiney and cubey. I'm not sure if I've got anywhere safe to actually assemble the statue and place it.


The in-game speeder is actually quite nice visually, and saves you an 8k expenditure in-game. The rest of the digital items aren't really much worth writing about, and you get most of them with the digital deluxe anyhow don't you?


The security key is nice enough once you get it attached to your account.


Haven't given a serious check-in on what the VIP or CE store has. The Security key store has some extra "companion visual switch" ktis.


Edit: Also, I was totally thrown when Julian Sands voice came out when talking to a low-level Imperial Spy guy.

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Well, now tis the official release day. A whole slew of new servers have opened up as well.


Of course, it seems that the server I've been running on suddenly has a queue of 200 to wait through...


I'd made my way through the queue, got into the game, spent about 3 minutes and then my connection died. Note, not Bioware's problem, but my internet was then dead for the better part of 4 hours. :*


Still, its just kicked back in, so here's hoping there's no more issues with that and I can enjoy some time waving a lightsaber around later...



I will say this, Chapter 1 is bloody long. I mean, the prologue takes you from level 1, to around 16-20, and you'll have done your starter planet and capital world. Prologue ends when you get your starship.


Chapter 1 takes you through (it looks like) another 4 worlds minimum. (with potential small stops at worlds you've already visited).

My Sith Inquistor is nearly 28th level, and has added Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, and Tattooine to worlds visited, a small trip back to Korriban, and heading on to Alderaan when I wrap things up on Tattooine. And I still haven't finished Chapter 1....


Been doing some of the datacron hunts, and they can be rather tricksy to get to in some cases...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Speaking of prologues, I think its a really nice touch the the loading screen updates to reflect your current progress.

It was a nice touch in DXHR, too. :)


Haven't had the time to play since Sunday. Next chance, Thursday, then maybe a little bit Friday, then probably not until Tuesday: :((

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I also have been doing datacron hunts. There was a pretty scary one in the Works on Coruscant where I was way up above the ground. Right now I have 7, but I am going to head to Tython and pick up the 3 there pretty soon, since that wasn't my starter planet.

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I also have been doing datacron hunts. There was a pretty scary one in the Works on Coruscant where I was way up above the ground. Right now I have 7, but I am going to head to Tython and pick up the 3 there pretty soon, since that wasn't my starter planet.


So far I've managed 3 on Korriban, 5 on Dromund Kaas, 5 on Balmorra, I found 2 on Nar Shaddaa, and 1 on Tattooine.


One on Nar Shaddaa is actually _under_ a taxi ring. That one takes a little bit. And the other one was.. a ridiculous amount of climbing, jumping, and falling..


The one on Tattooine wasn't so bad in figuring out the approach, but was bloody finnicky for the jumps you needed to do to traverse it.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Tattooine and Nar Shaddaa are the only ones I actually got. Are you say they're the trickiest?

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I havent done much wrt datacrons. Some nice player showed me three of them on whatever planet is the Sith starter area but thats all Ive found. Raithe described to me the location of three more but I havent found any of those. Also, I wandered into some cave and found a machine with 3-4 terminals off to the side and some datacron-thingy in the middle but I couldnt figure out what the hell was going on so I got bored and left. Not sure I could find that cave again...

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I havent done much wrt datacrons. Some nice player showed me three of them on whatever planet is the Sith starter area but thats all Ive found. Raithe described to me the location of three more but I havent found any of those. Also, I wandered into some cave and found a machine with 3-4 terminals off to the side and some datacron-thingy in the middle but I couldnt figure out what the hell was going on so I got bored and left. Not sure I could find that cave again...


That would probably be the Artefact assembly chamber.


If you note, there are datacrons that give you bonuses to your stats, and different datacrons that are <colour> shard matrix?


Depending on the color shards you have, you can combine them in that chamber to form a "relic" that gives a major boost. So if you have a red shard, a yellow shard, and a green shard, you can get a relic that gives several assorted boosts while you have it equipped.



And apart from the starter worlds (which only have 3 datacrons) all other worlds should have five in total waiting to be found...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Shards like the ones you find with Archeology?


No, there are specific datacrons. There's one on each world. And you get a "You find a Yellow Matrix Shard" rather then the "This datacron improves your Presence" blather.


The Archeology ones are part of ingredients for artifice to built lightsaber stuff I believe.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Tattooine and Nar Shaddaa are the only ones I actually got. Are you say they're the trickiest?

How tricky they are depends on what side you're on.


I know for Nar Shaddaa, there's one you can only get through a Heroic instence, which I thought was tricky, and for the Bonus Series (you get it after you leave the planet), there's one that can kill you.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Arg. It was late at night.. pushing 2am.. and I just wanted to wrap up a quest and hit that level 30 mark.


Then in the final sequence when I engage the Imprisoned One (yes, another one of those KoToR references) in dialogue..and as he greets me..I disconnect. :(


Then, I get told it'll be a 40 minute queue to get back on the server. :)


I think I'll just call it quits and get some form of sleep in.


Oh, and when I say tricky, there's one datacron on Nar Shaddaa that involves heading towards a heroic instance, climbing up some crates to get to soem girders, jumping across girders, walking across them, jumping onto a catwalk, running around that, getting in a lift you would have no idea is there if you weren't exploring weirdly, run around another catwalk, jump onto a narrow ledge, follow said ledge around, jump across a canopy, then run across that to jump onto a pole that's actually above the area of a heroic instance.


The one thats under the taxi ring looks confusing to get to..since it's hanging out there..but when you notice you can steal a taxi from another location.. then it's really simple.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I don't like the idea of datacrons. It seems like they're worth a bit to much overall to be missed but they're rought to get to in the most part.


And I do agree with the light/dark stuff. I don't think that you should really have "light/dark" points, as it makes you meta-game everything rather than actually play the moral way.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Well, I'd be happier to have them, if they didn't attach a play bonus/effect to them, and instead kept it as a RP tool

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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As far as I know, the only effects are aesthetic. If you're dark side, you start to look ugly, and you can wear evil, dark side gear. If you're light side, you look the same and can wear good looking, light side gear.


The gear has the same stats as what's regularly available.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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And if you don't like the idea of dark side corruption aesthetics, it's possible to choose a preference button so that it isn't shown on your character.


As to the datacrons, they're supposedly in-game to encourage exploration beyond the wandering you do on quests, so you poke around in the cubbyholes of the universe...


Individually they're not really much of a boost (around +2 or +3) to individual stats, and you need to collect multiple shard datacrons before you can assemble a relic..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Only managed to get the game installed last night, heh, couldn't log in the first time as I missed their need to have my contact information. Looking forward to kicking around with my agent tonight, woo.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Bought the game yesterday. Been playing a sith warrior, just got to level 10. And apparently pretty dark side, my eyes just turned yellow from blue.


The first MMORPG I have played, which had to be rather apparent to others when I tried to kill my first enemy. I thought there was a auto-attack for basic attack.. there wasn't >_<


I've liked it so far, though the constantly respawning enemies are getting on my nerves. But I'm not alone there so I suck it up.

Edited by Slinky
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Anyone willing to comment on this:



The game is pretty liberal with flirt options. I'm not speaking of their political spectrum, it's simply everywhere.


But that one is pretty hilarious.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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