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It pretty sure won't be an RPG.


Not saying you're wrong, but why? BioWare is EA's RPG label, they'd at least try to label it as such, otherwise, why do it under the BioWare moniker?


This is from a totally new studio, btw.

He means it's not an RPG in the form approved by the Quality Gaming Collective. :lol:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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No, I mean they're gonna announce a new Biowre studio with it, and maybe they're focused on action games instead?


Bioware Montreal for example shares the same offices as EA Montreal, and I did remember Ray saying that they (or the other new studio) are making action games because that'S what they're good at.


BioWare is not an RPG exclusive shop.

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it'll be an action game with a lot of talking and a few skill/levelup facets to the game mechanics.


like mass effect.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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"BioWare is not an RPG exclusive shop."


That deopends which BIO you are speaking about. BIO EDM, BIO MTL, BIO TEX, BIO x.


The 'BIO doesn't make rpg contigent aside' BIO EDM is still rpg focused.


As for the pic, kinda looks post new age FOish. FO: TORONTO?




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So.. you don't believe in expanding your base? You ar eno busienss man.


Then again, you probably thought BIO wa sillogical when they made their first game instead of sticking with medeical software.


Then again, you probably thought BIO was nuts when they made their first RPG instead of action game.


Then again, you probably thought BIO was pyscho when they started working on the NWN MP-TOOLSET-MODULE model.


Then again, you probably though BIO went insane when theyd ecided to branch out to a full MMO.




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Protect the brand from what? I didn't know it was under attacked. TOR and ME3 will be. The only quetsion with TOR is its long term success and ME3 will have its 2mil+ sales. No worries there.


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From loss of meaning. The Bioware name has value because of the games associated with it. If the name is slapped on games of a different type produced by a different studio, Bioware on the box is no longer a reason for former fans to buy a game. Trying to increase sales of the products of another studio by using the Bioware name seems to me to run real danger of backfiring. If I had a shiny new MMO about to release, I certainly wouldn't want it in any way associated with the screenshot on Game Informer--and creating associations is what brand names do.

Edited by Lady Evenstar
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The Bioware name has value because of the games associated with it. If the name is slapped on games of a different type produced by a different studio, Bioware on the box is no longer a reason for former fans to buy a game. Trying to increase sales of the products of another studio by using the Bioware name seems to me to run real danger of backfiring.


Maybe you are right, but Rockstar and Blizzard seems to proove the opposite. Imho, the great problem is that Bioware is not recognized as Rockstar or Blizzard. I mean, no one buy a game because it has the "Bioware" logo. Most buy them because they like they like Bioware RPG style but that's all. I mean, Bioware is not a brand that sells on its own.


Having said that I don't know why most of you are allready deducing that it's a straight action game and not (maybe) an action RPG-light like most Bioware titles in the last years. The image does not say anything about the kind of game is going to be,

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" I mean, no one buy a game because it has the "Bioware" logo. "


You kididn' right? While BIO isn't on the same level as those companies when it comes to populairty to unilaterlaly claim that NOBODY buys gams because of the BIO logo is beyond silly. I'd wager BIO has quite a few (mil+) fans who buy pretty much anything with their name on the box - including those who tend to be highly critical of them.



"The Bioware name has value because of the games associated with it"


The BIO name has value because of the company's success which makes those games associated with ti more inetresting buys simply based on the fact that theya re BIO games.


FACT: I never played the other SW MMO. Never care for it for it all. I'm actually interested in the KOTOR MMO because it is BIO.


I don't buy SW games yet I purchased KOTOR.


These games have value because theya re BIO games.



"action RPG-light"


BG is BIO's most light RPG title ever. No coincidence it was their first.



"This is clearly going to be an automotive restoration RPG. That car needs to be put back together!"




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is it just me or has volourn gotten even more incomprehensible over the last six months or so (ever since that perfect trollstorm/singularity)? maybe i just stopped trying?

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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The Bioware name has value because of the games associated with it. If the name is slapped on games of a different type produced by a different studio, Bioware on the box is no longer a reason for former fans to buy a game. Trying to increase sales of the products of another studio by using the Bioware name seems to me to run real danger of backfiring.


Maybe you are right, but Rockstar and Blizzard seems to proove the opposite. Imho, the great problem is that Bioware is not recognized as Rockstar or Blizzard. I mean, no one buy a game because it has the "Bioware" logo. Most buy them because they like they like Bioware RPG style but that's all. I mean, Bioware is not a brand that sells on its own.


Having said that I don't know why most of you are allready deducing that it's a straight action game and not (maybe) an action RPG-light like most Bioware titles in the last years. The image does not say anything about the kind of game is going to be,


RockStar has succeeded at it, but had they released a subpar Red Dead Redemption the brandname RockStar would have taken a hit. Since there's plenty of people who aren't aware that different people made those games compared to GTAs.


I would argue that BioWare is a sort of a brandname as well. People know to expect a certain kind of game, when they see the name BioWare on the box. Also a certain level of quality is expected even though Dragon Age 2 most likely did enough to damage to tarnish some of that reputation.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Bio's been working hard to expand their brand though - what with Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and now the MMO. It's not that weird, as long as the game is good.


Unfortunately, that's the most problematic part. Bio's never done action well, so they'll need to make sure they have good talent there.

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is it just me or has volourn gotten even more incomprehensible over the last six months or so (ever since that perfect trollstorm/singularity)? maybe i just stopped trying?


honey, volo went bat %$#@ insane around 2004... o:)


It's been pretty the same since then.

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It's like the fact that it's a different studio under the BioWare label doesn't even register here. o:)


I never know just how different it is. In some cases it's same name, completely different people in different cities, in other cases, not so much, no?

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"Bio's never done action well,"


They've done action awesomely well. Both JE and ME are both awesome action rpgs.




"honey, volo went bat %$#@ insane around 2004...


It's been pretty the same since then."


You guys need to stop trollinga dn flaming and stick with topic.


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