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How does one define properly challenging?

Does it provide feedback on the challenges? Does it teach the requisite mechanics or is the player at the mercy of trial and error?


The solution should at least attempt to be more apparent to the player than the glitches. If one is able to find the bosses blindspot via geometry exploits the player shouldn't even know about general play sooner than they can find his weakspot, then the game might not be overly informative that a weakspot even existed or was too punishing for the processes of finding it. Basically the difference between running QA tests and actually playing the game for enjoyment. When the former becomes an easier method, I think pause should be given



I've known games that I can make this criticism of. Not saying Risen 2 is or will be one, as that's speculation beyond my comfort zone.


But then again, I'm not the type to think game master and players are in a state of confrontation, either.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The problem is you're going by one guy's one sit-down playthrough where he happened to stumble across some glitches, and then decided to use them. There are tons of variables here - how good is this guy? How rushed was he, playing in limtied time, as it were? As a reviewer was he more concerned about just seeing as much as he can? What is his personal tolerance for challenging combat? What are the chances that the glitches he found would not be found by other players?


The thing is, I don't think it's necessarily a good thing that, say, any challenge can be overcome after 5 or 10 minutes or retry and thinking, or that you 'get' the hang of the game within a couple of hours. I mean sure, they reduce frustration, but all too often the effort that goes into making sure the learning curve in the beginning is reasonable and every challenge is reasonable, ends up making the experience as a whole rather stale. That can't compare with an experience where for the first 5 to 10 hours you're stumbling about, but you start to get used to it, you start to pick up new tricks, you hit your forehead thinking why you didn't figure X out before, and it starts to unfold.


Anyway, if you personally aren't so inclined as I am that's perfectly fine, I just think one reviewer guy glitching a couple of battles is not a big red flag. ;(

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It's more a red flag than it is a point to hope for.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Two Worlds 2 surpassing Risen?


In the comments section, Slawek describes the overall combat difficulty. There were many times where he had to retry a fight simply because he was overpowered. The game is definitely VERY hard. Some fights had to be attempted only after gaining a few levels. Some of them were so hard in fact, that only by "bugging" the AI was he able to win them. In the beginning, Slawek had to quicksave (there's such a feature in PC mode) before every encounter, but later on he stopped dying all the time. Apparently, TWII boasts a very steep difficulty curve.


Oh my god, if this news doesn't give you a boner, you're dead inside.



Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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*Smug face*


I'm not looking forward to dungeon siege III and I'm looking forward to dragon age 2 so much I managed to forget it existed between posting in that thread and this thread. So, yeah, the journalist might not be too far from the truth. ;)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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You know what's even stranger? That you bothered to write that post. You feel like you contributed something to the board now? Really?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I found it very insightful. I'm nominating it for an award in independent literature.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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"I once played the Two Worlds demo and it completely sucked. Don't know why people are getting their hopes up for the sequel."


TW is one fo the best Action RPGs ever.




"Butthurt detected."


Really gonna use a Codex meme here? L0LZ


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"I once played the Two Worlds demo and it completely sucked. Don't know why people are getting their hopes up for the sequel."


TW is one fo the best Action RPGs ever.

Is this pre patch or post patch? Because Two worlds retail was a pile of bugs and garbage.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Popularity does not equal good. or I must I link all the NWN review that gave it 90%+? Or all the AP reviews that gave it horrible marks? Don't play the populairty contest. You will lose.



And, don't be so butthurt over the fact people like a game you don't. TW was popular enough to get a sequel. 'Nough said.


"Because Two worlds retail was a pile of bugs and garbage."




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Popularity does not equal good. or I must I link all the NWN review that gave it 90%+? Or all the AP reviews that gave it horrible marks? Don't play the populairty contest. You will lose.



And, don't be so butthurt over the fact people like a game you don't. TW was popular enough to get a sequel. 'Nough said.


"Because Two worlds retail was a pile of bugs and garbage."




Agree. Hey, we are here on an Obsidian board. Quality in a game is something very subjective and entirly dependant on what elements you like about a game.


I, for one. Do not care about Bugs or polish. Never did.

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right volo, so phrases like


But it only takes a few minutes to spot **** in the armor. The visuals are rife with awkward, sometimes glitchy animations and objects that just pop in, seemingly from nowhere. There doesn't seem to be any physics simulation, and there are plenty of bugs in the collision detection, so expect to occasionally see people walk through each other or pop through walls. Even worse, movement will chug when the action gets too hot and heavy, with far too many pauses that are independent of those necessary to load chunks of the world, the latter of which are understandable.


Many glitches are direct byproducts of the sloppy combat system. After clearing through a dungeon full of skeletons, our hero left a pair of gauntlets on the ground, intending to retrieve them after going topside to sell a few trinkets. Upon returning, the gauntlets had disappeared. Where did they go? Who knows. Perhaps Two Worlds' code ate them.


Right off the bat, you

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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TW was a buggy mess. Most of the people I know who ended up enjoying it did so after the massive 1.7 gig patch they released. Even then, it's an acquired taste, like an independent project in the vein of Mount & Blade or Minecraft.


The big thing is it had a lot of potential, and that is why a sequel might be really great.

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"are completely off the mark then"


I never suffered those bugs and I don't give a crap if others did. Their experiences is are completely and irrelevant to me. Sorry, the truth hurts.


I don't allow OTHERS tell me how I should view a game. Period.


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The land of Volo "What I say goes and what everyone else does doesn't matter... ever! And if somebody proves me wrong, it's invalid because it never happened to me!"





Roping this back on topic




Starcraft patch to balance the Zerg back up to par.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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