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DA - Witch Hunt (SPOILERS)


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After reading the reviews I simply can't part with my money for so little play time and new content. So anyone who has bought this DLC please spoil me and tell me what little morrg clears up in her storyline, or any other storyline details that are worth mentioning thank you.

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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It doesn't really clear up anything. But here's the ending in a nutshell.



Morrigan reveals the child is a boy. You don't see the child. There's another realm beyond the fade that she's running away to. She warns that Flemeth is doing something very scary that will change the world. She also goes over that Flemeth is not human or abomination, but does not say what Flemeth actually is. And goes through the mirror. You can go with.



Really, that's it. Nothing at all of importance.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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And whats the ending diff, if any, if you go though the mirror or not with her?


Sorry not going to black this out if you open a thread clearly marked 'spoilers' then your asking to be spoiled. :p

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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Well, going through the mirror, it ends right there. That's all I can tell you. I also can't say if she reveals any details about god baby because there's a bug where it may not recognize the ritual having been done.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Well that sounds fairly lame and certainly does not tie up nearly what bioware implied it would. I am glad I saved my $7!


Thanks for the info however. :p

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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It doesn't really clear up anything. But here's the ending in a nutshell.



Morrigan reveals the child is a boy. You don't see the child. There's another realm beyond the fade that she's running away to. She warns that Flemeth is doing something very scary that will change the world. She also goes over that Flemeth is not human or abomination, but does not say what Flemeth actually is. And goes through the mirror. You can go with.



Really, that's it. Nothing at all of importance.

Sounds like they're setting up for DA3.


And I can't help to think that BioWare is going to pull a Divine Divinity/Divinity 2 with DA2, i.e.

Flemeth using Hawke as a tool to screw over the Dragon Age setting, then discarding him/her as soon as she has what she wants.


The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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It doesn't really clear up anything. But here's the ending in a nutshell.



Morrigan reveals the child is a boy. You don't see the child. There's another realm beyond the fade that she's running away to. She warns that Flemeth is doing something very scary that will change the world. She also goes over that Flemeth is not human or abomination, but does not say what Flemeth actually is. And goes through the mirror. You can go with.



Really, that's it. Nothing at all of importance.


Wasn't the hope that this DLC would answer for us the dangling plot points regarding Morrigan after Origins?



I just played through it and I gotta say, I'm no closer to understanding what's going on with her than I was after I finished Origins. In fact, I've got even more questions now.


I just paid to play an hour of trying to track her down only to get zero resolution to anything.



Not to mention there's no resolution to

the book that Ariane is trying to track down



That was incredibly disappointing and such a waste of time. :p

Edited by GhostofAnakin

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The companions were fun, though. I thought it was almost worth it just for them.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Oh, I was fine with it pretty much until the end. It's just the lack of answers at the end that left me wondering what the hell the point of the DLC was.


Edit for clarity: Or rather, why they bothered tacking on the "Morrigan's story" onto it. The DLC didn't answer any of the questions outstanding from Origins, introduced some new ones, and could have been just any adventure with two new companions without including Morrigan in it, for all it resolved.

Edited by GhostofAnakin

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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No disagreement there. It was tacked on. Honestly, I think they saw that it was the final Origins DLC and wouldn't be able to do anything with Morrigan for DA2, so they threw something together and added her onto it.


Because fanboys like me demand it!

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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It doesn't really clear up anything. But here's the ending in a nutshell.


Morrigan reveals the child is a boy. You don't see the child. There's another realm beyond the fade that she's running away to. She warns that Flemeth is doing something very scary that will change the world. She also goes over that Flemeth is not human or abomination, but does not say what Flemeth actually is. And goes through the mirror. You can go with.


Really, that's it. Nothing at all of importance.


Wasn't the hope that this DLC would answer for us the dangling plot points regarding Morrigan after Origins?


I just played through it and I gotta say, I'm no closer to understanding what's going on with her than I was after I finished Origins. In fact, I've got even more questions now.


I just paid to play an hour of trying to track her down only to get zero resolution to anything.


Not to mention there's no resolution to the book that Ariane is trying to track down


That was incredibly disappointing and such a waste of time. :shifty:


I saw some review that said all this was a 2hr tack on advert for DA2 and the kicker was they made you pay for it. I REALLY think bioware not just exaggerated but simply LIED in their marketing about this. From what you folk are saying not only does it not tie up this story at all but just adds more questions. Thats total opposite on how they are portraying this. It really had potential but they just squandered it apparently. Very very sad.


No secret I am not bioware fanboy like vol, but I don't think my opinion is too far off the mark.

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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It's not an advert for DA2, either. There's only one thing that's potentially relevant to DA2 and we practically gathered that information back in origins.


It's a slight nostalgia fest. It references the Mage origin, Dalish origin, and lets people have resolution on the Morrigan relationship. But you're right, the advertisement is an outright lie. It says "FIND MORRIGAN'S SECRETS."

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Yeah, it's not really an advert for DA2. I mean, there's vague discussion about Flemeth's real form/background and whatnot, but it didn't dominate the majority of the game. I do think the advertising for it was misleading, if nothing else.


This is the blurb on the main site for Witch Hunt:


Nearly a year has passed since the Archdemon's death, and word has reached the Wardens that Morrigan has returned to Ferelden. She has been sighted in the southern wilderness where she was first encountered. Is it truly her? If it is, then why is she here and what secret does she carry with her? The Warden heads into the forest to find out and tie up this last loose end once and for all.


At the very least, the bold part makes it sound like a]you'll find out why she took off/what secret she's hiding at the end of Origins that causes her to disappear and b]that the player will actually learn about it. Instead, neither happens at the end of Witch Hunt, and you (the player) are left with more questions.



The only "closure" (if you can call it that) is that for those players who wanted their Warden and Morrigan to walk off together into the sunset get their wish (though where they're going, and why they're going, is one of those new mysteries).



I also don't like the fact the main quest point in the DLC

(having Ariane follow you because she's searching for the Dalish book that Morrigan stole from her clan, of which you don't even get an option to ask Morrigan about, or have closure for Ariane)

never even gets completed.

Edited by GhostofAnakin

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I've only played through with 1 character. No bugs as far as I can tell, romance and ritual intact. Aside from what Tale said, Morrigan reveals that the boy "is an innocent, he has no idea what destiny lays before him". She eventually has to leave, you can convince her to take you with her in which case she will say "you... you cannot know what you ask. It would be better for you, better for us if you stayed" insist "very well my love, we will face the future together" and you both leave. It was a good ending to Origins I think but very much open ended, deciding where and what role your Warden will have in the sequel I guess (could have done without the 4 dungeons preceding it tbh, would a DLC that was nothing but conversations and story have been so bad?).


An alternate to leaving is to stay, in which case Morrigan will point you to the elven book laying on the ground near by, tell you to read it for answers and then you get a cutscene of her leaving, you picking up the book and walking away -credits.


A third alternative is pretty brutal. You can say you're here to kill her, which with the history the two had she won't really believe. She'll say the same stuff about the child, Flemith ect. When she asks if the conversation is over you can attack her. Cutscene of the warden stabbing her in the stomach, her looking betrayed and horrified and falling back through the mirror. You collect the book and leave. That one will come back to haunt the warden later I expect.


There are probably more outcomes but those are the three I found.

Edited by Serrano
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I approve of this thread.



I wonder when asking for story details will be considered pirating.


Don't be stupid.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I approve of this thread.



I wonder when asking for story details will be considered pirating.



Come now, game developers aren't that greedy :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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"No secret I am not bioware fanboy like vol, but I don't think my opinion is too far off the mark."


Still trolling, I see? ZAnd, consideirng you keep buying and playing BIO games despite constantly bashing them, that makes you a huge fanboy.Who bashes something yet constantly takes PArt in it? Illogical.


Also, I'm such a huge BIo fanboy I've bought all the DLC for DA and ME2... oops, I haven't. LMAO


Now, be a good little troll and go troll someone else since you got the attention from me you so obviously and desperately wanted. R00fles!


P.S. I'll probably pick up Witch Hunt soon since I like Morrigan but I couldn't be bothered with the last two da DLC.


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"No secret I am not bioware fanboy like vol, but I don't think my opinion is too far off the mark."


Still trolling, I see? ZAnd, consideirng you keep buying and playing BIO games despite constantly bashing them, that makes you a huge fanboy.Who bashes something yet constantly takes PArt in it? Illogical.


Also, I'm such a huge BIo fanboy I've bought all the DLC for DA and ME2... oops, I haven't. LMAO


Now, be a good little troll and go troll someone else since you got the attention from me you so obviously and desperately wanted. R00fles!


P.S. I'll probably pick up Witch Hunt soon since I like Morrigan but I couldn't be bothered with the last two da DLC.


I criticize some of their design decisions or in this case their blatant false adverting. I see you never countered that point.. telling. Also I never said once I hated DA or thought it was complete trash. As usual you have selective reading and recollection of my posts to fit your needs. You always seem to recall my criticism of them but never any of the positive things I say. Either you have a very spotty memory or you are being the troll.


Side note, notice not one person has come to your defense refuting my opinion of you. You are a fanboy just accept it. Does not mean that is a bad thing. I freely admit im a obsidian fanboy. *shrugs* :shifty:

Edited by TheHarlequin

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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