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Old School Game looking for Old school Gamers


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Don't we need to wait for Volo's response before it is complete?


I could probably just copy-paste one of his older posts with 'NWN IS AWESOME! BEST GAME EVER! NWN > NWN2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BG' or something to that effect and call it a day. Leave him some time to rest, after the debacles on the Alpha Protocol boards he deserves it.

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But you should still try RPGCodex their in2 oldskool stuff like that. were really into new stuff like fall out.



Not a bad Idea I'll drop a post on that forum.


It's no first person shooter but if you like RP games you should give NWN another look, it really is a classic game and it has a good following even .. * tries to count on fingers then gives up * .. um ... lots of years after release. If you get lucky maybe you will run into me and you can get your revenge on wasting your time reading this forum! woot! :lol:

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Sorry wasn't trying to be condescending .. but common D&D was late 70's early 80's .. were you born then? :lol:


Anyway I like the Pacman Idea I think I may have to add him as an Easter Egg to the NWN world!


Don't let them get to you, they are just poking fun at the new kid on the block.


and age-wise, you'd be suprised, I think the average around here is late 20's.

Fortune favors the bald.

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i know I'm late to the party but...


the op thought the bioware NWN was an old game?





Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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and age-wise, you'd be suprised, I think the average around here is late 20's.

...and that's the young ones :lol:


No offense Zhurrie, but calling NWN1 "old school" was a bit funny :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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and age-wise, you'd be suprised, I think the average around here is late 20's.

...and that's the young ones :)


No offense Zhurrie, but calling NWN1 "old school" was a bit funny :)



Heh none taken, its actually a good thing. I am just used to Call of Duty, Halo, and others making me feel like an old Geezer. :lol: But I am getting schooled in what should be defined as old school pretty fast! :p


Let me rephrase then for those that know ... NWN PWs are still pretty popular and we are making one based on the Forgotten Realms Setting, Namely Tethyr, Amn, Calimshan, Moonshea and Chult. we could really use some beta testers to give us some feedback on how we are doing and to give us ideas on what we could do better.

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But you should still try RPGCodex their in2 oldskool stuff like that. were really into new stuff like fall out.

Fallout is older than Bioware's NWN :ermm:



If you remember NWN 1 and are interested in getting into an gamers group please check out Empires of the Sands

I remember NWN1 :lol: (It was the very first pay2play online MMO)


I call your NWN and raise with my Pool of Radiance. I'm just too lazy to walk upstairs and take a picture of the box. :p

I have all the Gold Box and Legend series RPG's installed using custom DOSBOX shortcuts. o:)
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I don't like multiplayer RPGs much, so I stick to IE games, but it's good to see modding communities for old games still going strong.

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I call your NWN and raise with my Pool of Radiance. I'm just too lazy to walk upstairs and take a picture of the box. :p

I have all the Gold Box and Legend series RPG's installed using custom DOSBOX shortcuts. :brows:


I have the original Mac OS versions of Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, the Dark Queen of Krynn and Unlimited Adventures, including boxes and discs, + a CD-ROM compilation with the other two that were released for the platform! ;)


No direct dosbox shortcuts here, but I do have the dos versions installed on both my computers... but I still wind up playing Deathtrack whenever I'm feeling nostalgic. :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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NWN? If you want some great old school RPG, go for the Baldur's Gate series. NWN is nothing compared to that.

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YES :sorcerer: it is like an MMO it has the usual quests, dungeons, party groups , crafting , all the usual suspects.


and YES >_< it does have more roleplaying then most "graphics dependent" games , it was after all based on P&P D&D (Pencil and Paper dungeons and dragons) for you younger types. :*

Well, aren't we condescending...


Maybe try the codex?


I didn't find him all that condescending.


Actually, he reminds me of that one enthusiastic and non-jaded fellow the board managed to run off because he.. what was it? Did he suggest that we all make a our own fallout 3? Fix all that was wrong with KotOR II? Make our own RPG?

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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YES :( it is like an MMO it has the usual quests, dungeons, party groups , crafting , all the usual suspects.


and YES :thumbsup: it does have more roleplaying then most "graphics dependent" games , it was after all based on P&P D&D (Pencil and Paper dungeons and dragons) for you younger types. :*

Well, aren't we condescending...


Maybe try the codex?


I didn't find him all that condescending.


Actually, he reminds me of that one enthusiastic and non-jaded fellow the board managed to run off because he.. what was it? Did he suggest that we all make a our own fallout 3? Fix all that was wrong with KotOR II? Make our own RPG?

Saying that it has "more roleplaying" because it is based on DnD is a bit elitist if you ask me.

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Saying that it has "more roleplaying" because it is based on DnD is a bit elitist if you ask me.

More like misguided.


Elitist is pretty much everything else posted on this board. :(

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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"Well, aren't we condescending...


Maybe try the codex?"


I agree. The responses he's gotten in this trhead have been nothing but condescending and trolling in nature. But, that's the Obsidian boards for ya. They hoinestly think they ar ebetter then forums the Codex when, really, it really is like the Codex just with less swears and porn and that's only due to it to being official forums and Obsidian would have to ban those who did stuff like that. LMAO


Anyways, to the actual subject. I doon't play NWN all that much now - just once and awhile - but, this PW looks to be pretty good if it delivers actual challenging combat.


NWN may not be 'old skool' but thank god for that since old skool games like EOTB and many of the GB games 9sand POR0 suck, anyways. Old skool RPgs tend to be very light on actual role-playing, anyways.


And, BG series may be older in years than NWN but it's no more old skool since its combat system is basically the same with just 2E rules instead of 3E. *shrug* And, BG2 was only released a few years before anyways.




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