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Anyone actually like 3 and 4? Or prefer them to 2?

I haven't got any other Gothics than 3, but it basically is Oblivion which you actually want to play instead of struggle to death. It still tires off eventually like Morrowind of course (little sooner obviously). So yeah, would advise to give it a run if it's cheap.

I miss the adventure genre. Every now and then I browse Steam's selection. 3/4 of the games are action/adventure or RPGs.

80% off at Telltale if you own BttF and got the code from the insider forum. Though with your name and avi, you might have knew that already... stock up! :)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Anyone actually like 3 and 4? Or prefer them to 2?

I haven't got any other Gothics than 3, but it basically is Oblivion which you actually want to play instead of struggle to death. It still tires off eventually like Morrowind of course (little sooner obviously). So yeah, would advise to give it a run if it's cheap.

Can't say I see much similarity to Oblivion in Gothic 3.

It's a game whose only saving grace is it's huge world free to explore.

Unlike Oblivion you at least have a reason to do that as you won't run into the same level-scaled content everywhere.

Sadly everything else is poor, except perhaps combat which was completely atrocious.

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Gothic 3 combat is fine with the community pack, once stunlocks are fixed. The world is good for exploration (except for the desert, I guess), there's faction C&C where you see the world change, and it's a pretty decent game if you're into that stuff.

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Here I'll have to disagree as I think the combat system is fundamentally broken.

I'm sure you can still find boar fights on youtube to illustrate the point, stunlocks were only symptoms of that player had no defensive options in a fight.

No system relaying on mindless button mashing with broken hitboxes should be called even serviceable.

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As I said, the extensive community work over the years has fixed most of the major problems with G3 combat - which absolutely does not depend on mindless button mashing. You would only think that if you played/watched early/vanilla G3.

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While I played various versions of the game I didn't find that any community patch improved the melee combat experience.

Rebalancing of spells and mana regeneration was very handy and new ways the game crashed on me quite interesting but the only change to your weapon swinging experience was that sometimes you'd be insta-killed for no apparent reason.

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I suffered through G3 at launch, then returned about a year ago the Gothic 3 Community Patch was at 1.7 something. Freezes every 60 seconds due to CD-check were gone, game was significantly faster, quest dead-ends mostly fixed, crashes minimal, combat rebalanced, no stunlocks, no "random instakills", etc.


Certainly the game was literally unplayable for at least 18 months after launch, which by itself is a horrible indictment, but there always was a pretty good game underneath it all and the great thing is that the community work has actually brought it to light by now. If it's on sale and someone likes that style of games (esp. G1/2), it's a no-brainer.

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Picked up Iron Grip: Warlord and Shattered Union - the first was fun, if dated, and the second doesn't like x64 Windows 7 (or at least my PC). Still, I'm not feeling horribly ripped-off seeing as the former was $2.50 and the latter was $0.49. Onward to tomorrow's sales...

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Has anyone played UFO: Extraterrestrials? I missed X-COM back in the day and it's graphics are a bit too much for me to handle. Extraterrestrials seems like a nice remake, but the lack of gameplay videos and bot overrun official forums make me a little suspicious.

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I miss the adventure genre. Every now and then I browse Steam's selection. 3/4 of the games are action/adventure or RPGs. They list Just Cause 2! A few puzzlers. And the remainder I don't know if they're any good.


Ooh, Sherlock Holmes Collection at 75% off!

Well you can forget steam and get the new telltale Back to the future game. :)

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Has anyone played UFO: Extraterrestrials? I missed X-COM back in the day and it's graphics are a bit too much for me to handle. Extraterrestrials seems like a nice remake, but the lack of gameplay videos and bot overrun official forums make me a little suspicious.


I own it, actually have the case and everything. It is like a decent fan-made remake of Xcom. Everything about it is fairly average. The problem is it really misses the charm of the original. It's hard to explain, but basically Xcom was like magic in a bottle, and UFO:E fails to capture that.


It's worth a few bucks though, some people really enjoyed it when it came out. Just the fact that it is an average turn based squad level game makes it fairly unique in today's market.


There is supposedly a sequel in the works.

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Has anyone played UFO: Extraterrestrials? I missed X-COM back in the day and it's graphics are a bit too much for me to handle. Extraterrestrials seems like a nice remake, but the lack of gameplay videos and bot overrun official forums make me a little suspicious.


I own it, actually have the case and everything. It is like a decent fan-made remake of Xcom. Everything about it is fairly average. The problem is it really misses the charm of the original. It's hard to explain, but basically Xcom was like magic in a bottle, and UFO:E fails to capture that.


It's worth a few bucks though, some people really enjoyed it when it came out. Just the fact that it is an average turn based squad level game makes it fairly unique in today's market.


There is supposedly a sequel in the works.

Right, thanks. Will skip then.

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Wow, Kane & Lynch 2 for 10 bucks already?


Anyone think it's worth the money?




"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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