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Yeah, I also sell everything I'm not using. And I've bought all backpack slots I kind find (except maybe the one at ostagar, I think). 110 backpack space now. I'm contemplating getting some mage talent books for Morrigan next.


The 131 GP weapon did take it's toll though, but all the board quests in Denerim helps a lot with rebuilding.

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endless Elfroot Dude in the Brescilian Forest
Am I the only one who found the elf army rep asking for elfroot retarded?

Left not knowing what the right does indeed.






You donate them elfroot...

Then they sell it back to you! Those impudent bastards!

You can ask me all you want for help next time, see who'll listen you grass-eating punks!

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"Why Alan, why did Bioware decide to make the origins so restrictive? It's like each origin was specifically designed for a single character build."


Huh? Outside of the mage, where uh you ahve to be a mage, I dunno. Do you mean because of speciifc items you get that are tied to the origin? *shrug* There are enough non origin sweet items it shouldn't be a big deal if you don't get one.


P.S. A lot easier to make gold/loot/power when you are evil. I hevn got one of those magey talent books by committing an act of extreme evil. R00fles!

Edited by Volourn


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I don't think there is an 'Evil' path in Dragon Age. There's a mercenary path, an occasionally-selfish path and a morally ambiguous path... but Evil?


I mean evil in a "MWUHAHAHAHAH" and EnSLaVinG NatiONs WitH NEcrOMAnCY sort of way.


Don't get me wrong, I like it. For example, in the Warden's Keep

I allowed crazy Mage dude to keep on with his experiments - I saw it as akin to turning a blind eye to my chemical weapons programme that, although unpalatable, would save more lives.



The Blight is WW2. Some guys want to beat the Nazis via the Queensbury Rules, others a la The Inglorious Basterds route. I'm going to play my Dwarf Rogue the bad boy route next time. Re-Speccing Sten as a Sword & Shield guy and leaving Alistair at the camp navel-gazing.


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"I don't think there is an 'Evil' path in Dragon Age. There's a mercenary path, an occasionally-selfish path and a morally ambiguous path... but Evil?"


You cna definitely be evil in the game. Sure, fighting the blight per se obviously isn;t a good vs evil thing since it's more like a fight for survival and no matter your character you should want it stopped. But, certain decisions are definitely evil in carnate. And, not just merely greedy-evil; but *evil*.


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"Why Alan, why did Bioware decide to make the origins so restrictive? It's like each origin was specifically designed for a single character build."


Huh? Outside of the mage, where uh you ahve to be a mage, I dunno. Do you mean because of speciifc items you get that are tied to the origin? *shrug* There are enough non origin sweet items it shouldn't be a big deal if you don't get one.


P.S. A lot easier to make gold/loot/power when you are evil. I hevn got one of those magey talent books by committing an act of extreme evil. R00fles!



I mean how, for example, the city elf origin is designed with rogues in mind. Or how the human origin is designed for sword and shield warriors.


If you want to play, for example, a dual wielding human warrior, one talent point becomes automatically useless. If you want to play a two handed warrior it makes no sense to be an elf or a human.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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^ +1


That drives me nuts... <CHARNAME> Cousland is obviously meant to be a vanilla S&S warrior archetype. Dwarf Noble story screams warrior - nobody acknowledges your roguishness, not even a line about "how you didn't turn out the way Pa wanted."


To be fair, Dalish Elf and Dwarf Commoner work either way and Mage speaks for itself.


The noble origins highlight the rogue identity crisis even Vol acknowledges.


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Only if you plan to min/max.


But, yeah, the rogue as a class isn't needed in DA. Mages as a class make sense as it has all that greta lore backing it up while warriors, ... well they're warriors. A rogue - even with all their cool abilities - are just there.



" Dwarf Noble story screams warrior - nobody acknowledges your roguishness, not even a line about "how you didn't turn out the way Pa wanted."


Well.. technically, you cna still be a rogue and be the honourable one, right, and still be who your father wants you to be? What is said if you actually do commit THE SIN.


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Okay, I'm sold. Where do I get this respec mod? I'm starting Landsmeet now, and when I begin a new game I'd like to try all the tactics I'm learning on this board. Besides, my rogue hasn't used Leiliana once, so I'd like to buff up her archery skills and mess around with them a bit next time.


Oh, and although it seems to be consensus that rogues are gimped, my gal is an assassin/duelist with great DPS and terrific defense. I've loved playing her. She makes a great stealthed scout, eyeballing distant enemies that are begging for Morrigan's Blizzard. All in all, I'll no doubt make myself another rogue some day. I really recommend this class for a back-stabbing, chest-robbing, sneaky-stealth good time! Plus you get XP every time you open a lock or disarm a trap. My rogue leveled once from that XP before she ever left her daddy's castle!

Edited by ~Di
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"Has anyone tried pickpocketing extensively? I wonder if there are some interesting items hidden away on NPCs somewhere."


There's a certain quest in the Mage Tower where you need pick pocketing to get a nice interesting book... Good luck on figuring it out without a spoiler, though. I never got it myself since I haven't actually used pickpocketing yet just read about it on the BIo fourms.


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Okay, I'm sold. Where do I get this respec mod? I'm starting Landsmeet now, and when I begin a new game I'd like to try all the tactics I'm learning on this board. Besides, my rogue hasn't used Leliana once, so I'd like to buff up her archery skills and mess around with them a bit next time.


BTW, who's the last Character entry in the codex? I got everyone except that person.

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Yeah it's unfortunate that there's a dedicated skill point allocated. I think the idea was to give each race a bit of flavour with their backgrounds, though it unfortunately wasn't exploited enough IMO.


Having said that, I don't consider them restrictive. If you absolutely must min/max then it'll bother you, but any particular spec is more than viable. The 2H specialist I made recently was still a human noble, and while I may be "missing" one talent, I don't consider him weak or gimped or any word like that at all. I've gone 2 points strength, 1 point willpower every level, and always have indomitable on (and add powerful swings once I spend some stamina) and I have been smashing faces in pretty well.

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Alright, I just finished the Origins on Nightmare (mage) and am about to get Leliana at Lothering. Fun times - I haven't had a single party wipe, only lost party members to the big bad Ogre in the tower, mainly because I forgot to Taunt before force-fielding Alistair and then he decided to do some meditation while the ogre went after everybody else. We'll see if it gets more challenging now, it should... but I"m also getting notably better at working the system. Should be a fun fun playthrough.


Monty, I plan on using Leliana exactly like you say - super-archer with poisons, grenades, the lot, and stealing/lockpicking at every opportunity. I experimented with a few archery talents on those temporary party members in the Origins, and the middle tree (Slaying Shot, etc) definitely seems useful.


Spend this on R&R in the Pear


The what the how now, though?


Having said that, I don't consider them restrictive. If you absolutely must min/max then it'll bother you, but any particular spec is more than viable.


The point isn't viability or whether this restricts anyone 'too much'. The point is that it's a restriction that is completely unnecessary. If something has NO good points and only mildly bad points, and is irritating to boot, why have it at all?


I pickpocketed over 100 people last playthrough with Rogue, and mainly you get junk - frostrock, frozen lightning, fire crystal, lifestone, lesser / normal poultices and potions, some silver, some gems. It's really good in the Origins though, even with my mage I started with 1 talent in Steal and I had 5+ sovereigns at Ostagar, even without lockpicking. I also failed about 50 times, and Duncan told me off for being such a brazen thief. I don't think you ever get anything 'awesome' except for Volly's example, but you never get anyone swinging their axe at you either, so it's a watered down version of BG pickpocketing.

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am thinking that the best pickpocket score we had were very early in the game... in lothering. got a tier 6 or 7 crossbow. oddly enough, we couldn't sell the crossbow for very much, so we kept it for the sentimental value. ah, good times.


with 3 tiers o' pickpocket skill we had the french girl stealing from peoples and critters with the yellow names... and we typically got a shiny amethyst or topaz for our efforts. at that point we stopped wasting gameplay hours on picking-of-pockets.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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am thinking that the best pickpocket score we had were very early in the game... in lothering. got a tier 6 or 7 crossbow. oddly enough, we couldn't sell the crossbow for very much, so we kept it for the sentimental value. ah, good times.


with 3 tiers o' pickpocket skill we had the french girl stealing from peoples and critters with the yellow names... and we typically got a shiny amethyst or topaz for our efforts. at that point we stopped wasting gameplay hours on picking-of-pockets.


HA! Good Fun!


Good tip Grommy, now I'm going to search high and low for that crossbow.


Methinks pickpocketing is worth it in the Origins and Lothering, but not after that. I think putting 1 on the main character is all that's needed.

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Methinks pickpocketing is worth it in the Origins and Lothering, but not after that. I think putting 1 on the main character is all that's needed.
You have 8 or so characters (4 if you don't want to change party after exploring just to pickpocket) with 22/2-3 skill points to burn. Giving one of them pickpocketing is no big deal.
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For me, Warriors need full combat training, tactics, some poison; one needs full herbalism, one needs full poison, main PC needs full coercion. Stealing is not a priority.

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