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Dragon Age Origins


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Yay, another three days missed! \o/

What about Dracula, Carmilla, and Nosferatu?
Dracula is the original, goes without saying, don't know Carmilla and never saw Nosferatu.


The fundamental difference is that mana would regenerate on it's own/with potions, but you only get spell slots back with rest.
M.A.G.U.S. has mana and it doesn't regenerate. Arcane mages use psy to gather mana from the surroundings, sorceresses and warlocks drink potions of power (which reduces their endurance) and fire mages turn heat into mana. Yes, I know you don't know M.A.G.U.S.


Well, I can't give a url because I really don't keep beth interviews on my bookmarks, but they have said that their game scheme is to make big amusement parks where you can walk around without worries. Once some of the devs was asked about what he thought about Planescape Torment, and he answered "playing a game shouldn't feel like working" That tells everything I need to know about bethesda.
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Yay, another three days missed! \o/
What about Dracula, Carmilla, and Nosferatu?
Dracula is the original, goes without saying, don't know Carmilla and never saw Nosferatu.


The fundamental difference is that mana would regenerate on it's own/with potions, but you only get spell slots back with rest.
M.A.G.U.S. has mana and it doesn't regenerate. Arcane mages use psy to gather mana from the surroundings, sorceresses and warlocks drink potions of power (which reduces their endurance) and fire mages turn heat into mana. Yes, I know you don't know M.A.G.U.S.


Well, I can't give a url because I really don't keep beth interviews on my bookmarks, but they have said that their game scheme is to make big amusement parks where you can walk around without worries. Once some of the devs was asked about what he thought about Planescape Torment, and he answered "playing a game shouldn't feel like working" That tells everything I need to know about bethesda.


Woke up from another alcohol-induced coma, I see :(


As for the mana, I was speaking generally, I'm sure there's a few exceptions.


Apparently Deathdealer does not know the wonders of Google.

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Apparently Deathdealer does not know the wonders of Google.

Gookkle? Gouuggle? Pogle? What's that?


Goddammit, I'm not your secretary, go google it your self :(

Edited by Slinky
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Apparently Deathdealer does not know the wonders of Google.

Gookkle? Gouuggle? Pogle? What's that?


Goddammit, I'm not your secretary, go google it your self :(


I personally couldn't care less, but if I was making (apparently) crazy claims, I'd be ready to back them up with links.

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I personally couldn't care less, but if I was making (apparently) crazy claims, I'd be ready to back them up with links.
I remember reading the walking without worries part, but not the Torment comment.
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I personally couldn't care less, but if I was making (apparently) crazy claims, I'd be ready to back them up with links.
I remember reading the walking without worries part, but not the Torment comment.


As I said, I wouldn't care if they said that Jesus himself came down from the heavens to guide their hand while making the game, but for those that might it's nice to provide a link.

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I personally couldn't care less, but if I was making (apparently) crazy claims, I'd be ready to back them up with links.
I remember reading the walking without worries part, but not the Torment comment.

I actually have that Torment part on a magazine, but I don't have a scanner nor camera. And it's in Finnish so you would have to trust my traslation :)

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"Walking around without worries" seems a strange comment with all the annoying critters that are constantly on your back in Bethesda games.


Anyway, I've finally decided to pre-order DA:O along with Venetica (which is also coming in November). Tee hee.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I personally couldn't care less, but if I was making (apparently) crazy claims, I'd be ready to back them up with links.
I remember reading the walking without worries part, but not the Torment comment.

I actually have that Torment part on a magazine, but I don't have a scanner nor camera. And it's in Finnish so you would have to trust my traslation :)


I could attest it for you. :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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No, you could possibly slog through the entire 150 hours of BGII without completing the romance which is what happened to me, since dialogue kicks in at odd moments. This is speaking for the Jaheira romance, the Aerie one was somewhat quicker and I never tried Viconia or Anomen.


You could also go through the entire romance by simply never moving with the game paused (i.e. no passage of time at all in the game) when you were in an appropriate location for romances to fire, since the romances were based on the real time clock.

Edited by alanschu
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"Walking around without worries" seems a strange comment with all the annoying critters that are constantly on your back in Bethesda games.

I understand it as that they want to make games you can play anytime and relax without worrying about anything complicated. In that they have succeeded if you ask me.


I preordered my DA a month ago :)



Thanks Nepenthe, I know who to call if I need a lawyer :)

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I personally couldn't care less, but if I was making (apparently) crazy claims, I'd be ready to back them up with links.
I remember reading the walking without worries part, but not the Torment comment.

I actually have that Torment part on a magazine, but I don't have a scanner nor camera. And it's in Finnish so you would have to trust my traslation :)


I could attest it for you. :)


I can understand a bit of Finnish as well, let's form the Committee For Verifying Deathdealer's Claims.


If the reference is from a book etc. you usually provide the name of the magazine, issue number/date, page and paragraph.

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I can understand a bit of Finnish as well, let's form the Committee For Verifying Deathdealer's Claims.


If the reference is from a book etc. you usually provide the name of the magazine, issue number/date, page and paragraph.

Mr. Doubt of the Year :)


Pelit Magazine 2/2007 Page 19, interview with Mark Nelson, the lead designer of Shivering Isles expansion


In Finnish:

"Nostalgia on hieno asia, mutta pelimekaniikassa se sattuu omaan nilkkaan. Rakastin Baldur's Gatea ja Fallouttia, mutta ajat muuttuvat. Ehk

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No, you could possibly slog through the entire 150 hours of BGII without completing the romance which is what happened to me, since dialogue kicks in at odd moments. This is speaking for the Jaheira romance, the Aerie one was somewhat quicker and I never tried Viconia or Anomen.


You could also go through the entire romance by simply never moving with the game paused (i.e. no passage of time at all in the game) when you were in an appropriate location for romances to fire, since the romances were based on the real time clock.


True but that's very unlikely to be the case with the average gamer. Most of the time, plenty of time passed before anything happened. In each of my 5 playthroughs of BGII it took a long time for the romances to unravel if they did at all and I cant say I felt them rushed at any moment though the dialog could pop up at awkward times. But the randomization had a charm of its own, in my opinion. In fact the random scripts were sometimes the most fun parts of BGII even if they could be inconvenient.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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PC and Xbox 360:

NA November 3, 2009

EU November 6, 2009



NA November 20, 2009

EU November 20, 2009


Thank you

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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True but that's very unlikely to be the case with the average gamer.


The average gamer is also the one that likes Bastila's turn to the darkside.


I never found it jarring because I saw it coming a mile away. If anything I'd slag on BioWare for making it so obvious that Bastila would be susceptible to the darkside.



But the randomization had a charm of its own, in my opinion. In fact the random scripts were sometimes the most fun parts of BGII even if they could be inconvenient.


Ironically the thing I felt was most jarring about BG2 was the ridiculously inappropriate times that these conversations would start up. Sorry Aerie, but I don't have time to deal with you. You see that gigantic Silver/Red/Black dragon? I'd like to deal with that first.


But because they had the dialogues set to only happen if the area was of the correct type, they wouldn't happen during the copious amount of downtime walking around during the Underdark for instance.

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In English:

"Nostalgia is a great thing, but in game mechanics it digs a grave for itself. I loved Baldur's Gate and Fallout, but times change. Maybe I have stopped being a hard-core gamer, but playing should be fun, not feel like working."


Torment was mentioned later, but not with context with that. Still, close enough. Happy purk? :grin:

Guess one must read it in context...

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Nostalgia is what makes things like MGS4 great.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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How much lamer can Bioware get?



"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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