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Bah! Those damn dirty Ottomans are getting on my nerves. They attacked me 40 turns ago, but I got a nice random act right after the first battle that offered me a chance at a peace treaty so I went for it. Now they've decided to attack in force again. They even razed one of my cities! This time there will be no mercy... *turns all his production over to military units*

No! Give peace a chance!


"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Titan Quest


so far seems like another borefest like Dungeon Siege


Hmm, I thought it was more of a borefest like Diablo 2, to be honest.


I enjoyed Titan Quest, but its a total Diablo 2 clone.


But I enjoyed it more than Diablo 2.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Bah! Those damn dirty Ottomans are getting on my nerves. They attacked me 40 turns ago, but I got a nice random act right after the first battle that offered me a chance at a peace treaty so I went for it. Now they've decided to attack in force again. They even razed one of my cities! This time there will be no mercy... *turns all his production over to military units*

No! Give peace a chance!

I tried giving peace a chance, but those bastards are all angry because I converted everyone else on the continent to Buddhism after they founded Hinduism. I could switch over to Free Religion now and actually get some bonuses from it thanks to founding Islam and having had one of my cities converted to Hinduism, but why do that when I can stick with whatever the civic is that gives your units bonus experience (Theocracy or Organized Religion, can't remember which).


I've had enough of their insults damnit! The Americans are getting a little uppity as well, but I'm not entirely sure just where they are as I haven't bothered to explore past my immediate neighbours. :)

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It's like a bad comedy routine - they're trying too hard. If they pared the jokes down to just a few witticisms, it would be good. Instead, it's constant yuk-yuk.

Apparently we are the minority. Gamespot gave A Vampyre Story 7.5, which if you factor in Gamespot's automatic -1.0 point for being a point-and-click adventure, is really a score of 8.5.


I tried giving peace a chance, but those bastards are all angry because I converted everyone else on the continent to Buddhism after they founded Hinduism.

Ahh, well, you forgot to mention they were filthy heretics. Burn them, I say!

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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I've been thoroughly enjoying Wrath of the Litch King. It's so much better than BC that I'm glad that everyone prevailed upon me to stick with the game. I put my latest run of FO3 on hold. After all those hours, I was getting a bit bored. Great game, but there is too much of a good thing. I bought my wife an adventure game called Rhiannon which we'll probably play together after Christmas. It will be a good excursion from the MMORPG grind.


I've been playing some Deus Ex that I got cheap off of steam (thanks again, Enoch). It's a great game, but really dated. Still, a lot of great design ideas in there, especially for the time.

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I tried giving peace a chance, but those bastards are all angry because I converted everyone else on the continent to Buddhism after they founded Hinduism.

Ahh, well, you forgot to mention they were filthy heretics. Burn them, I say!


I just lost a stack of 6 macemen that were attempting to head off a stack that was headed for my capital. The enemy stack was mostly horse archers with one city raider maceman thrown in for good measure. I dunno how I lost 6 fights in a row. My troops supposedly had a 90% chance of success in each fight yet somehow they all died and then he took my capital. :)


Also, the apostolic palace voted on whether he should end his war against me. He voted that he wanted to end the war, but he still won't talk to me to offer a peace treaty? :ermm:

Edited by Deraldin
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the role of the tank is where Gromnir is conflicted. an earth gensai fighter/wm/neverwinter9 wielding a falchion admittedly has a certain appeal, but the assimar fighter/paladin/divine champion were our initial choice as a tank with its virtual guaranteed saving throw attempts. the paladin really tends to shine at high levels... and it sounds like some o' the late battles in soz is pretty tough.

there's an earth genasai f/wm/dd build that i followed a while ago that i really liked. it's listed somewhere in one of the guilds or maybe the nwn2 wiki. after act 1 in motb, he was untouchable for all practical purposes. i tinkered with the build since i had no use for improved unarmed strike and i don't play the disarm route. instead i took on cleave and great cleave and one other thing that i can't recall. i also made him with more CON than the build lists purely so that i could beat the berserker cold tests.



comrade taks... just because.

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I tried giving peace a chance, but those bastards are all angry because I converted everyone else on the continent to Buddhism after they founded Hinduism.

Ahh, well, you forgot to mention they were filthy heretics. Burn them, I say!


I just lost a stack of 6 macemen that were attempting to head off a stack that was headed for my capital. The enemy stack was mostly horse archers with one city raider maceman thrown in for good measure. I dunno how I lost 6 fights in a row. My troops supposedly had a 90% chance of success in each fight yet somehow they all died and then he took my capital. :blink:


Also, the apostolic palace voted on whether he should end his war against me. He voted that he wanted to end the war, but he still won't talk to me to offer a peace treaty? :lol:

A) Ouch. The random number generator is a harsh mistress. What difficulty is this on?


B) This illustrates why founding your own religion is for chumps. You spend piles of hammers on missionaries, but still end up hated by half the world. Better to let the AI have all the religions, thank them kindly when they send their missionaries to your cities, and convert to whichever faith is most diplomatically advantageous (or none at all, if none of them would help). If you can't do without the income from a shrined holy city, just remember that Mr. or Mrs. Holier-than-Thou is using most of his/her production on missionaries and temples, rather than catapults and macemen... :bat:

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A) Ouch. The random number generator is a harsh mistress. What difficulty is this on?


B) This illustrates why founding your own religion is for chumps. You spend piles of hammers on missionaries, but still end up hated by half the world. Better to let the AI have all the religions, thank them kindly when they send their missionaries to your cities, and convert to whichever faith is most diplomatically advantageous (or none at all, if none of them would help). If you can't do without the income from a shrined holy city, just remember that Mr. or Mrs. Holier-than-Thou is using most of his/her production on missionaries and temples, rather than catapults and macemen... :blink:


A) I think it's on Noble. Normally I play my first game on Warlord to get myself back into things before I step it up, but this time I went with Noble. I'll never get better if I keep playing on lower difficulties. I don't know why the RNG hates me this time around. I played another 30 turns or so before I got wiped out because I was never able to kill a horse archer with a maceman unless it was already injured and even then it would hurt me badly. I lost over 25 macemen and only managed to kill about 10 horse archers with all those troops. It was absolutely ridiculous.


B) Heh, I don't think I created more than 5 missionaries for 4 civilizations. With the early religions, if you can get one city converted before anyone else gets to them, they'll almost immediately flip to your religion, or at least they will on the lower difficulties. My mistake was that I didn't get an open borders treaty with all my neighbours to spread my religion. If I had grabbed the open borders before the large religion penalty set in, I could have converted them and been home free until I made the first move to expand beyond the stalemate borders. 50 hammers for a lifelong (until you stab them) ally isn't that large a price to pay.

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Yeah, the 'eschew religions' strategy is actually more important on higher difficulties. The AI production bonuses make them so effective as missionary pumps that a competing human player has a tough time keeping up. Plus, the more religions out there for different AIs to found, the more likely that you'll get some nice wars between them (since Civs almost always adopt native-grown faiths as the state religion), slowing their expansion and research. Few things suck more than discovering the other continent for the first time, to realize that they're universally one religion, that they have been at consistent peace for 5000 years, and that even the least advanced among them is 3 techs ahead of you in the liberalism race.

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Yeah, the 'eschew religions' strategy is actually more important on higher difficulties. The AI production bonuses make them so effective as missionary pumps that a competing human player has a tough time keeping up. Plus, the more religions out there for different AIs to found, the more likely that you'll get some nice wars between them (since Civs almost always adopt native-grown faiths as the state religion), slowing their expansion and research. Few things suck more than discovering the other continent for the first time, to realize that they're universally one religion, that they have been at consistent peace for 5000 years, and that even the least advanced among them is 3 techs ahead of you in the liberalism race.


Hah! I've been able to do the reverse a couple times, but I've never encountered the opposite. I tend to play on large terra maps so by the time I conquer my starting continent it's almost at the end of the game and conquering the other continent would be more trouble than it's worth when I could easily complete one of the other victory conditions. I've never played a game on anything higher than Prince though. I tend to stick around Noble-Prince.


I lost my current game. Losing massive numbers of macemen crippled my military. I could hold off the Ottomans but I wasn't able to push back. America finally got tired of me shooting down their extortion attempts and declared war on me. They were no where near me so I figured I give it a few decades and then ask for peace. Half a dozen turns later a fairly large stack showed up on my border and started ransacking my cities. Turns out the bastard had open boarders with the dutch and were allowed to march a stack through their territory to attack me. My border cities on that side didn't have any defenders as there were all holed up on the other side of my empire to keep the Ottomans out! :blink:

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the role of the tank is where Gromnir is conflicted. an earth gensai fighter/wm/neverwinter9 wielding a falchion admittedly has a certain appeal, but the assimar fighter/paladin/divine champion were our initial choice as a tank with its virtual guaranteed saving throw attempts. the paladin really tends to shine at high levels... and it sounds like some o' the late battles in soz is pretty tough.

there's an earth genasai f/wm/dd build that i followed a while ago that i really liked. it's listed somewhere in one of the guilds or maybe the nwn2 wiki. after act 1 in motb, he was untouchable for all practical purposes. i tinkered with the build since i had no use for improved unarmed strike and i don't play the disarm route. instead i took on cleave and great cleave and one other thing that i can't recall. i also made him with more CON than the build lists purely so that i could beat the berserker cold tests.



what's dd? can't be dwarven defender if you're an earth genasi

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Fallout 3. Butt kicking for fun.



How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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And you can't have two prestige classes, either that or the rule is you can't have more than 3 total.


I played SoZ with 3 dwarven cleric weapon masters and one Figther, thief, weaponmaster, It was only just possible because clerics are so starved for feats and skills.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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And you can't have two prestige classes, either that or the rule is you can't have more than 3 total.

you can have more than 1 prc (my character is a duelist and weapon master, although in retrospect the duelist levels don't add much), and you can have up to 4 total

Edited by Pope
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what's dd? can't be dwarven defender if you're an earth genasi

dragon disciple. sorry, forgot about dwarven defender, but yes, the fact that he was an earth genasi would have ruled that version of dd out anyway.



comrade taks... just because.

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okie, it is called the terracotta soldier aka the "dragon blade."


Fighter 12, Weapon Master 7, RDD 10, Bard 1


i tinkered with it a bit because, as i said, i don't like disarm/iimproved disarm and this build lists an early feat of luck of heroes or something like improved unarmed strike. i took power attack and then cleave and great cleave instead, and pushed off able learner to a later level which resulted in some skill sacrifices as well. i sacrificed on spot and spellcraft i think (going off memory here), and perhaps even tumble (it seems broken, IMO). oh, and i gave my self two more CON points than listed, trading from STR.



comrade taks... just because.

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giving Titan Quest more of a chance


just got to the Oracle at Delphi as a summoner (Nature and Earth masteries)


i just sit back and zap away with my staff while my wolves, earth elemental, and nymph kick some ass

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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I'm reinstalling Titan's Quest + Immortal Throne, now I just have to find Defiler (I believe that's the name) and I'm ready for hours of mindless hack and slash.

I ended up liking TQ/IT a lot and actually finished it. I thought I was going to re-play it, either w/new chrs. or higher difficulty, but it lost me after that.

It was very fun while it lasted tho. And I absolutely loved the shared-stash feature. All hack n slash games should have those. :D


Still playing Dungeon Siege2...mid-way through the 2nd difficulty and still having a blast. I didn't like the DS2 Broken World expansion very much, so I went back to the "original" version. :) Broken World has some ok skill re-balancing but the new Act sucks/is boring and I can't stand what they did to the item mods - where every single item feels like some variation of "Chance to do some magic effect on hit" and not much else. Feels lifeless and dull compared to the original three acts, so I'll stick to DS2 2.2. :thumbsup:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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