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Spore is out, and cracked, on the internets.

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I don't buy the whole "need a demo" argument either. There are dozens of reviews and previews for games nowadays. The internet means there really doesn't need to be any uninformed purchases. And I know folks get all cranky about media bias and a lousy scoring system, but if you have an ounce of reading comprehension it's not difficult to pull the facts about a game out of an article.


After dealing with GTA4, Bioshock and Oblivion, just to name a few, i have no faith in any major gaming publication. Except for Edge magazine, who actually have some negative comments on the games that they are previewing/reviewing.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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It looks like Amazon customers do not like the DRM used by Spore...

At time of writing, there were over 100 "reviews" of the game, nearly 90 of them giving the game a single, damning star.


Edited by Deadly_Nightshade

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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I don't buy the whole "need a demo" argument either. There are dozens of reviews and previews for games nowadays. The internet means there really doesn't need to be any uninformed purchases. And I know folks get all cranky about media bias and a lousy scoring system, but if you have an ounce of reading comprehension it's not difficult to pull the facts about a game out of an article.


After dealing with GTA4, Bioshock and Oblivion, just to name a few, i have no faith in any major gaming publication. Except for Edge magazine, who actually have some negative comments on the games that they are previewing/reviewing.


You both miss the point. Every article has facts and opinions. You can ignore the opinions and still get a solid picture of what a game is like. You just need to read for the facts.

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I don't buy the whole "need a demo" argument either. There are dozens of reviews and previews for games nowadays. The internet means there really doesn't need to be any uninformed purchases. And I know folks get all cranky about media bias and a lousy scoring system, but if you have an ounce of reading comprehension it's not difficult to pull the facts about a game out of an article.


After dealing with GTA4, Bioshock and Oblivion, just to name a few, i have no faith in any major gaming publication. Except for Edge magazine, who actually have some negative comments on the games that they are previewing/reviewing.


You both miss the point. Every article has facts and opinions. You can ignore the opinions and still get a solid picture of what a game is like. You just need to read for the facts.


On Oblivion (shortened):


REVIEWERS OPIONION: Main quest well done, quests are of variable content and neverending exploration. Every character has something to say and radiant A.I. immerses the player even more <-- Should be ignored.


FACT: Wast open world, filled with lots of dialogue, quests and lots of dungeons to explore.


MY OPIONION: Dull and uninteresting world, level-scaling destroyed the gameplay, boring dialogue, A.I. is flaky, quests are 98% of 'kill something, bring loot' and the dungeons are unfulfilling.


Again, the reviewers often cloud their judgement when they rarely even get their 'facts' straight. A simple demo would've saved me the money.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I pre-ordered Oblivion, but kept an eye on previews and reviews as well. The "small flaws but overall supar best game EVAR EVAR LULZ" reviews differed vastly from my own playing experience, where I recognised a lot of really good stuff, but also absolutely idiotic level scaling and AI, as well as a horrible main story. I mean, sure, TES aren't about main stories, for instance, but the point is Hurlshot's idea that you can rely on game 'journalism' alone and spend your money wisely doesn't apply to everyone. Not at all.

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If you're playing a pirated game for more than an hour you're no longer just "trying it out".

What if the tutorial level, which I often limit myself to, is longer than an hour? Not that I have seen it longer than that in the games I have played but it is a possibility.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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That kind of license might be acceptable if you paid a fraction of the full cost, but paying full price and then not being able to replay later on, and having to worry about the number of installs you have done. I'd say it was your civic duty to get the pirated version. Not that I'm going to get either, doesn't look like my kind of thing at all.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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That kind of license might be acceptable if you paid a fraction of the full cost, but paying full price and then not being able to replay later on, and having to worry about the number of installs you have done. I'd say it was your civic duty to get the pirated version. Not that I'm going to get either, doesn't look like my kind of thing at all.


Why can't you replay it later on? Th only game I've ever installed more than three times is JA2, and I'd actually have no problem paying for that product 5 times over.


Look, I'm not a fan of limiting installs, but pirating is the CAUSE of the situation. Many of you seem to blame the EFFECT of piracy.

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Oh no question, I'm just saying that the way out of this is through improved technology, not giving the people who actually pay the shaft.


By 'later on' I mean a couple of years down the line on new hardware. I still have the BG series, it's handy for putting on laptops which can't handle anything more demanding. It's extremely limited what you actually 'own' as a result of your investment in one of these game license scams.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Why can't you replay it later on? Th only game I've ever installed more than three times is JA2, and I'd actually have no problem paying for that product 5 times over.

How badly install limits will effect you depends on your playing habits. I have a large number of games that I've installed more than five times. Install limits are just not something I'm willing to put up with.

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Right on, Kirottu. While the Used game market is largely for the consoles there is still a market for used PC games. This "limited" install scheme kills second hand PC gaming. It has absolutely nothing to do with piracy. Its just a marketing ploy.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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It looks like Amazon customers do not like the DRM used by Spore...
At time of writing, there were over 100 "reviews" of the game, nearly 90 of them giving the game a single, damning star.


Go consumer power! :)

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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That kind of license might be acceptable if you paid a fraction of the full cost, but paying full price and then not being able to replay later on, and having to worry about the number of installs you have done. I'd say it was your civic duty to get the pirated version. Not that I'm going to get either, doesn't look like my kind of thing at all.


Why can't you replay it later on? Th only game I've ever installed more than three times is JA2, and I'd actually have no problem paying for that product 5 times over.


Look, I'm not a fan of limiting installs, but pirating is the CAUSE of the situation. Many of you seem to blame the EFFECT of piracy.

The point is it's a BAD, anti-customer solution that just doesn't work! Joe Pirate gets to play for free with no restrictions 5 days before the game gets released, and we the paying customers have all sorts of draconian restrictions imposed on us and get virus-like malware installed on our machines without our consent. When legitimate customers end up having to resort to a torrented copy (or a noCD crack) to be able to play in peace while their shiny new game box and CD are sitting on the shelf as a showpiece and proof-of-purchase, you know the so-called solution isn't. How hard is it for the ****ing bean-counters to understand this?!?? It's EXASPERATING.

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That kind of license might be acceptable if you paid a fraction of the full cost, but paying full price and then not being able to replay later on, and having to worry about the number of installs you have done. I'd say it was your civic duty to get the pirated version. Not that I'm going to get either, doesn't look like my kind of thing at all.


Why can't you replay it later on? Th only game I've ever installed more than three times is JA2, and I'd actually have no problem paying for that product 5 times over.


Look, I'm not a fan of limiting installs, but pirating is the CAUSE of the situation. Many of you seem to blame the EFFECT of piracy.

The point is it's a BAD, anti-customer solution that just doesn't work! Joe Pirate gets to play for free with no restrictions 5 days before the game gets released, and we the paying customers have all sorts of draconian restrictions imposed on us and get virus-like malware installed on our machines without our consent. When legitimate customers end up having to resort to a torrented copy (or a noCD crack) to be able to play in peace while their shiny new game box and CD are sitting on the shelf as a showpiece and proof-of-purchase, you know the so-called solution isn't. How hard is it for the ****ing bean-counters to understand this?!?? It's EXASPERATING.

Couldn't edit, so quoting myself...


This is why EA is hell-bent on using SecuROM on all their games, not piracy. Piracy is just an excuse (a lame one though, since even a half-witted orc can see it's not working).

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And yet we still get saddled with moronic DRM, Hurlshot.


I've installed every Infinity Engine game at least 10 times, and will be installing them again on my new computer soon.

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