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Now that I got MotB back I continued my recent campaign



...is it just me or does MotB have best narrative I've encountered in modern RPG's?


Apart from PS:T I actually can't come up with equivalent when it comes to narrative...



( Oh, and narrative =/= plot or dialogue or teh gameplay )

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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...is it just me or does MotB have best narrative I've encountered in modern RPG's?


Apart from PS:T I actually can't come up with equivalent when it comes to narrative...



( Oh, and narrative =/= plot or dialogue or teh gameplay )

Not sure if this fits in with your idea of "narrative," but I thought the story pacing was weak. The central mystery was solved for the player at the end of the 2nd act, which takes away a good portion of the player's incentive to continue.

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...is it just me or does MotB have best narrative I've encountered in modern RPG's?


Apart from PS:T I actually can't come up with equivalent when it comes to narrative...



( Oh, and narrative =/= plot or dialogue or teh gameplay )

Not sure if this fits in with your idea of "narrative," but I thought the story pacing was weak. The central mystery was solved for the player at the end of the 2nd act, which takes away a good portion of the player's incentive to continue.



I don't know, Kotor's "central mystery" or "plot twist" was solved early as in Leviathan, same with Jade Empire.


You have to remember that

conversation with Myrkul

was the culmination and end point of the Act II - and one my favourite moments in any game ever - and yes, the "mystery" is finally resolved. But there's not that much game time left afterwards.


After Act II there comes Founder's Sanctum (those mazes hold some of the most interesting battles in the game where I actually had to employ tactics and such) and

we find out A LOT core information about Founder and her motives. It is also place of great importance from roleplaying standpoint

. Then immeaditly afterwards the end game rolls in which takes about hour or two at max.


And I don't know about you, but for me

valiant assault against wall

alone was enough reason to keep on going. What a nice surprise was waiting for me in the end... :p

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Diablo - Currently a level 6 :p


I have already gotten father then I ever had....my fingers hurt already


I'm tempted to load up my old copy. I don't think I ever got farther than the 6th floor. Someone invited me to play online and gave me a whole crap load of awesome gear that I couldn't use cause my stats were too low.

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Audiosurf is better than I thought, but not by much. The fun isn't so much in the core gameplay (think Klax) or the ambience (a Wipeout ship design, and Rez-like environments), although those are good on their own - but in how it allows the democratization of the gameplay by lettling players determine level length, ambiance and rhytm through its musical synthesis (read: loading music formats on your PC).


There's not much of a challenge, unless you consider competing with the online scoreboard for a particular music. But it keeps me going for a while.


Not sure what to play next.

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I don't know, Kotor's "central mystery" or "plot twist" was solved early as in Leviathan, same with Jade Empire.


You have to remember that

conversation with Myrkul

was the culmination and end point of the Act II - and one my favourite moments in any game ever - and yes, the "mystery" is finally resolved. But there's not that much game time left afterwards.


After Act II there comes Founder's Sanctum (those mazes hold some of the most interesting battles in the game where I actually had to employ tactics and such) and

we find out A LOT core information about Founder and her motives. It is also place of great importance from roleplaying standpoint

. Then immeaditly afterwards the end game rolls in which takes about hour or two at max.


And I don't know about you, but for me

valiant assault against wall

alone was enough reason to keep on going. What a nice surprise was waiting for me in the end... :lol:

I thought that was a weakness of KotOR, too.


And I forgot that the conversation with the Founder was in Act III-- that was the point where I started to lose interest, and allow my irritation with the craptacular epic D20 gameplay (not Obsidz' fault) to outweigh my interest in the characters and their fates.

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Played lots of Overlord: Raising Hell over the weekend. Every bit as good as when I first played it. The Raising Hell levels are terrific, too.



And I should get to finally play Kane's Wrath this week.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I found my Torment CD!


luv luv luv :rolleyes:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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I am probably going to go through a lot of my old games in short order. Having just installed Vista 64bit, it is time to test all the oldies for compatibility. First game (not an oldie) was NWN2 with MotB and it ran smoothly the 30 minutes that I tried it. One down, 49 to go :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'm close to finishing Diablo with only Lazarus and the Lord of Terror himself standing between me and the ending.


I was surprised how well D1 still holds up and is quite fun if you can get past the minor annoyances that people, who have played the mostly improved D2, will find in it.


I'm probably gonna take a look at Darklands and see if it can hold my attention, if it can't then I'll be starting a game of D2 with an Assassin.

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Babbled my way through Mortuary and the Hive area next to Mortuary. Heh

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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I seem to die once every four levels in Diablo. I died on the fourth level and I died on the eight. Those damned invisible bastards are tricky. You can wander around and not see anything, then one appears so you whack him down, but then two more appear and when you try to strike them down 4 more appear and bam your surrounded after which death follows pretty soon.


Found some pretty nice armour, but the stuff I have right now has a +40% light radius which lets me actually see more than 2 feet around my character.

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The only way I could play Diablo 1 was with a Sorcerer. Warrior felt very simple and restricted and Rogue was tricky to play on a relatively fast computer. But the Sorcerer...freaking powerful spellcaster and could still defend himself in melee. Well, up until Caves, that is.


Really, the single best thing about Diablo was that skills weren't restricted, every character could just about anything and that made specialization in spells feel so rewarding, since the other two classes' specialties were the uneventful melee and trap sense, making the Sorcerer the most versatile combatant in the game. Acquiring new spells and upgrading previous ones was a real pleasure.


Thinking about that, one of the greatest joys in gaming for me was finding unlooted libraries. Diablo is the only game where the rewards had so much permanence. The spellbooks and stat books are one of my top ten hopes for Triablo, there's nothing like loot that upgrades your character and there's nothing cooler than lost demonic/Horadric libraries. Duablo was a letdown in that regard, sure it was great that bookshelves gave out free town portal tomes, but that's about it.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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The only way I could play Diablo 1 was with a Sorcerer. Warrior felt very simple and restricted and Rogue was tricky to play on a relatively fast computer. But the Sorcerer...freaking powerful spellcaster and could still defend himself in melee. Well, up until Caves, that is.
Currently playing myself for the first time. I am 10th Sorcerer on level 4 getting killed pretty frequently. Just getting swarmed wave after wave of bad guys. Is there a recommended way to level up? All points in magic? Evenly distributed?
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Meh, I couldnt get past the first boss in Diablo with the sorcerer (big fat thing that, iirc, drops a weapon called The Butcher). Wound up beating the game with a warrior.

I had to cheat to do it. If you run around the stairs he gets stuck, then you can pick him off. Not sporting, or fun.

Edited by Kelverin
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