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So, any plans for another NWN2 addon?


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Just finished Mask of the Betrayer. Very sweet experience, well done.


I am hoping that you guys have another 10 levels up your sleeves, any chance of this perhaps? I won't complain if you make a longer expansion, but anything that carries things on would be nice.

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Rumors are floating around about the next expansion would take place in Chult, and it would not include the sword-bearer from the previous game. But that's mere speculation IMO.

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Don't forget Mysteries of Westgate, due out soon.


I hope any future expansions (from Obsidian or anyone else) don't add more levels and don't attempt to continue with the shard-bearer as PC. His/Her story is, I think, finished at the end of MotB. Let's start with someone new.

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i wouldn't mind seeing something that was connected, but the shard-bearer was not the primary character (i.e. you play someone that is dealing with the fallout or whatever, of all the events in the first 2). perhaps a mid-level campaign.



comrade taks... just because.

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If I am going to start a new character with a new story I prefer to start it with a 1st level character and go from there. No free levels please.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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Oh, I agree. I would prefer a whole, full length, new story starting from Level 1. However, I cannot see any game going off the bat and going as high as level 30, unless there is another expansion involved. And I am not sure if they can push NWN2 for that many years the way the industry is these days.


Back in the Goldbox days, sure. But these days teh graphix must be improved...


So I thought they could push further into the storyline with some of these 'Further adventures' that are talked about. Someone of that level wouldn't be allowed to sit around farming after all. They would become a target from someone, and there is a big continent and plenty of different planes to be travelled...


Please make a full length game with the NWN2 system, definately, but if this cannot happen....

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I think they should continue with the further adventures as well. The shard bearer's personal story might be completed, but he/she is still left with an incredibly powerful sword...which a certain race covets with extreme zealotry. He/She has access to the various planes at the end of the game and has made enemies of the denizens of the Lower Planes.


I just want a plane-hopping adventure! :)

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My chocie is to have thwe sword bearer back, and have advancement up to level 40. Also add more dwarven subraces like jungle dwarf espiciallyif Chult is the setting.


Still, I wouldn't complain about a low level adventure. However, epic levels need more filling ala more epic and varied spells.


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anybody know the pre-order and current sales numbers for motb? seem like the pivotal issue regarding the possibility o' another nwn2 expansion is to be knowing how well atari is doing with the current expansion.


am hopeful that the lack o' a patch is not some harbinger o' nwn2 death...


HA! Good Fun!

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i wouldn't mind seeing something that was connected, but the shard-bearer was not the primary character (i.e. you play someone that is dealing with the fallout or whatever, of all the events in the first 2). perhaps a mid-level campaign.




Before Ferret was let go he told me the original plan was to have a trilogy (OC + 2 expansions with the second exp one completing the overall story). Seems so far that plan is still on track. If/when NX2 comes out however is certainly a point of debate but I think it would be nice to do and get the shard bearer to lvl 40 and go out with a bang.


I expressed my concerns that I think maxing out in the OC to lvl 20 was not conducive to a trilogy, that they should take a page from bioware and BG1 and end the OC around lvl10, then nx1 to lvl 20 and nx2 whatever the max is. He agreed something along those lines would make more sense in some ways however he said the overall view at obsidian was no one felt players would accept 'finishing' the OC and not being maxed out. the impression I got from ferret was the feeling at obsidian is that BG1 was a one trick wonder they weren't sure people would take too/accept again.


I think they could have pulled it off, obviously Ferret and the other designers at the time felt differently. :)

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I honestly wouldn't mind a lvl 40 cap campaign, perhaps taking place across the planes, where such things as epic enemies and mounds of artifacts everywhere are slightly less preposterous. It'd be nice to have it relate to the shard-bearer and the Sword of Gith (wasn't there something in the OC epilogue relating to the sword?) since MotB, while I did like it, felt more like a Bond sequel (the main character in a different situation not connected to the first) than a proper continuation of a story. Maybe a second xpac could tie the two together.


But if that doesn't happen I think I'd actually prefer a mid-level campaign. Maybe go a step farther with the concept they introduced in KOTOR2 and have a set of questions at the beginning about different past situations and the PC can choose what happened, thereby affecting the game. But that's just wishful thinking on my part. I've found that 1st-4th level is the most boring part of a D&D game, for me.

Edited by Pop
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I love 1st-4th level play. That's when, every time you draw your weapon, there is a very real chance you will die (at least it should be). Once you get past level 10, I think you are too powerful. I would love a D&D game that made the lower levels interesting, but thankfully there are plenty of PW's that do so.

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I love 4-12 levels, because that's where you don't need to worry about dying to a cat scratch and the character building opportunities are very open, it gives multiclassing a chance and even gives you some semblance of power or expertise, yet the level isn't too high so you are regularly challenged by humans as well.


At 14 levels it starts to go into the "olol lets goe kill hole orc clans n stuf am i rite?!"-aspect, where you have throw stupidly high-leveled opponents or immense battles to challenge any mid-sized party with a brain.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

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Time of 3.5 edition is soon over and we're not that far away from 4th edition. If I've understood correctly, 4th edition skips about 100 years forward in Forgotten Realms so now would be great time for ultra high level adventure. Game developers could allow players to do fundamental changes to cosmos, godhood, even that freaking wall. It would give players great sense of power and purpose but it wouldn't do any permanent harm to Forgotten Realm setting since 4th edition is going to change just about everything anyway. Gone are the great wheel, bloodwar, old style elemental planes and most of the FR deities. let players to take part of the destruction :(

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4th Edition is crap from what I have heard of it. No thank you.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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3 to 4 years is just too soon for a new edition. They pulled this sort of crap with 3.5e and now they are doing it again. Expect 4.5e in 2010-2011.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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