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RPGs you still haven't finished

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As far as I know, they're only restoring cut content, but there's a lot of it. They also seem to be completing things that are there but incomplete - for example, there's a character with quests and dialogue in the cut content but without the sound files, so they auditioned for someone to record her voice.


I'm holding off replaying Kotor 2 until the mod comes out.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Oh yeah, thanks Oerwinde buddy. I'll add X-Men Legends II to my list as well.


And you're talking about Lt. Virgil, right? Yeah, keep an eye on him - he plays a bigger part. At least I think he does. I "still haven't finished" Ep. II. <_<


No, Virgil, he doesn't show up again until the end of ep 1. I'm about halfway through again, the wussy commander guy who got grabbed by a gnosis and turned into one.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I played quite a lot of Gothic 3 before losing interest in it completely, and I doubt I'll ever play it ever again.


I gave up on Wizardry 8 and Wizards & Warriors pretty quickly, Wiz8 because I just couldn't find the fun and W&W because of bugginess.

Yeah, I forgot to add Wizardry 8; I've had dental appointments that were more fun than the gameplay in that game ...


I am pretty shocked at how many people have not finished or even started so many great games.


I guess in the end the developers are right, people don't in fact finish most games, heck they barely start, so why bother giving them a game that takes more than a few minutes to finish.



To be fair, we aren't listing games we have finished, just those that (for whatever reason) we haven't. :lol:


I know that the games I haven't finished just didn't interest me.




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Half the fun is listening to people telling why they don't finish the games. Real life ™, bugs/issues, boring, etc. :thumbsup:


Do game developers put less effort into the endings because they don't expect gamers to finish the games or do gamers put less effort into finishing the games because games developers don't bother to make the ending worth it?

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Half the fun is listening to people telling why they don't finish the games. Real life , bugs/issues, boring, etc. :yes:


Do game developers put less effort into the endings because they don't expect gamers to finish the games or do gamers put less effort into finishing the games because games developers don't bother to make the ending worth it?

I'd say it makes more sense to make a fantastic start than a memorable ending, but then again, if the gameplay is compulsive, the memorable ending is what the player will take away with them ...


So if the developer /publisher is only looking for a quick score, then a great splashscreen is all they need ... though one would hope that game reviewers play most if not all a game to decide whether the game is worth playing, finished and memorable. (How are those pigs: all fuelled up and ready to fly?)




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Hmmmm. :yes: I'm kinda glad I held off till now then. :)


*pounces Darque, rummages for loose change, then bounds off*

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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haven't gotten round to finishing:

most of them i do like, just haven't found the time to get round to it...




Fallout 1 & 2 (just started FO2 again the other day. in klamath with a magnum .44. the uber rat got his butt kicked with 2 shots. hooray for criticals) :shifty:


Temple of Elemental Evil (installed it, played about 2 minutes of the tutorial and haven't touched it since)

Icewind Dale 2

Baldurs Gate 1

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

dungeon siege (just got bored of it. at first it seemed pretty cool swinging round a spade and whacking things)

final fantasy 8



on the other hand, there are games that i have finished that i really do regret wasting my time on...


key among those of course being neverwinter nights. wasn't all that fond of icewind dale 1 either

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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^ Never finished some of the great classics like BG and Fallout? :sad:


haven't finished the first BG


and as for Fallout... well... i just keep getting distracted with killing everyone :thumbsup:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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System Shock 2 ... reformat + loss of disk + too many other games to play at the time


Lionheart ... zzzzzzzz


Morrowind ... zzzzzzzz


NWN OC ... PC crash + haven't got around to re-installing yet.


Diablo II (it's a RPG in some people's viewpoint. Not mine though, but still...) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Dungeon Siege + Legends of Aranna (sp?) ... currently playing through, trying to retrace my steps and find chapter 3!


Haven't played at all yet, but intrigued: Oblivion, NWN 2, Temple of Elemental Evil, or that vampire game with that unkillable werewolf.

Edited by mr insomniac

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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^ Never finished some of the great classics like BG and Fallout? :sad:


haven't finished the first BG


and as for Fallout... well... i just keep getting distracted with killing everyone :dancing:

Killing everyone is good. Just do a save before you do it, do your deed than reload the game and play it normal.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I disagree that the ending is what a memorable game is all about. IMO, a really good game is like a good book--you don't want it to end, because you know it'll be a cold day before you find another that you like even half as much. And while I'd like to say it's as simple as an engaging story or great characters (because that's what I look for in a game), it isn't.


Think of any game you've played, and there will be at least one element you remember, be it good or bad. (Killing stuff doesn't count.) The story/character angle is the most obvious--NWN2, PST, K2, Anachronox, etc. But in Dungeon Seige 1, it was atmosphere (swaying trees and awesome music); in Diablo 2 it was multiplayer LAN with my kids. I couldn't tell you exactly what the story was or how it ended in either one of those games, but I liked and finished them both, more than once. I don't regret buying them. On the flip side, what I remember most about Fahrenheit were the mindless Simon-says puzzles, Morrowind trudging across an endless brown landscape ... enough said. Somewhere in the middle is IWD--I finished it, but I can't tell you a thing about it other than 'snow'. I think it was hope that kept me going.


What's sad is that over the past several years, I think the industry has shifted focus from just making 'good' or 'fun' games to just making $ instead. Fewer and fewer games are being made, and most of the ones that are, are all about coming up with an 'innovative' idea (which sometimes involves a horrendous mixing of genres) to cloning whatever sold last year, pumping it out as fast as possible. What you end up with is a CD or DVD that gets tossed aside in disgust.


So I think the real question is, 'how many RPG's have been worth buying, over the past couple years?' because you can't finish a game you don't bother buying in the first place. I'm grasping at straws here, but I see it as a hopeful sign that I found two--count 'em, two--last year alone. Wow. Granted, I'm not into MMO, and I play PC games exclusively, but I haven't seen much better on the console front (with the possible exception of Jade Empire, haven't seen that yet). I'm hoping that those two--NWN2 and Oblivion--signify a shift back to sanity. Or, good old fashioned value for money. Otherwise, well, I'll stick to my old games and save myself the cost of upgrading hardware.

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^ Never finished some of the great classics like BG and Fallout? :sad:


haven't finished the first BG


and as for Fallout... well... i just keep getting distracted with killing everyone :dancing:

Killing everyone is good. Just do a save before you do it, do your deed than reload the game and play it normal.


one day i'll have a game where i join the slavers and be as much as an evil **** as i can


preferably with a flamethrower....


i love watching people stagger backwards flailing their arms around while they burn :yes:

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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RPG's started that I haven't finished.....


Baldur's Gate I - I've started this game well over a dozen times and furthest I've made it is to the Nashkel(sp?) mines. After a friend of mine showed me the ending and since I've already completed Baldur's Gate II, my desire to finish this game has waned.


Neverwinter Nights - Like BG1, I've started this game over alot but just can't finish it because the story didn't draw me in and I can't get past the stupid radial menu and bland graphics.


Wizardry 8 - Great FPRPG which I'm about 1/2 way through but stopped playing because a majority of my PC time is playing WoW. I've known about this game for a while now but didn't start playing it until last year. Hopefully I'll get some time to finish this one, it's still on my HD.


Oblivion - This game overwhelmed me, who knows when and if I'll ever finish it. Plus, I love a game that's story driven - Oblivion's main story is about 20% of the game and the other 80% is side-quests.

Dragon Quest VIII - Love this game but turn based battles started getting boring and the grinding in this game isn't fun. I do eventually plan on finishing this one day.


Final Fantasy XII - Best FF game I've played so far and still playing it now. With work, family, and juggling my gaming time between WoW and FFXII, it's been a long process to complete.

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Final Fantasy XII - Best FF game I've played so far and still playing it now. With work, family, and juggling my gaming time between WoW and FFXII, it's been a long process to complete.


I'm struggling with FFXII. Its the hardest one so far. All the others if you got to a part that was too hard you could just go somewhere and grind a couple levels out and go back, with the enemies on the map and the real time battle system, that isn't so easy, so I tend to die a lot. Also the dungeons seem to be really drawn out and pointless. The story and character designs(aside from Vaan) and such are definitely a level above previous games though

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I've been playing FFXII these couple of weeks, and I too found it incredibly hard until I realised a few things:


A) Quickening chains are extremely overpowered. If you get a license board jpg from the net and make everyone make a bee-line to grab 3 quickenings, then the game becomes much easier - if you can make +15 chains, which I always do, then the boss is nearly dead by the time you're done.


B) If you don't do any hunts, and if you don't explore the entire area before moving on, you'll be behind. Don't like that, since it's not like their areas are particularly interesting.


So after I caught up on the hunts and got the quickenings, the game got very easy. Bosses died in 5 minutes, 4 of it spent on quickening chains; I just fought three bosses in a row and all I had to do was sit there and attack. Final Fantasy battles have *always* been about finding an 'equilibrium', or a 'balance'; you set up your limited number of buffs, and you find a mixture of orders that lets you de-buff the enemy, cure your friends and still get some attacks in-between. Once you establish that equilibrium FF battles just become an exercise in repetition - and this is especially true with Gambits. With the right gambits, I could clear dungeons by walking up to an enemy, droppping the controller then picking it up agin when the monsters were dead, then walk to the next encounter.


Anyway, I have to disagree on story and character design. The story was pretty mixed. I loved the early parts; it tried to make a more realistic world where the political and imperial dimensions of the world was much more integrated into the story and the feelings and actions of the characters; you also had a sense that events were really happening as you were spending time adventuring - extremely good. But then, after Bur-Omisace or so it pretty much dies. You don't get any more updates on Larsa or Vayn Solidor; or the empire itself; and the political situation is frozen on Rosaria may declare war for about 40 game-hours, while you are sent on one stupid monkey-errand after another. It actually felt like playing NWN1OC - go to this dungeon and get this magical item. Then go over here and get the magical item to DESTROY that magical item. Oh wait, that was all uselss, go somewhere else and get something else. Characters were also frozen around that time, what with Ashe repeating "shall I take revenge" with no more pondernace or discussion for 30 hours.

I'm just before the endgame now though, so hopefully they have prepared something magnificent.


On characters? Well Balthier is just cool. Basch is alright, Reddas and Dr. Cid are pretty good, so is Larsa. Vayn Solidor might have been if he was given more than 5 minutes of screen-time. Penelo is absolutely useless and pointless; Vaan is horrible and *exists* soley to say "Huh? What's going on?" and "WE CAN DO THIS GUYS", but then nearly all FF main characters work as lifeless spring-boards for everything else. Ashe was pretty decent, if too melodramatic. Overall the problem is that they have some nice banter scenes, but the huge majority of the dialogue and cutscenes are limited to clipped Plot Summaries, which feel really gamey. It was better than FFX's characters, but that's not saying much.


Still, I have an inflated sense of affection for FFVII characters just because of Cid, so there you go.


Oh, are you up to Pharos at Ridorana Cataract? Where you have Reddas as guest?


Seriously, who in the world of monkey crap makes a ninety-floor tower, and makes you actually walk up nearly every single floor?!

Edited by Tigranes
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I'm of the belief that Vaan exists solely because they are afraid to make a female the main character in today's market.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Of the games I own but haven't bothered to finish... the only ones in that category would be Ultimas 3 and 5. U3 rubbed me the wrong way at the time I tried to play it (might go back to it if I can get it running), and U5 was too long. I think I got lost in the Underworld with that one.


The "cRPGs" which I do own and have finished:


The Bard's Tale I, II, III

Quest for Glory 1 - 5

King's Quest 1, 2, 4 (damned bridle!!)

Ultima 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, SI, 8, 9 (yes, even 9), Savage Empire

Gold Box games PoR, CotAB, SotSB, PoD, CoK, DKK, DQK, GttSF, and TotSV

EoB1, 2, 3

Lands of Lore (Patrick Stewart edition)

Menzoberranzan, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession, Ravenloft: Stone Prophet (surprisingly good story with this one)

Dark Sun: Shattered Lands, Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (took a while to luck my way past most of the game-stopping bugs, but I did it eventually), Al-Qadim: Genie's Curse

Fallout 1, 2

Diablo + Hellfire


Baldur's Gate + TotSC, BG2 + ToB, IWD +HoW+TotL, IWD2, PS:T



Morrowind +Tribunal+Bloodmoon


I might have forgotten one or two, but only one or two. Not a lot of games, considering I started playing most of them when were actually released, but I tend to finish what I start. I'm just freakish that way, I guess.

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Heh, Ultima ]I['s "Marks and Cards" ... I remember my friend got all the marks and cards, then realized that he had to get the marks on ALL the characters in the party ... boy did that suck!



I suppose the corollary to this topic is "RPGs that you have finished through gritted teeth". :D




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"I'm of the belief that Vaan exists solely because they are afraid to make a female the main character in today's market."


That's nonsense. FFX2, the last major FF release, had 3 main characters all of which were female. :confused:


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"I'm of the belief that Vaan exists solely because they are afraid to make a female the main character in today's market."


That's nonsense. FFX2, the last major FF release, had 3 main characters all of which were female. :confused:

Can you come up with a better reason for why Vaan exists?

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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