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Kramer goes nuts!!

Kor Qel Droma

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Me neither.

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What bothers me is that when Chris Rock does it(speaking of "the white man") he's called a comedic genious.


I realize it's not the same thing, that this outburst wasn't part of the show. But I would like to know what the African-American was heckling for, what he was saying to Richards that triggered the outburst before I make an opinion of the man.


Perhaps he was called a F***ing Jew? Who knows.



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What bothers me is that when Chris Rock does it(speaking of "the white man") he's called a comedic genious.


I realize it's not the same thing, that this outburst wasn't part of the show. But I would like to know what the African-American was heckling for, what he was saying to Richards that triggered the outburst before I make an opinion of the man.


Perhaps he was called a F***ing Jew? Who knows.




Is Michael Richards Jewish? Anyway by what you are saying it seems its ok to be racist if you are angry. So was Mel Gibson justified in his comments about Jews?


As far as Chris Rock goes, could you point out an instance of him being racist towards white people in the same way as Kramer or Mel Gibson?

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I don't know if MR is Jewish, it was an example.


Chris Rock is racist towards whites in all his movies and shows, inducing laughter with prejudice and stereotypes. I'm not saying I don't find it funny at all, just that although whites don't seem to have the equivalent of the N word, it's still racism.


Besides, my point was that we don't really know what made MR snap, crackle and pop. Perhaps it was coke, maybe that black man's comments.


Who knows?

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"As far as Chris Rock goes, could you point out an instance of him being racist towards white people in the same way as Kramer or Mel Gibson?"


Absolutely. It's obvious. Don't get me wrong. his jokes - even his racist ones - can be funny; but the guy is racist. Or at least he acts like one to get the cheap laugh.


Let's face it, if a white person made even a quarter of Rock's type of jokes they'd definitely be labeled as racist and rightfully so.


You can be funny like Chris Rock and still be racist.


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No, Chris Rock is observing racism. He's pointing out where racism is. He also spends more time making fun of black people than he does white. It's just like Borat, or Sascha Baron Cohen, always attacking jews. He's jewish himself, even though the character he portrays is clearly racist. But he's using the character to make statements about racism, just as Chris Rock does in his stand up.


It really boils down to anger. It sounds like Kramer was off on an angry tirade, as was Mel Gibson. There is nothing poignant or even funny about hatred. It shows a severe lack of character. Borat and Chris Rock are pointing out that this lack of character exists, while the others are showing they personally lack that character.


It's the difference between being a realist and a bigot.

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Yeah, I should actually comment on the video. That poo is whacked out, man!


p.s. He supposedly apologized afetrwards; but won't speak on camera about it. Seinfield says that was disagraceful and is ure that his old tv buddy feels horrible about it. Meh.


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The difference between Micheal Richards and Chris Rock (or perhaps more appropriately, Richard Pryor) using racial slurs is self-identification. Slurs are demeaning precisely because they place whatever distinction they make (black skin for "****", homosexuality for "queer" or "****", etc.) above the recipients' personhood. A white man calling someone a **** generally implies that they are black before anything else, and being black is bad. When Pryor or Rock self-identify with that slur, they remove the negative connotation from being black, and the power that those who use the word "****" disparagingly wield over them. Thus the word becomes innuendo, only offensive to those who accept it as such. Some would say that the very condemnation of the word is racist, because addressing it would be implicitly lending it credibility, and the whole purpose of the "taking it back" approach of the black comedians was to rob "****" of its credibility and power.


So when we say that black comedians can use the word "****" and white people can't, that's why. Asians can be **** and charlies, irishmen can be micks, italians can be guineas, hispanics spics, etc. etc. only if they choose to identify themselves as such. No one else has the right to refer to them as such and still be accepted.

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I don't have much use for racial slurs, when they are used as racial slurs, even when the speaker is describing themself. :(


This guy was over the top.

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Saw him on Letterman apologizing. See, it's just one of those things...the man obviously as anger management issues, and when this heckler was just bugging him, Richards snapped. I believe he used the racial slurs just as a way to piss this heckler off as much as the comedian himself was angry.


The audience was disgusting on Letterman. Richards is apologizing, barely able to compose himself, and they were laughing at every word. Jerry told them to be quiet, and Micheal himself pointed out out, and only then did they stop. It's because they expect him to be funny, so they think he's just being witty when he says "afro-americans" or somesuch. Damn.



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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The difference between Micheal Richards and Chris Rock (or perhaps more appropriately, Richard Pryor) using racial slurs is self-identification. Slurs are demeaning precisely because they place whatever distinction they make (black skin for "****", homosexuality for "queer" or "****", etc.) above the recipients' personhood. A white man calling someone a **** generally implies that they are black before anything else, and being black is bad. When Pryor or Rock self-identify with that slur, they remove the negative connotation from being black, and the power that those who use the word "****" disparagingly wield over them. Thus the word becomes innuendo, only offensive to those who accept it as such. Some would say that the very condemnation of the word is racist, because addressing it would be implicitly lending it credibility, and the whole purpose of the "taking it back" approach of the black comedians was to rob "****" of its credibility and power.


So when we say that black comedians can use the word "****" and white people can't, that's why. Asians can be **** and charlies, irishmen can be micks, italians can be guineas, hispanics spics, etc. etc. only if they choose to identify themselves as such. No one else has the right to refer to them as such and still be accepted.

what about, say dave chapelle? His entire show is about racism. Every time you see a white person on that show it's using a horrible stereo type.


The problem with society right now is that the minorities have such incredible power to walk all over those that have been "in power". I mean no offence to anyone but given the fact that I'm a white male I've got the least leeway in ANYTHING I say because if I say the wrong words to a woman I could get sued for Sexual harrasment. Or to just about anyone who's got any sort of mild ethnic backround/alternative lifestyle that's socially accepted.


Hell in most commercials for a while you would see the main "funny" character who does stupid stuff was a middle aged white male who had a bit of a gut on him. the only reason that that particular character is the "funny" (read; but of every joke) is because when they make a complaint about being made fun of people say "What've you got to compain about? You don't have to deal with [racism/discrimination/sexim]"


I'm not defending what he did, but do have an incredibly big double standard between what I can say and what a member of another culture/race/or gender can say. In highschool we were shown a video about harrassment and what you censorship and such. on it a guy got fired because he told a female coworker a joke that he heard on sienfeld. It was the episode where sienfeld can't remember his girlfriends name until the very end but knows it rhymes with a body part. The joke being that the name was dolores and the body part being her clitoris. The woman told the poor guy "oh" and left and the next day the guy was told to clean out his office because she had filed a sexual harrassment complaint with the company. We've also gotten to the point where we are defined by the most sensitive person. There is at least one chat system out there where cinderella can't prick her finger. (same video)


anyway... Kramer can't call sombody who was talking and heckling him a derogitory term, but I can be called a cracker or any other number of derogitory terms (fishbelly...) in front of everyone because it's not considered racism and thus I can't be offended by it. :(

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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what about, say dave chapelle? His entire show is about racism. Every time you see a white person on that show it's using a horrible stereo type.

Chapelle is an ironist, and he comes from the Pryor tradition, in a way. He's not out to show that racial slurs have no power, he's out to show that racism is everywhere, in malign and benign forms, and that it's all foolish and ridiculous at its heart. The racism in Chapelle's Show is grotesque so that people can laugh at it and wonder why anyone would ever really take it seriously, and thus it helps to accentuate just how wrong racism really is.


The problem with society right now is that the minorities have such incredible power to walk all over those that have been "in power". I mean no offence to anyone but given the fact that I'm a white male I've got the least leeway in ANYTHING I say because if I say the wrong words to a woman I could get sued for Sexual harrasment. Or to just about anyone who's got any sort of mild ethnic backround/alternative lifestyle that's socially accepted.

It's unfortunate that anyone would ever have to watch what they say, but that's the fact of the matter. Everyone makes mistakes (I've made a few myself) but if no intent to demean or insult was present, it should be water under the bridge. Just don't expect anyone to like you if you keep doing it.


Hell in most commercials for a while you would see the main "funny" character who does stupid stuff was a middle aged white male who had a bit of a gut on him. the only reason that that particular character is the "funny" (read; but of every joke) is because when they make a complaint about being made fun of people say "What've you got to compain about? You don't have to deal with [racism/discrimination/sexim]"

You mean Archie Bunker? Certainly racism against whites is heinous, just as racism against blacks is, but with all of the history and official support and violence behind it, racism against blacks is arguably moreso. That doesn't mean you have to take it when someone calls you trash.


I'm not defending what he did, but do have an incredibly big double standard between what I can say and what a member of another culture/race/or gender can say. In highschool we were shown a video about harrassment and what you censorship and such. on it a guy got fired because he told a female coworker a joke that he heard on sienfeld. It was the episode where sienfeld can't remember his girlfriends name until the very end but knows it rhymes with a body part. The joke being that the name was dolores and the body part being her clitoris. The woman told the poor guy "oh" and left and the next day the guy was told to clean out his office because she had filed a sexual harrassment complaint with the company. We've also gotten to the point where we are defined by the most sensitive person. There is at least one chat system out there where cinderella can't prick her finger. (same video)

That's an extreme, and it shouldn't be the case that any person should be punished for a joke made in ignorance. Sexual harrassment guidelines in this regard are unreasonable. But there are plenty of rational and fair laws regarding the way diverse coworkers interact with one another that should be enforced. Nobody likes their ass to be grabbed by old, overweight supervisors.


Those chat systems are lame, btw.


anyway... Kramer can't call sombody who was talking and heckling him a derogitory term, but I can be called a cracker or any other number of derogitory terms (fishbelly...) in front of everyone because it's not considered racism and thus I can't be offended by it.

Who says those who throw slurs at you are any more justified than Kramer?


And would you really consider "cracker" to be that harsh of a barb? :(

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Yet another link if you don't like Quicktime. :( It's on YouTube, but every single upload is flagged so you have to be logged in and press the "I don't mind viewing it" button.




And I think it does seem like a heckler-response that just got out of hand. Tho as always it's hard to tell when the video doesn't show the beginning. People love to upload videos that don't include the whole scenario... <_<

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