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The Battlestar Galactica Thread


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Mr. Moore is an excellent writer, which is why I liked Deep Space Nine and now Battlestar Galactica.


Did some excellent work on The Next Generation as well - all the Worf/Klingon saga episodes originated from him, which means that the popularity of the Klingons is really his hard work and excellent writing. He was even known as "the Klingon guy" among the writers for a while, though he never had an particular interest in the klingons as such - he just wanted to write good stuff... and did. Those are among the best Trek episodes ever.

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I wouldn't normally do this, but my moderating colleagues can always spank me later...


You mean talk to the peasent folk? :(


Anyways, in the US, Firefly DVDs are abotu 10 bucks off on Amazon. FYI peeps.

Edited by kumquatq3
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Mr. Moore is an excellent writer, which is why I liked Deep Space Nine and now Battlestar Galactica.


Did some excellent work on The Next Generation as well - all the Worf/Klingon saga episodes originated from him, which means that the popularity of the Klingons is really his hard work and excellent writing. He was even known as "the Klingon guy" among the writers for a while, though he never had an particular interest in the klingons as such - he just wanted to write good stuff... and did. Those are among the best Trek episodes ever.

Moore brought life to the series by bringing in conflict. You can only see so many "lets go to a new planet and see what wonderful life we can discover" episodes. Quite dull after a while.


The good thing about BG is the everyday conflicts that each episode brings us.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Update: do not buy the BGS boxed set without the original 'mini-series' as well. The mini series is in fact the 4 hour initial 'episode'. Without it the boxed set makes li8ttle to no sense. Very shabby, but not much to be done. Amazon still have a good offer on both DVDs.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Update: do not buy the BGS boxed set without the original 'mini-series' as well. The mini series is in fact the 4 hour initial 'episode'. Without it the boxed set makes li8ttle to no sense. Very shabby, but not much to be done. Amazon still have a good offer on both DVDs.


Excellent advice.


Plus the miniseries is still frequently referenced to in episode intros as EVERYTHING comes from that first 4 hours, from #6 walking into that room on the space station to Adama's VERY important speech.

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Season 2 finale :


Well I thought it sucked compared to the rest of the season. I really hated the "One year later" part, they should've waited for Season 3 with a slightly longer "Previously on Battlestar Galactica" before showing this to us.


The episode was predictable and seemed rushed.


Or is it just me?

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I did not like the episode either, and I thought it completely ruined Baltar's believability as a character.


I completely agree. The last half hour should've been saved for next season. The changes in character behavior would not seem so abrupt.


Baltar, Starbuck, Adama and even Roslin, it's like they just all gave up and became completely different people within one 5 minutes commercial break.


I liked Dean Stockwell's character and the final ending was very cool. But my gripe is with the "One year later" bit. Too cheap and easy.


They made it so we have a bunch of questions but we don't care what the answers are. These humans are so stupid. They should've removed Baltar from power. There should've been some sort of revolution instead.


One year later, everybody gave up? Is that the human spirit? Is that what the scriptures say? It's just really hard to believe.

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I say "meh" to both of you. Balthar was always easy to influence and did what number six said. He seemed to need constant ego boost and was highly offended always when someone looked down upon him.



Humans wanted a permanent settlement and they got what they wanted.


Humans currently have no suffient force to fight cylons. Therefore they surrended.


Edited by kirottu

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Since I felt like most of the plotlines were becoming stale and boring I'm quite happy with the 'one year later' cheese in order to abruptly change the course of the show. Time will tell if the new directions will be good or not.


I wish they'd wrap up the whole Baltar character and kill him off. He's really annoying to me and always has been. I know they want him for some kind of drama/point of view foil but gar.


And I personally loved it

when the fleet had to flee because almost everyone had some naive idea that the cylons were never going to find them or never change their minds (or were lying) about 'going their own ways' and thus hey, they didn't need a good working fleet. It's a defining moment of human stupidity (or optimism, depending on point of view...) to grow danger-complacent over time and I think it's quite believable behaviour.


“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Since I felt like most of the plotlines were becoming stale and boring I'm quite happy with the 'one year later' cheese in order to abruptly change the course of the show. Time will tell if the new directions will be good or not.


I wish they'd wrap up the whole Baltar character and kill him off. He's really annoying to me and always has been. I know they want him for some kind of drama/point of view foil but gar.


And I personally loved it

when the fleet had to flee because almost everyone had some naive idea that the cylons were never going to find them or never change their minds (or were lying) about 'going their own ways' and thus hey, they didn't need a  good working fleet. It's a defining moment of human stupidity (or optimism, depending on point of view...) to grow danger-complacent over time and I think it's quite believable behaviour.



They should've kept the "One year later" bit for the Season 3 premiere, ending Ep 02-20 with Baltar taking power, with some event making everyone realize their mistake of allowing him to do so. IMO.

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Well, I did think the whole "we have to be noble and idealistic and let an obvious idiot be voted in" was kind of stupid. :rolleyes:


It would've taken a lot longer than 30 minutes to wrap stuff up in a more linear fashion - sometimes you just have to cut things off at the knees when you want to change direction....and a cliffhanger ending....heh

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I liked it. I don't really agree that anything Baltar did was out of character.


You also thought Rome sucked.


I am right. Always. FYI.




I called Rome a 7/10 about 5 times in the Rome thread. All that radiant AI and light bloom must be effecting your memory.... :-"


You just didn't like Baltars space bitches

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Well, I liked the season finale. I liked the jump forward in time, because it meant that the characters were growing. It made sense that people would settle down and try to get back to their lives. You could argue that they should have known the cylons were coming, but that's just because we know there would be no show without the cylons. It made perfect sense to me that people - desperate from running from their lives - grabbed the first chance at making new lives for themselves. And with no cylon attacks or even sightings for an entire year, it's not unreasonable for them to become complacent, particularly when the world is as inhospitable and back-breaking as here.

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it was a good season finale, but it didn't have the shock factor that the season one finale had. It was kinda neat to see the Chief and Kali get together, Starbuck with long hair, Adama with that horrible moustache.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Season 2 finale :


Well I thought it sucked compared to the rest of the season. I really hated the "One year later" part, they should've waited for Season 3 with a slightly longer "Previously on Battlestar Galactica" before showing this to us.


The episode was predictable and seemed rushed.


Or is it just me?


Very much so. Plus it could just as easily be a series finale, for all the interest it generated. I'm no fan of extreme cliffhangers, but it needed to end with something to look forward to besides Olmos shaving off that ridiculous moustache.



Seems like Baltar's character and plotline just came to an end in the space of a few minutes. I mean, everybody knew that was going to happen, but I don't know where they can go with him now, and I'm not all that interested any more.


Pretty predictable what's going to happen in the upcoming episodes, too. Starbuck's hubby has had 'the Black Spot' (kudos to Muppet Treasure Island) since day one; and anybody can guess the rest. Shark-jumping. Sad.


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I went out and bought Season One (w/the miniseries included), watched it and ran out and bought Season 2.0 (the last half of Season 2 is not yet available on DVD apparently).


This show is, simply put, some of the very best television I have ever seen. I, also, was surprised by the fact that the show has so much sexuality in it and yet, somehow, it does not seem taudry or cheap...it just works as part of the story.


So many things about it I like: guns shoot bullets (not plasma or rays), nukes are still the strategic weapon of choice, etc and I like how they incorporated the whole Terminator-style looks-like-a-human thing.


But where it really shines is the characters. Everyone from the unlikely President, to the fatherly Commander, to the trouble-making prisoner negotiator, to the curmudgeon doctor who always has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, the drunk XO who can't command but at least he's not doing something else kind of guy. And I agree that Starbuck was very well cast.


I also like how the homewords are still very much in play even though they have abondoned them militarily and are looking for Earth.


I like how the planet Kobol makes a relatively early appearance in the storyline.

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