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how many people despire malachor V

Guest The_lone_exile

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Malachor would have been awesome. Here are some of the things I found that WOULD have been in the game:


Atton fights Sion.

Atton dies (if battle is lossed to Sion)

A scene where Mira, Bao-dur, Handmaiden/Mical all rescue you from the crumbling Trayus Acadamy.

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In my opinion, the worst parts of K2 were the beginning and the end (Peragus and Malachor), Peragus was so damn boring and seemed to drag on forever, Malachor V was pretty much the same. Both Taris and the Star Forge were miles ahead of Peragus and Malachor V, IMO.


As GOA said, at least in the Star Forge you have interaction and some new stuff. For instance, you got the scene with Bastila or interacted with her as DS, you got the Canderous speech, you got the Star Forge/Darth Revan robes, and you had the droid puzzle. And while it was a ton of hack and slash, I thought that helped add to the excitement of the game, while Malachor's just seemed to add nothing, esp. with no party members. And with the cut content, the Mira/Hanharr scene was utterly pointless. :p


And K1 did a much better job because you know what happened to the characters in the game. K2 tried to tell of all your character's futures, but I think that completely backfired, because then there was no room to continue their stories after the game because you already know what happened to them. K1 didn't do that with it's characters - it left the ends open - but with that you could imagine what happened to them yourself, and unlike K2, you knew what happened to them in the end of the game. As LS, they became heroes, as DS you killed almost all of them.

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I'm thirding the point made by Mothman and GOA about the Star Forge with the interaction. The speech Canderous made was excellent. Malachor was really dissapointing, IMO. It seemed a little boring running around the volcanoes.


Trayus academy was alright, but finding the rarer items on the very last level made me throw my controller down more than once. So do I despise it? I guess the answer would be partially... :thumbsup:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm still not sure I understand how/why Malichor V was destroyed the first time, or how the "fragments" of the planet still have atmosphere and can be crashed into.


What the heck is the mass shadow thingie?


I have to assume that Obsidian was up against a deadline and just sort of made the final levels "hack-n-slash" just to get it on the shelves by Christmas.


I'm not terribly fond of Peragus or Telos either. I like it when I finally have choices on where I go next. Unfortunately, in contrast to KotOR I, this one almost has a "preordained" order in which the rest of the worlds need to be visited:





Nar Shadaa-->








I feel the original was a lot more "open-ended" in the middle.

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At least the Star Forge was somewhat difficult ... you were in the biggest war machine factory ever conceived (in the SW universe, anyway - there's a few other SciFi creations that probably surpass it - but, heck, it had to be powered by a STAR), it made sense that Darth Malak would throw everything he had at you to stay in power, especially when he could just make more ...


Malachor V was a cake walk by comparison - sure, there were a couple of moments that were a bit tense, but it was mostly mindless, maze-walking tedium.


What I truly disliked about nearly all KOTOR (1 & 2) levels was the linearity of the map, and subsequently the plot, within the level/planet itself - for each map, there's nearly always only two entrances/exits - and when there are more, they're nearly always dead-ends (and more othen than not, there's only one central passageway/path/etc - and within each plot there's usually only one "right" way to do it (with a couple of alternatives in K2, to destroy stuff to open doors if you don't have the patience or skills to find the "right" way) - sometimes the "right" way has a light/dark side choice to it.


I think the replay value would be improved if the solutions to the main quest could be found on numerous systems (say, nine), but only really required some (say, five) of the major quests to be completed ... and when they are done, they're done, and, while you're free to continue to explore the remaining systems, you're also free (even encouraged?) to go straight to the conclusion. I think the system quests should be similar - numerous "correct" solutions, but none of them really "complete".

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(maybe Peragus is worse too)

I guess you have to be a chick to truly appreciate Peragus. :lol::blink:


No, I don't think so. Peragus isn't bad, it's just that you spend far too much time wandering aimlessly about there. Plus you have no companions for a long time. Being alone for the first, what, 8 or so experience levels is bad - it's the time of the game when you need companions the most, but nope - they won't go with you... And Peragus just lasts too bloody long with no sense of progress - you just wander through endless levels without accomplishing anything :luck:

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I think Peragus was a good level. Not having your companions and being alone helped to set the tone for the rest of the game. After all you are the 'last Jedi', so you should feel alone.


The problem with Malachor was that you didn't know what had happened exactly, which was why it seemed pointless. Peragus felt like it was designed to be the way it was, which is why it was better.

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You guys are just biased to say the sequel sucks, no one is willing to admit the ending mirrored the KOTOR 1 ending. First you fight through wave after wave of Dark Jedi and Sith and their turrets and the you hack and slaughter your way to a warm up boss who reginerates him/herself, you have repeated conversation to erode will, then break their spirit and then you face the final boss. People are just shooting themselves in the foot when they try to bash KOTOR 2, not only did it have identical final segments, it did them better then KOTOR 1 did and managed to actually make your character feel as though he had some strength in him so that the most powerful force user in the galaxy doesn't die at the hands of two Dark Jedi henchmen.

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No, for reasons said above (interaction with boss, teammates, enemies (Bastila, 3 Dark Jedi) Kotor1's Star Forge was certainly better.

EXCEPT for Deck 2, but you have already heard that quite enough in this thread already I think.


While in the SF you often got movies from Malak cut in to warm you up to the End Boss battle, Traya just stands there all of the sudden, with the only "SF type movies" involving the Mira/Hanharr story line... That keeps unfinished


Also the "Infinite Droid 'puzzle'" was a far better part than just Sion and fellowmans, also giving you that feeling of "I can beat everything" when you crush a way through all these "Uber"-droids (even if they were enormously weak)


And about the Sith Henchman, the use of grenades and/or Force Powers by enemies was alot better than what the Sith did in Kotor2...

I mean "Sith Lord" is the Force-orriented path and he still tries to saber you instead of a nice Crush, or Choke, or similar...

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You guys are just biased to say the sequel sucks, no one is willing to admit the ending mirrored the KOTOR 1 ending. First you fight through wave after wave of Dark Jedi and Sith and their turrets and the you hack and slaughter your way to a warm up boss who reginerates him/herself, you have repeated conversation to erode will, then break their spirit and then you face the final boss. People are just shooting themselves in the foot when they try to bash KOTOR 2, not only did it have identical final segments, it did them better then KOTOR 1 did and managed to actually make your character feel as though he had some strength in him so that the most powerful force user in the galaxy doesn't die at the hands of two Dark Jedi henchmen.


I couldn't disagree with you more. While the ending segments were similar if you look at gameplay, they were also radically different in many ways. Read my previous post for my points. But Kotor 1 did it way better and it made sense to actually make it challenging, I mean after all it was the final level. Malachor V was just easy beyond belief. The only battle that was remotely hard for me was the Traya battle, but that was mostly because I was a consular/master and she had insane saving throws against force powers. Even then, it wasn't that difficult.


We're not biased. Even a lot of people who like K2 better admit the ending was terrible. And while the Star Forge was hack and slash, it was challenging, executed better, more exciting, more fulfilling, and at least you got some new stuff (Star Forge/Darth Revan robes). And it didn't have a lot of empty plot holes that needed filling, either.


It was a mistake having the final level so easy, even if you are supposed to be a powerful Jedi. The final level is supposed to be hard, and it just makes it boring if it's no challenge whatsoever and linear at the same time. And don't forget, it's possible for even the most powerful force user to die by "weak" hands. Just look at how Darth Sidous died in ROTJ.

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The real difference between the Star Forge and Malachor V is drama. The Star Forge had buckets of it with multiple cutscenes to add to the tension and set the mood - every time you defeated one of the waves of baddies Malak sent against, you got a new scene with a smug Malak talking about how it was all just to slow you down until he bring his *real* threat to bear or so.


It may have been very clich

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When you arrive at Malachor you're almost act something like HK-47 is supposed to act (a a mad robot on a search and destroy mission). Nothing is said, and you just make a mad dash to wherever, which eventually turns out to be the Trayus Core.


I'd've love to have seen Atton/Sion fight, especially since I don't have Atton as a Jedi (because I don't want him to be, I like him more without the Force than with it)




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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I'm not terribly fond of Peragus or Telos either. I like it when I finally have choices on where I go next. Unfortunately, in contrast to KotOR I, this one almost has a "preordained" order in which the rest of the worlds need to be visited:





Nar Shadaa-->








I feel the original was a lot more "open-ended" in the middle.


What are you on about? You don't have to travel to those worlds in that order. The only ones you are "made" to do in order is from Peragus to Telos, and from Dantooine to Malachor V.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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KOTOR 2 would have been much more interesting if it kept the "different class, different BAB" from KOTOR 1. At least then the hack and slash level wouldn't have been such a walk in the park.


Well, it still would be for guardian/weapon masters. Eh, whatever.


Oh yeah, and I agree that the star forge was the superior endgame - due to the dramatic cutscenes, encounters and dialogue. Malak's music was pretty sweet too.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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[i know the following will do irrevocable damage to my reputation here even early on in my stay at these forums and will have other judge me as completely tastless and most likely demonstrate a severe misunderstanding on the games mechanics, but here it goes]


I just like the fact that the ease in which you slay throught the Academy testimates to your characters strength and it feels like you've accomplished something. I leveled up all the way on the Star Forge and the Dark Jedi still kicked my ass no matter how many stimulants, implants, belts, gloves, robes, fully upgraded sabers and armor I used in any combination and found it to hard to save their Force powers and for the most part my party and I was at their mercy when they used the force to attack no matter how leet my Will was.


I had to put the game on easy and even then it was a close call. When I finally got to the bridge and Malak complimented me on making it past his defenses, it felt empty because I'd hardly made it through at all and not without several deaths. With the Academy I felt a little pride knowing that I actually got myself there without having to overly exert myself on someone who the real threat would consider a peon.


I don't just favor it it in gameplay, I also think that it isn't a fragmented and deeply flawed level like everyone seems to suggests(on a forum devoted to the developers no less) and it captured exactly what it set out to capture, a great, lifeless void full of despair yet also a place of closure. Personal disputes are settled like the Mira-Hanharr subplot and the droids' own little diversion into the storyline and Traya finally getting revenge on all the Sith Lords using the Exile as a tool.


P.S-This isn't me speaking out just because I played The Academy more recently, I just finished the Star Forge yesterday for the second time and I still believe it to be inferior then Malachor V.

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