phiont Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 I usually take notes when I play a game so that later I can try to get some answers at the Developer's forum. After a few weeks of reading about the cut content and other people's issues I'm still left with over 50 unanswered questions. Originally, after just one playthrough as a LS male Exile and having a LS female Revan I had over 100 questions. Thanks to everyone posting on these boards I was able to cut that list in half. So, here's what's left: General 1. Why didn't the player character have a voice, like in KotOR? It was useful even just to receive some indication that you'd scored a critical hit. 2. I like that empty containers and looted corpses are now labelled "empty" or "nothing" but why continue to label them at all? Why not just let the labels on containers and corpses vanish entirely the way they do on looted droids? Why have a different system for droids? 3. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to wear Jedi robes? (He was my best Jedi.) 4. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to lead the Freedon Nadd Tomb raiding party on Dxun? 5. Why isn't damage to Bao-Dur's Remote ever repaired? 6. Why is "Jedi Guardian" (falsely) listed as one of the prerequisites for the Weapon Specialisation Lightsabre feat? 7. Why don't I gain XP when an enemy under the spell of Force Confusion is killed by his teammates? 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? 9. Why have repeated the same dialogue options with both Wisdom and Awareness? Does the answer change if the question is asked out of Wisdom instead of Awareness? 10. Why were the dialog and feedback buttons buried in the messages menu, accessible via a button at the bottom of the journal menu? I use them often and they were all just a click (or speedkey) away in KotOR? 11. Why is it necessary to double-click the "none" button in the upgrade menus? There's no item description, so single-clicking should be enough. 12. Now that skills can be changed from cross-class skill, why not have the Feats selection screen appear before the Skills screen during level ups? 13. Why doesn't the character portrait in the load menu change to reflect alignment like it did in KotOR? 14. Why is it no longer possible to filter the inventory menu for "new items only" like we could in KotOR? 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? 16. During melee combat, why does the AI still que up single hits when a character has already achieved Master Flurry, which incurs no penalty? Perhaps the AI is left over from KotOR where Master Flurry still suffered a small hit and defence penalty. Peragus 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? 18. Why are there 2 mining laser types; a 1-7 and a 1-8 version? ...Same with the 1-11 and 1-12 advanced mining lasers. 19. Who was the Exile traveling to Telos with on the Harbinger and what happened to them? The captain's logs clearly refer to picking up multiple passengers. 20. How could the force field barriers in the Peragus fuel depot actually seal off explosions or fuel leaks when the separated sections had open ceilings? Telos/Ravager 21. Why bring up the party selection menu when departing Citadel Station for the Ravager when you are forced to use Mandalore and Visas? 22. Why was Mandalore so concerned about the Republic vessels detecting their proton cores on the Ravager? "..the proton cores do not emit a signature the Republic ships can detect. If they do pick up the signal, they will assume it to be emanating from the ship's missile bays." So what? Why would the Ravager's proton cores be more tolerable for the Republic? 23. When Moza told Exile that Choda Habat can heal you, why were there hree options: (1.) Heal me?; (2.) What do you mean?; and (3.) I don't understand? What were the differences between these options, if any? (Game has way too much apparently similarly redundant dialog.) 24. Why did Atris' holocrons yell and scream like Nazi scientists when the game scriptor's instructions were "Evil whispers lurk in the background" ? Shouldn't they have used the creepy whispering sound that you can hear in Visas' meditation cell aboard the Ravager? 25. I really liked it that, while playing as B4-D4, you could get dedicated responses from nearly everyone on Citadel station. It reminds me a bit of the sadistic fun I had talking with the people on Taris while dressed in the Sith trooper's armor. So with all that attention to dialogue, why did Visas continue to answer with "I serve my master", when Nihilus was lying dead at our feet. And when she exited her meditation cell all she could do was again beg me (male Exile) to stay, just as she did back on Dantooine. Nar Shadda 26. If the stabilisation of Telos was so important to GOTO then why was he hijacking much needed fuel? 27. Why can't Kreia read the thoughts of Bao-Dur and what of it? 28. Why didn't the Exile actually receive anything from Atton when he came running to give you some healing packs? 29. Why did the airspeeder that took so long to fix end up damaged beyond repair just moments later? 30. Why did Hanharr's subtitles say "Jeedai" instead of Jedi? Clearly, the wookie wasn't actually saying anything that sounds like either. So why misspell it? 31. What did Kreia mean when she told Hanharr, "but first I must prepare you for what is to come" ? What preparation was there besides getting the beast to Malachor? 32. How did GOTO expect the Exile to fix the "broken" Republic without being allowed to go free? 33. Why did the main character in the rescue team swap places with any party member that interacted with the droids imprisoned on GOTO's yacht? 34. When GOTO was asked "wasn't your ship just destroyed?" why does he respond with "a common misconception not supported by fact" ? 35. What did Master Zez-Kai-Ell mean when he said, "...and although I would not keep promises to Jedi, I keep promises I make to others" ? ...Jedi are not others? 36. Why did leaving Vogga asleep completely reset our discussion when Exile returned later after destroying GOTO's yacht? The Exile had to exit and re-enter with Vogga already awake to initiate the GOTO reward and fuel discussions. 37. I like the view of the Ebon Hawk from the starboard window of the bridge of GOTO's yacht, but why not also show the starboard wing (arm) of GOTO's vessel? 38. How was I supposed to help Guron look for the modulator he was searching for at the swoop race center? 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? 40. What was the purpose of the little burst data transmitter module that I found attached to both the swoop racing and the Pazaak playing droids? 41. The properties of Nomi's Armband sold by Geeda show "+1 vs. Dark Side." What does that mean? 42. On rescuing the Exile from GOTO's yacht, why was nothing said? There should have been some expression of gratitude or at least an acknowledgement like we saw when Zalbaar was rescued near the beginning of KotOR. Dantooine 43. Why did Suulru on Dantooine give me 20,000 credits worth of weapons (Zabrak Heavy Blaster + Dashade Sonic Blaster) for solving his 500 credit dispute with Jorran? 44. If Vrook's plan was to gather info from the mercs about the Khoonda attack why did rescuing him "ruin the best chance of averting an attack" ? He'd already collected the info and now needed to tell Khoonda, no? 45. Why was Khoonda admin Terena Adare laughing so much? You can see her character model swaying and chuckling up a storm even while the rest of us are fighting back the mercs that are trying to kill her. 46. Why does Master Zez-Kai-Ell at first speak with the voice of Master Kavar in the rebuilt enclave? 47. What did it mean when the Dantooine enclave sublevel's mainframe computer reported: "Mainframe disconnected from children." ? Onderon/Dxun 48. Why did I gain influence with Atton when I saved the lost Mandalorian, Kumus, on Dxun? (Atton was still back on the ship.) 49. Why did it always sound like there's a war going on in Onderon's Western Square, but not in the merchant quarter, 3 steps away? 50. Naturally we couldn't remove Mandalore's armor, but why couldn't we at least see its specifications (eg. max DEX bonus)? Malachor V 51. How did powering up the Mass Shadow Generator "undo" the damage caused by the Mass Shadow Generator? 52. Why does the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" have such a title when it was shown just a short while before the EH rescues the player from the core? 53. Why did the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" depict the ship slipping into a deep chasm, even though the Exile was standing on the valley floor directly beneath it, earlier, not to mention that Mira was able to fall down from the ship onto that same valley floor? Some closing items that are probably just bugs: Bao-Dur's Remote should not follow him in nearly the exact same position as the game's 3rd person view camera. The resultant position conflicts cause jumpy motion when playing Bao-Dur and the Remote's sound often seems to propagate from inside your head - a bit too loud. When visiting the TSF station later in the game, but before the Ravager attacks, the reception droid still reports the Ebon Hawk as stolen. Mandalore's alignment kept resetting to Dark Side and sometimes his character menu indicated he had 1/1 vitality. When T3-M4 approached maximum LS alignment his character screen showed him with maximum DS smoke and flames. Many times I would need to reboot the game so that the number of remaining skill points would be reported correctly during level ups. Many times an attribute adjustment made during a level up would later show the adjustment made instead on a different attribute. Kreia's lesson about skills increased my force point max but did nothing to my lowest and highest skill levels, no matter how much I raised them. The sound of the shielding on the Ithorian's plant on Citadel station is way too loud. The sound of the steam hissing during the prologue completely squelches the tutorial. Setting a character's combat style to Stationary almost never worked, even if the enemy was out of sight, around the corner and down the hall. The Mandalorian on Dxun actually goes west (northwest?) even though he tells you to cover the path to the west. There's no dialogue option with Lt Dol Grenn for completing the Telos fuel quest. I like the new random generation of found items, however it was a bit odd to find a Regal Visor on the remains of a Peragus excavation droid. There are quite a few gender mix ups in the dialogs regarding Revan. GOTO never referred to female Revan as a "she" at all. And according to the Exile, T3-M4 even says, "Because she could not take anyone with him." You can get a nasty 'crash to desktop' when you try using the Peragus admin computer again later after contacting T3-M4. Too often the player is given too little time to read long subtitles. Conversely, Visqis was speaking for 5 - 10 seconds when all he was saying was "Mira!!" The speeder on the Nar Sh docks is situated too far forward and is impaled on the railing. The equipment menu for all teammates shows a Defence level of only 9 while viewed aboard the Ebon Hawk. The music playing when Kreia meets the Exile at the top of the turbolift from the Peragus dormitories has very low fidelity. The music playing on entering the Korriban academy is too loud and can't be turned down/off in the options. The Ionite edges were the only ones that I found to work on the Zabrak or Echani vibroblades. Some of the grips didn't work either on those blades. The Armorply Mark II overlay can be installed on robes although it should be for armor only. Jedi party members achieving LS mastery bonuses usually lost them during level ups or even game loading. The TSF computer's statement "Any records on the Ebon Hawk's records comes up empty" could have been written better, no? The question "Who is Kreia?" may appear as option number 5 during Exile's final conversation with Atris, and then disappear forever if you don't ask it immediately. Critical hit calculations often bugged, resulting in feedback like "Threat Breakdown: Roll 15 vs. required 12 - 20, threat failure." During my sparring against 5 Handmaiden Sisters, all of my effects (ie. stimulants, force powers, shields) would terminate each time one of the sisters was defeated. Using a Thorium charge in Korriban while you have 2 sets of charges in your inventory will result in the loss of both of them. Meeting the apparition of Kreia and party members in the Korriban tomb cycles endlessly if you side with Kreia. Kreia should be a forced party member when returning to the rebuilt enclave. Otherwise, half her dialog gets cut and makes little sense if she just shows up on her own. Many of the game's ambient sound loops are very badly spliced producing an audible gap or click where they restart. That is all. I hope this list ends up being useful for somebody.
sawyl Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 1. Why didn't the player character have a voice, like in KotOR? It was useful even just to receive some indication that you'd scored a critical hit. Because you should've heard the speculation going around the Bioware forums about Revan's voice. A sampling: "Wait, it sounded English! Revan is from Coruscant!" "No way! It is so an American accent!" and on and on. 9. Why have repeated the same dialogue options with both Wisdom and Awareness? Does the answer change if the question is asked out of Wisdom instead of Awareness? In case you had a higher wisdom versus awareness or vice-versa. Probably something that was missed or left out of Q/A--more trouble than it's worth to fix. 19. Who was the Exile traveling to Telos with on the Harbinger and what happened to them? The captain's logs clearly refer to picking up multiple passengers. Diplomats/Republic personages, I believe. There's a datapad somewhere saying something to the effect that you were the exception to the rule. 20. How could the force field barriers in the Peragus fuel depot actually seal off explosions or fuel leaks when the separated sections had open ceilings? Magic. 30. Why did Hanharr's subtitles say "Jeedai" instead of Jedi? Clearly, the wookie wasn't actually saying anything that sounds like either. So why misspell it? Regional accent? 35. What did Master Zez-Kai-Ell mean when he said, "...and although I would not keep promises to Jedi, I keep promises I make to others" ? ...Jedi are not others? He made the promise to Kavar as a friend, not a Jedi. 41. The properties of Nomi's Armband sold by Geeda show "+1 vs. Dark Side." What does that mean? +1 vs. Dark Side powers, i.e. Insanity. 44. If Vrook's plan was to gather info from the mercs about the Khoonda attack why did rescuing him "ruin the best chance of averting an attack" ? He'd already collected the info and now needed to tell Khoonda, no? The Exile is wrong. ALWAYS wrong. 51. How did powering up the Mass Shadow Generator "undo" the damage caused by the Mass Shadow Generator? I'm not sure. I assume it inverted on itself to destroy Malachor? Hope that helps.
11XHooah Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 I have to say, these are some damn good questions :D I didn't even know have of these flaws existed. Nice work :cool: War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. --John Stewart Mill-- "Victory was for those willing to fight and die. Intellectuals could theorize until they sucked their thumbs right off their hands, but in the real world, power still flowed from the barrel of a could send in your bleeding-heart do-gooders, you could hold hands and pray and sing hootenanny songs and invoke the great gods CNN and BBC, but the only way to finally open the roads to the big-eyed babies was to show up with more guns." --Black Hawk Down-- MySpace:
phiont Posted March 29, 2005 Author Posted March 29, 2005 19. Who was the Exile traveling to Telos with on the Harbinger and what happened to them? The captain's logs clearly refer to picking up multiple passengers. Diplomats/Republic personages, I believe. There's a datapad somewhere saying something to the effect that you were the exception to the rule. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> From the log: "As ordered, we've picked up the passengers from the Outer Rim, and have made quarters for them." "Once aboard, we plotted a course for Telos.. We expect to arrive within ten standard days, provided there's no mishaps." "I've been ordered to give the passenger no special treatment, nor make any indication of his identity." "I have some reservations about turning the Harbinger into a passenger liner, but the orders were clear." "Whoever this passenger is, he's got diplomatic-level priority, whether he knows it or not." This might fit in with my, as yet, unpublished theory that KotOR 3 will be set during the 4 years between 1 and 2. But, we can leave that for another thread. Hope that helps. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You bet!! Thanks a bunch.
LadyDisdain Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 3. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to wear Jedi robes? (He was my best Jedi.) He makes one hell of a guardian, it's true. Something to do with the arm, though that doesn't make a lot of sense, since his armor sleeve always appears to be neatly cuffed up above it. Maybe the idea was to give you an NPC whose path as a tankity-tank was pretty hard to miss. 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? This was probably the beginning of the HK factory mission that was deleted.
Mad_Scientist Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 3. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to wear Jedi robes? (He was my best Jedi.) My guess is that it is a technical issue because of his arm. Probably related to the player models. 13. Why doesn't the character portrait in the load menu change to reflect alignment like it did in KotOR? I thought it did, at least in my game. 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? In a certain place, (I don't remember exactly where) you can find out the the droids were programmed to "mine" any organics and unauthorized droids. I'm not totally sure where I found this, but it's somewhere. 26. If the stabilisation of Telos was so important to GOTO then why was he hijacking much needed fuel? Because he believed it would hurt the Republic in the long run if they were to buy fuel from the Hutts. 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks?40. What was the purpose of the little burst data transmitter module that I found attached to both the swoop racing and the Pazaak playing droids? Both of those were related to GO-TO. The signal was how GO-TO issued commands to all his droid servants on Nar Shaddaa. The data transmitters were sending info to GO-TO, though I have to admit I'm not sure what the one on the swoop racing droid was sending. 47. What did it mean when the Dantooine enclave sublevel's mainframe computer reported: "Mainframe disconnected from children." ? I suspect it's related to the fact that the main computer had been severed from the secondary computers, though I have no idea if there was any larger importance to that fact. 50. Naturally we couldn't remove Mandalore's armor, but why couldn't we at least see its specifications (eg. max DEX bonus)? You actually can, if you search for his armor on the main inventory screen. Though it certainly could have been easier.
Hydraliskk Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 I won't even try to tackle all of those, but one in particular stood out for me: Why does Hanharr use the term "Jeedai" instead of "Jedi"? The answer? Jeedai is the Huttese word for "Jedi". I believe if you get Hanharr in your party you can ask him about it (can't recall for sure at the moment), but "Jeedai" existed long before KOTOR II, or even KOTOR. Not much, but hey, one answer is better than none, right?
stoffe -mkb- Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 2. I like that empty containers and looted corpses are now labelled "empty" or "nothing" but why continue to label them at all? Why not just let the labels on containers and corpses vanish entirely the way they do on looted droids? I guess the droids were killed creatures carrying loot like any creature being killed, while the containers are placeables. 3. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to wear Jedi robes? (He was my best Jedi.) They probably ran out of development time. Bao-Dur has a separate set of models for all armors/clothes to accomodate his cybernetic arm, and I guess they didn't have the time to create the models for all kinds or armor and robes. 6. Why is "Jedi Guardian" (falsely) listed as one of the prerequisites for the Weapon Specialisation Lightsabre feat? It's the only non-prestige class which can pick that feat, and they probably forgot to update the description to include the prestige classes. 7. Why don't I gain XP when an enemy under the spell of Force Confusion is killed by his teammates? Probably for the same readon you don't get any XP when enemies kill your party members. It's not you doing the killing, it's the other team. 9. Why have repeated the same dialogue options with both Wisdom and Awareness? Does the answer change if the question is asked out of Wisdom instead of Awareness? While they often give similar results it's not always the case. And I guess they are both there in case you don't have high enough Awareness and Wisdom to get both. 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? If you were in their line of sight when you entered stealth mode they'll often know you are there. The same if you've done some action to them that doesn't break stealth mode (Force Confusion for example) which then wears off, then they often know where you are even if stealthed. Or if they rolled a 20 on their awareness check they will spot you no matter how much Stealth you have. 16. During melee combat, why does the AI still que up single hits when a character has already achieved Master Flurry, which incurs no penalty? Perhaps the AI is left over from KotOR where Master Flurry still suffered a small hit and defence penalty. Probably for the same reason the AI occasionally queues up Power Blast when the character is wielding a melee weapon, causing them to just stand rooted to the spot doing nothing until their action queue is cleared... And the same reason a force user will spam Improved Energy Resistance Ad Infinitum if they are already affected by Master Energy Resistance from another party member. Buggy AI. 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? Since T3's gone for so long without memory wipes he's developed an organic personality. To perhaps the mining droids mistook him for an organic. Or perhaps the droids were programmed to mine organics and rogue astromech droids, without the player being informed of it. 18. Why are there 2 mining laser types; a 1-7 and a 1-8 version? ...Same with the 1-11 and 1-12 advanced mining lasers. Probably for flavour. Slightly defect equipment for use, etc. Gives some variety to the low-level loot. 20. How could the force field barriers in the Peragus fuel depot actually seal off explosions or fuel leaks when the separated sections had open ceilings? The bigger question is: Why didn't the exile just climb up onto the rail and up onto the steel beams above the force fields? The force fields didn't extend all the way up to the ceiling, and should be easy to climb over. 22. Why was Mandalore so concerned about the Republic vessels detecting their proton cores on the Ravager? "..the proton cores do not emit a signature the Republic ships can detect. If they do pick up the signal, they will assume it to be emanating from the ship's missile bays." So what? Why would the Ravager's proton cores be more tolerable for the Republic? He probably wasn't too keen on letting the Republic know organized Mandalorians were present. Since the Mandalorians nearly tore up the Republic only 10 years earlier one can imagine that relations between the two are somewhat frosty. 23. When Moza told Exile that Choda Habat can heal you, why were there hree options: (1.) Heal me?; (2.) What do you mean?; and (3.) I don't understand? What were the differences between these options, if any? Flavor, giving the player the illusion of having a choice how to express themselves, even if the end result is the same. 24. Why did Atris' holocrons yell and scream like Nazi scientists when the game scriptor's instructions were "Evil whispers lurk in the background" ? Artistic freedom on behalf of the sound crew? A lot of those descriptive labels aren't followed too closely. 25. I really liked it that, while playing as B4-D4, you could get dedicated responses from nearly everyone on Citadel station. (snip) So with all that attention to dialogue, why did Visas continue to answer with "I serve my master", when Nihilus was lying dead at our feet. The game gets less detailed and offers less choices and flavor the further you go. Apparently they ran out of time and had to cut some corners. Though I fully agree it gives a rather sloppy impression when your main cast arent' acting/rearcting according to the main storyline. 26. If the stabilisation of Telos was so important to GOTO then why was he hijacking much needed fuel? Vogga wasn't shipping fuel to Telos originally. G0T0 was hijacking freighters to keep the Hutts busy, giving the Republic time to recover, as he tells it if you talk to him. 27. Why can't Kreia read the thoughts of Bao-Dur and what of it? It appears that no-one but the Exile can, and that's part of the reason why Bao-Dur is so loyal to her. 28. Why didn't the Exile actually receive anything from Atton when he came running to give you some healing packs? He was probably so eager to get to the Cantina that he forgot to give them to you. Or he did give them to you, but the ones he gave you were already part of the party inventory. (Where else would he have gotten them from? ) 29. Why did the airspeeder that took so long to fix end up damaged beyond repair just moments later? To prevent you from slipping past the Mira trigger near the entrance to the docks when you go see Visquis, I suppose. Though they could have placed another right by the speeder 30. Why did Hanharr's subtitles say "Jeedai" instead of Jedi? Clearly, the wookie wasn't actually saying anything that sounds like either. So why misspell it? I guess it's some kind of alien dialect. It's not just Hanharr who says it, the Trandoshan bounty hunter at the docking area says Jeedai too. 32. How did GOTO expect the Exile to fix the "broken" Republic without being allowed to go free? G0T0 probably intended to use the Exile as a "rallying figurehead" to stabilize the Republic once things had settled down a bit. Like what he had wanted Revan to do before she left. 33. Why did the main character in the rescue team swap places with any party member that interacted with the droids imprisoned on GOTO's yacht? Because the scripts that fires when you click on things that results in Dialog always starts the dialog with the party leader regardless of who interacts with the object initially. So it's probably by design that "the leader does the talking". 37. I like the view of the Ebon Hawk from the starboard window of the bridge of GOTO's yacht, but why not also show the starboard wing (arm) of GOTO's vessel? Perhaps the Cloaking Device that concealed his ship didn't extend to any vessels attached to it? 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? 40. What was the purpose of the little burst data transmitter module that I found attached to both the swoop racing and the Pazaak playing droids? It's the signal G0T0 uses to control all droids on Nar Shaddaa. The small devices you find on the swoop droid and the pazaak droid are parts of this system that G0T0 uses to control them. You can talk to G0T0 later when he's joined you and use that as an argument when you try to make him confess that he's actually a droid. 42. On rescuing the Exile from GOTO's yacht, why was nothing said? There should have been some expression of gratitude or at least an acknowledgement like we saw when Zalbaar was rescued near the beginning of KotOR. That was a bit abrupt, yes. I also wonder why the Exile didn't try to break out herself when the vessel was boarded, concidering that she still had had lightsabers, all equipped items and force powers at her disposal. She could easily have overpowered those two floating interrogator blobs that were guarding her. 44. If Vrook's plan was to gather info from the mercs about the Khoonda attack why did rescuing him "ruin the best chance of averting an attack" ? He'd already collected the info and now needed to tell Khoonda, no? Vrook never comes across as all that clever. And he was probably just looking for an excuse to berate you, and that one was as good as any. 46. Why does Master Zez-Kai-Ell at first speak with the voice of Master Kavar in the rebuilt enclave? That conversation is a bit buggy overall. If you pick the wrong conversation path it will terminate abruptly and all three masters will drop dead to the ground in their "worse than death" state. Talked them to death 50. Naturally we couldn't remove Mandalore's armor, but why couldn't we at least see its specifications (eg. max DEX bonus)? You can if you select it in the Inventory screen rather than the Equip screen. 51. How did powering up the Mass Shadow Generator "undo" the damage caused by the Mass Shadow Generator? As I understand it the MSG altered the gravity fields of the planet, causing both the planet itself and all nearby ships to be crushed to pieces. Running it again might reverse the gravity field back to how it was, letting the shattered planet drift apart. 52. Why does the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" have such a title when it was shown just a short while before the EH rescues the player from the core? Why did the movie "Revan's Death" have such a name in KOTOR1 when Revan didn't die in it? 53. Why did the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" depict the ship slipping into a deep chasm, even though the Exile was standing on the valley floor directly beneath it, earlier, not to mention that Mira was able to fall down from the ship onto that same valley floor? The load screens says the planet (or what remains of it) is constantly shifting with violent earthquakes and such. The chasm probably widened, which caused the hawk to fall down to begin with. And if that chasm lead down to one of the main cracks in the planet, the Ebon Hawk probably fell straight through the whole planet. Kreia's lesson about skills increased my force point max but did nothing to my lowest and highest skill levels, no matter how much I raised them. That's likely an oversight on the developer's part. They haven't attached any script to that conversation that modified skills. Only one that grants more force points. There's no dialogue option with Lt Dol Grenn for completing the Telos fuel quest. There is a dialog option, but due to a bug in Vogga's dialog where a variable is set one too high it never becomes available. There are quite a few gender mix ups in the dialogs regarding Revan. GOTO never referred to female Revan as a "she" at all. And according to the Exile, T3-M4 even says, "Because she could not take anyone with him." Yes, that feels quite sloppy. Revan is actually referred to as male more than 50% of the time in the game even if you set her as being female. Even a female Exile is referred to as He/Him on numerous occasions, even by your own party members. Too often the player is given too little time to read long subtitles. Conversely, Visqis was speaking for 5 - 10 seconds when all he was saying was "Mira!!" The Ithorians were the worst at the fasttalk, they sped through their dialog at such a rate I had only read about half of it before it shifted to the next conversation screen. Had to read what Chodo Habat said on the Dialog log screen after the conversation. Meeting the apparition of Kreia and party members in the Korriban tomb cycles endlessly if you side with Kreia. It's a source for infinite lightside points if you feel like exploiting it. You can side with Kreia if you immediately run away when the fight starts and let your party members kill Kreia on their own. Sometimes they succeed to take her out before she kills them all, and when she falls all of the illusions disappear.
jaguars4ever Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 Your "quoting" skills need much improvement, Padawan.
stoffe -mkb- Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 Your "quoting" skills need much improvement, Padawan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then please enlighten me how it should be done, Master. I used the QUOTE button above the text input box. Don't know why they don't display properly.
Grant Dempsey Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 19. Who was the Exile traveling to Telos with on the Harbinger and what happened to them? The captain's logs clearly refer to picking up multiple passengers. Diplomats/Republic personages, I believe. There's a datapad somewhere saying something to the effect that you were the exception to the rule. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> From the log: "As ordered, we've picked up the passengers from the Outer Rim, and have made quarters for them." "Once aboard, we plotted a course for Telos.. We expect to arrive within ten standard days, provided there's no mishaps." "I've been ordered to give the passenger no special treatment, nor make any indication of his identity." "I have some reservations about turning the Harbinger into a passenger liner, but the orders were clear." "Whoever this passenger is, he's got diplomatic-level priority, whether he knows it or not." This might fit in with my, as yet, unpublished theory that KotOR 3 will be set during the 4 years between 1 and 2. But, we can leave that for another thread. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I would kind of assume that it was all just a part of their coverup, since they were ordered not to make any indication of the Exile's identity in any way. After all, it might appear suspiscious if the Harbinger went out to the Outer Rim to pick up a single lone passenger. It would be kind of not to show any "special treatment" toward him at that point. I would assume they were just trying to make it appear that they were transporting refugees or something, so they had to pick up more passengers than just the Exile.
Midnight Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 What I can answer: Peragus 17. Why were mining droids that had been reprogrammed to "mine" organics trying to kill T3-M4? Most likely because they were being commanded to do so by HK-50. Telos/Ravager 21. Why bring up the party selection menu when departing Citadel Station for the Ravager when you are forced to use Mandalore and Visas? Although I haven't done so, I believe that you can force/ask Visas to not accompany you on the trip to the Ravager. 22. Why was Mandalore so concerned about the Republic vessels detecting their proton cores on the Ravager? "..the proton cores do not emit a signature the Republic ships can detect. If they do pick up the signal, they will assume it to be emanating from the ship's missile bays." So what? Why would the Ravager's proton cores be more tolerable for the Republic? Most likely because those 4 signals would be acknowledged as coming from areas of the ship other than the missile bays. Although if Mandalore's purpose is to destroy the ship, or if it's to disable it & then take command of it to use as a Mandalorian ship is unknown. Nar Shadda 26. If the stabilisation of Telos was so important to GOTO then why was he hijacking much needed fuel? Because he believes that dealing with the Hutts would be bad business for the Republic, hence him trying to disallow Vogga from shipping fuel to Telos. 28. Why didn't the Exile actually receive anything from Atton when he came running to give you some healing packs? He actually does. When that scene happens, I normally get a couple of medpacks from Atton. 31. What did Kreia mean when she told Hanharr, "but first I must prepare you for what is to come" ? What preparation was there besides getting the beast to Malachor? He needed to be prepared to fight Mira, as well as to actually survive making it to Malachor's surface intact, and to survive once there. 34. When GOTO was asked "wasn't your ship just destroyed?" why does he respond with "a common misconception not supported by fact" ? Because the main "vessel" that transports Goto around in wasn't destroyed. Sorry to be so cryptic, but I'm not sure if you've gotten all of Goto's backstory from talking to his droid or not. 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? That was the signal that Goto was sending out to command the droids under his control. Those droids were the ones that were sabotaging Vogga's shipping operations, for instance. 40. What was the purpose of the little burst data transmitter module that I found attached to both the swoop racing and the Pazaak playing droids? Also tied into the signal Goto was casting, as well as his backstory gotten from his droid that joins you. Dantooine 44. If Vrook's plan was to gather info from the mercs about the Khoonda attack why did rescuing him "ruin the best chance of averting an attack" ? He'd already collected the info and now needed to tell Khoonda, no? Because the mercs would have taken him to whomever was running the whole operation(mercs usually act as the muscle of an operation, not as the brains behind it), and he believed that he could have ended the situation from there. He believed wrong, of course, but that's what he believed. 47. What did it mean when the Dantooine enclave sublevel's mainframe computer reported: "Mainframe disconnected from children." ? Most likely it was still programmed from when the Jedi maintained the Enclave. Jedi recruit other potential Jedi as children, and they wouldn't be allowed access to the mainframe normally. Malachor V 51. How did powering up the Mass Shadow Generator "undo" the damage caused by the Mass Shadow Generator? Because the Generator, when last used, had the function of causing a wide scale implosion that sucked in parts of the planet into itself, as well as most of the ships orbiting the planet when the Generator was used. When Remote powered them back up, he reversed that effect, which would expel those ships back into orbit, as well as destroy the planet by dispersing the impacted chunks of it. Picture the whole scenario as sucking in a deep breath. The inhaling of the breath would equate to Bao-Dur activating the Generators during the Mandalorian War. And when you would exhale that deep breath, it would be the same as when Remote activated it to destroy the planet. The breath is released and forced outward, the same as the matter of the planet was. 52. Why does the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" have such a title when it was shown just a short while before the EH rescues the player from the core? Because in the Dark Side ending, the ship falls into the chasm, never to be seen again. 53. Why did the movie "Death of the Ebon Hawk" depict the ship slipping into a deep chasm, even though the Exile was standing on the valley floor directly beneath it, earlier, not to mention that Mira was able to fall down from the ship onto that same valley floor? Because when you actually make it down to the bridge area & can see the ship above you, notice that you cannot actually walk directly underneath it, and you can only see it at an angle. The chasm is there, but you can't see it from the Hawk's crash point.
Leia Emperius Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 4. Why wasn't Bao-Dur allowed to lead the Freedon Nadd Tomb raiding party on Dxun? I'd imagine that the leader choices (Disciple/Handmaiden, Visas, Mira, and Atton) weren't necessarily outstanding in terms of what they'd add to the party (other than Force powers if they'd been made Jedi) whereas Bao-Dur, Jedi or not, is one of the most skilled party members. Best case scenario formula would go something like this: Leader (Possibly a Jedi or someone with no outstanding abilities) + Skills + Combat = Also, Bao-Dur is among the most well-received choices you can make as Kreia says "Yes, good choice" if you select him. 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? Could be a bug. I know there have been times when a locked crate was listed as (Empty) when in other games it was not. Also, it could just be an easy source of broken items to use in item creation at the workbench. 10. Why were the dialog and feedback buttons buried in the messages menu, accessible via a button at the bottom of the journal menu? I use them often and they were all just a click (or speedkey) away in KotOR? It seems to me that Obsidian tried to make the menus more efficient by categorizing them. Maybe they didn't realize how inconvenient it was to access the dialog/feedback/combat/effects menus in the way they'd organized them. 12. Now that skills can be changed from cross-class skill, why not have the Feats selection screen appear before the Skills screen during level ups? Good question. And correct me if I'm wrong, but if you increase your intelligence attribute during level-up and then go to your skills selection, do you automatically receive those increased skill points or do you have to wait until another level-up? At times it seems like the latter occurs, but that could be an oversight on my part. 13. Why doesn't the character portrait in the load menu change to reflect alignment like it did in KotOR? It should. Mine always did. 14. Why is it no longer possible to filter the inventory menu for "new items only" like we could in KotOR? That would've been nice, I suppose, but the Kotor II inventory filters were a huge improvement over Kotor I's anyway. 21. Why bring up the party selection menu when departing Citadel Station for the Ravager when you are forced to use Mandalore and Visas? I'd attribute this to a bug as well, however, you could always utilize this last opportunity to speak to your party members before boarding the Ravager as well all know from then on out you're pretty much flying solo. 27. Why can't Kreia read the thoughts of Bao-Dur and what of it? I wondered this as well, but for me, in the end it comes down to being another nice Star Wars reference with her Palpatine-esque response of being surprised that she could not read his thoughts when the Exile could (as in Vader sensing Luke's presence when the Emperor could not). 31. What did Kreia mean when she told Hanharr, "but first I must prepare you for what is to come" ? What preparation was there besides getting the beast to Malachor? It wouldn't necessarily be a walk in the park for Hanharr to get to Malachor V and then hunt Mira amidst the threat of Storm Beasts. 34. When GOTO was asked "wasn't your ship just destroyed?" why does he respond with "a common misconception not supported by fact" ? Droid humor, or denial? 38. How was I supposed to help Guron look for the modulator he was searching for at the swoop race center? You weren't. There never was a modulator, the poor guy was simply so delusional in his desire to win the rigged swoop races that he thought he would stumble upon a quick fix to his solution. 45. Why was Khoonda admin Terena Adare laughing so much? You can see her character model swaying and chuckling up a storm even while the rest of us are fighting back the mercs that are trying to kill her. One could suppose that she was laughing at the fate of the mercs knowing that she had two Jedi on her side to protect her from them. Jedi party members achieving LS mastery bonuses usually lost them during level ups or even game loading. You know what? In LS games my party members never received LS mastery bonuses even when their meters showed them at 100% LS.
Cybersquirt Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 30. Why did Hanharr's subtitles say "Jeedai" instead of Jedi? Clearly, the wookie wasn't actually saying anything that sounds like either. So why misspell it? from Hanharr's dialogue "It is how I first heard it - from the mouths of Hutts. It is the way they speak the title of your tribe in their language."
Cybersquirt Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 I used the QUOTE button above the text input box. Don't know why they don't display properly. This will happen when a (quote) (/quote) set is messed up. One is missing, etc.
Azr1el Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? This was probably the beginning of the HK factory mission that was deleted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually it has to do with Goto - gain enough influence with him and question him about his activities on Nar Shadaa to find out (I can't actually remember the reason off the top of my head)
Invoker Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 37. I like the view of the Ebon Hawk from the starboard window of the bridge of GOTO's yacht, but why not also show the starboard wing (arm) of GOTO's vessel? Perhaps the Cloaking Device that concealed his ship didn't extend to any vessels attached to it? That would have been a dead give away, then, as to where G0T0's ship is hiding. If you see a ship moored to something and you can see part of the cloaked ships wing, it's pretty easy to deduce where the cloaked ship is. Sloppy, sloppy, Obsidian Bugs? Klingon Software does not have 'Bugs'. It has FEATURES and they are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand! HK-47: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself." HK-47: "Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi."
Sepp Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 30. Why did Hanharr's subtitles say "Jeedai" instead of Jedi? Clearly, the wookie wasn't actually saying anything that sounds like either. So why misspell it? from Hanharr's dialogue "It is how I first heard it - from the mouths of Hutts. It is the way they speak the title of your tribe in their language." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Jeedai" is probably also a reference/nod to The New Jedi Order book series. It is the Yuuzhan Vong word for "Jedi" and used prominently throughout the series. Another reference to the series is when back in KotOR I Canderous tells of a strange alien rock that suddendly started flying and blasting away at them with weird weapons before leaving the Star Wars galaxy, it was a (admittedly much clearer) reference to a Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper. Maybe the Hutts "really" use "Jeedai," but I can't say Jabba sounded like he was saying Jeedai... and the Hutts throughout both KotOR games didn't use Jeedai either... well... probably. XD My guess they developers just let Hanharr use this "excuse" since, well, he could hardly have met a Yuuzhan Vong or heard one speak. Or, well, maybe the Hutt he heard was a Yuuzhan Vong in disguise.
Redmen Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 39. What was the significance of the hidden signal that the Bith scientist was seeking near the docks? Well the Bith discovered the signals send by droids in Voggas warehaus to GOTO
Redmen Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? I guess its a bug or if you use your security skils to open it you get XP but if you bash it you get insted of XP broken items. But i dont remember any locked empty crates. 9. Why have repeated the same dialogue options with both Wisdom and Awareness? Does the answer change if the question is asked out of Wisdom instead of Awareness? No its the same 13. Why doesn't the character portrait in the load menu change to reflect alignment like it did in KotOR? Yes it does for you and your NPCs 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? Which enamy i never could be stealthy against the Sith assasins 18. Why are there 2 mining laser types; a 1-7 and a 1-8 version? ...Same with the 1-11 and 1-12 advanced mining lasers. Yeah i saw that too i got the 1-11 advanced laser from the HK 50 unit, dont know why ther is no difference bettwen the two other than that. 22. Why was Mandalore so concerned about the Republic vessels detecting their proton cores on the Ravager? "..the proton cores do not emit a signature the Republic ships can detect. If they do pick up the signal, they will assume it to be emanating from the ship's missile bays." So what? Why would the Ravager's proton cores be more tolerable for the Republic? Yeah i thought about that one why was he affraid the Republic ships would detect the proton cores, the first time i played the game i thought he is planing to blow the Sith and the Republic vessels to dust. The last great act by the Mandalorians. 26. If the stabilisation of Telos was so important to GOTO then why was he hijacking much needed fuel? No he was hijacking the fuel from Vogga the Hutt. 27. Why can't Kreia read the thoughts of Bao-Dur and what of it? Maybe he has got more than just an mechanical arm remember she cant read a mind of a droid 40. What was the purpose of the little burst data transmitter module that I found attached to both the swoop racing and the Pazaak playing droids? They were controlled by GOTO (most of the droids on Nar Shadaa are controlled by GOTO)
FieryDove Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 I usually take notes when I play a game so that later I can try to get some answers at the Developer's forum. After a few weeks of reading about the cut content and other people's issues I'm still left with over 50 unanswered questions. Originally, after just one playthrough as a LS male Exile and having a LS female Revan I had over 100 questions. Thanks to everyone posting on these boards I was able to cut that list in half. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 31. What did Kreia mean when she told Hanharr, "but first I must prepare you for what is to come" ? What preparation was there besides getting the beast to Malachor? I'm guessing hanharr was supposed to kill any remaining party members including Mira on MalV no matter if one if LS/DS. 42. On rescuing the Exile from GOTO's yacht, why was nothing said? There should have been some expression of gratitude or at least an acknowledgement like we saw when Zalbaar was rescued near the beginning of KotOR. I agree there! I was hoping depending on who was party leader rescuing the exile exchanges were different. Got ZIP! sigh 43. Why did Suulru on Dantooine give me 20,000 credits worth of weapons (Zabrak Heavy Blaster + Dashade Sonic Blaster) for solving his 500 credit dispute with Jorran? You are lucky? I think I got a lightsaber part. 51. How did powering up the Mass Shadow Generator "undo" the damage caused by the Mass Shadow Generator? Destroying Malachor V was better than leaving it as-is. Too much negative/DS energy I'm guessing plus Bao-dur and the Exile suspected the sith academy was there. Too often the player is given too little time to read long subtitles. Conversely, Visqis was speaking for 5 - 10 seconds when all he was saying was "Mira!!" You complaining about him? I always tried not to talk to any wookies as much as possible in K1 and 2. I mean it takes them 5 minutes to say very well. lol Meeting the apparition of Kreia and party members in the Korriban tomb cycles endlessly if you side with Kreia. It happens three times. I have no idea if thats a bug or intended to let you try other "choices".
Invoker Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 8. Why does bashing an empty crate suddenly produce broken items? In fact, why have locked empty crates at all? It's a silly bug that shows up from time to time. I found plenty of locked empty crates in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. 12. Now that skills can be changed from cross-class skill, why not have the Feats selection screen appear before the Skills screen during level ups?Good question. And correct me if I'm wrong, but if you increase your intelligence attribute during level-up and then go to your skills selection, do you automatically receive those increased skill points or do you have to wait until another level-up? At times it seems like the latter occurs, but that could be an oversight on my part. I have found that increasing your intelligence does nothing when it comes down to choosing your skillpoints. You're stuck with what the class you picked in the beginning gets + what you may receive as a bonus when choosing your Prestige Class. Also, I too am confused why the Feats are picked before the Skills. Should be the other way around. 42. On rescuing the Exile from GOTO's yacht, why was nothing said? There should have been some expression of gratitude or at least an acknowledgement like we saw when Zalbaar was rescued near the beginning of KotOR. I found this to be a bit lame, as well. Open the door and not so much as a "Hello" from the Exile. 43. Why did Suulru on Dantooine give me 20,000 credits worth of weapons (Zabrak Heavy Blaster + Dashade Sonic Blaster) for solving his 500 credit dispute with Jorran? *shrugs* Generosity? I got a Micro Pulse Blaster which is pretty much the most lethal blaster gun in the game and a random upgrade for a lightsaber. Bugs? Klingon Software does not have 'Bugs'. It has FEATURES and they are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand! HK-47: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself." HK-47: "Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi."
Dragonforce Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 another seperate question, what the hell happened at the end between Go-To and the remote?
phiont Posted March 29, 2005 Author Posted March 29, 2005 When I started this thread I felt a bit like I was informing a close friend that her husband has been unfaithful. You have to wonder sometimes if perhaps people are actually better off not seeing the flaws in what they love. Let's keep hoping that something better may come from such revelations - like maybe a patch? " Many thanks to all of you who posted such useful, as well as amusing insights. Clearly, I really need to talk to GOTO more to find out much of what I've been missing. Oh, and I haven't taken a DS path yet with TSL. Maybe that's where the player character's portrait image changes noticeably. 37. I like the view of the Ebon Hawk from the starboard window of the bridge of GOTO's yacht, but why not also show the starboard wing (arm) of GOTO's vessel? Perhaps the Cloaking Device that concealed his ship didn't extend to any vessels attached to it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This could have been awesome!! (w00t) Imagine you are on the bridge, having just transferred all systems to the secondary power terminal, which would instead be situated by the starboard window. Looking out the window from terminal you see nothing, not even the Ebon Hawk. However, as soon as you cut the secondary power everything becomes visible - the Hawk as well as the yacht's starboard wing. This would have visually reinforced the great threat you were suddenly facing by becoming exposed, no? 12. Now that skills can be changed from cross-class skill, why not have the Feats selection screen appear before the Skills screen during level ups?Good question. And correct me if I'm wrong, but if you increase your intelligence attribute during level-up and then go to your skills selection, do you automatically receive those increased skill points or do you have to wait until another level-up? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, you gain the additional Skill points immediately whenever raising INT gives you a bonus increase (ie. INT raised to an even number). I recall testing this when Bao-Dur joined my party with INT of 15. Jedi party members achieving LS mastery bonuses usually lost them during level ups or even game loading.You know what? In LS games my party members never received LS mastery bonuses even when their meters showed them at 100% LS. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The only time my party members ever got pulled up to Mastery was when I was a Consular/Master. It might also work for non-Consular/Masters, but it didn't happen when I played through as a Sentinel/Watchman. 15. How were enemies successfully able to detect me with Awareness of 19 vs. my Stealth level of 26? Which enamy i never could be stealthy against the Sith assasins <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was trying to disarm the mines in front of some heavy turrets down in the Telos Restoration Zone. I remember having to push Stealth over 30 with some enhancement to be safe.
Darth Flatus Posted March 29, 2005 Posted March 29, 2005 another seperate question, what the hell happened at the end between Go-To and the remote? I think you are supposed to assume that the remote successfully activated the MSG if you chose light side and you see the planet breaking apart or you assume G0-T0 destroyed the remote and you dont see teh planet breaking apart. But yes you've guessed it - there was to be a cut scene with hk 47 and some hk 51s coming to the remote's rescue.... but it was cut "
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