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Who is the hottest KotOR female NPC? There can be only one!  

216 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the hottest KotOR female NPC? There can be only one!

    • Bastila
    • Mira
    • Visas
    • Mission
    • Juhani
    • Handmaiden/Brianna
    • Yuthura
    • Atris
    • Other (please specify)

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I voted on Bastila. My ranking would be:


1. Bastila


2. Visas (nice **** :D )


3. Yuthura (i'm a sucker for evil Sith Twi'leks )


4. Mira


5. Mission


6. Handmaiden/Brianna (only 6 cause of the hair)


7. Atris


and place nr... Juhani (i don't find her attractive AT ALL. Ugly and hairy :lol: )


Other: That one lady on Malachor V with the lightsaber (not Kreia :( ). One of the Marauders. :lol:


Actually, Bastila is and will always be Revan's Girl...


Atris seems more like a classic romance with Exile, but Visas has the more romantic setting, with Brianna having the whole 'conflicted past'...


Too many choices in Kotor II, personally... :ph34r:

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Bastilla first... Jennifer Hale did a really good job with her (and the writers), the sort of strong willed by very fragile personality that she has.


As for the second, probably Mira (possibly because she is unattainable...). I haven't progressed her plot before, but I take it she actually is more than just a slave of the Mandalorians (probably the estranged daughter of Mandalore himself...)


3rd would be a toss up between Atris and Brianna. I love Atris' name and she IS supposed to be hot, but I think the failings of the game engine (or more likely, the present time of computer graphics) makes her less desirable. Although, I really did love her internal conflict with the exile (the sort of mad lust tempered by 'even judgement' of the Council, plus the mistrust or even hatred of what she thinks you became during the wars (and the fact she couldn't see you anymore)


Bastila is No.1. Her voice, her attitude, her umm...features are just the best :(


Second, probably Visas or Mira


Brianna...hated the haircut. Too ...man-like


Atris was kinda ok but she TAKES YOUR LIGHTSABER. That is harsh.


Mission is way too young and annoying


Juhani... :p


I like Visas, that 'mysterious' -look about her. Yea, Light Side Visas is cute. Heh.


Oh, and Dark Side Bastila is hot.


Emm... What am I talking? I need to get a life. Talking about polygon-girls... Err... Yea. Life, somewhere, hope so...

3rd would be a toss up between Atris and Brianna. I love Atris' name and she IS supposed to be hot, but I think the failings of the game engine (or more likely, the present time of computer graphics) makes her less desirable. Although, I really did love her internal conflict with the exile (the sort of mad lust tempered by 'even judgement' of the Council, plus the mistrust or even hatred of what she thinks you became during the wars (and the fact she couldn't see you anymore)


Atris seems to be the exception with me too. She doesn't display any stand-out "features" (since she's always wearing the full robe) but the fanart front-on portrait leaves an impression... ;):)


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Bastilla hands down. There was just little or no attatchment to any of the others, except for Mission but as someone said before me she has more the little sister vibe.


Handmaiden probably is close second in the hotness scale, but it just wasn't developed enough for me (the romance i mean)


And i can't understand how you could vote Visas as Hot?? You can't see her frigging face (well... the top half anyway, which is the most important. You can't see her eyes!!) She always reminded me of the jokes about really ugly women/people ... bag over the head... etc. :(

Bastilla hands down. There was just little or no attatchment to any of the others, except for Mission but as someone said before me she has more the little sister vibe.


Handmaiden probably is close second in the hotness scale, but it just wasn't developed enough for me (the romance i mean)


And i can't understand how you could vote Visas as Hot?? You can't see her frigging face (well... the top half anyway, which is the most important. You can't see her eyes!!) She always reminded me of the jokes about really ugly women/people ... bag over the head... etc. o:)


Ok, I vote for Mira...


I myself have a g/f that is about 6 years younger than I am, so I can relate to the Exile/Mira thing a lot easier...I never had that much success with people my age because I look like I'm 15 even though I'm 23...Naturally my baby-face causes 'issues' with people older than me, and even people my age.


Now, it is arguable how much older the Exile is over Mira...I am guessing between 5-12 years older than Mira, but it could be less...She looks about 22-to-25-ish...The Exile can look as old as 40 if you're the male PC with the long hair routine and a Sith (like my RPG char Alaric is), so...


Now, I like Kreia too, but not for the same reasons...I like her because she has a depth of knowledge, worldli-ness, and wisdom that everyone else in the galaxy seems to lack entirely.


I have no problems with older people, mostly because I understand what it's like to be the only intelligent person in a room who's been around the world a few dozen times ;)


Revan...I don't like Revan for one reason: He/She is not a true Sith Lord, compared to contemporaries like Exar and Ulic, Revan is a mere child playing at their shadows.


I'd like a female Revan as an NPC for K2...I think it would have added a lot of depth to the game...All the talk about Revan, but you never saw him/her, you only found vague clues...Does anyone else think that Revan will be the first person to make contact with the Vong...?


Maybe K3 will have Revan running back from the Unknown Regions with a force of Vong hot on his tail...Then he goes running to the Trayus Academy or Telos to find the Exile and his students (which undoubtedly by the time K3 rolls around, the Exile will have found even more Jedi I think by then), and we get to have a *REAL EU FIGHT*, not these pitiful attempts to play in the shadows of the greatest Sith Lords and Jedi Masters...


I want to have some more battles in the Ebon Hawk's turret...I want to be having a war with Vong...IMHO, if a certain project in the XWA community would have picked up their pace, I could have made my own Vong mod for XWA...sigh..


Anyway, I think Mira is the best female NPC for either game...Bastilla was just too...Snobby...She was stuck-up, even as a Sith, and I just got tired of her whiny attitude and her stubborn-ness...I couldn't take it after the 1,200-th time I played K1...


For the smartest/most reliable NPC: Kreia...Hands down.


She reminds me so much of the true Masters of the Force...Not these children like Revan and Nihilus and Sion...Or even the Exile.


She only went to the Exile because she was stripped of her power and the Exile was the only Jedi left that she could form a Force Bond with to re-establish her powers anyway...


Kreia is very much a Force Master...If she were male, she'd be what I've aspired to be all my life, both in the real world and in the PC world...I've had some success with that, but like all manipulation, it does take time to weave the webs and entangle the hopeless within them ;)


The sort-of love I have for Kreia is like the love I have for the most experienced people I've been around in my life....I feed off knowledge, I have a near-perfect memory retention, and so I literally feed off everyone's experience and knowledge whenever I can...I try not to depend on what I learn too much, and rather try to use my knowledge to formulate my own strategies for life's challenges...


Mira is good because she's fun-loving, and has a sense of adventure that the rest of your...Entourage..Lacks...;)


Visas is good because you connect with her on a spiritual level that you never match with anyone else, not even Kreia...But she was wounded by her past, and is haunted by it every waking moment, which makes her something of a party-pooper ;)


Brianna...She *CAN* be fun-loving, but she's far too serious, and everything is combat training this and combat training that with her...Don't get me wrong, I love girls who are willing to stand up to me and fight, I won't hang around girls who don't stand up to me and the challenges I throw at them ;)


However, Brianna talks about her heritage and training far too much for my tastes...Combat training is all well and good for someone like me who is a creature of war, but ultimately, it becomes boring very quickly after you've beaten her and put her into her place ;)


You just convert her from being the slave of a Jedi Librarian to being the slave of a broken Jedi Knight who's memories of the past will never fade, and will forever be carrying those wounds with him/her ;)


I really like Mira because she's detached from your past, where everyone else is totally entrapped with your past...I am one of those people who hates living in the past (My past, both in real life and with Star Wars has always been full of trouble, for example...), and Mira doesn't like the past either, she wants to live for the moment and the future.


Like I say: Mira is fun.


Here's the personality breakdown:

Bastilla: Snobby and stuck-up...She must've come from one of those Harvard Jedi Families or something ;)


Mission: Shave a few years off Mira, and take away Mira's predatory nature, and you have Mission...However, Mission lacks Mira's spirit, which is the break-point for me ;)


Revan: If Revan is a female, I would say this would be an interesting relationship...Imagine trying to be a male and holding Revan's personality together... Buwhhahahahah :( Oh, and please let me slaughter Carth with a cattle prod! ;)


Mira: Fun-loving, predatory in a good way, and you get to train her from youth, something you don't get to do with anyone else...Lollita? Erm..Wait...Uhh...Heh... :devil:


Brianna: She's predatory in an annoying way, and is far too severe and subserviant for my tastes...At least Mira tells me to back off and pulls out the mace dart ;)


Visas: Deep spiritual connection, but too unstable and wounded to have a real relationship with...


Kreia: What can I say? She's your teacher, and yes, her preaching is annoying, but Kreia knows a lot, and I can ignore the preachy attitude in order to memorize her knowledge..Love her like you love a parent or martial arts Master, and I don't mean a US master either.


Another thing with Bastardilla...The whole master-student routine with her just makes her worse than she already is...That voice was seriously on my nerves after the first speech she gave after I wiped out Brejik...


Kreia's voice was less annoying than Bastardilla's was!


Sigh...You don't know how much I was waiting for a char like Mira to show up in one of these games...Mission was just hentai otaku material with those tentacle-demons behind her...That came up...From behind... :devil:


Too much of Mission is annoying, too much of Mira is never enough :D


I sort-of liked Mission, but her voice was just too minnie-mouse and she lacked any maturity, where Mira was a far more developed charecter, in more ways than two :D


LOL, I remember when I used the "Make Mission a Caucasion" mod...Heheheh....That was a riot with the boys in the clan for a while, especially the Otaku's among us :devil:



Wouldn't it be Bitchzila since she's a woman? (and she only has one 'L' but Godzilla has 2 ;) )

I see the point that pre-romance redeemed Bastila would not make a good wife, but she's still got the vital physical...assets.

After you rescue her on the Star Forge (and not even she can deny a rescue here :"> ), you would assume she drops the nag factor.


So, future voters, if you're put off by Bastila's nagging, think later on...


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)


Well, now, this is weird. Looking at the choices, I immediately thought 'Bastila', yet I ended up voting Visas. I'm not even sure why. Visas is a strong support Jedi, and fearless, to boot (just look how she charges into those fights when I'm trying to get everyone to bombard the folks with grenades...) But there's something about her I just can't trust, and I think that's where the difference comes in. She has an aura of dangerousness about her. Can't resist that. She was on the other side, and now she says she's on mine. Right.


Bastila is slightly different. She was feisty and a bit arrogant, true, but she lied to and led me from the beginning. Finally came clean, and THEN she went dark side. Jeez. She ALMOST got what she deserved. Well, she DID once, but only because she was so nitpicky with everything I said (oops--hey ... sorry? Come back? ... Reload).


They're both dangerous women, but at least I know what Visas is. She never attempted to lie about it. Bastila schemed and lied with my alleged 'friends', and she made me look a fool.


I'm not sure that makes any sense at all. <_<

They're both dangerous women, but at least I know what Visas is. She never attempted to lie about it. Bastila schemed and lied with my alleged 'friends', and she made me look a fool.


I'm not sure that makes any sense at all. 


Bastila hardly lied. She was just got caught...(and was tortured and then turned to the dark side) but still... that's not lying.


I don't care about Bast's lying, that wasn't really germane to my reasons why I hated her, this is why:


1. The voice was way too annoying, after that first lecture after I wiped out Brejik, I was about ready to start randomly deleting voice files :blink:


2. She was always acting like a stuck-up child, then the Jedi Masters turn around and make HER your "Master"??? WTF! Even Carth could tell what Bast was doing, and he outright stated as much during the post-Brejik speech where Bast and Carth were bitching over who was in command :-


3. Dark Side or no, Bast is just too damned annoying...Again, that voice gets on my nerves almost worse than Mission's does!


4. Bast acts like she's from Harvard, and yet she's even younger than you! WTF is up with that bull****?? I mean, would it not stand to reason that an intelligent soldier/war veteran like yourself would not be led around by the nose by someone like Bast all the time??


5. Bast always talks about Jedi Code this, and Sith Code that late in the game, but ultimately, she never finds herself or her true calling while staying around you! She just dances around in your shadow all the time! I find that to be particularlly ANNOYING...It's even as bad as the subserviant nature of Brianna and Visas...


Mira at least told me to back off and pulled out the mace dart! She was about the ONLY girl on that entire boat who would stand up to me without showing fear or not knowing anything about the Force and being your slave all the time just to learn about the Force...


Mira was the most fun because she was not a part of your history, so there was nothing that could interfere with you or your rise to ultimate power ;)


Hehehe...Mira doesn't dance in your shadow like the rest, she learns, but she doesn't try to follow you around like a lost puppy all the time...She makes a better Sith Apprentice than any of the others do because she can't man-handle you with your past life, and she could become entirely detached from you when you need her to be, which means you won't get hurt if she falls in battle, or vice-versa.


If Brianna or Visas get hit by anything, you'll pretty much be feeling it the same as they do...That is a serious weak-spot and a liability, Mira is not a liability ;)


Plus, here's another thing:

Mira, unlike the rest, has EXPERIENCE with hiding from the galaxy and she can dissapear real fast when she wants to, which makes her a better Sith Assasin than any of your other Sentinels ;)


I'd like to have a female Wookie, next game...That might make things interesting ;)


Imagine learning the lessons of true strength and power from a female Wookie, then turning her into your slave ;)


Now, THAT would be an interesting little dalliance, ROFL! :D :(


Hrmmmm..I've always wanted to date an alien...Maybe a female Bothan like Asyr from Stackpole's books? :D


Is it me or these type of polls never get old, they are alot of fun :)


I like Bastilla, even though she's not the best looking one, its her whole personality. I enjoy the ****iness, her holier-than-thou attitude, then once you get the know her, teaser her get under her skin and she become yours. Her romance plot was written well.


In Kotor2, we don't see that. I left Visa sitting in my ship most of time, then at very end she expresses her love. she loved me for sitting her butt in the ship? With Balista you have to work at it, that was more entertaining.


Interesting how Kreia is not on the list, noting that she's female but obviously not attractive enough to reach the list. =) I picked Yuthura. I didnt like any of the other choices, Visas comes a close second. She would have been my vote if she had eyes.

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