Redmen Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 I would go with Sion but i dont get it what happened to his body. but Kreia vs Malak i would go with Kreia she is so different malak is just like every other sith lord. But is Kreia even a sith lord
Jedi Master D Murda Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Hive said: Darth Tratious said: Malak "Resume the bombardant commander wipe this pathetic planet from the face of the galaxy" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seconded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thirded. :D I think Malak was the better Sith Lord. Kreia just wasn't evil, she was grey. And when she did pick up the title of Darth Traya it was only to complete the Exile's training. I really like Malak, he was very cool despite his lack of popularity in the KotOR community. He destroyed two planets, destroyed the Jedi academy on Dantooine and turned Bastila to the Darkside to become his apprentice, not to mention he nearly killed Revan, Bastila and her crew. That's quite a resume. What did Kreia do as a Sith Lord... get beat up by Nihilus and Sion. Whenever Kreia was pulling the strings it was not as a Sith Lord because not only did she kill the Masters but the Lords as well, while she was grey.
The Great Phantom Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Malak held to the Sith Code, Traya served her own 'insanity'... Just saying. :ph34r: Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Wycked Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Atris: "You are Sith." Kreia: "Yes, but unlike you, the title is not who I am." I dont see Kreia as a real Sith, and Kreia doesnt see herself as one, either. She didnt follow the ideals of the Sith, she didnt care about the Sith more than she cared about the Jedi - she would rather see them both gone. For Kreia, Darth Traya is not a Sith Lord, it is someone who knew of betrayal, with no real attachments to the Sith. Kreia's methods were very crude, maybe, like the Sith are, and she was definately not your goody-little-Jedi, but I wouldnt call her Sith either. She represented no ideal of the Sith. The only thing she cared about is the Exile. As for Malak, he is a Sith Lord, representing the ideals and teachings of the Sith and the dark side. But on the other hand, he is not a true Sith - The Sith is a belief, and the true Sith, the real Sith empire, is waiting on the borders of the republic space. (sounds familiar? ).
OneWithStrange Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Darth Malak was clearly a Sith Lord, although not a very good one. Favoring wanton destruction over strategy is a big mistake, to say the least. If Kreia were a Sith Lord, she'd make a much better one than he. -Ben
Nitron Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Say, that's were Revan went, right? Hmmm, possible plot for KotOR 3?
tmp Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Kreia would be pissed someone is trying to pigeonhole her as Sith Lord. :s That said, she's so above Malak it's not even funny. Let's see Malak get revenge on someone like Darth Nihilus... "
stoffe -mkb- Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Wycked said: Atris: "You are Sith."Kreia: "Yes, but unlike you, the title is not who I am." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kreia: "Sith" is a title, yes, but like you, the title is not who I am. It is not what I believe." But *like* you (not unlike)... Implying that Atris no longer holds the beliefs of the jedi and is no Jedi, which was the title she spouted at the beginning of the conversation, just like Kreia no longer is a Sith. Kreia was once a Sith Lord, just as she was once a Jedi Master and Council member. But she felt that neither belief held the whole truth. According to her belief, you need the contrast of them both to see the whole picture. To see and understand the force as a whole, not just one particular aspect of it like the Sith and Jedi teachings do. She instead developed her own belief system, and part of her goal was to show those who previosly cast her out, both the Jedi and the Sith, that it was her belief, her teachings that held the truth. And she used the Exile for this. By training one who was greater than any Jedi or Sith, she felt it was proof that she was the one who was correct. At least that's the impression I've gotten by playing the game.
mjw Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 One thing I don't get is that in the loading screens it says that the Trayus Academy is thousand's of years old and if Kreia is Darth traya, does that mean she's thousand's of years old as well?
stoffe -mkb- Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 mjw said: One thing I don't get is that in the loading screens it says that the Trayus Academy is thousand's of years old and if Kreia is Darth traya, does that mean she's thousand's of years old as well? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As I understand it, Revan found the ancient sith ruins that became the Trayus Academy on Malachor during the Mandalorian War and took it over for her cause when she turned into a Sith. Revan probably put Kreia in charge of the place, using it to convert fallen jedi into sith and train assassins. Don't know if it was actually called Trayus Academy from the beginning though or if Revan/Kreia gave it that name after they took it over.
jim[beam] Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Malak bombarded planets for strategic purposes. He bombarded it so that noone could use the planet's resources. -jim
Zilod Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Kreia during TSL or before it? i can't consider her a sith lord during TSL anyway i think that all the sith lords we see in TSL are extremely strong, so way more powerfull than Malak.
tmp Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 jim[beam] said: Malak bombarded planets for strategic purposes. He bombarded it so that noone could use the planet's resources. Including himself. Talk about ensuring you have all your eggs in one Star Forge...
stoffe -mkb- Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 jim[beam said: ,Mar 14 2005, 07:33 PM]Malak bombarded planets for strategic purposes. He bombarded it so that noone could use the planet's resources. -jim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To me it felt more like Malak did these over-the-top acts in a desperate attempt to prove that was was just as powerful and ruthless as Revan was. He was trying to convince both himself and others that he was worthy of leading the Sith organization that Revan had founded. The first game left me with the impression that Malak had a huge inferiority complex in regards to Revan. And it was in line with his general personality, sending a "do as I say or else..." message to everyone, his own troops included. Lacking Revan's natural leadership ability, charisma and skill in subtle manipulation he took a brute force approach to keep the underlings in line. Taris was about sending a message, but as much as it was a message to the galaxy that the Sith would stop at nothing, it was also a message to the Sith themselves of what would happen if they failed Malak. The Taris garrison failed to deliver Bastila to Malak, and paid the price for their failure.
Jedi Master D Murda Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 stoffe -mkb- said: mjw said: One thing I don't get is that in the loading screens it says that the Trayus Academy is thousand's of years old and if Kreia is Darth traya, does that mean she's thousand's of years old as well? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As I understand it, Revan found the ancient sith ruins that became the Trayus Academy on Malachor during the Mandalorian War and took it over for her cause when she turned into a Sith. Revan probably put Kreia in charge of the place, using it to convert fallen jedi into sith and train assassins. Don't know if it was actually called Trayus Academy from the beginning though or if Revan/Kreia gave it that name after they took it over. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah. Kreia found the Trayus academy after Revan. She was drawn there, like Nihilus and Sion, after the destruction of Malachor and Revan used it to convert the last of the Jedi and others in his fleet or "cleaning house" as HK puts it.
ShadowPaladin V1.0 Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 stoffe -mkb- said: To me it felt more like Malak did these over-the-top acts in a desperate attempt to prove that was was just as powerful and ruthless as Revan was. He was trying to convince both himself and others that he was worthy of leading the Sith organization that Revan had founded. The first game left me with the impression that Malak had a huge inferiority complex in regards to Revan. And it was in line with his general personality, sending a "do as I say or else..." message to everyone, his own troops included. Lacking Revan's natural leadership ability, charisma and skill in subtle manipulation he took a brute force approach to keep the underlings in line. Taris was about sending a message, but as much as it was a message to the galaxy that the Sith would stop at nothing, it was also a message to the Sith themselves of what would happen if they failed Malak. The Taris garrison failed to deliver Bastila to Malak, and paid the price for their failure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe he just needed a hug. Hades_One said: I have to agree with Volourn. Bioware is pretty much dead now. Deals like this kills development studios. 478327[/snapback]
Zilod Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Jedi Master D Murda said: Nah. Kreia found the Trayus academy after Revan. She was drawn there, like Nihilus and Sion, after the destruction of Malachor and Revan used it to convert the last of the Jedi and others in his fleet or "cleaning house" as HK puts it. I think is more likelly that Kreia was on malachor with Revan or even before him. this way it makes sense when Vrook teels her that he tought she died in mandalorian wars... also during the game there is a general impression that Kreia was there during the battle. If Kreia is also Kae then she was for sure with Revan at Malachor and probably chose to estabilish there after the battle.
stoffe -mkb- Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 ShadowPaladin V1.0 said: Maybe he just needed a hug. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Probably But to the jedi that would be an expression of emotion. And to the sith that would be an expression of weakness. So he never got his hug, and wrecked the galaxy as a result.
Jedi Master D Murda Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Zilod said: Jedi Master D Murda said: Nah. Kreia found the Trayus academy after Revan. She was drawn there, like Nihilus and Sion, after the destruction of Malachor and Revan used it to convert the last of the Jedi and others in his fleet or "cleaning house" as HK puts it. I think is more likelly that Kreia was on malachor with Revan or even before him. this way it makes sense when Vrook teels her that he tought she died in mandalorian wars... also during the game there is a general impression that Kreia was there during the battle. If Kreia is also Kae then she was for sure with Revan at Malachor and probably chose to estabilish there after the battle. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Where do get this stuff from? It's clear that Kreia discovered Malachor after Revan. The Mandalorian Wars was not only on Malachor, it spanned many worlds, Kavar, yes it was Kavar and not Vrook, probably thought she died someplace else. I don't know why people think Kreia is Kae. I just don't see the connection
Deraldin Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Kriea was more Palpatine like but I think Malak was the more entertaining villian. He had the voice and the style not to mention some neat dialogue right before he dies. Personally I enjoyed Malak as a villian more than with Kriea.
Zilod Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Jedi Master D Murda said: Where do get this stuff from? It's clear that Kreia discovered Malachor after Revan. The Mandalorian Wars was not only on Malachor, it spanned many worlds, Kavar, yes it was Kavar and not Vrook, probably thought she died someplace else. I don't know why people think Kreia is Kae. I just don't see the connection That stances from Kavar (uops ) in this case is not important because he thinks she died there, but because it imply that she partecipated in mandalorian wars. we know she haven't died there, so is very likelly that she partecipated to all the war (or untill it finished). When she speak of the war, when she describe malachor and its properties, of what happened there, she seems to know it and to know in first person what happened there. She is very sympatethic (?) with the exile about his experience there and when she tells to the council to see malachor with eyes of the exile it seem to me that she saw too what happened there. Kreia was also the main/first master of Revan, and we know that Revan returned to her before to take the final decision, before he left the jedi order... It could simply be that Revan met Kreia before to enter in war, this is the most obious interpretation, but it could apply even to malachor. Malachor is a sort of point of no return, after it Revan will never be able to come back, so even this moment could fit that description and in this case we knows that kreia was present. All of these "hints" doesn't clearly stances that Kreia was on Malachor, one by one they don't tell too much, but considering all of them togather i had the idea that she was there with her pupil. for Kreia = Kae, there are really a lot of hints ingame and some things that could explain both characters... i'm more inclined to think they are 2 different people, but just because i don't see the betrayer path very applicable to Kae with the info we have. no one of these is a proof that she was on malachor with Revan, but putting all of this togather i uops poor english
DSLuke Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Can someone explain to me how Malak ate?? BTW Kreia is much better than Malak. Malak was a fool and he realized that only at the very end when Revan kicked his arse. And by the light of the moon He prays for their beauty not doom
The Great Phantom Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Malak wanted destruction, pure and almost simple. Goto says more on this. Revan had a plan, Malak: You think I sound funny! Let's see how you sound with no *insert body part of choice * Geekified Star Wars Geek Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" -Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom) "The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."
Blaise Russel Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Malak was closer to a tragic hero, of sorts - something hinted at in the final conversation between him and Revan on the Star Forge, fleshed out a little in KOTOR 2 and something I only really latched on to with a fan picture of the young Revan and Malak befriending the Exile at the Academy. Seems to me that Malak was a poor bastard that followed his best friend (possibly even the object of his affections, his school crush, Ms. Revan?) to war and into the Dark Side, but never actually discovered the ulterior motive behind Revan's fall and just ended up wallowing in death and destruction; in a sense, he is but another victim of Revan and Kreia's machinations, rather than a power in his own right.
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