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LA Forum Moderators posted about Jedi Academy that Jedi Outcast was the sequel to Jedi Academy.  They also said that all of the line was a continuation of Dark Forces even though the name had changed.  They stated it was the entire story of Kyle Katarn (Although Jedi Academy dumfounded me by having you pick a creat-a-character rather than play Kyle again, but you know about the EU, it is canon)


That LA forum moderators must be really stupid if they posted that.


Academy started as a expansion pack for Outcast and later was turned into a stand alone title (its not even Jedi Knight "III").


Anyone that disagree with me on this must never played those games since Tavion shows up in both games (in Outcast as a aprendice to Desann and in Academy as the one using Marka Ragnos staff/sword) and Tavion dies in Academy, also there is a lot of references her role in Outcast, expecialy that she became that way because Kyle spared in Bespin.


And Dark Forces ended in Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight that is also Jedi Knight "I" but that is just the series names, its the continuation of Kyle adventures but Jedi Knight II: Outcast is NOT Dark Forces IV.

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Its a good question, I like to see what is the excuse they will make if Kyle starts with few force powers again.


My guess is they will be reworking the Force system to have more powers and so allow Kyle (or Jaden) to gain more powers as s/he goes along.

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Personally, I'd like to see OE move on and develop their own original titles. I mean, K2 was a good title to put them on the map (despite it's many and well documented problems). And NWN2 can be another positive step forward in enhancing their image.


I only say that because I think OE has some awesome potential. And I would love to see what they're truly capable of without the time and content restraints placed on them by a publisher.


I know they might be too small at this point in time to just do their own thing and produce independent games, and that they need to sign contracts with publishers for the time being to sustain the company. But I would love to truly see what OE is all about. You could see the potential with K2.


And, btw, I know I'm like six years late with this one, but I just got my first copy of Planescape: Torment and Soulbringer in the mail earlier this week. I also got Fallout and Fallout 2.


I just started PS:T and I could see it's influence on K2 instantly. I mean, the Nameless One waking up on a slab in the mortuary with dead bodies all around and some skull named Morte coming up and talking with you, is little different than the Exile, the nameless Jedi, waking up in a kolto tank on an abandoned mining station, also surrounded by the dead. The Exile, for all intents and purposes, is walking up in a mortuary.


The deeper I go into Torment the more I see what the devs were trying to do with K2. And ultimately, why the latter missed the mark and the former is a classic. You can't translate Torment's themes and tones into Star Wars. They are totally different. I mean, Torment grabbed me instantly. It is utterly engrossing to me. But the sheer raw tone and feel of Torment would never work in a Star Wars game. I think the devs, on orders from LA, were trying to make Empire Strikes Back. So they thought, "Well, let's do what we did in Torment and translate that into a thematic language appropriate for Star Wars." But you just can't do that.


Torment, right from the very start deals with themes of life and death that go far beyond what our notions of human mortality is. I mean, the Nameless Ones conversation with Dieonarra on the first floor of the Mortuary was heart-wrenching to me. She was this tormented spirit that knows her love is always cursed to die a death that will erase all that he once held dear. And he is always cursed to live a life of living death.


Torment immediatly comes right out of the gate hard with this notion of True Death. And I immediately thought about the notion of going into the Unknown Regions to face the True Sith. It's just totally becoming more and more obvious to me why I think K2 fell short. You just can't do a variant of Torment's raw themes and put them into a Star Wars game. At least I don't think you can. They're just so different.


I mean, Torment has me utterly hooked. Whereas K2 has always felt strained and convaluted to me.


So I would love to see OE get away from K3 and do their own stuff because I'm dying to see what they can REALLY do. Leave K3 for somebody else.

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LA Forum Moderators posted about Jedi Academy that Jedi Outcast was the sequel to Jedi Academy.  They also said that all of the line was a continuation of Dark Forces even though the name had changed.  They stated it was the entire story of Kyle Katarn (Although Jedi Academy dumfounded me by having you pick a creat-a-character rather than play Kyle again, but you know about the EU, it is canon)


That LA forum moderators must be really stupid if they posted that.


Academy started as a expansion pack for Outcast and later was turned into a stand alone title (its not even Jedi Knight "III").


Anyone that disagree with me on this must never played those games since Tavion shows up in both games (in Outcast as a aprendice to Desann and in Academy as the one using Marka Ragnos staff/sword) and Tavion dies in Academy, also there is a lot of references her role in Outcast, expecialy that she became that way because Kyle spared in Bespin.


And Dark Forces ended in Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight that is also Jedi Knight "I" but that is just the series names, its the continuation of Kyle adventures but Jedi Knight II: Outcast is NOT Dark Forces IV.



Can't say I actually played Outcast yet, so I really don't know, and I have only really played some of Academy, other than XBOX Live. So I will take your word on it over the LA Moderators. (They do seem to be a little dim witted, you know) But anyways, I hope that there will be another Jedi Knight game, just as I hope that KotOR III will be announced.


I think they need the XBOX Live Downloadable Content feature on the next ones to fix problems for console users.

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I think they need the XBOX Live Downloadable Content feature on the next ones to fix problems for console users.


MS just needs to set higher standards.


Out of all the console games I have played it's only the Xbox ones that have ever had bugs or come on a bad disk.


Considering how few I play compared to the PS2 and GC thats kinda worrying.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I think they need the XBOX Live Downloadable Content feature on the next ones to fix problems for console users.


MS just needs to set higher standards.


Out of all the console games I have played it's only the Xbox ones that have ever had bugs or come on a bad disk.


Considering how few I play compared to the PS2 and GC thats kinda worrying.



I know, but I like some of the games that come out for XBOX since some of them are XBOX only.

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Kotor 3 with the Unreal 3 engine. Now THAT would be too cool.



Ummm... No it wouldn't... That would be more like Jedi Knight III.



Technically it would be Dark Forces 5


The Line is Dark Forces, Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast, and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

Excellent...another purist. Preach it to them brother! :D

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Don't take this as we are making KotOR3 or making it using Unreal 3. This is just a comment on making a game like KotOR with Unreal.


It's my opinion that a game like KotOR could be made quite well with Unreal 3. A fair amount would need to be added to the engine like dialog, combat and character development systems, however the Unreal engine has been developed over the years to make it easier to use for games other than FPSs. I would bet that it would be harder to make a top-down game like the Infinity Engine games or Fallout in an Unreal engine, since the engine was not made to have a camera that is almost out of the game world.


Oh, and pathfinding would be another challenge, since RPGs generally have a lot more things trying to path all at the same time across the whole level than FPSs.

Feargus Urquhart


Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.

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Don't take this as we are making KotOR3 or making it using Unreal 3.



Haha :D

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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It's my opinion that a game like KotOR could be made quite well with Unreal 3.  A fair amount would need to be added to the engine like dialog, combat and character development systems, however the Unreal engine has been developed over the years to make it easier to use for games other than FPSs.

Do you guys get "insider" (for lack of better word) info on the specs for these engines, as in feature lists etc. ? I.e. how would the Unreal 3 engine stack up against the Doom 3 engine for crpg purposes. Bugs, rules systems and design decisions aside, Troikas latest game showed potential although it didn't have any kind of party/henchman support. Do you guys get 'spammed' with sales pitches from these companies, elaborating on the features and ease of use of such engines ? Do you get to make trial runs before deciding on a product ? :-

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Er, isn't the Unreal 3 engine open source? Meaning basically anyone could do a trial run.

No idea :">


I don't intent to start game development any time soon :-

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Er, isn't the Unreal 3 engine open source? Meaning basically anyone could do a trial run.


Hardly, it costs 500 000$ to license. And you can't slap that money on Epic's desk either, they want someone with the serious intentions to make a game too.


Some dev-tools are available for Unreal Engine 2.0, but they are for non-profit projects.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Hardly, it costs 500 000$ to license.


Er, yes. So does the HL and the HL2 engine (though the exact price may vary of course). They are still open source, though. However, if I make a free mod for HL or HL2 without profits, I can do whatever I want with the HL/HL2 code without paying Valve a dime. I imagine the same goes for Unreal 3, assuming of course that is is open source.

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I have to say if they used the HL2 Engine, or at least incorporated the gravity into it, that would be the greatest thing ever.  I mean, we would get force throw!!!

To be honest i'd rather they didn't. KotOR games seem to be recognized mostly for strong story and interesting characters, not technical prowess. (even if they do look nice) It's the plot that drives them.


Once you start teaching game new tricks, they tend to take over the design of game itself because well, if someone spent months coding someting like that then it better be used and not just once or twice, right? And so you get levels littered with dumb "puzzles" centered on the new functionality... shoot a dead body with gravity gun and have it topple pack of crates so you can move across a chasm, or whatever. How exciting. I bet there's obligatory ballistics course for the young Jedi that teaches them in advance how to get these corpse throws just right... and don't forget how gravity changes on different planets, we have to put at least one obligatory corpse toss event on each planet, so the player has opportunity to notice that.


(see how easy it is to paint oneself in the corner from which you no longer even notice it's the "features" you put in the game controlling the design, not the other way around?)


I wouldn't mind few kinks ironed out of current engine, and a bit more detail to the graphics...but other than that, i really see no point in the 'as real as possible yet still pointless and silly looking' physics and other stuff like that. :-

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Don't take this as we are making KotOR3 or making it using Unreal 3.  This is just a comment on making a game like KotOR with Unreal.



OMG!!!! obsidian is making kotor3 and they are using the unreal 3 engine!!!! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)




















hehe, or maybe not... ;)

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