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The Visas Marr Poll

What do you think of Visas after playing the game?  

218 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of Visas after playing the game?

    • Presents a nice variation on Bastila/Juhani female Jedi type.
    • Red silk. Blind. Submissive. Badass. My dreamgirl!
    • I want her to carry my child!
    • Too submissive for my tastes......
    • Bah! She's not even half the woman Bastila was........
    • Ewww...she has no eyes!
    • Too busy fantasizing about the male characters to notice Visas
    • I still can't get over her creepy relationship to Darth Nihilus
    • *daydreams about charging up her entry ramp*
    • OMG! I gots to get Kelly Hu's (VA) phone number and asks her out

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Forget Visas, Kelly Hu is real AND *bonus* has eyes.


I met her once, but I was too distracted by Rebecca Romijin's blue nakedness to really pay attention. (I was on set for filming the part of X-Men 2 where Mystique in Deathstryke's form, breaks into Styker's office) Saw some really funny outtakes that didn't make it onto the DVD that really should have, such as Wolverine acting like a complete fruitcake, it was awesome.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I'd like her if she had any kind of character development. Also, a personality.


Ok i'm not objective as i really like Visas, but i think she have a lot of potential, in my opinion, after Kreia, is the most importat character.


Probably is true that she have not too much to say, but what she say is extremely important and when Kreia is no more a guide she replace her in that role.


I also don't consider her so submissive yes she have some attitude like that, but is what she is or what she appear to be?

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Visas? I found her to be a complete non-entity. Maybe its because I couldn't davnce her dialogue any deeper than her talk about her planet. :"> But this "romance" cut-scene after Dantuine was lame. Two red shapes sitting in front of each other? How was that supposed to help her get over the depressing stuff Nihilus showed her? Whatever it was.

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Visas? I found her to be a complete non-entity. Maybe its because I couldn't davnce her dialogue any deeper than her talk about her planet.  :">  But this "romance" cut-scene after Dantuine was lame. Two red shapes sitting in front of each other? How was that supposed to help her get over the depressing stuff Nihilus showed her? Whatever it was.


Oh, I did not get that scene... how does it trigger?


Apart from that, I completely agree. No character depth. Perhaps a little bit on the Ravager, when she suddenly has ideas on her own. Unfortunately, all in all, not good enough.

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Visas? I found her to be a complete non-entity. Maybe its because I couldn't davnce her dialogue any deeper than her talk about her planet.  :">  But this "romance" cut-scene after Dantuine was lame. Two red shapes sitting in front of each other? How was that supposed to help her get over the depressing stuff Nihilus showed her? Whatever it was.


Oh, I did not get that scene... how does it trigger?


Apart from that, I completely agree. No character depth. Perhaps a little bit on the Ravager, when she suddenly has ideas on her own. Unfortunately, all in all, not good enough.

You get the Visas scene as a male pc while returning to Telos after Handmaiden.

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I voted for the first option, though it didn't really fit in. By what you see in the game alone, Visas is not a very deep character. A more in-depth (and mostly imaginary, I suspect) analysis produces quite an interesting personality.

And that voice... Like I said once before, if she had (and could) sing, I'd be in love.


Bastila is still my favourite, though. I only wish she had been a bit less, you know, girly, at times.


Yeah, she's a good character, ,but there aren't enough conversations to really explore her personality/past/etc and allow for a more in-depth analysis of her character.

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She was kinda worse than 'not there'. Yes, she has some interesting things to say, but she seemed so easily swayed from darkside to light it was suspicious. Was she important? It seemed so, yet...


I expected her to die, actually, all the way through, because of the comments others made. But she didn't. Would have made a nice betrayer... but she didn't do that, either, not even when confronted by Nihilous, who had power over her.


Sorry, didn't think much of her as a character as written. She wasn't convincing. She made a good support Jedi, though.

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You can actually make her sacrifice herself to make the fight with Nihilus easier (at least I think it's easier. It was so easy in any case, it's kinda hard to tell).


I disagree with her not being convincing, though. She was one of the most convincing characters for me. She just didn't have much of anything to convince me about, making it fall short. Her swaying can be explained if you think a bit about it (the stuff I mentioned before that's probably imaginary).

That's not an excuse, though. You shouldn't have to make such guesses based on almost no information at all.

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