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Does anyone know of any point-form bug lists all the known Quest bugs? I'm pretty sure there are many "odd" quest bugs but I'm looking for the ones which occur to nearly everyone or at least are well known, such as the "always DNF in swoop racing", or "TSF Escaped Criminals".


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

Does anyone know of any point-form bug lists all the known Quest bugs? I'm pretty sure there are many "odd" quest bugs but I'm looking for the ones which occur to nearly everyone or at least are well known, such as the "always DNF in swoop racing", or "TSF Escaped Criminals".


I have both these problems (though the swoop race one only seems to have affected me on Telos). With the TSF criminals one the criminals in question never appeared talking to the Czerka bint and so never appeared on Telos.


I also seem to have found another - Redemption quest on Dantooine. Can't find anyway to finish this though I have apparently done everything there.


There are some more sequence dependencies, most are documented in the big walkthrough at GameFAQs so you may want to consult that before replaying the game (but definitely not if you haven't finished the game once yet).


Offhand, Lt. Grenn's quests on Citadel Station (bounty quests, smuggling operation) are no longer available once you board the shuttle for Telos. As you have noticed, there is a problem with the escaped criminals bounty quest once you start working for the Ithorians. The False Batu bonus quest can probably only be completed before going down to Telos.


Telos: if Atton is not in the party you choose for sight-seeing (hidden base in the Mesa, after freeing your companions) then the handmaidens won't recognize his fighting stance and you don't get to talk to him about it. But I am not sure about that one, I may simply have done something wrong.


The airspeeder in Nar Shaddaa can only be fixed before you go to the Jekk Jekk Tarr (or whatsitcalled); if you haven't done it by that time then it will have been vandalized when you return.


Also Nar Shaddaa, once you have gained enough reputation so that the Exchange wants to invite you for a talk you can no longer switch party members (say, because you want Atton/Bao-Dur/T3 to admire your handiwork on the airspeeder or because you want them for opening locks etc.). This is because the Red Whatevers are on your ship waiting for you to return, and from then on you won't have full control over your party until after the event chain ends on Goto's yacht.


It seems that Mira needs a special place to trigger some developments (convo options, becoming Jedi), so if you don't lug her around on Nar Shaddaa you will never know what you are missing out on. This is really strange as there is no earthly reason for stalking around on Nar Shaddaa anyway once you have triggered the chain of events that results in Mira joining your party.


Don't let the plebs on Dantooine see you with a light sabre equipped until after you have saved Khoonda from the invasion. It will cement their bad opinion of Jedi and even if you single-handedly save them from the merc/Exchange takeover later it won't matter. It may be only the mechanic on the landing site that is problematic, but I don't know for sure.


ON Telos you can complete the False (Bato?) Quest, you have to go to the docking bay and talk to the Czerka Duros by the bay door, though.

As for the Fugitives, you have to tak to Lt. Genn several times then get the options for collecting bounties, then accept them, go to the Czerka Office and talk to Jana Lorso and they will run off. After landing on Telos's surface they are there.


You can complete the smuggling operations by 1) helping the duros with his quests. OR 2) show him the gun and get him to admit to selling it to someone, hell never say he sold it to "assassins." Then report back to Genn (I don't know specifically how the second part works since I've never done it that way.


I saw the criminals run off, but I didn't find them anywhere on the surface. And I know I slaughtered all the Czerka stooges I found.


the 2 criminals is a strange one.


In my LS game working for the Ithorians, I chased them off, and they were on the planet.


In my DS game working for Czerka corp, I chased them off, and they were not on the planet.


Yet people say you can't be working for the Ithorians, or they won't show up. It may depend on what stage of the Ithorians quest you are on. Who knows.


What about the Fuel Quest. Even though its marked complete, you can't talk to Lt. Grenn about it, and when the Ravager appears, he still complains there is no fuel for the station.


You can complete all of the Vogga stuff easily:


1)Vogga's Dancers- simply have Handmaiden(or the Exile, if you're playing a female) dance for Vogga


2)Vogga's Hoard- drug the 2 kath hounds with juma juice AFTER you've danced for Vogga & open up his storerooms


3)Fuel For Telos- beat the Goto's Yacht part of the game, then go speak to Vogga with G0-T0 in your party & the Hutt will ship fuel to Citidal Station




Now, if you're speaking about those 2 doors that you cannot target, but can see a path behind on the map, then those doors don't lead to anything required to beat the game, or any active quests in it.

3)Fuel For Telos- beat the Goto's Yacht part of the game, then go speak to Vogga with G0-T0 in your party & the Hutt will ship fuel to Citidal Station


Now, if you're speaking about those 2 doors that you cannot target, but can see a path behind on the map, then those doors don't lead to anything required to beat the game, or any active quests in it.


(3) Talk about being strict on completing the quest fully (bug?). I would've considered bringing G0-T0 to talk fuel as the WRONG thing to do!


Also, I heard those special areas are movie/cutscene areas. Eitherway, can disregard.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

You can complete all of the Vogga stuff easily:


1)Vogga's Dancers- simply have Handmaiden(or the Exile, if you're playing a female) dance for Vogga


2)Vogga's Hoard- drug the 2 kath hounds with juma juice AFTER you've danced for Vogga & open up his storerooms


3)Fuel For Telos- beat the Goto's Yacht part of the game, then go speak to Vogga with G0-T0 in your party & the Hutt will ship fuel to Citidal Station




Now, if you're speaking about those 2 doors that you cannot target, but can see a path behind on the map, then those doors don't lead to anything required to beat the game, or any active quests in it.

Actually, I get an "unfinished" quest titled "Vogga the Hutt" which says that mentioning Goto might be a way to get to meet Vogga - this haunts my Quest Journal from Nar Shadaa all the way to Trayus Core, along with the "TSF: Escaped Criminals" and "Redemption" entries.


Did anyone have a problem hooking up the refugee with the pilot on Nar Shaddaa? After getting their quests logged in my journal, when I went to speak to each of them, I could only respond with the "still looking" option.

Did anyone have a problem hooking up the refugee with the pilot on Nar Shaddaa?  After getting their quests logged in my journal, when I went to speak to each of them, I could only respond with the "still looking" option.


That's because you don't hook them up with each other. After all, they both require a ship.


The pilot you can give to the Lunar Shadow crewmen. Their captain is drinking in the Jekk'Jekk Tar and they're fed up with him. Find them in the Docks section. Tell them you have a pilot for them and they agree to take him on.


For the refugee looking for transport off planet, you can either arrange for the Twi'lek dockmaster to take her after fixing Vogga's problems with Goto, or you can persuade the Ithorian (also found in the Docks district) to take her. You need awareness, however, to sense that the Ithorian isn't really thinking of taking her, and then you need to persuade him to keep his word.


After you leave Goto's ship, you can talk to Faasa on the docks about the pilot and get him a job.


Allegedly, you can also talk to the Ithorian you get the power cell off of for the airspeeder to accomplish this, but I haven't tried that option yet.


Also, after Goto's ship, you can speak to Vogga about the fuel situatuon on Telos. You do not need G0-T0 in your party. I was completely alone after speaking to the Jedi Master, and ran straight for Vogga's. You may have to talk to Vogga twice. Just tell him Goto won't be a problem any more, and then ask him to send fuel to Telos. I just ran through one of my saves real quick and had to do so, but the quest was completable.


I've had the same issue with the Czerka mercs. I can find them no problem as DS on the planet below, but I've never been able to get them to show up as LS.


You can however lie to Grenn and tell him that you killed them. You'll be credited with completing the quest, and he'll give you money. You get no LS or DS points for doing so.


I could never get the Redemption thing to work. I did find Berun had some more dialog options about Jedi and convincing him to stand up for the Jedi, but they didn't seem to go anywhere. I was playing DS that time around though, so I'll have to try it out again with LS and see if they do anything different then the normal [Persuasion] line does.


Another bug is, you can ask Jorran to join the militia, but he never seems to do so. I'm kind of wondering if perhaps this is why Redemption is buggy. Everyone else responds after the militia battle as if they'd fought in it, thanks you for the help, etc. EXCEPT Jorran. He's stuck in the pre-militia battle dialog loop.


The only other option I can think of is the merc in the cave with the gland. He seems favorable towards Jedi, but his dialog is the same pre and post milita battle.


Another quest bug that really gets on my nerves is on Korriban. There's no way to continue if you pick the LS path, because Kreia never disappears. You either have to pick the DS path, or Apathy. I do admit, I didn't try the LS option and let the others kill Kreia before killing them. That might work.


With Lorsun's wife, you have to kill the Gamoreans and take the DS point if you have any kind of decent persuasion or awareness skills. This is the one point where having those skills seems detrimental.


Another bug that's bothered me is with the Nar Shadaa Jedi Master. If you follow LS, and help every innocent you can without bloodshed, he tells you he's confused at your motives. "You've done things to help people, yet others to help the Exchange." I did not help the Exchange per se, I merely accomplished all that I could without aggresive negotiations. :thumbsup:


If you play DS, I've actually had him to tell me I'm more of a Jedi then he is, despite my wholesale slaughter (both of innocents and the Serroco and Exchange.) So, this leads me to believe you have to kill both the Serroco and the Exchange, while helping the refugees to get his "You're more of a Jedi then I am" approval. This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, if you didn't get DS points for doing so (you have to take the DS option to attack the Overseer at this point to kill them) Ironically, I'd oppressed the refugees just so I could get the INF boost with Disciple before I went back and killed off the Serroco and Exchange guys. I killed the Serroco because I couldn't fix the airspeeder (killed the Ithorian right off and never got the power cell), so it was a little tension relief. :)


On my second DS play through, I specifically helped the Exchange to get on their good side, and oppressed everyone else. His response was as expected. But the above one really threw me off.


On Nar Shadda I have always killed both the Serrocco and the Exchange thugs/leaders, and not gained any dark side points. This also helps in other quests - i.e. clearing a safe path for Lootra's wife.


1) Telos Fuel Quest -- I think this one is in fact bugged because I've talked to Vogga right after the event chain of sequences (from when you are gassed to destroying Gotos Yacht) by myself as well and also with Goto (and just Goto and myself) and I never get the dialogue options of the quest actually being finished. I was playing LS at the time.


Also, as an experiment, the first thing I did in one play through, LS, when I first arrived on Nar Shadda was go and speak to Vogga to get this quest going (triggered). I actually think I may have completed it there because you get the Journal entry and XP of about 1000 points if you just say you want a fair deal... But it still haunts my Active Quest Log like others have said even whenl the game is finished.


I think the problem with the way the developers designed this one is that it is reliant on EXACTLY how you play the game and possibly in terms of where and WHEN you trigger things. I do consider this bugged because as I said, I think you can actually complete the quest before or after the event chain, but it's stil listed as Active AND Grenn still goes on and on about it even as the station is under attack by Sith and Mercs.


2) TSF: Bounty -- I think this another bugged quest because it requires you advance it to a certain point in order to be able to complete it (seeing the thugs run off from Jana Lorso's Czerka office; You HAVE to go see Jana even if you don't intend to work for her as a LS player to trigger this and you HAVE to do this before you decide to work with the Inthorians as LS)... Yet when after you are shot down and meet Bao-Dur... I never did encounter those two thugs... Yet after I left Atris' academy I went back to the station, told Gren I killed them and got 200 credits and XP.


Maybe it is not a bug per se... But this side-quest's structure is one any player (LS or DS) could easily miss and I would have never known this unless I read a Strategy Guide I found on the net.


3) Korriban -- This is an incredibly bugged "quest". If it is not... It is poorly scripted and comes off as buggy as Hell because you can get stuck in "moral loops" -- Where you have to decide if you defend Kreia, or strike her down because I've literally gone through all THREE options (defend, kill and apathy) IN ONE SESSION, right after the other, and it wasn't until I picked kill that I was able to proceed. The same "bug" appears when you have to decide if you want to go with Revan again or not. You can run through every single scenario until you "pass" the test.


I know the devs had to account for the DS and LS player allignment... But I also think they put a little too much freedom in this particular part of the game because you can literally be a LS player and switch your mind in either of the two situations... And you walk away with DS points and vice versa. I wish the allignment meter was turned off, or every choice was nuetral (in terms of the game registering as such) because why should I, as a LS player, get DS points for striking down a Sith (Kriea confesses she has fallen and intends to kill you and your party no matter what) as well as get LS points for joining Revan (again) if you are DS?! This is what I said in that most players won't know if it is a bug in the game or just really bad design choices. I vote for the latter in my opinion.


4) Refugee Quests - My first play though as LS I slaughtered the Overseer and the Sorocco thugs. The second time I played through as LS... I just used Force Persuade on both the Overseer and Sorroco Leader and gained a peaceful solution with no blood shed and got 1000 XP PER SIDE (Sorroco and Overseer). Zek said the exact same thing: He was confused about whether my actions were aiding or detering the Exchange.


I think this is just sloppy writing... Maybe even a scripting bug? I think the intent on Zek's part is to encompass the overall things he has seen your PC do since he later says he couldn't really reveal himself (the whole Scion/Force Sensative plot)... So, I am thinking he is actually hearing of things second hand... Perhaps through Mira... And not actually seeing which side you are fighting for (either DS or LS) at this point. I know. More excuses for sloppy writing, but I think this is the only way the devs could account for both DS and LS players respectively and not have it be too obvious which side Zek was "rooting" for until you (your PC) actually talks to him yourself.


Also... I think the LS/DS meter overlooks acts of violence IF it is the best interest of protecting others and helping the innocent if you are LS. This is why you can kill Exchange bosses and thugs as well as Mercs not get a DS shift.

Also, after Goto's ship, you can speak to Vogga about the fuel situatuon on Telos.  You do not need G0-T0 in your party.  I was completely alone after speaking to the Jedi Master, and ran straight for Vogga's.  You may have to talk to Vogga twice.  Just tell him Goto won't be a problem any more, and then ask him to send fuel to Telos.  I just ran through one of my saves real quick and had to do so, but the quest was completable.

I noticed on my first playthrough that if you talk to G0T0 about Vogga (he warns you not to deal with Vogga, as it'll weaken the republic: you get influence with G0T0 if you say you'll consider his advice), you CAN'T finish the New Fuel Source quest. I only got the "I notice G0T0 isn't with you" dialogue, and the only reply was something like "you're not as funny as you think".


The only way I could complete New Fuel Source was to talk to Vogga immediately after I blew up G0T0's yacht and talk to the Jedi Master, where I got the "He's not with me but will not bother you any more" dialogue option.


I've had the same issue with the Czerka mercs.  I can find them no problem as DS on the planet below, but I've never been able to get them to show up as LS.

Same here.


With Lorsun's wife, you have to kill the Gamoreans and take the DS point if you have any kind of decent persuasion or awareness skills.  This is the one point where having those skills seems detrimental.

Yeah, i could only finish the quest by [intimidate]-ing the Exchange Thugs, then saying "no, you wanted a fight, you got it", and then taking the DS points. Sometimes, though, the "You've cleared a path for Lootra's wife" note never shows up and I couldn't free her from the Refugee Sector.


It seems to be a bug based on your location once the battle's done. When you sheathe your lightsaber(s), that triggers the end of combat and you can talk to people; sometimes the "You've cleared a path" note showed up while I was running back to Lootra's wife, but sometimes it'd only show up if I stayed near the corpses of the Exchange Thugs after I killed them.


You can successfully get the Exchange thugs (at the entrace to the Refugee sector) to attack your party by sending one of your NPCs ahead to trigger the conversation. I had a non-levelled Handmaiden in front and the party failed to Intimidate them. This despite having a 14 persuade (with items) for the PC. Doing it this way DOES NOT get a DS point. And paves the way for Lootra's wife to go thru safely.

With Lorsun's wife, you have to kill the Gamoreans and take the DS point if you have any kind of decent persuasion or awareness skills.  This is the one point where having those skills seems detrimental.


Yeah, i could only finish the quest by [intimidate]-ing the Exchange Thugs, then saying "no, you wanted a fight, you got it", and then taking the DS points. Sometimes, though, the "You've cleared a path for Lootra's wife" note never shows up and I couldn't free her from the Refugee Sector.


You can avoid the DS points if you "Intimidate and Fail" you must fail the Intimidate to avoid the DS points.

If your character cannot fail then use one of your party members who will fail.


Tsel :thumbsup:

I've had the same issue with the Czerka mercs.  I can find them no problem as DS on the planet below, but I've never been able to get them to show up as LS.


Same here.



I've played LS twice before and the mercs were there on the surface, quest completed. But this last time, LS Sentinel, they weren't. I know where they were supposed to be, but instead of two baddies willing to yak, there were three who just opened up shooting. It may be the order in which I accepted the quests, or the fact that this time I tried to chase them, instead of challenging Lorso immediately.


Another more daunting bug is Korriban, in the cave where you face the visions. People here have been talking about meeting and talking to Revan? I have never had this happen. I always seem to get stuck in a loop after fighting my friends in aid of Kreia, having to do it three times successively to make her go away. Otherwise, she just stands there. I'd heard this was a bug in the XBOX version, but I'm playing PC. Anybody know how to trigger the Revan exchange?

  • 4 weeks later...

For the "TSF Bounty: Escaped Criminals" I believe you just have to do things in a careful order to complete it. After you see the criminals in the Czerka office and they run off, I believe you then have to talk to Lt. Grann and tell him what you've discovered so far, he'll talk about your word not being strong enough evidence to nail Czerka.


I think then they will show up down on the planet, and you can come back later once you have control of the Ebon Hawk to claim your 200cr reward and get the quest completed.


If you see them in the Czerka office and then go down to the surface without talking to Lt. Grann first I don't think they'll show up for you to take down.



I'm not 100% sure of this, but it's the only thing I can think of that I've done different. The only other thing is that I was a Guardian the time they didn't show up.


I started out as a LS Male Sentinel (my favourite class) but never completed the game, however I got far enough to complete this quest. Next time I restarted I was LS Male Guardian, and I saw them in the Czerka office but didn't talk to Lt. Grann and they didn't show up. Now I'm playing another LS Male, back to Sentinel, and I did talk to Lt Grann and they showed up.


I think the talking to Lt. Grann in between is more likely the cause than being a Guardian not a Sentinel...but who can say for sure?


Anyone else have any idea if this has an effect, or have any input?



For some reason I have yet to play a DS character in KotOR2...Consular/Sith Lord will be coming up soon though I think :(


Telling Grenn about the meet doesn't help them show up...

It causes the lie (I killed them) to dissapear though...


Another Quest bug:


If you don't talk about Galactic History:Bonus Mission to Kreia immidiate after leaving Peragus (Before head to Telos) it get's stuck in your journal forever (no change to regain the convo...)

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