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You know, I expected the game to be pretty awful. I don't normally like FPS games (not even FPS/RPG games) but Bloodlines was pretty good. Discuss.


story and characters were very interesting, but the overall game was ruined (for me atleast) by the bugs and the framerate issues.


bloodlines with no bugs and better fps? 9 or 9.5 out of 10.


bloodlines in its current state on my computer? 6 or 6.5 out of 10.


Yeah. That was the biggest issue for me. But I only had those problems in hubs, and not all the time. I thought it was a big improvement over Temple of Elemental Evil, which just didn't seem like a finished game (both in content and stability).


Impressions after completing the game as a male Malkavian, female Nosferaty (she was just too sexy to ignore), male Toreador, male Tremere (and currently playing a male Ventrue)...


It's a rollercoaster of good and bad, with the good winning out overall. The combat sucked big time. This means, the last part of the game sucked as it was all combat and very little roleplaying.


The atmosphere was great, if they could just figure out how to use the engine, I might even have been able to enjoy it in something other than 800x600 pixels.


Voice acting was the best I've heard in any game.


The experience/skill/ability/feat system was nice (I'm not a PnP player, so I've no idea if it was true to some kind of purists ideals).


The player dialogue is AWFUL in places, especially when dealing with M. Strauss.


Your typical case of a quite good game that could have been awesome with better QA, better use of the engine (assuming that it can do better than this) and dropping the incredibly boring combat from the last part of the game :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein


oh come on, you mean you dont like endless combat after endless combat with no real story being told? :D


yeah the last 1/3 (or whatever all that fighting constituted) was a downer, considering how well the rest of the game was.


and i agree about the voice acting. very well done.


First Half of the Game: 7/10


Second Half of the Game: 3/10


Terrible combat, level design and AI do not make a good shooter. The roleplaying elements were generally good and aside from some spotty level design and storyline that doesn't really go anywhere the more open first half of the game was pretty enjoyable. Once you hit the King's Way mission the game totally fell apart and devolved into a terrible budget ware shooter. Overall I found myself pissed off with Bloodlines more than I enjoyed; I'd say I was disappointed but to be honest it was exactly what I expected coming from Troika and all. I'm probably in the minority when I say this but I think even Invisible War was a better shooter/rpg than bloodlines.


So wasn't there supposed to be an announcement about Troika's future this month?


This game rocks! Jack is ****in' cool!

Plus you could actually role-play.

I love the M-rated content and atmoshpere.


Yes combat drags down later, but the first 2/3rds make up for it in spades.

I reckon the combat heavy parts after the great first half as its worst minus.

With all the clans it even has alot of replayability. I especially liked hearing news on the radio that I had a hand in.

I have to say that I had very little performance problems. Most maps loaded in 15/20 secs for me. No crashes either.



Funny how many devs get cut slack, but Troika always gets slammed.

Guess their buggy reputation caught up with them.


All in all its worth playing.

Especially if like me, you want to play something original and different.

In a swamp of sequels and remakes it stands out as a refreshing and a somewhat mature take on White Wolf 's Vampire universe.


All in all, I really enjoyed Bloodlines. The gameworld was very immersive and I had a lot of fun with it, but I'm not too sure about replayability. I would have liked it to be a bit less linear and have more paths and options depending on the sort of character you make.

I very much want to play in that gameworld again, so I'm hoping for a sequel or expansion, or even user-made modules.


I hated the combat. Ranged fighting was fine but melee was terrible, and melee is unfortunately the more required way to go given the nature of most opponents. The automatic switch to third person for melee with the wonky camera was extremely distracting, so I tried to go with ranged fighting as much as possible.

All the assessments of the last 1/3 or 1/4 are right. I didn't mind the Hallowbrook Hotel in itself, but what made it ultimately bad was that the game never recovered to a RPG after that, but stayed in the combat-oriented groove. Had the game rebounded to the more immersive story-driven state after that level, that level would have been fine, but for me it marked the start of the downward slip.

Unfortunately, like Troika's last game, TOEE, by the end I just wanted to get it over with and I didn't have the patience to keep trying that last horrible battle, so I resorted to cheating. After finishing the battle, I cannot fathom winning it "properly" as the game controls are, to me, so cumbersome and awkward, I simply lack the finesse to use them properly.


But, all tolled, it was a fun game and well worth buying.


Another thing I liked about Bloodlines was the use of chinese and japanese in the game. It might just be me, but I really get a kick out of foreign languages (and foreign english) for some strange reason.


Also, I thought the computer passwords and assorted e-mails were funny.


Hell it's not even a fps! The melee combat mode is so poor it defies belief - most of the time I can't tell where I'm aiming at (or where on the screen I'm meant to be) cos the camera suddenly adjusts to a really bad angle simply cos you are (one of the following):

1. Near a wall

2. crouched down

3. In a confined space (sewer pipe etc)

4. Trying to adjust the camera angle for a better view before the slow arsed character has finished an action - feeding, attacking or looking like a pillock.

5. The enemy has used one of those cheesy knock down moves

6. You are in the warrens and the game designers decided to make this the worst level(s) imaginable!

7. Cos the game feels like it!


Seriously this game would definitely rule if they fixed the remaining playability issues, made it more atmospheric and mildly mundane rather than combat orientated and removed the following levels:

1. The warrens

2. The bloody long journey through Meng Xiao's temple filled with constantly respawning enemies.

3. The warrens.

4. Ventrue Tower filled with constantly respawning bad guys.

5. The warrens.

6. Society of Leopold.

7. The warrens.

8. Hollowbrook Hotel.

9. The warrens.


Honestly by the end of the game there can be no masquerade left. They must be piling bodies up to the rafters in the local morgue, noting the various ribbons cut out of them, blood drained from others and general lack of any casualties on the other side and then wondering what the hell went on! Meng Xiao and LaCroix both sacrifice ridiculous numbers of humans so there could be no doubt something ridiculous happened!



Personally my favourite locations are Downtown and Chinatown, as these are the areas I think they got the best balance of combat into the gameplay (excluding any mention of that bloody box!) I think the mafia and plaguebearer quests in Downtown fitted very well into the storyline (fat larry's Traffik mission should be conveniently forgotten), Pisha's hospital was a nice touch - a freaky haunted place that held no threat to you as a fellow freak! Similarly Chinatown has some cool quests - most notably the Hengeyokai zyganea quest. I would also include Santa Monica which is a great introductory area except that I dislike gimble's - that place just makes me feel ill, Ocean House (cos I'm a wuss - but it was incredibly well done!) and the warehouse mission which just irritates me!


I think the inclusion of the Malks (female preferably cos the male looks like a fool!) adds a great deal more to the game in terms of replayability as you learn so much more and get to be so much more stupid! My favourite lines and scenarios are almost exclusively malkavian with one exception:

1. Convince Samantha that you are her long lost turtle Shelley!

2. Hunters collect archeologists? Good! They need hobbies too! (when you learn that Johansen was abducted! - from Beckett)

3. Dude that **** is WACK (a stupid response when any character encounters Strauss!)

4. Convince Igor that he is a Grizzly and his friends are salmon

5. Conversation with TV if you go to your downtown apartment after Giovanni quest (does anyone get that stupid Chef and Trout story?)

6. Convince Flayton he is eating maggots and then snigger childishly at him.

7. Pretty much every malk conversation with Beckett!

And so many more!



I think the inclusion of the Malks (female preferably cos the male looks like a fool!) adds a great deal more to the game in terms of replayability as you learn so much more and get to be so much more stupid! My favourite lines and scenarios are almost exclusively malkavian with one exception:

1. Convince Samantha that you are her long lost turtle Shelley!

2. Hunters collect archeologists? Good! They need hobbies too! (when you learn that Johansen was abducted! - from Beckett)

3. Dude that **** is WACK (a stupid response when any character encounters Strauss!)

4. Convince Igor that he is a Grizzly and his friends are salmon

5. Conversation with TV if you go to your downtown apartment after Giovanni quest (does anyone get that stupid Chef and Trout story?)

6. Convince Flayton he is eating maggots and then snigger childishly at him.

7. Pretty much every malk conversation with Beckett!

And so many more!





The Stop Sign!



I liked it.


I played a female Malkavian the first time through ('couse she looks hot in *all* her outfits) and as someone else pointed out, the Malkavian dialog rocks.


Sure the combat engine isn't that hot and the respawning enemies sections blow the big one, but it was the best CRPG released last year in an admitedly barren field (no matter what Bio's marketing department tells you) and definitely my favourite Troika game. The voice acting alone is worth the price of admission.


Personally I feel now that you should play a Malk only on the second or third run through. That way there is still a lot to discover after your first completion.



Who knew that Velvet's real name was Susan for example



The extra dialogue reactions to a Malkavian are cool as well cos there are almost no other special dialogue adaptations from NPCs (dependent upon your clan) in the game. Sure the first time you meet Beckett you can point out that you are both Gangrel, but that pales in comparison to the reactions of Skelter, Jeanette, Damsel, Kilpatrick and even Gimble when confronted by your childish insanity.


Personally I reckon if they didn't have this variable, replayability would suck so much cos the game is just so linear!


My thoughts so far:


-I hate most of the character models.

-The bugs are annoying. I can't check my computer because my desk turned into a couch.

-Combat is annoying.

-Not enough roleplay moments.

-Was disappointed in how they nerfed some of the blood abilities like Fortitude and presence, so I had to download the PnP mod.


Other than that, its a lot of fun

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



I loved Bloodlines, it's one of my Top 5 favorite RPGs. I've played a few different clans and seen a few different endings (not exactly sure how many there are total).

Clan Ventrue has a few setbacks, but it makes the game more challenging.

Tremere was good for their unique magic skills and Toreador probably had the best social interaction skills, but playing Malkavian female was the best; the dialog is funny as hell in some parts of the game and the outfits are nice. :("

Also, the game has some very interesting environments and a good music soundtrack.

Weapons are alright; I'd say the firearms are a little weak, but there are a few nice melee weapons to be found later in the game.

Admittedly there were some bugs, but the official patch took care of most problems (except for the frame rate). Still, it was a great game. :-


Great game, in spite of all the bugs. I've got a fairly decent system, so was never bothered by the framerate. In fact, I just finished KOTOR2, and am considering replaying Bloodlines just so I can be reminded what a fun RPG is like... <_<


Seriously, it's like all Trokia (may the rest in peace) games: great story, poor execution.

Disgustingly immature, some interesting characters



Like the ending bomb surprise?

I think a certain kind of immatureness is expected to be even in American literature, of which I accept as a part of its character. In fact, Henry Miller admitted the immatureness but I still respect his talent.


A bit off topic, but Related with American uniqueness, I began to play KotOR2 (I wonder when I can finish it


I was talking more about the treatment of sexuality (and occasionally the use of language and violence) : pretty much always lame and immature rather than, y'know, Mature.


The "surprise" did very much have a childish, Developers versus Players haha we beat you feel to it, though.


The War aspects of KOTOR2 reminded me of Cold Mountain, honestly (movie more than book). As in, sure, the Jedi think they're all righteous and good, but to the people whose lives were destroyed in their war, they're pretty much the same as the Sith.

I am following my fish.


A temporary home for stranded ML'ers

story and characters were very interesting, but the overall game was ruined (for me atleast) by the bugs and the framerate issues.


bloodlines with no bugs and better fps?  9 or 9.5 out of 10.


bloodlines in its current state on my computer?  6 or 6.5 out of 10.


Bloodlines ona system that can handle it is good, heck if it wasn't for the bugs it's a real 9'er



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me


Fantastic game - something I only picked up on the off-chance (Vampires and first person shooters don't appeal) but totally sucked me in.


The best thing was the way it made you feel like a Vampire. First time through, I was a pitiful Tremere, lurking around sewers to feed on rats because of my distaste of feeding off humans. I was confused, bewildered in a strange setting, doing odd jobs for wierd people. But then I gradually got taken into the world, until I began to feel like the bad-ass Fat Larry described me as. A turning point was in Hollywood, when your pre-vampire friend approaches. I reacted in horror - fear that my new life as a vampire would be disturbed by my old. In terms of getting you to play a role, it was brilliantly successful. (Second time through as a female Malk, I ended up relishing in jumping onto my victims, legs wrapped round them as I fed... shudder.)


A lot of factors contributed to that immersion. The dialogue was great, as was the voice work and characterisation. In the tutorial alone, Jack made more of an impression on me that almost any NPC in any CRPG.


The music was brilliant - sometimes I would just let my character dance and lose themselves to the moment.


Of course, the graphics were amazing - the talking heads were perhaps the first time a CRPG has developed on the potential glimpsed in Fallout.


The quests were innovative, varied and fun. Sometimes terrifying and of course macabre.


People gripe about the melee combat, but it was fine to me. I am not sure KOTOR or NWN is any better. The variety of ways (or implements) with which to despatch your foes stopped it getting old.


Character creation and levelling was very solid.


Yes, the ending got a little combat heavy but this is common in CRPGs.


An absolutely brilliant CRPG. I am not sure what CRPG had a more visceral effect on me - maybe System Shock 2 alone. But Bloodlines was much more of a standard story/quest/character driven CRPG and to me belongs in the august halls of such greats as FO2 and BG2. It's lukewarm sales and critical reception is baffling. Maybe it is being viewed as an action game rather than a fairly hardcore CRPG?

I was talking more about the treatment of sexuality (and occasionally the use of language and violence) : pretty much always lame and immature rather than, y'know, Mature.


Basically, I agree with you about

  • 4 weeks later...

I quickly skipped through this thread in order to avoid spoilers, but finally I'm seriously playing this game and so far I'm finding it great, even tho I'm at the initial stages. Infact, I'm currently exploring the Ocean Hotel and the atmosphere is something I rarely saw in any computer game to date (read: total fear :D ).

"The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance" - Wing Commander IV

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