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Perhaps the KOTOR3 plot would be the friends of Revan and the Exile getting fed up with the disappearance fo their closest friends, banding together and going after them.


Party (maybe 15):


New Jedi PC







Carth Onasi

Bastila Shan

Jolee Bindo (if still alive)

Visas Marr


Atton Rand



and 4 new NPCs maybe?


maybe Revan and the Exile too.

"You shall not pass!"

Heck, it might be cool if you could pick up all the NPCs from both games.

Maybe like Baldur's Gate 2, where you can have a certain limited amount of party members out of a larger selection.


Maybe throw in a few "should've been NPCs" ie. Yuthura Ban.

"You shall not pass!"
Heck, it might be cool if you could pick up all the NPCs from both games.

Maybe like Baldur's Gate 2, where you can have a certain limited amount of party members out of a larger selection.


Maybe throw in a few "should've been NPCs" ie. Yuthura Ban.



Customized Party of 12


Your PC (Male LS)

Carth Onasi

Bastila Shan

Jolee Bindo



Visas Marr




New Character

New Character

"You shall not pass!"

The characters you didn't see in K2 from K1 probably won't be in K3. And the characters that you can learn of their future probably won't be in K3.


The characters I believe that will appear in K3 will probably be HK and T3, the characters that were seen in K2 from K1 and the character(s) future you did not learn of.


Just my 2 cents.


forget the old characters...here's what i'd like to see


A Trandoshan warrior

A Sulustan scoundrel

A human force adept, not jedi

A Bothen jedi

A Outer rim Guerrilla soldier, possibly human or human varient

A schizophrenic repair droid

A Todarian scout

A human Jedi

A Floating support droid - healing and buffs


enough with the old characters, let them be story NPCs and cameos.

forget the old characters...here's what i'd like to see


A Trandoshan warrior

A Sulustan scoundrel

A human force adept, not jedi

A Bothen jedi

A Outer rim Guerrilla soldier, possibly human or human varient

A schizophrenic repair droid

A Todarian scout

A human Jedi

A Floating support droid - healing and buffs


enough with the old characters,  let them be story NPCs and cameos.


If we're going to have another droid with a mental disorder, I hope it is manic depression. And the droid to be named Marvin.


Gizka NPC, anyone? :lol:"


A Trandoshan warrior


- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


What's this I see - K3 character speculation? Is is that time of the year already? ^_^


Hmm...as Muurda Man already stated T3 and HK are pretty much a given - escpecially since

Kreia couldn't detrermine their futures



I've already said this in a different thread, but personally, I'd like the next PC to be a Sith Apprentice starting out on some Sith world somewhere. You'd have the option of joining the jedi or whatnot, but it'd be cool and different to start off the game from the Sith POV.


T3-M4 and HK-47 shouldn't be party members i ahd enough of them now, but they should be encountered, I think it would be good If you encountered Bao Dur on some planet and they were with him.


I want a female Cathar Soilder but i think they'd be better if they looked more like this.




And a female Zabrak or Irodion whatever they are called

T3-M4 and HK-47 shouldn't be party members i ahd enough of them now, but they should be encountered, I think it would be good If you encountered Bao Dur on some planet and they were with him.


I think they'll include T3 and HK because they're sort of like the R2D2 and C3P0 of the series. They'd probably include Mandalore too, for obvious reasons...

"You shall not pass!"

I didnt use t3-M4, HK-47 or Mandalore, But i think Vissas Marr would be a good character to have back we could learn more of her past maybe even go to Katar (how eva its spelt)

Mon Calamari hasn't been discovered yet. Not till centuries after KOTOR.



Then howcome every non-Goto Exchange boss in the game is a Quarren. Aren't Mon Cals and Quarren from the same planet? And aren't Quarren the ones who very seldom leave home?

Mon Calamari hasn't been discovered yet. Not till centuries after KOTOR.



Then howcome every non-Goto Exchange boss in the game is a Quarren. Aren't Mon Cals and Quarren from the same planet? And aren't Quarren the ones who very seldom leave home?


Maybe he got abducted by sushi-lovers. Unfortunatly, the Quarren did not taste very good, so he was ejected into space. Somehow, he turned into a peice of toast, and floated to the nearest planet. He burned up in the atmosphere of the planet, but miraculously re-animated through a process involving a time machine and duct tape. The Quarren then rose to become an Exchange boss by winning an acrobatics contest.


At least thats my theory.


In my party I want an:




Yoda type of alien

a Gizka



that alien that sqeaks like crazy on Nar Shadaa


and a PC


hehehehehe all except three are short. :p

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