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Beyond KOTOR 2 my ass!

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Also I remember in one of those "Ramblings" called "Beyond KOTOR 2" it talked about how the outcome of the actions you did on all the planets will be shown at the end of the game. Well, at the end of the game....it wasn't shown! WTF!?!?!


thats simply not true. you were told about what happened on each of those worlds as well as your party members.

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Also I remember in one of those "Ramblings" called "Beyond KOTOR 2" it talked about how the outcome of the actions you did on all the planets will be shown at the end of the game. Well, at the end of the game....it wasn't shown! WTF!?!?!


thats simply not true. you were told about what happened on each of those worlds as well as your party members.


Exactly, you need to play the end-level again and don't be so eager to kill the last boss that quickly.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

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Also I remember in one of those "Ramblings" called "Beyond KOTOR 2" it talked about how the outcome of the actions you did on all the planets will be shown at the end of the game. Well, at the end of the game....it wasn't shown! WTF!?!?!


thats simply not true. you were told about what happened on each of those worlds as well as your party members.


Exactly, you need to play the end-level again and don't be so eager to kill the last boss that quickly.



I thought it was supposed to SHOW what happened. Chris Avellone never said that you'll find out in a converstation. So from a certain point of view I am right and Chris was wrong. Atleast he wasn't specific.


KOTOR 2 would go down as one of the most contreversal sequels ever made.


Its sad and funny how Star Wars: Republic Commando and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith will probably end up at the end selling more then KOTOR 2 but yet KOTOR 2 was supposed to be LA's "most popular game".

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Its always better to show us the action than just tell.  Any story writer knows that.  That is taught in Creative Writing 101.  How could Chris forget about something line that?


i was disappointed with this part as well. i was assuming that wed get some kind of cinematic showing the different planets and npc party members, with a voiceover dictating what was happening.


but regardless, the original poster was wrong in that they seemed to imply that there was nothing at the ending to tell you what happened on the different planets and party members.

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if youre asking me, then i dont know. i never finished off any of the final end bosses in any of the nwn games. i know its weird, but im more inclined to playing out the story and leading up to the end, but get bored trying to defeat the final end boss, knowing the game is at an end.


only reason i finished kotor2's endboss is because, well, it was almost too easy not to.

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Indeed, the ending is apprently not half bad from some perspectives :lol:




Thats the kind of opinion I'd expect from someone who hasn't played the game, someone who's friend told them that it kindof didn't suck.


I replayed alot of the game, and I'll admit that I'm less dissapointed, but this is still one of the most dissappointing games ever

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I really enjoyed the game until the ending. I was really quite mad when it was done and felt like the exile must have felt after he lost connection to the force. Something inside me was missing. I was wounded, deeper then any blade could reach... But I got over it and the game is ok.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

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