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  GhostofAnakin said:
I'm not leaving this instant.  I just meant that since the game seems to have made it to the public, more and more info will leak onto these forums and I'll be slowly avoiding threads and more than likely avoid the forum altogether come this weekend.  :D

Well, in theory anyway buddy....for everyone cracks - it's just a metter of time. ^_^


how the crap did this guy get the game before December 6th???????????!!!!!

I am not to sure about this guy unless his part of a tester or somthing....man dam it and we all have to wait!!!!! Well I have to wait till Feburary





Maybe someone who is registered on that board could ask him about the cast? It's probably listed in the booklet or at least in the ingame Credits :)

  Alyt said:
Maybe someone who is registered on that board could ask him about the cast? It's probably listed in the booklet or at least in the ingame Credits :)

There. I asked him about it, you just have to wait now for him to answer it.

how the crap did this guy get the game before December 6th???????????!!!!!

He answers this question himself.


Quoted from his last post:


Q: damn how'd you get it?


A: From a co-worker at my job. He knows people.



So it comes down to who you know!! What a lucky dude!


I just get this funny feeling...you just never know when Revan or Bastilla or any of the other crew who might pop out on you when you arn't even expecting it :)




I can't help it...everyone says KOTOR 2 is very dark and every sith and his monster are after you :devil: ...lol...its like you even have to keep your lightsaber activated while even going to the the toliet....lol :lol:

  envida said:
If you zoom in on the booklet you can read that charisma affects casting force powers of opposite alignment. So if you are a ls character with high char you can cast ds powers with less penalty and it improves companions chances to hit! I believe this is new?!


a lightside palpatine is on the way! :D


1) Implants are now available to everyone from the start.


thats what that guy posted. aww crap, imma be unstoppable :-


The dude with the game said this:


This is subjective, but for those who have played K1, you will appreciate the advancement of the story, the tone, the approach. Folks, this is the "Empire Strikes Back" of the series.


Awesome! :D


*runs to call her wal mart*

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi


The starter of the thread this topics centers around has been updated has a new post, giving a little more first impression of the game, spoiler free. Three characters from the cast list are also mentioned, enjoy:



Spent another 2 hours on the game last night.


Man, it's so hard to keep from dropping spoilers.


Something I noticed, there is probably more dialogue in this game than in the first one. Everyone you run into has something to say, and in parts, everyone kinda knows about other people in the game.


For example, I walk into a cantina and pretty much half the people in there know each other, and aren't shy about dropping opinions. "Factions" seem to be the theme of the game here, and if you thought the whole Hidden Bek/Black Vulkar thing was sprawling, then wait.


Very interesting thing happened: Remember how Atton asks you about the fate of the galaxy (Revan beat Malak and saved galaxy, Revan beat Malak and was a tyrant....)? Well, Atton and I just had a really interesting talk about my old lightsaber, and you guys might get a kick out of the dialogue options. At the same time, I'm starting to boil a bit because I'm about 7 hours in and I don't have a friggin' lightsaber yet. In fact, no one does, except one person.


Which brings us to "Lightsaber Fun Fact o' the Day": According to the manual, lightsabers now have 6 slots for upgrading. Compare that to the three slots from K1.


Okay...time for the mailbag.


Q: Acolyte, can you post the castlist? I really would like to know who's doing the voices.


A: I'm only posting the voice credits for characters already profiled through IGN stories.


That said

Kreia is Sara Kestelman

Atton Rand is Nicky Katt

Bao Dur is Roger G Smith.


There 10 other voice credits for characters in the manual, as well as more than three dozen extras.

As for characters from K1 coming back into K2, I HIGHLY recommend reading the voice talent sections in the both manuals. You will find people from K1 in K2 tucked away in the credits.


Q: Did Obsidan Entertainment add any new AI Scritping or are they the same as KOTOR1?


A: Not sure what you mean here. Assuming you mean the AI as in the enemy, the enemy acts the same so far in K2. Ranged, if they have guns drawn. If you get close enough, they draw out swords for melee.

If you mean the characters in your party, you have some more nuanced control over them


Q: if you can please give us some info on lightsaber\force forms and on any new feats\powers that are available.


A: Okay, the manual says there are 11 total forms, with your character able to learn a maximum of 7. They are divided up into combat and non-combat. Order and types of forms used depend on the Jedi class. Logically, if you are a guardian, and opt for a more-fighting path, you'll get the Jedi-smash options more than a Jedi Mage would.


Important to know that some lightsaber forms are stronger against some foes than others. In certain cases, you might have switch styles depending on your opponent.


The manual does not list all the new feats and powers. Skills appear to stay the same. I can tell you that characters get a base set of feats at start, and then, depending on your class, you get to acquire more feats and powers (just like K1).


Since I'm going as a fighter-type, I've opted for more aggressive skills. Bastila's feared Battle Meditation is a new force power I picked up and I can't wait to try it. A new feat I automatically got was Unarmed Specialst, where I can still beat people down if all my weapons are gone.


Let's just say there are so many new powers and feats than you'll spend a long time playing this game, mixing and matching different combos until your new fighting technique is unstoppable.


It actually seems authenetic. Good for him and scew x-box.


  Darth_Gandalf said:
Just wish he'd give us the credits for the KOTOR2 manual. We could figure some stuff out, then.


I don't want the credits yet! I want to find out the old fashioned way: through my enemies' sweat and blood! :)

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

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