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Happy Voting!


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"Why would the world want to run the president ?"


LOL Besides my poor wording, you knew what I meant. :)


And ?


That's no excuse for not poking fun at you :p


At least you know it's just that :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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A. Bush didn't cause the debt, if anything he's improved the economy (War Mongering/Debt are polar opposites).


B. Unless a helluva lot of people voted late in the day, it looks like Bush has won.




Here's to four more years of Theocratic Dictatorship and the New Crusades. And don't no one blame lil' old me for this sh!t, I mised the fcuking vote by less than a year. :angry:

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"Here's to four more years of Theocratic Dictatorship and the New Crusades. And don't no one blame lil' old me for this sh!t, I mised the fcuking vote by less than a year."


better that than missing it because of a silly imaginary line! :lol:


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B.  Unless a helluva lot of people voted late in the day, it looks like Bush has won. 


Well, there's still a lot of counting to do, but Bush does have a significant lead, as expected I think.


I'm so glad I don't live in the US and only have to deal with the effects his running the US has on my country, instead of living in the country he's running.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Funny bit of trivia. Yahoo! has an electoral map up. There's just one problem: they did their math wrong. According to the actual electoral votes contained in the states that have been declared for Bush, his total is 1 higher than the total that they show. Right now, for example, they're showing him with 195 electoral votes. However, if you add up the individual states, you come up with 196. Guess Yahoo! needs to have a recount...

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haha taks. I like it. This new electronic thing is cool, but it's odd not having to use my sample ballot to make my votes.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I'll trust my vote before I'll trust either of yours... although I refuse to hate folks with whom I otherwise enjoy a friendly relationship.


I mean, I remember someone trying to convince me that Bush would lead us to World War 3 before the end of his first term. Same person is voting for Kerry. This is the enlightened person to whom I should concede my vote? nuts!

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Nah nevermind. Dark ages are just that, ages, they never last forever. The inquisition didn't, that priesthood in Iran wont, G.W. Bush wont. In only 4 years, another guy (girl ?) will be there :rolleyes:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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This isn't my country anymore. It just isn't. Christianity has once again become the enabling factor for murder. A fetus is sacred life but the neighbor next door isn't. I guess it's ok to kill people non-christian countries on the grounds they're going to hell or something. I know there are plenty of good Christians, but what I see in this country is dogged fundamentalism rapidly rising and it's largely based around this. They go on on Fox News about how Islam isn't really a peaceful religion despite all the claims but don't see their own has become exactly the same, just with more businesses and the trappings of legitimacy about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm for hunting down the terrorists, but that's not what we're doing. I don't know, this is rambling, but I just do not see the goodness in humanity that I used to. At all.

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In every election, whether my personal candidate pulled through or not, I always accepted the vote. I understand it's late. I know what it's like to stay up into the early morning hoping for your candidate to win only to see that he loses. So, while this is an undoubtedly rough statement, I am not without empathy...


If this isn't your country, leave.


I mean that. We live in a democracy. You don't win every vote. You might spend years in the minority. You might have your intelligence, education, or motives challenged at every step. I have endured such treatment. I was, and shall remain unto my death, an American.


So you lost an election... so what? Did you vote? Did you voice your will? Did you perform your patriotic duty? I don't mean flying a ridiculous flag that you let the weather and sun destroy. I mean standing up for that which you believe.


You will undoubtedly have your day. I hope we all have our day. ...But your characterizations are the exact misstatement and hyperbole I cited in my earlier post.


Finally, does anyone here believe that President Bush would be in a position where he apparently won the election if his opponent were competent?

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I'm not quite talking about the election itself, or any of that. My characterizations are a bit drastic, but I've got some friends on the Christian right and this is what I've got from talking to them, and it scares me. I've never been a fan of Christianity to begin with, I'll admit, but it's moving further and further away from the actual peaceful teachings it claims to uphold. I'm not talking specifically about politics, but values people have. The lack of social tolerance. The death of actual American values. That life is seemingly valued ONLY when it gets you a foothold in someone else's bedroom. How we seemed, just for a little bit, to make some bit of progress from the ancient era in which nations were built solely on blood, and it seemed like the first nation founded on principles was going to succeed but now we're drifting back, following the course of Athens somewhat. I guess the Middle East is our new Siciliy. Anyway, I could go on, but I'm tired and disgusted.

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I am American. I love my country. I have family serving in the military. In fact, everyone in my family works for the federal government. We all despise what the Bush administration has done with both domestic and foreign policy issues. I myself put considerable personal effort on this campaign. So yes, I am a bit...peeved that my efforts did not come to fruition.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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I'm so depressed now. Bring on the lawyers, or whatever will make Bush go down.


*shrug* The pleasant sight of mob rule. Sure, after all, our democracy isn't nearly so important as seeing "Bush go down," right? Our democracy can survive a bad president much better than it can survive the lawyers.


Anyhow, from my perspective, this thread has achieved car crash status.


From your perspective... well, you guys deserve a chance to vent and I should be nice enough to let you do so.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Finally, does anyone here believe that President Bush would be in a position where he apparently won the election if his opponent were competent?

No, Kerry bears no responsibility. Clearly, Nader must be blamed even though he wasn't on the ballot in a bunch of states and Badnarik and Cobb also took similar amounts of votes.

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I'm tired and disgusted


and scared.


I'm scared because of seeing what Bush wanted to do when he had to worry about re-elected, and thinking about what he would be willing to do now that he doesn't have to and has a few more seats in the senate.


I'm scared of what he'll try and do with the Supreme Court Justices based off his comments on the justices. I'm honestly pissing myself on this one.


I'm terrified of his enviromental policies. He wants to drill in some of our most untouched places, and now might have the votes to push that forward. Hell, the man wants to drill along the Appalachian trail. And those are the smaller issues.


I'm worried that Haliburton will walk with all the money they made from their "accounting errors". The Army has recently decided it's not worth the effort to challenge most of these claims. Even those that indicate that the Pentagon was charged thousands of dollars per load of laundry.


I fear for what kind of message it sends about the American people to future leaders and the rest of the world when a president can take a preemptive strike on a nation only to find find out his reasons for war were baseless and he's not held accountable for it by his own people.


I fear for the stability of Iraq and Afganistan, because we have little in terms of a safety net to fall back on. We burned bridges.


I fear for Americas moral responsibilities in the world now that we are so very tied up elsewhere. We can't even get the number of troops we need in Iraq now. GL Sudan.


I'm worried I can't even travel outsides the states now without getting a negitive reaction because I'm American.


I fear for the continued trend of, however small or slow, the deterioration of the seperation of church and state. Not to meantion protecting those that are not Christian or Catholic rights, not just Atheist. We do have a president who signed in to law "Jesus Day" in Texas, after all.


I'm worried the "Patriot" act will remain unchanged. Something that is even effecting the privacy rights of Canadians.


again, to the majority of the rest of the world, I'm sorry.

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I agree, but it doesn't help matters when neither candidate is worthwhile to vote for and you know that any third party person has no chance.


Is this the sentiment of more Americans or is it just you?

If this is indeed the sentiment of a large minority of americans then why don't you vote third party? Even if third parties can't win if a lot of Americans did vote third party even if it was only in the house and senate election it would IMHO, as an outsider be the best way to send a message that you want your political system to change.



I'm so depressed now. Bring on the lawyers, or whatever will make Bush go down.


Doesn't the Bush campaign genrally have more money?

We all know more money=better lawyers.

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Is this the sentiment of more Americans or is it just you?

If this is indeed the sentiment of a large minority of americans then why don't you vote third party? Even if third parties can't win if a lot of Americans did vote third party even if it was only in the house and senate election it would IMHO, as an outsider be the best way to send a message that you want our political system to change.



Frankly, alot of people decided to vote based on "the lesser of two evils".

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