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Gluupor as a Joinable NPC!!!

Who wants Gluupor as a joinable NPC in TSL?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Who wants Gluupor as a joinable NPC in TSL?

    • Hellz yeah! That little Rodian scumball r0x0red my b0x0rs!!!
    • Don't really care, so long as Yuthura is in my party.
    • More Diversity is always welcome.
    • I don't really care even if Yuthura isn't in my party

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It would be fun to have one party member who was a complete dolt and could be blamed for everything that goes wrong.


PC: "Gluupor, did you give my lightsaber to that guy in the mask?"


Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky."


PC: "Gluupor, did you press that button that is marked "self destruct"?"


Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky."

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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It would be fun to have one party member who was a complete dolt and could be blamed for everything that goes wrong.


PC: "Gluupor, did you give my lightsaber to that guy in the mask?"


Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky."


PC: "Gluupor, did you press that button that is marked "self destruct"?"


Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky."

I heard that was Atton Rand's role.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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It would be fun to have one party member who was a complete dolt and could be blamed for everything that goes wrong.


PC: "Gluupor, did you give my lightsaber to that guy in the mask?"


Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky."


PC: "Gluupor, did you press that button that is marked "self destruct"?"


Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky."

I heard that was Atton Rand's role.

No Atton just gives poor advice. If you listen to his advice, you could end up dead, converted to the Darkside, pregnant, opening Pandora's Box, or with an alien STD.

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There you are in the middle of Kotor2 in front of that "hyper rare items shop",

you take out your credits to pay for that 166000 credits lightsaber cristal thats going to make you the baddest kick **s jedi in the galaxy,


The seller says - Nice doing business with you, come back when you can. Always shop at Grif's store.


You move away, go to a nearby workbench thinking how familliar that name sounded.


You insert the crystal into your light saber and ....... as you ignit it , an hallogen lamp pops out from the hilt . As you swoosh your light saber it shaters into a million pieces and finnaly you remenber why the name was so familliar. :D



He is blue, he has tentacles instead of hair, he is not Human and he allways has stupid scams to get rich fast while you f*** your clients.


He is Griff the Twi'lek.


Returning for yet another small appearence in a Game of the year rpg.



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