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  Bokishi said:
Any theories?

dump yard, on telos(bearly works and it's just there or you find it and hav to fix it), steal it, buy it.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf


Ahhh. The world comes back into focus. Well, the hawk has always been like the falcon. I wish we could have a new ship, but if it's revamped like alot of other stuff will be it could be cool. I'm betting the hawk thing is part of a major plot twist.


Maybe it's like a movie car chase. Revan finds herself in trouble, possibly followed by a group of sith assassins who're trying to get rid of their old master/one of the last few jedi. So she picks up a ship on Peragus and leaves the Ebon Hawk where it is, and you come on it and the sithies come on you. Then you all have a tasty BBQ using Gizkas for the spicy chicken.


Hooray for 11:01 PM.


/end insanity



Revan didn't need it anymore and left it behind, someone stole it but was wanted then all over the galaxy and fled to the mining facilities of Peragus' asteroids to hide there. He left the ship in the dock and no one knew who it belonged to.



Something like that. :lol:


Theory A:

After Revan discovered he was 'the one' he found he could warp the movie licence to his will and could then do 'his superman thing' and fly wherever he wanted in the universe without the aid of transportation. Then, malak, with the aid of the star forge, mass produces himself leading to overly long fight scenes.


Theory B:

Revan, and the events surrounding Revan, are somehow tied to the story arc of the game and is probably where T3-M4 gets into the game from (training level). Droids can pilot ships.


Theory C:

A couragous band of space pirate Jawas ambush the Ebon Hawk in transit. The ship and all its crew are blasted out into vaccuum apart from T3 who, not only defeats the Jawas that bested the Master of the Sith, but also lands the ship, fits a jacuzzi and turns it into his "pad" where all the Twi strippers hang out sipping Gin. A slight nick to the central processor alter T3's speech so he no longer says "bee-oo-eee-ooop [whistle]" but "bling!bling!". Where the purple hat and feather come from, is a mystery.


What makes you think it is still Revan's ship after 5 years? He/she could have given it away and got him/her self a bigger one...


I am sure there should be an explanation as to how it is your character that ends up with it, but I doubt he got it from Revan directly...


Jawas man, Jawas.


As far as I've read, you encounter the Ebon hawk in a delapodated state. I doubt you're given the ship. It wasn't really Revan's anyway, since he stole the ship from Kang. But then, nine tenths of the law is possession and Kang is by way of being so much charred ash on what remains of Taris.


Perhaps Revan wanted to cut away from his past. The Hawk being part of it. Perhaps Carth took the ship and Revan got his own. Maybe Revan encountered some kind of resistance and the ship was salvaged. Anything could, reasonably, tie the ship into the story.


Personally, I prefer the Imperial Lambda class Shuttle to any other Star Wars ship.


I don't like the idea of using the Ebon Hawk in TSL. Perhaps its integral to their story, I don't know. But I'd prefer some kind of small Jedi Transport to a smuggler's freighter since how your character starts off and the company he keeps. A diplomatic vessel like the blockade runner or something similar, perhaps a war vessel better suited to the sith-republic war.


My 2 theories:


1) You where sent on a mission by Revan and given the Ebon Hawk. You arived on Peragus aboard the Ebon Hawk with T3.


2) HK-47 was sent to kill you or Kreia at Peragus and traveled on the Ebon Hawk with T3 as his pilot.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!


Both of those directly involve Revan. I feel Revan takes a bit less of an active role in the plot in this one. Plus T3 isnt a pilot, he's a security droid from what I understand. If he's an astromech droid, designed to assist pilots, then perhaps. But I feel he's more suited to security slicing.


I don't think HK will be returning.

  FireWolf said:
I don't think HK will be returning.




  ShinIchiro said:
I'm betting the hawk thing is part of a major plot twist.

That's where I think you are wrong...the devs said no plot twists... :)


Maybe it was just parked there...and you take it...Revan could have given it to someone to use and they stole it...who knows...it's a mystery...


The Ebon Hawk we encounter in this 'mining facility' which is practically an astroid field -which sounds like a place for hiding, or evading pursuers, as Han Solo demonstrated well (!) in his escape from the Star Destroyer.


Perhaps someone related to Revan, (or even R. himself) who for some reason took T3 with him/her, was on the run or sought to hide from whoever the pursuers were. Perhaps he/she was travelling to a planet, carrying important info. (which is maybe where the droid comes in?) to someone important. Obviously he/she failed and was taken away, or killed, but the ship remained in that hideout.


It could be a chance incident that our new PC gets to ride the Ebon Hawk in the first place; but what got the ship to Peragus will be gradually unveiled and that's how our new character will plunge into the main conflict.


Now wouldn't it be nice if whoever it was that took the Hawk and T3 into hiding among those asteroids, actually recorded a message inside the droid, of which the discovery-deciphering will be an important quest?


....help me Master Vrook, you're my only hope....

....help me Master Vrook, you're my only hope....

....help me Master Vrook, you're my only hope.... :D

Zwangvolle Plage!



Actually didn't somebody, maybe that trader on Korriban, mention that the Hawk is somewhat cursed? That nobody owns it for long and most of the owners meet violent and unpleasant ends? Maybe our favourite Sith Lord isn't immune to it... And I'd expect a DS Revan to take a Forge made ship anyway.

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