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A Question for PC Users

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Will you still be visiting this forum after December, and

risk having the game spoiled?


Or will you be vacating these forums for two months, canceling all

your magazine subscriptions, and (*gasp* :( ) , finding other methods to

entertain yourself?


Or maybe you have an alternate plan. Whatever the case, this is the

place to post it. B)



(And if you own an X-box, please don't brag about it here... ;) )

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even as an Xbox Owner I more than likely wont be visiting these forms once I get the game (well till febuary anyway), mainly because I don't want to have the game ruined for me by what is said on here and I also would hate to ruin the game for those who haven't had the chance to play it yet. I figure its only fair that way.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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I will keep on reading the boards and scowering for data on the game. I heard about the plot of LOTR ROTK before I saw the film and I never read the book, was I disapointed, no, I still think it's the best film I've ever seen. I say if u don't want spoilers, don't read them. How much can be given away in a thread title besides a simplistic plot twist like "you are revan". However as a whole I've lost interest, the boards have run dry and things seem to be getting rather stale

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I'm not sure yet. Chances are I'll avoid the forums for a while, until I've played the game (not just until it's released for the PC, but until I've actually finished or near finished it).


I might pop in once in a while, and hopefully there won't be spoilers in thread titles to ruin it, but chances are I won't be posting or visiting these forums between the release day of the XBox version and the day I finish the game for the first time.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I will keep on reading the boards and scowering for data on the game. I heard about the plot of LOTR ROTK before I saw the film and I never read the book, was I disapointed, no, I still think it's the best film I've ever seen. I say if u don't want spoilers, don't read them. How much can be given away in a thread title besides a simplistic plot twist like "you are revan". However as a whole I've lost interest, the boards have run dry and things seem to be getting rather stale



I blame it on your mod. BTW is that still in business? ;)


I probably won't be coming on the KotOR2 section much, the rest I'll probably be in on from time to time. <_<


I don't have any gaming rag subscriptions so it doesn't matter.

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I blame it on your mod.  BTW is that still in business?  :( 


I've been wondering where mgnails has been recently.


Maybe LucasArts has him working as their marketing director. It'd explain the whole "we will have a simultaneous release!" debacle. ;)

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I blame it on your mod.  BTW is that still in business?  :p 


I've been wondering where mgnails has been recently.


Maybe LucasArts has him working as their marketing director. It'd explain the whole "we will have a simultaneous release!" debacle. :(



That's almost as plausible as Lucas being frozen in carbonite instead of dying. ;)

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I will keep on reading the boards and scowering for data on the game. I heard about the plot of LOTR ROTK before I saw the film and I never read the book, was I disapointed, no, I still think it's the best film I've ever seen. I say if u don't want spoilers, don't read them. How much can be given away in a thread title besides a simplistic plot twist like "you are revan". However as a whole I've lost interest, the boards have run dry and things seem to be getting rather stale

I got mad at this post for a bit them I saw it was chemix who wouldn't know a plot(or a decent texture) if it beat him over the head.

Hey, chemix what lie are you 'working' on now?


Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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How far along did that whole farce even come?  Besides some photoshoped pics, and some basic sketch outlines for levels, did anything of substance ever materialize?



I dunno, I got out as fast as I could as soon as I realized I knew all there was to know about the 'mod'. And what I knew ammounted to just about jack $hit. <_<



I will keep on reading the boards and scowering for data on the game. I heard about the plot of LOTR ROTK before I saw the film and I never read the book, was I disapointed, no, I still think it's the best film I've ever seen. I say if u don't want spoilers, don't read them. How much can be given away in a thread title besides a simplistic plot twist like "you are revan". However as a whole I've lost interest, the boards have run dry and things seem to be getting rather stale

I got mad at this post for a bit them I saw it was chemix who wouldn't know a plot(or a decent texture) if it beat him over the head.

Hey, chemix what lie are you 'working' on now?




Is that the new Admiral Chemix picture? If so, it gets the Servant of Eru stamp of approval. :D

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I think i'll be avoiding these boards cos last time i spoiled the game b4 i played it. I'll only be visiting if there is a separate spoiler forum.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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I'm thinking of taking a break from these forums even before xbox gets it. I mean I don't feel there is anything more to look forward too right now. If it were coming soon I would feel a sense of urgency so I would be here almost everyday. Now it looks like I won't be back here till like end of Feb.

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Yeah, not going to read this stuff once that happens; "spoiler-free" forums don't work. There'll be an x-box review to give as much non-spoiler stuff as we can get anyway, aside from any additional content they might grace us pc-users with, and that pro'lly would be somewhat spoilerish anyway.

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the Xbox practically doesn't exist where I live; consequently there are no magazines, or people discussing xbox games around etc. So I guess avoiding the forums will be enough to stay clear from any spoilers.


on the other hand, I'm not sure how much spoilers can actually 'spoil'. The plot twist in Kotor was so simplistic, and the main quest so flat, that the only way to really spoil the experience by spoilers was to tell the details of each side quest (which in my opinion were really what constituted the game) -and unless one reads a detailed walkthrough, that wasn't quite possible.


In fact I played the game concurrently with a friend and he was ahead of me, so I knew what happened to Bastila, which party members got killed, the ending -and didn't think at all that those were spoilers. Perhaps if I'd seen someone play those scenes, then they could have been; but just reading or hearing isn't that serious.

Zwangvolle Plage!


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And so the flames resurface when I disagree with popular opinion, how suprising, do u realy have to drag the dead wheight that is the past with u wherever u go, if u read the other boards (not obsidian) u would know whats been going on, and have ur proof that there was work, read through the forum pages a bit and u'll find a post by me, but that probaly won't matter to u anyways. I don't want this thread to degenerate into flames and crap. I've stated my opinion on the topic already.

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the only spoiler i found for kotor before it came out for pc was that you were revan.


nothing else, will ipost here after december??? who knows?

I still hope they wont make a spoilers section till febuary, and delete all spoilers threads in the gen. disc. forum. If they need a spoiler, they can wait till feb.

Strength through Mercy

Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome

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