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Yes, thanks! If you have time, think about some class specific passives, like Cipher's



- Hammering thoughts

- Greater Fovus

- Keen MInd

- Psuchic/ Brutal Backlash

 and so on...


Also there are some other abilities sharing one icon: Great Soul / Tough for example.

I'm pretty sure that Great Soul ( + 1 Max. Empower) should have Empower icon



P.S About Two-Handed style. I think, we must reflect both Melee and Ranged weapons on Icon. For now icon is confusing (Large axe) and description too - for example, i was sure it gives bonus only for Melee Twohanders until em... last month :grin:

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https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/72?tab=files, this mod seems be to fix lots of suggestions in the poll, for anyone wanna try, not sure if it can be used with v4.1 tho.


I see a lot of chaotic rebalance and additions. And i see no current Poll suggestions, that was fixed in this mod. Show me the one.

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https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/72?tab=files, this mod seems be to fix lots of suggestions in the poll, for anyone wanna try, not sure if it can be used with v4.1 tho.


I see a lot of chaotic rebalance and additions. And i see no current Poll suggestions, that was fixed in this mod. Show me the one.



Like rebalancing godlike passives, making monk turning wheel work with ranged attacks, buff ExaltedFocus and etc? I mean the mod is packaged in bundle so u can install them separately.

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Like rebalancing godlike passives, making monk turning wheel work with ranged attacks, buff ExaltedFocus and etc? I mean the mod is packaged in bundle so u can install them separately.

Godlike changes don't use the scaling we are opting for. And we also going to buff Exalted Focus in a different way. Although these are easy, and would take like 5 minutes max.


Turning wheel change might be handy. In rest I don't see what we could take from there 1:1.


Yeah - if you have a good idea for the weapon "styles" I'm all ears. Weapon & Shield Style is ok as it is (just a shield icon) I think.

Nice icons :)

Especially like the "Hold the Line" and "Uncanny Luck".


Regarding Weapon Styles:

- 1H - associates with rapier and finesse for me

- 2H - with a two-handed battle-axe. But as Pheno has mentioned, it would be nice to suggest that it works with ranged 2H too. So something like your "Arms Bearer" but with 2H BattleAxe / Bow (or arrow) perhaps?


P.S. The current "Snake's Reflex" looks more related to poison appliance)

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I know. :) Also the Bull and Bear pictures speak of something else.


I think I'll just leave the symbols for Snake's Reflex and so on as they are - since "strongman", "head + brains" and "foot with wings" are the generic symbols for fortitude, will and reflex anyways - and find something else for Body Control and those other abilites which currently use the same icons.

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Also the Bull and Bear pictures speak of something else.

Like.. market speculation?)




I think I'll just leave the symbols for Snake's Reflex and so on as they are - since "strongman", "head + brains" and "foot with wings" are the generic symbols for fortitude, will and reflex anyways

Pretty much.

Except for Red Bull messing things up)

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Preliminary list of abilities which need unique icons.

I'll wait for suggestions until Sunday. Maybe some abilities should be exluded from list and others should be included. Take a close look.



- Fast Runner
- Arms Bearer
- Monastic Unarmed Training
- Weapon and Shield Style (Icon should represent Sword and Shield)
- Two Weapon Style (Attack Speed for Ranged and Melee)
- Two-Handed Style (Bonus Damage for Ranged and Melee)
- One Handed Style (Hit to Crit conversion for Ranged and Melee) ???
- Combat Focus (Grant Concentration at the start of combat)
- Tumbling (Bonus disengagement Deflection)
- Great Soul (Bonus Empower point)
- Spell Resistance (Chance to avoid spell attack)
- Improves Critical (Bonus Ctrit damage)
- Uncanny Luck
- Prestige

- Blooded (Bonus damage when Bloodied or Near Death)
- Accurate Carnage
- Wilder Hunter
- One Stands Alone (Bonus Damage, +1 Enemy needed to be Flanked)
- Bloody Laughter (Bonus HIt to Crit, Ctit bonus agains targets <25% Health)
- Bloodlust (+20% Action Speed on Kill)
- Unflinching (Resistance to Dex, Con, Might afflictions)
- Interrupting Blows (50% chance to interrupt on Crit)
- Brute Force (Attack Fortitude insted of Defl)
- Threatening Presence (Cannot be engaged by lower-level enemies)
- Blood Thirst (Recover immideately on Kill)
- Vengeful Defeat (Full attack on 0 Health)
- Blood Surge (Chance to gain Rage on Kill)
- Barbaric Retaliation (Full Attack when Critically Hit in melee)

- Psychic Backlash / Brutal Backlash
- Penetrating Visions ??? (Bonus Pen for spells)
- Hammering Thoughts (Bonus Pen for Weapons)
- Greater Focus (Bonus Max Focus)
- Keen Mind (Bonus starting Focus)
- Empty Soul (Bonus Acc with Cipher spells vs. Will)
- Complete Self (+5 Focus on Crit)
- Echoing Horror (Froghtened AoE per Kill)
- Soul's Echo (Hit to Crit conversion with spells vs. Will)
- Chared Nightmare ??? (Bonus AoE per Focus gained)
- Protective Soul ??? (Grant Damage Shield while being Critically Hit)

- Determination (Bonus Defence against Per, Int, Con afflictions)
- Confident Aim (Bonus Graze to Hit conversion)
- Hold the Line
- Quick Switch (-1.5 sec Weapon change recovery) Substitute with "Sand Clock" icon ???
- Weapon Specialisation / Weapon Mastery ???
- Unstoppable (Resistance to Dex afflictions) Substitute with Dexterity attribute icon
- Bosy Control (Resistance to Might afflictions) Substitute with Might attribute icon
- Fearless (Resistance to Resolve afflictions) Substitute with Resolve attribute icon
- Armored Grace (Bonus Attack speed) ???
- Overbearing Guard (Bonus Acc and Gamage with Disengagement attacks)
- Reaping the Whirlwing (Bonus Max Discipline)
- Toughened Fury (Chance to gain Discipline on Crit)
- Chopping Wood (Hit to Crit Conversion foe Empovered attacks)

- Lesser Wounds (Should share the same icon with Wounds passive)
- Graceful Retreat (Disengagement defence bonus)
- Soull Mirror (Reflect ranged attacks)
- Rooting Pain (Generates AoE with Crush damage each time when gains a Wound)
- Crusible of Suffering (All Defences exept Deflection to 20 sec) ???
- Enervating Blows (Weakened on Crit)
- Parting Sorrow (+1 Wound on enemy's disenganement) Substitute with Wounds icon ???
- Heartbeat Drumming (25% chance to attack again instantly on Crit witt Melee weapon)
- The Razor's Edge (+1 Acc per Wound)
- Empowered Strikes (Ignore AR and gains Bonus Acc with Empowered attacks)
- Imagined Pain (+1 Wound on Miss) Substitute with Wounds icon ???

- Deep Faith (Should share the same icon with Faith and Conviction passive)
- Divine Purpose (Bonus defence against Res, Dex, Might Afflictions)
- Aegis of Loyalty (Grats immunity against Int afflictions to attacked target)
- Iron Gut (resistance to Con afflictions) Substitute with Constitution icon???
- Clear Head (resistance to Perception afflictions) Substitute with Perception icon???
- Mental Fortress (resistance to resolve afflictions) Substitute with Resolve icon???
- Ispired Path (+1 Maz Zeal) Substitute with Zeal icon
- Righteous Soul (Immimity to Desease/Poison Attacks)
- Virtuous Triumph (Chance to gain+1 Zeal on Kill) Substitute with Zeal icon
- Providence (Revive if paladin have 3 Zeal)
- Divine Retribution (+2 eaxh resource when an ally downed in combat)

Priest (and Wizard)
- Martial Caster and Quick Summoming shars the same "Sand Clock" icon.???

- Gunner (Bonus reload time)
- Shot on the Run (Ranged weapons Recovery bonus while moving)
- Defensive Bond / Streightened Bond (Bonus defence agains AoE attack when closer than 4m. with Companion)
- Driving Flight (Ranged attacks bounse 1 times)
- Survival of the Fittest (Binus Acc against targets with <50% Health)???
- Stunning Shots (Stun on Crit)

- Defensive Roll (Immune to Engagement when receive Crit)
- Dirty Fighting (Hit to Crit Conversion)
- Riposte (Chance to launch a counterattack)
- Deep Pockets
- Persistent Distraction (Distract enemy on Engagement)
- Adept Evasion (Graze to Miss conversion for incoming AoE attacks vs. Reflex)???
- Slippery Mind (Immune to Per, Int, Resolve afflictions whila Bloodied or Near Death)
- Murderous Intent (100% Hit to Crit with Empowered attacks)



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Reaping the Whirlwind is more a joke than an honest approach. ;) Something with a "discipline plus" or "resource plus" icon would be better.


I am currently settling on some "generic" base symbols that I want to use for abilities that target reoccurring stats (defenses for example). So that you can guess what the ability is roughly about without reading the description or even the name (best case). Like:


- a shield shape for defense buffs (maybe also resistances?)

- that slightly twisted star shape for all Empower effects

- those "stripes" for speed effects - or an hourglass? Depends I guess... erm...


I maybe need icons for the generic terms of "resource", "on kill", "on KO", "crit", "graze", "miss", "conversion" and whatnot. A symbol for Power Level. Is there any?


What Do you think? Makes sense?

Maybe I shouldn't think too much about it - or I'll never finish. ;)

Edited by Boeroer
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Reaping the Whirlwind is more a joke than an honest approach. ;) Something with a "discipline plus" or "resource plus" icon would be better.

Yes, i mentioned about Discipline symbol in list, but... i like it)


I maybe need icons for the generic terms of "resource", "on kill", "on KO", "crit", "graze", "miss", "conversion" and whatnot. A symbol for Power Level. Is there any?

I think there's no need to dig so far down. You can't pack in the whole ability description into one small icon.

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I'm surprised there wasn't a "Redo Soul Whip Cipher Talent". I recently realized Soul Whip has no power level scaling and that made me very sad.

I wouldn't want it to blow out in combination with Sneak Attack on a Mindstalker. That said it would be worth considering converting it from a 20% vanilla damage mod into a 10% raw lash (which would then be doubled by Biting Whip).

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Further drafts on passives' icons. Constructive Feedback is highly appreciated. Phenomenum and I are also discussing over PM (and he did some nice work with the backgrounds and the overall "look and feel"), but a few more opinions won't hurt. :)

Putting it into spoiler tags since it becomes rather big now:







PS: only now realize that the icon for Armored Grace (Armor + hourglass) coincidentially turned out to be the same as that for Refreshing Defense (but with less colors). :lol:

Edited by Boeroer
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I like the majority of those icons)

Especially the empower related ones. That pseudo-star background really groups them together.


Improvement on Tumbling is also noted. And how it is kinda related to Hold the Line, but it's clear that it's different.

And do like also the new Quick Switch.


As for criticism, what do you think about adjusting combat focus? Atm it looks a little bit like headshot / suggests a higher accuracy. What if instead of those circles, there were these ones: example. Hmm. Naa.. still headshot.


Also some style icons still seem a little of.

- The first thought that came to mind was: you are firing the battle axe the wrong way! :) But it's actually ok.

- Now regarding 1h-style... that hand looks strange.

- And two-weapon style gives an impression that the character has to wield two different weapons.


Tbh, dunno what do here. Maybe:

- two-weapon: just have two swords crossed instead of sword-and-pistol

- 1h-style: just have that dagger


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The feedback I had before when it was two swords (two weapon style): "it should be made clear that it works with melee and ranged weapons". :)


I'm not particularly liking two handed and one handed style atm, but I think two weapon style is ok.


I chose a skull as an indicator for critical hits. Makes sense or not at all?


I agree with Combat Focus. Just can't find a good symbol for "focus" or "concentration".


I also need a symbol for "interrupt".


For "conversion" (up or down) I'm currently using those arrows you can see when looking at "Critical Defense". I think I want to try a shape with steps or something.

Edited by Boeroer

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I'm surprised there wasn't a "Redo Soul Whip Cipher Talent". I recently realized Soul Whip has no power level scaling and that made me very sad.

I blame multiclassing for that. Becose Sneak Attack bonus is scaling up to 70% (75% with Prestige passive) and combined with scaled Soul Whip it will be...hm, too much damage.

In fact, most of abilities was nerfed, ONLY becose multiclass sinergies makes them too OP.



I mean my preferred "redo" is to have it deal lash damage. The more I look at how Cipher is set up compared to the other weapon-based class options the more disappointed I get, and the very existence of Rogue makes changing Cipher dicey.


In a perfect world I'd want Cipher to have a skill progression like other martials (many of their abilities are just improved versions of lower tier abilities). But in a perfect world I'd want Soul Whip to count as a shred effect and be a 10% Lash, returning Focus equal to its damage. Biting Whip becomes 20% (maybe halving focus return), Draining whip becomes triple focus return.

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Well, 1H-Style is definitely good enough now, in my book :thumbs-up:

2H-Style is also an improvement over the previous version.


Weapon Mastery and Specialization: you nailed it)

Brute Force, One Stands Alone, Unflinching: are also great.


Improved Critical: the skull is somewhat ok. But that drop reminds me of raw damage icon; and sets a wrong expectation.

Blooded: the raw damage icon here is also misleading. How about a flexing arm (like on Body Control) to denote the damage increase?

Blood Thirst: skull is reserved for criticals no? I understand that there is a different kind of skull, but, hmm. What if it had same icon as Bloodlust but with a flash instead of hourglass?


P.S. Looking at that "explosion" on Overbearing Guard. What if it was used for critical hits, and the skull for onKill effects? Or naa?

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That "different" Skull is the official Symbol of Berath, God of Death. So I thought it's fitting for on-kill effects. ;)


I also tried "bangs" for crits, but the plain skull + gimmicks makes for so much more interesting Icons.


Afaik the "raw dmg" symbol is also used for dmg generally in Deadfire - if no type is specified...? That's the only reason I use it. :)

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I support Boeroer here - almost all Barb icons looks fine. Need some cosmetic improvements here and there, but generally Boro did a great work. :wub:


Someone have any ideas about colors for background in new icons? If not, i'll paint all with acid pink, i swear.

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