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[3.1 - help] Dual Wiedling Mechanic maybe bugs help!


Posted (edited)

Okay!  I am not an expert on the game mechanics, but here I go:


So I am having a hard time finding info but I am running into this experience where my Dual Wielding character keeps attacking over and over again with the same weapon. See screenshot below - 6x and more with a dagger:



I am using two weapons of the same speed. See attached screenshot of the weapons I am wielding.  So sometimes it is stuck on one and sometimes the other.  I thought maybe it was choosing the best weapon to attack with, but if you look at the dagger attacks, well no pen so that theory is out.  I don't think this is normal. 


So as far as I can tell it starts to happen right after Pelligina activates "Shared Flames" - I am tired or would do more testing.  I would also note that the animation for "Shared Flames" continues even after it expires for my character.




So I ran some tests on my "Shadowing Beyond" skill as I notice I tend to miss with this skill a bunch - which is a bummer because I am trying to get the backstab damage - so I started looking at accuracy and I noticed that my character when invisible isn't getting the Accuracy perception bonus from Disciplined Strike.  Is this normal too?  Sorry just don't know the finer details.


Link to a saved game, screenshots available, any help in this is greatly appreciated :)






EDIT - so ignore the strike through comment about Shared flame - I tested, though the animation stays in effect even after shared flame expires.  I actually have no idea what causes the dual wield issue.  I am providing a save game right before a battle and the one above is right after :)




PS - I also tried severing the binding with the soulbound dagger, and trying other weapons, still same thing.  Also, Serefan is dual wielding the Thundercrack Pistol and an exceptional pistol and he fires twice in a row but the combat log indicates both shots get the Crackling Shot bonus not sure if this is normal, so I put a blunderbuss in the other hand opposite the Thunder Pistol, and he fired twice with the Thundercrack pistol ... so I am thinking it has to be a bug with dual wielding??


PSS - you should make the Skuldr's poison a lot stronger, it would make the underground city crazy fun ... sorry off topic ... :alienani:


Edited by aaronghowell

“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

24 answers to this question

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I observed the same problem:


Currently equipped Aloth with Magran's Favor + St. Drogga's Skull and while my auto-attacks profit from the higher attack speed only my main weapon (in this case Magran's Favor) attacks.


Also I have a monk who's wearing two mortars (Fire in the Hole + Hand Mortar). With auto-attacks I now attack with Fire in the Hole only AND skip reload every second shot. 


In both cases only Full Attacks will make use of the offhand weapon. Which a single class wizard like my Aloth doesn't have...


Something's completely off here. Eder with a bashing shield has the same behavior.


Guys! What is this? Come on...  :getlost:


Here's my savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x44o9zl1ru2u8c4/Hyleon%20%28KohopasFang%29%20%28f9c897b3-bd46-4c0e-9148-d236ebfea8c2%29%20%28LAX-12ABCDEF%29%20%28936732935%29.savegame?dl=0

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Posted (edited)

Just to let you know: there are several people in these forums who experience the same issue (but didn't post here) - together with disappearing weapons (disappearing from your hands in actual combat while they are still equipped in the weapon slots - not only a visual problem because you will roll fist attacks). Maybe those two are related?

So it's not a problem only few people have.

However, it doesn't occur in every game. Something that we do seems to trigger it.

Restarting/reloading doesn't fix it.

Sometimes the problem gets inversed and I only can attack with the offhand.

If I recommand attacks while my char is already attacking (clicking with the sword on the enemy again and again) I can switch from main hand only to offhand only.

Maybe that helps with the bugtracking?

Edited by Boeroer
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Guest Psychovampiric Shield
Posted (edited)

Rofl. I have to say that with PoE 2, even though at one time I got to probably 2/3 of it, I spend more time delaying playing it and waiting for patches, than actually playing it.


EDIT: another discovery, if perhaps unrelated: if I order a party member to attack another and then remove their weapons, so they would keep attacking with fists, they will become kinda stuck/jerking in attack animation (and attack icon will flicker in portrait corner).

Edited by Psychovampiric Shield
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Yes - basically stopped playing until they fix : ( ...

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“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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Heya Everyone,


We've fixed this internally and are planning on including it in the next patch =)


Sorry about the late response. Just know that we do monitor these forums, and even if we don't respond we're doing our best to catalog every bug that's reported!

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I try my very best.

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I always dual wield and play with all magic user types to create a force of dual wield DPS, SOT, AOE, and a priest or druid to "tank". I have been getting nailed. I know that this game is harder than most like the first one; however, the no pen issue happens every single attack. Also forced battle slow motion mode is driving my ADHD and OCD nutz. When will they fix these issues. PS If anyone has DLC not showing in STEAM or list because you cant get the button to place in your cart or download all you have to do is use the drop down and put it on your wish list and then go to the wish list and click it. It will start the game for some reason; however, close the game and reload and it will start downloading the different free DLC components. Does anyone have good character or texture mods for this game yet? I want to see someone make like a fae, sprite, or pixie type like in Divine Divinity 2.

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“No pen” is not a bug; you just don’t have enough penetration compared to your enemy’s armor rating.


“Forced slow mode”, assuming you’re referring to the kill cam, is a feature and it can be disabled from the game’s options.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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  On 10/31/2018 at 1:32 PM, jtdecoff1027 said:

I always dual wield and play with all magic user types to create a force of dual wield DPS, SOT, AOE, and a priest or druid to "tank". I have been getting nailed. I know that this game is harder than most like the first one; however, the no pen issue happens every single attack. Also forced battle slow motion mode is driving my ADHD and OCD nutz. When will they fix these issues. PS If anyone has DLC not showing in STEAM or list because you cant get the button to place in your cart or download all you have to do is use the drop down and put it on your wish list and then go to the wish list and click it. It will start the game for some reason; however, close the game and reload and it will start downloading the different free DLC components. Does anyone have good character or texture mods for this game yet? I want to see someone make like a fae, sprite, or pixie type like in Divine Divinity 2.

Yeah... so... what does all that have to do with the bug report in the first place?

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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  On 10/31/2018 at 9:48 PM, Boeroer said:


  On 10/31/2018 at 1:32 PM, jtdecoff1027 said:

I always dual wield and play with all magic user types to create a force of dual wield DPS, SOT, AOE, and a priest or druid to "tank". I have been getting nailed. I know that this game is harder than most like the first one; however, the no pen issue happens every single attack. Also forced battle slow motion mode is driving my ADHD and OCD nutz. When will they fix these issues. PS If anyone has DLC not showing in STEAM or list because you cant get the button to place in your cart or download all you have to do is use the drop down and put it on your wish list and then go to the wish list and click it. It will start the game for some reason; however, close the game and reload and it will start downloading the different free DLC components. Does anyone have good character or texture mods for this game yet? I want to see someone make like a fae, sprite, or pixie type like in Divine Divinity 2.

Yeah... so... what does all that have to do with the bug report in the first place?


  • 0

I just noticed that problem too. Checking regularly, sooner it didnt appear, but now it happens.

I tested many combinations, that small buckler for monks seems no problem with fist.

BTW - its bit confusing - seems if i use magran shield, it counts as weapon, and lowers damage (dual wield nerf). If i use that small monk shield, it does not.

Two fists dont count as dual wield as well, which makes monks bit too OP. I am not so pro at parsing all logs and what falls to rng, so someone should confirm.

It seems to me, that this mechanic is weird and unfinished - but i may be wrong.


Also had to stop playing because 3 of my characters are dual wielding. 2 of them shields - one of them, monk shield+fist, never does this. =(((( 

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Posted (edited)
  On 11/2/2018 at 4:12 PM, kiki78 said:

I just noticed that problem too. Checking regularly, sooner it didnt appear, but now it happens.

I tested many combinations, that small buckler for monks seems no problem with fist.

BTW - its bit confusing - seems if i use magran shield, it counts as weapon, and lowers damage (dual wield nerf). If i use that small monk shield, it does not.

Two fists dont count as dual wield as well, which makes monks bit too OP. I am not so pro at parsing all logs and what falls to rng, so someone should confirm.

It seems to me, that this mechanic is weird and unfinished - but i may be wrong.


Also had to stop playing because 3 of my characters are dual wielding. 2 of them shields - one of them, monk shield+fist, never does this. =(((( 

It was working great until the most recent patch, but they just fixed this in the Beta patch 3.1.1 which is available  - I haven't tested with the beta but it was listed as a fix.




Hello everyone!


We have just placed our 3.1.1 patch onto the Beta Branches of Steam and GOG. Click here for instructions of how to join the Beta. We are preparing to release this hotfix patch shortly. As always, please let us know if this patch has any unintended affects on your gamestate or if you encounter any new bugs from this patch, here in our beta forums.




Beta Patch notes for v3.1.1.0018

  • Fixed characters with certain dual-weapon loadouts not using their off-hand attack.
  • Weapons will no longer disappear after the user levels up the equipped character.
  • Essence Interrupter bow will no longer prevent Hauani O Whe from dividing.
  • Users who installed certain localization mods and do not own Seeker, Slayer, Survivor can load their savegames again.
  • Spoiler
Edited by bringingyouthefuture

“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

  • 0
  On 11/2/2018 at 5:44 PM, bringingyouthefuture said:


  On 11/2/2018 at 4:12 PM, kiki78 said:

I just noticed that problem too. Checking regularly, sooner it didnt appear, but now it happens.

I tested many combinations, that small buckler for monks seems no problem with fist.

BTW - its bit confusing - seems if i use magran shield, it counts as weapon, and lowers damage (dual wield nerf). If i use that small monk shield, it does not.

Two fists dont count as dual wield as well, which makes monks bit too OP. I am not so pro at parsing all logs and what falls to rng, so someone should confirm.

It seems to me, that this mechanic is weird and unfinished - but i may be wrong.


Also had to stop playing because 3 of my characters are dual wielding. 2 of them shields - one of them, monk shield+fist, never does this. =(((( 

It was working great until the most recent patch, but they just fixed this in the Beta patch 3.1.1 which is available  - I haven't tested with the beta but it was listed as a fix.




Hello everyone!


We have just placed our 3.1.1 patch onto the Beta Branches of Steam and GOG. Click here for instructions of how to join the Beta. We are preparing to release this hotfix patch shortly. As always, please let us know if this patch has any unintended affects on your gamestate or if you encounter any new bugs from this patch, here in our beta forums.




Beta Patch notes for v3.1.1.0018

  • Fixed characters with certain dual-weapon loadouts not using their off-hand attack.
  • Weapons will no longer disappear after the user levels up the equipped character.
  • Essence Interrupter bow will no longer prevent Hauani O Whe from dividing.
  • Users who installed certain localization mods and do not own Seeker, Slayer, Survivor can load their savegames again.
  • Spoiler



Oh thanks for info. (seems gog server is somewhat troubled atm, sadly)

Well i know things were working ok, then broke. 

And - thing about damage nerf and magrans shield? It seems to be counting as second weapon, and lowering damage of mainhand (which makes it completely useles, with 7 pen and so low accu, it never makes up for it). Or this is fixed too?

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  On 10/27/2018 at 11:48 AM, Psychovampiric Shield said:

Rofl. I have to say that with PoE 2, even though at one time I got to probably 2/3 of it, I spend more time delaying playing it and waiting for patches, than actually playing it.


EDIT: another discovery, if perhaps unrelated: if I order a party member to attack another and then remove their weapons, so they would keep attacking with fists, they will become kinda stuck/jerking in attack animation (and attack icon will flicker in portrait corner).

This. So... sad.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 11/2/2018 at 8:46 PM, kiki78 said:


  On 11/2/2018 at 5:44 PM, bringingyouthefuture said:


  On 11/2/2018 at 4:12 PM, kiki78 said:

I just noticed that problem too. Checking regularly, sooner it didnt appear, but now it happens.

I tested many combinations, that small buckler for monks seems no problem with fist.

BTW - its bit confusing - seems if i use magran shield, it counts as weapon, and lowers damage (dual wield nerf). If i use that small monk shield, it does not.

Two fists dont count as dual wield as well, which makes monks bit too OP. I am not so pro at parsing all logs and what falls to rng, so someone should confirm.

It seems to me, that this mechanic is weird and unfinished - but i may be wrong.


Also had to stop playing because 3 of my characters are dual wielding. 2 of them shields - one of them, monk shield+fist, never does this. =(((( 

It was working great until the most recent patch, but they just fixed this in the Beta patch 3.1.1 which is available  - I haven't tested with the beta but it was listed as a fix.




Hello everyone!


We have just placed our 3.1.1 patch onto the Beta Branches of Steam and GOG. Click here for instructions of how to join the Beta. We are preparing to release this hotfix patch shortly. As always, please let us know if this patch has any unintended affects on your gamestate or if you encounter any new bugs from this patch, here in our beta forums.




Beta Patch notes for v3.1.1.0018

  • Fixed characters with certain dual-weapon loadouts not using their off-hand attack.
  • Weapons will no longer disappear after the user levels up the equipped character.
  • Essence Interrupter bow will no longer prevent Hauani O Whe from dividing.
  • Users who installed certain localization mods and do not own Seeker, Slayer, Survivor can load their savegames again.
  • Spoiler



Oh thanks for info. (seems gog server is somewhat troubled atm, sadly)

Well i know things were working ok, then broke. 

And - thing about damage nerf and magrans shield? It seems to be counting as second weapon, and lowering damage of mainhand (which makes it completely useles, with 7 pen and so low accu, it never makes up for it). Or this is fixed too?



Unsure, but I think the shields with bash counting as a second weapon has been that way since POE1, but fixed somewhat in POE2 see this thread here:




You really have to build your character around the shield vs just picking it up!  And if you are talking about "Tuotilo's Palm" it should count as an offhand weapon so should give the penalties of Dual Weilding - but if you don't have another weapon in hand not sure. A quick disclaimer - I am in no way an expert on the combat mechanics, but I know people in the:


Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Characters Builds, Strategies & the Unity Engine (Spoiler Warning!)


have it down to a science, but I don't think you incur a damage penalty, the only thing I can think of is your character was stuck attacking with the shield and if this is the case it should be fixed :) Though I could be wrong about the damage penalty, tried to do some research though :)

Edited by bringingyouthefuture

“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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There are no penalties to dual wielding in general.


There's only a -35% dmg penalty to Full Attack abilities which are executed with two weapons.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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  On 11/3/2018 at 5:34 AM, Boeroer said:

There are no penalties to dual wielding in general.


There's only a -35% dmg penalty to Full Attack abilities which are executed with two weapons.

Thanks for clarification, it might be rng then. As i wrote, these logs are still bit mystery to me. I started watching it closely only after i noticed dual wield bug.

What log didnt say tho, how did that spider megaboss just insta killed (removed from party) one of my party members... because her icon simply disapeared, i didnt see anything in log. She didnt have any wounds, of that i am sure. Grrrr. But thats bit off topic.

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