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  1. Hi, there I have a problem. So, Orb Weavers float in the air, in a gap in the fence, closest to frankenline. Clovers sometimes launch you to the sky, when you walk through them. Bees are often aggressive, called as passive. Roly Poly, such as the sick version has giant hitboxes (only when attacking). Rarely, but still, Ant's, Orb Weaver's Jr., and Bombardier's legs stretch like a piece of gum or something. Last, but not least, my friend's backpack is sent to the backrooms for like 40 hours by now. It goes up and down 800cm. Yeah, that's all. Cheers, Random person.
  2. For me the coal biome is super laggy like laggy to the point where it takes 5 seconds to do a 180 turn. I have a base halfway in the biome, and the half that's not in the biome it runs perfectly smooth(kinda) but right as I step foot into the base that's in the biome it's immediate lag. My friend that joins my game also just has extreme lag problems and tends to fall off our zipline hub and die quite often. I don't know how you would fix this but I guess if their was a graphic slider bar that could decrease the graphical requirements, that could help, or maybe having less of the map loaded while you aren't in it or something.
  3. Krakens dead, signal was given, but there is no option to interact with the crystal like I did to enter the lake prior. What's wrong? Is this another bug? I'd be pretty upset if I couldn't finish this whole expansion and end it so I can finish the main game.
  4. Hello everyone! I (41) play grounded with my kids (8, 10) and we absolutely love adventuring. I purchased the game on my PC just so I can play with them (both on xbox). I totally understand this game is a work in progress and the sky's the limit as to what could be added to it. I just wanted to share our experience and possible suggestions from all three of us, to the Obsidian/Grounded team. Really hope this post is seen by the team and I welcome any form of constructive discussion. Thank you! Bugs/Issues 1. Both kids are having and issue on an OG Xbox One and Xbox One X with getting "glitched" and not being able to move when standing on grass boards. We've had to reduce three bases to just one as I think many of these grass boards laying around causes an issue with slowing down the game and eventually freezing both my kids out of it on console. We've had to revert to an old save game in order for this not to happen. I'm not having these issues using a PC (Win10). Suggestions From Boy 8 years old 1. He'd really like to see more additions of animals such as: Frogs, snakes, snails/slugs, praying mantis, earth worms. 2. A lot more weapons/armor including being able to upgrading or improving them. 3. Expansion to the world, make it much larger, more areas to explore. 4. Vehicles (not sure how this would be implemented, but I'm just the messenger). Mainly flying aspect or boating on the pond. 5. More variety in missions. Because "Daddy, we have to kill 5 bees AGAIN?" is what I keep hearing (lol) From Girl 10 years old 1. More crafting, building, especially farming options. 2. Ability to do more with pet(s), such as taking them along on missions, maybe using them as a "loot mule" (her words, not mine). 3. Being able to customize her own character, appearance, clothing etc. From Dad 41 years old 1. Much larger world to explore 2. More RPG elements of upgrading your character, being able to gain experience and unlocking ability/skill points etc. 3. Being able to improve armor or having a matching set bonus. 4. Maybe encountering some NPC's? Aside from BURGL Overall, just wanted to say we love the game, spent countless hours on it and we can't wait for the next update (they make me check almost every other day for news on this). Thank you, as a Dad, for giving me the opportunity to bond with my kids. Sincerely, Lou
  5. Hey guys! I am looking for some Xbox one players for Grounded. I would love to play the game more but it’s kind of boring alone
  6. had an event at sea where a rogue wave threatens the ship after event the sound byte of the crashing wave continually plays in a loop whether on land, sea or in town its extremely loud and cant hear anything whilst it plays (which unfortunately every 6 seconds or so!) , it is so loud that cant even hear anyone talking or for example if the crew starts singing at sea the sound byte of crashing wave completely drowns (heeyo) them out. i cannot avoid this event either. doesnt matter if i load a save before this happen as as soon a i put to sea the event happens. every single time this event happens (have reloaded and done the event, which happens every single time) over 10 times and evey time the sound byte is stuck on loop) have to have the sound effects turned off (which unfortunately is a hell of alot of sounds id rather be hearing!) otherwise game is completely unplayable
  7. Just a Suggestion me and my friend love this game, I use the bow and arrows while he's up close with melee and shield. The issue is the arrow system. What if you can craft a quiver that takes an armor slot for throwables or something? Have it start out at 50 or 100 instead of 20, can be upgradeable to hold more. This would be a cool feature and very useful, as I'm always low on inventory space due to holding so many arrows. I also would like to see if there was an auto arrow retrieval system, where you walk over it and it picks them up. Having to pick every single one up by its self is annoying and tedious and sometimes i cant even pick them up because if something or someone walks over it some times they go flying, or get stuck under the map. What if after after shooting them the ones that are stuck in the enemy can be collected into a group to where you can pick up most of them with one click. Overall this game is awesome and I cant wait for what's to come next. Great job and thank you for giving me something new and fun to play that's NOT a Battle Royale!!!!
  8. After dozens of hours of playing, I reached Durgan's arsenals. At the lower level, my battle mode got stuck, after that I decided to restart the game. However, loading any saved game now ends up with a black screen. What to do?
  9. Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but during the tutorial after walking into my first tent to the computer in the center and pressing the model against the table, I got stuck. I can’t jump or move but I can turn the camera, crouch once (can’t stand up again) and open the analyze menu. This happens with only Max and Pete (the boys’ player models). Another thing, when I gave up and switched teens, then respawned with someone different, I heard the voice of the previous teen I played and gave up with every time.
  10. Hello dear grounded players, I'm having a major issue with my xbox one version of grounded. I got to 31 days played time. Game crashed and wont let me on to the save file. Crashes on load up. I tried every single method to get it working, nothing worked. So I started all over again. Got to day 16 and its done the same thing. Very frustrated. I emailed obsidian but had no reply. Shame. Is anyone else having this problem?
  11. When playing the new DLC on xbox one as soon as I start walking around Gorgon for 5 minutes the game crashes. When I go to make a save on Gorgon the game also crashes as well. Xbox one issue with outer worlds DLC
  12. I opened the twitch app in my xbox one as other times and set my configuration to start streaming. When the stream starts and i change to the game, the transmission look like it is in pause, is like twitch app doesn't recognize the game as a game. I want to know if is a problem of the game. Have to say that this not happen with other games
  13. On Xbox, after you have exited the game, if the game isn't fully closed/quit out of from the Xbox UI and you then turn the console off, when you reboot the console and game there is significant audio distortion in the game startup and menu screens. Force-quitting the game and restarted fixes this.
  14. Everytime I try to load a game via continue my games crashes. I've tried each individual save twice. Playing on Xbox one. It starts the loading wheel then immediately takes me to the home screen. I'm guessing I have to start over? Anyone have an idea why this is happening? I don't want to play for 18 days in game to start over every time. I power cycled the console to clear the cache and still nothing.
  15. As the title says my pc literally loads 4x faster than my Xbox which shouldn't really be surprising considering the difference in hardware. If the Xbox could get some sort of patch of update to optimize load times I would greatly appreciate it, and I'm sure many other console users would to!
  16. My friend and I played on Mild in multiplayer mode with myself as host. After taking a break from the game, we tried loading it back up but it keeps trying to force the difficulty to Medium and does not allow it to be changed. (Xbox)
  17. - If the 3rd person camera touches the spikes you take damage (i attached a few second clip, low quality because of the .5MB restriction). - Mosquito quest even if the mosquitos are still not in the game. - Unable to drop ant eggs even if I went multiple times inside the anthill. - Larva spawning too frequently near my base (me and my friend have killed 50+ larvas in 1 game's day). - 1st person camera while swimming is annoying. Those are the main issues we are experiencing! The game is amazing! keep with this splendid work! LOVE FROM ITALY! CIAO Untitled.mp4
  18. Been playing since launch a few hours in with friends managed to farm out tier 2 weapons/tools and find labs before videos were thrown out revealing location. Here are some problems, chest will bug out and make items disappear from all players view and they won't fill properly, another problem is bugs will spawn inside bases destroying it if aggressive, ants will steal through walls, building is starting to become weird as some things won't click to one another, more structures are needed such as foundations/triangular foundations not floors. My friend lost all of their stuff after d/cing after dying, they also have their armor unequip itself when they get hit(May be due to it being ant armor or a bug with hauling seams/planks). I like the game so far but its slacking on alot where it counts not much to interact with. Wolf spiders do massive damage even with tier 2 everything and strategically killing them they tend to 1-3 hit if not the poison will top you off not giving much time to using a healing smoothie. The Wolf spider dagger does little to no damage its poison hardly procs if ever in combat on bugs and its durability runs out within a matter of a minute in a battle making it kind of worthless yet the hardest weapon to obtain as of this moment, it needs a buff with poison proc and increased durability to be worth grinding for. There is also a glitch where berry's will not show in the right place on one person's screen but will on the other person's screen. There was a instance on a moment where super armor glue was somehow managed to dupe itself twice upon use (used it on spider helm and another one fell on floor infront of me happened twice but none after). And another instance where a friend used 1 super glue and it fixed all 3 pieces of armor. Would recommend a way to dispose of planks and seams so they dont break the map which may be the cause of most of these problems. Love the game so far looking forward to more content.
  19. Please add keyboard & mouse Support for Ground on Xbox, if it's not already implanted. With there being Full keyboard & Mouse support on Xbox there really shouldn't be any reason why this game shouldn't have keyboard & mouse support allowing gamers on Xbox to have the option play using a Controller or keyboard & mouse . Gamers such as myself want to see more games taking advantage of the support by Devs adding the feature into there games for Xbox , just as they have support on Xbox Game pass Ultimate on PC every title that's on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate that has keyboard & mouse support on PC should have the same for the game titles on XBOX. OBSIDIAN and every other games studio within Microsoft Studios should make sure to use every feature possible ( if the game allows it ) if the game is able to run on PC & utilize keyboard & mouse then they should do the same on Xbox , Especially when the game title isn't a Online multiplayer title. But that aside keep up the great work OBSIDIAN looking forward to playing Grounded & seeing everything else to come from this studio in the future
  20. Hey So I bought PoE2 a few days ago on x1 and really enjoying it so far but I've noticed that sometimes the highlight objects doesn't always function on certain maps so far I've noticed tuk tuk and dunnage. I've also noticed that change from pointer Y to using my analogue stick move is very buggy. Sometimes when I use pointer to move I end up entering a building I have no intention off or going in the opposite direction. Is there any way to fix these problems? Thanks Voice.
  21. Whenever I get to the ability selection portion of the level up process once I hit level 4, I’m unable to select any abilities, or seemingly interact with this screen period. It is happening on all 4 of my characters, 3 multiclass and 1 single class. NEVERMIND. Just needed a restart
  22. I'm on the second mission where you have to go to the botanical lab. I'm doing a side quest where you must kill 3 marauders and bring their fingers as proof of their deaths. After killing doc madwell, I open my inventory to check the loot he dropped then leave to loot some more. Then I open the inventory again and switch to the armor tab and the game hard crashes and kicks me to the xbox home screen. I've tried loading an earlier save, but all it did was delay the error from occurring until about 5 minutes later at another bandit outpost (Note: after the manual reload I was constantly checking to see if the error had occurred, and I managed to move between inventory tabs about 20 times before the error occurred once again). Has this kind of error been reported by anyone else, and what could possibly be causing this problem?
  23. Hi, I am currently playing the Tartarus Mission and my game has repeatedly froze and then crashed in the same spot every time. The spot where it freezes is when you are trying to leave The Pit and you enter the room with Chairman Rockwell and the cameras set up. Once I open the door and walk in it just freezes and then a few moments later the game crashes. I have tried playing from a different save in the same mission and I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Neither option worked. Not sure this is relevant, but I am using one of the earlier Xbox one models and am playing the game through the Xbox Game Pass.
  24. Hey guys, new to the forum but in need of desperate help. I'm playing the outerworlds on xbox one and I have made it to the labyrinth. I get to the door with the restricted sign on it and it says to the pit. I go through and kill some guards, yadda yadda yadda. Anyways as soon as the game auto saves or if I try and manually save the game will crash and take me back to the home screen . I've saved in other areas but it only does this in the pit. Any help or advise would be helpful , thanks .
  25. Hello there! I am very new around here. Just bought and downloaded Outer World for Xbox One. The download is complete, I created my character, but I cannot start the gameplay cause I cannot walk (LS). My controller works just fine, so I guess it must be some kind of bug. I cleared my console cache already, restarted the game, loaded a new game etc. Searched online for fixes, bt could not find anything related to the Xbox One game... I don't know what else could be done to fix this. Hope to get some help here! Thank you!
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