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Found 21 results

  1. I get that lil-fist was used a little too much on bosses and needed to be nerfed, but nerfing every aspect of it now makes it useless. It's so weak, I can't ever see a reason to use it. Punching does less damage so it takes longer for it to do meaningful attack damage, and the reset upon taken damage makes it near impossible to get the hit counter high enough for meaningful attack damage. One of these changes alone is a significant set back to lil-fist users, but both! It already receives a full reset after you are no longer being targeted, why does it need another full reset to worry about. Wouldn't it have been better to attack the source of the problem and made bosses resistant to lil-fist or punching. But I digress. First Idea: Change the new counter system; 3 approaches here. Instead of a full reset to the hit counter, why not have the count lose a set number per attack received. Every time I receive a hit, my hit counter decrease by ten. Have the decrement proportional to the damage received. The harder I get hit, the more my hit counter tanks. That way a player doesn't have to constantly have to fight to keep their hit counter alive by perfectly blocking every attack around them. Instead it would be more about trying to maintain a high hit count throughout the fight. Don't decrement or reset the hit counter at all during the fight, but instead have a limit on how high the hit counter can get and have it increase with each level of lil-fist. Like a max of 20, 40, 60 for each level of lil-fist. Second Idea: Gauntlets; Change nothing about the new lil-fist balancing and instead add something new. A problem with lil-fist is that it can't be scaled like other attack specific mutations can through the different tiers of the game. Take chopper for example: there is a tier 1, 2, and 3 axe, so as you fight stronger insects there is stronger axes to pair with chopper. Now what if chopper only applied to the tier 1 axe, making it mildly useful against weaker insects but useless against stronger opponents. Lil-fist doesn't have a specific weapon to scale through the tiers of the game with, that's kind of the point. Gauntlets could change that. They don't take away from the over-all scheme of lil-fist, it's still punching, and it gives the ability to hot-swap between punching and and another attack method. Make it a two-handed weapon, and give it boxing like animations. The different tier idea: Tier 1: Plant fiber wrist wrap. recipe: a couple of fiber bandages, crude rope, and mite fuzz model: plant fiber wrapping around the fist and wrists, similar to how boxers have their hands wrapped, with the crude rope going over the knuckles and red tuffs of mite fuzz sticking out from underneath. rough photoshop of idea Tier 2: Insect gloves. recipe: some berry leather, silk rope, and some tier 2 beetle part. model: black or purple boxing gloves with silk rope around the wrists and beetle parts plating the impact area. Tier 3: Ox Beetle Gauntlets, recipe: two ox beetle horns, lint, pupa leather. model: basically if you use the horns as punching gloves
  2. Playing the 1.0 release of Grounded and seeing the changes towards upgrades for weapons and overall progression has been a bumpy ride to say the least. I love Grounded but to say that this 1.0 release doesn't feel rushed in certain areas is silly. The elemental candies that can be put on weapons are kind of useless in way. Obviously, I know that bugs have weaknesses to certain types of candies, its just that limiting down a type of weapon to be effective on certain types of enemies is very problematic. "In what ways?" you might ask, well... 1. Sour is useless, as only... ARC.R Assistant Manager Director Schmector Moth Scarab Spiny Water Flea TAYZ.T Are weak against it, and the ARC.R, TAYZ.T and Assistant Manger are enemies that are both weak to Sour And Salty and also you would never be a able use sour on the Assistant Manger or the other types of robots as you would had to have completed the Black Ant Lab completely in order to get the tier II crafting recipes for the globs and then also complete the Haze Lab in order to get the oven to cook said globs and then you would need to get the tier three hammer from Black Ox Beetles and then venture to the harder part of the upper yard, dodge all the new enemy types AND THEN break the sour wormholes in order create a sour damage weapon to use on a few of the robots and Assistant Manger (I'm going be honest, I don't think this was thought through well...). The other enemies, except for the Spiny Water Fleas and Director Schmector, are also weak to other types of candies. Sooooo... Sour is pretty much, useless... 2. Certain candy types ARE going to be better than others. On the wiki it shows that most enemies that you would be consistently fighting are enemies that are weak to Spicy and Fresh. 3. No point in limiting a weapon to be strong against certain types of enemies when you could just upgrade the base damage to be higher with mighty globs and it be effective towards everything you fight. Sooo... How would we fix this? Well... I have an idea. For this idea to work, I think that maybe getting rid of said elemental weakness would be required, so lets just dive in to how this works... Essentially, Each elemental effect would be applied to a weapon... When hitting with your weapon it will have a RNG chance of applying a elemental effect on the enemy, depending on what element you chose to put on your weapon. This RNG chance would happen more often the more you upgrade your weapon down the route you chose. There would be a visual indication effect that appears on the weapon when attacking to show that you have applied the effect. Whenever you get this elemental effect on your weapon fighting enemies, each one always applies a very minor chip damage effect (DOT/Damage Over Time). All candies do the same amount of chip damage and it doesn't stack chip damage if you mange to get a lucky second chance of getting effects on your weapons. The way each element would be different from one another is that they all give a different type of buff to the player that is very short lived but would most likely happen a lot of the time when fighting enemies. The different ways that these effects functions would be as follows... Fresh - Visual: Would apply a white, cool blue breeze effect that moves about in the wind in a short burst (Maybe some sparkles to freshen up the look) Effect: A burst of Freshness that appears over the enemy dealing a good chunk of damage Buff: Lookin' Fresh - Would speed up the players attack speed in a very short burst Salty - Visual: Would apply a popping rocks like effect, that covers the enemies body with little popping salt rocks Effect: A little fireworks' display of salt rocks exploding dealing a sporadic amount of damage Buff: Salty Abs - Would give the players chunky defense in very short burst Spicy - Visual: Would apply a red, radiating flame effect that bursts out in the wind in a short burst (Like flames) Effect: A burst of red flame dust that kind of explodes over the enemy dealing a good chunk of damage Buff: Spicy Rage - Would decrease stamina usage in a short burst Sour - Visual: Would apply a mini sour explosion effect, colored green and sparkly in short bursts Effect: A sour busting explosion that deals a good chunk of damage Buff: Sour Veins - enemies that attack you receive the damage they give to you (would last for a while until an enemy attacks you) This is my idea for reworking the way elemental effects on weapons would work. Although there may be things to tweak or rethink, overall I think this would be better than the way it's implemented now as these are all generally useful and don't overshadow one another. Each elemental effect is useful and unique in it's own way which I think would promote player creativity and experimentation. I don't know if having weaknesses in the game, if this were to get implemented, would make it better or worse. I do think that the weaknesses of bugs, for elemental weaknesses specifically, should be reconsidered. As for Mighty Globs, or standard upgrading, I think that should just stay as is, as I feel you are trading the elemental effects for more chunky damage overall. I also don't want this new way of functioning to be too overpowered so testing and trying out would be required.
  3. I adore Grounded, the devs have really made an amazing game! After about 76 hours in, I've completed the main quest and explored nearly every inch of the yard, which saddens me greatly. I've been thinking over a lot of ideas to add more content, and this monstrous list is the result (may be edited). If you choose to go through and read it all, you have my gratitude! TL;DR: Story/lore ideas, new locations, enemies, factions, items, and gameplay mechanics. Lore: Story ideas for worldbuilding. Town is owned by Ominent entirely, most residents are employees and their families; scientists, engineers, researchers. Encouraged to be as productive as possible, many residents perform experiments at home, keeping equipment, specimens, prototypes, etc. at their residence Other neighbors near current home: mycologist, entomologist, nanotech engineer, genetic engineer, roboticist, herpetologist, marine biologist Entire town is quarantined due to outbreak of infectious parasitic fungus and sealed under massive dome. Residents have been evacuated, everything is deserted. Areas: New areas as separate world spaces and maps. Progress from one to another via transition locations like holes in walls or swimming through pipes, open windows, etc. House/front yard Other neighbor houses/yards Sewers Gas station City area outside Office inside Library Labs School Aquarium Terrarium Museum Bugs: Specific types of critters for the bug faction. Dragonflies, damselflies larva and adult Butterflies, moths, caterpillars, cocoons Flies, maggots Centipedes, millipedes Fleas Mantis Worms Scorpions Tardigrades Jumping spiders House centipedes Silverfish Murder Hornets Wasps Leaf cutter ants Snails, slugs Roaches Scorpion fly Stick bug Thorn bug Goliath beetle Hercules beetle Crickets, grasshoppers Flower-spike bug, adult and nymph Silkmoth Tarantula Assassin bug Camel spider Bot flies Tongue eating louse Trilobite beetle Velvet ants/cow killers Katydids Other Enemies: New enemy types and factions. Large Scale Animals: Similar to crow or koi in proportion. Squirrels, Rats, rabbits, frogs, newts, fish, crabs, birds, snakes, lizards, turtles, bats. Drops unique animal specific items like fur, hide, scales, feathers. Cannot be killed but flees area for awhile after defeat. Use grappling hook to mount and climb around on to attack vulnerable areas. "Smaller" critters: similar to the above, anoles, geckos, amphibians, rodents, etc. Not as big as large scale animals, but around the size of larger insects. Microbots: small scale robotic enemies similar to those ingame. Formed from experimental nanotech and shrunken Burgl type bots. Animal like designs for maintaining ecology. Drops metal, circuits, wires, etc. Think Horizon Zero Dawn but tiny micomachine toy-sized. Planimals: evolved form of meat sprouts/infested fungi. Predatory mobile plants and plant-like animals. Killer tomatoes and such. Drops plant materials. Chimeras: experimental genetically engineered hybrid organisms, scaled down with Spacr tech by Ominent for easier containment and research. Items: New items/production station ideas. Grappling hook: crafted utility item for mounting large scale enemies and navigating the environment. Unlocked through science shop. Utility items: new category of item for existing gear and new items. Gas mask, goggles, canteen, headlamp, breathing gear, grappling hook. Seperate slots from inventory like other equipment. Can be worn with armor, updated models to fix any clipping or replaces armor cosmetically. Equips when needed or triggered use from inventory. Start with two slots, increase in science shop. Unlock tool belt in science shop to gain ability to equip hammers, axes, shovels, knives, and torches to utility item slots. Utility pouches: craftable, wearable inventory expansion for specific item types like food, smoothies, ammo, and healing items. 5 slots per pouch, can only obtain one of each pouch, slots appear beneath standard inventory for total of 20 extra slots. Crafting blueprints unlocked through science shop. Equipment flavor schemes: different color schemes for armor and weapons based off of scab colorations. Applied with one time use dye appliers, a new craft able item. Research blueprint at science shop. Use with gear at paint station, new craftable production station. Select item and unlocked scab color scheme at station and apply with use of dye applier. Can also restore default colors at paint station. Mushrooms: more mushroom types that can drop different resources (caps, stems, etc.). Also add mycelium/hyphae fibers that can be woven in to rope. More meats/hides: creature specific hides and meat and and creature specific chitin. More armor/weapons: diverse equipment types that reflect the different types of creatures and materials available. Mixed sets that incorporate both creature and plant parts. Chem lab: new production station that can craft pheromones to alter bug behavior or take them. Craft bug repellent to keep away hostile bugs. Can also craft medicinal substances that can heal or buff players, or poisons to coat weapons with. Climbing gear: utility item, specialized craftable set of gloves and shoes that allow player to climb up vertical surfaces. Might require insect parts or maybe reptile parts, something like the feet of an anole or gecko. Stone building materials: large, stackable, carryable stones that have to be transported like stems or grass planks. Smooth round riverstones, slivers of slate. Glass: craftable glass from sand smelted in an oven. Used for windows and weapons. Wagons: buildable wagons and carts that can be harnessed to an appropriate pet, acting as mobile storage and a way to ferry large resources like grass and stems. Cable cars: upgraded ziplines using parts of a normal zipline and spinning wheel with added basket to ride in. Can be used to travel in either direction via hand crank. Can be further upgraded to add storage for carryable resources like grass or stems. Gliders/parachutes: dandelion reassigned as parachute, usuable as utility item. New craftable gliders made from insect wings, plant fibers, amphibian and/or bat webbing. More forward than downward motion compared with dandelion tufts. Can also craft better parachutes from clover leaves and spider webs. Maybe tap jump when airborne to deploy parachute, hold to deploy glider, or parachutes only deploy automatically when falling. Mechanics: Ideas for new gameplay features. Dodging: dodge and roll with B button to avoid attacks. Drains stamina. Hotbar tweaks: infinite hotbar wheel. Assign as many items as you want to hotbar. First 8 can be accessed via number keys, everything else has to be used from the wheel. Think like warframe, it just spirals more with each item you add, with the first assigned item looping back as the last item is reached. Target lock: lock the camera to a target when in combat. Inventory Sorting: button to auto-sort inventory and storage by item type, merge stacks. Fatigue: fatigue meter fills the longer player stays awake. Sleeping reduces it to zero. Long periods without sleep is penalized by reduced stamina, maybe even inventory capacity. Sleeping in better beds also applies bluffs like reduced stamina drain, reduced hunger/thirst drain, resource stack increase, hauling buff. Scab can remind player when to sleep at specific time. Toggleable and adjustable in menu. Dual wielding: use tools and weapons in either hand at the same time. Harvest alternate resources without changing tools or get resources faster if using two tools of the same type. Wield two different types of weapons or two of the same type for more combos/crits. Character customization/outfits: different non-armor clothing like shirts, headgear/accessories, pants, shorts, shoes, etc. Different hair styles/colors for each character, different backpacks. Can be crafted from ingame materials like plant fiber or webbing, and found on small toys or action figures. Can provide a buff of some kind but no defense or resistance. Special full body skins (like the skeleton) can be unlocked by player with some kind of holographic emitter gizmo. Mod support: allow players to browse, download, install, and manage load order of mods through the game itself through the starting menu. Scab display: allow players to toggle display of additional elements like minimap, compass, clock, temperature gauge, season. Pet expansion: tame all creatures except large scale animals, rideable mounts, flying mounts, hitching posts for fast travel. Different sized pet houses for different sized pets, feeding and watering station, pens they can be sent to when not in use. Maintain happiness with treats and toys specific to each animal. Fast travel: requires mount and hitching post at starting and ending points. Travel progresses game time and drains hunger and thrist, both based off of distance traveled. Can only fast travel within a distance that doesnt completely drain hunger/thrist. Temperature: extremes in hot and cold debuff players with status effects. Cold reduces max health and movement speed, heat reduces max stamina and increases water/food drain. Seasons: summer hot to moderate temperatures, current animal and plant spawns, current available resources, longest days shortest nights. Fall cooler to moderate temperatures, fewer creature spawns, more dry grass, browner foliage, shorter days. Winter cold temperatures, barely any creature spawns, little plant growth/resources, bare foliage, animals hibernate, water freezes in to ice, must be harvested with axe, koi pond, swamp, and puddles freeze, longest nights. Spring cool to moderate temperatures, more creature spawns (but lesser than summer), more plants/resources (slightly less than summer), budding green foliage, longer days. Each season lasts about 90 days. Adjustable time-scale: allow players to adjust the time scale to normal in game time where 1 second is 1 minute, or a real time mode where 1 second in reality is only one second in game, each in game minute only passes after a minute real time. Hunger and thirst drain slower in real time mode, day/night cycle passes realistically. Can be set to match computer time. Bug part sorting: a production station that sorts non-specific creature part stacks in to a more specific item like leg, mandible, head, antenna for more advanced crafting. Example, spider parts can be sorted in to spider leg, spider eye, spider mandible, spider meat. Repeat for each insect. Items can still drop from killed creatures, like ant heads or gnat meat, but specific items can drop less in favor of general "parts" that have to be sorted later for the more useful items. Anyway, that's all I've got so far. May add or remove things, but if you've made it this far, thanks for the read!
  4. Insect Raids can be a lot of fun when you want them. Raids can be tiresome, a fun-killer for others. Many players are asking for a toggle for raids. If the idea is to challenge the players, why not Link the attacks to our Place of Rest (Resurrection spot). If we select a bed with a respawn, let that be the only raided base (the main base). If players do not choose a place from Respawn, Raids are turned off! Give us the option while maintaining some type of challenge. Or simply offer a pre-game toggle so we do not have to rely on custom settings that can halt achievements.
  5. Currently on 0.12.0 Public Test - 3552 to 3555. When you have multiple of the same meal in your inventory and have said meal equipped on your hotbar and you use/eat it, the game eats your FRESHEST meal from your inventory every time. This can obviously be annoying when you have meals with differing levels of spoilage and the game decides to eat your freshest meal first, cutting your adventure/harvesting time short and potentially leading to spoiled meals. I propose that instead of the above happening, when you use a meal from your hotbar, the game prioritizes eating the meal CLOSEST to spoiling. Nothing major but I think this would be a nice quality of life change.
  6. The new brain power mechanic is slightly intrusive ingame with it appearing directly after the raw science gain, making scanning in bulk more tedious. Having them appear on screen at the same time would reduce downtime while still telling you what you earned.
  7. I just got back into the game after it's debut (before first update) and love the mutations. Since you can only have 3 active at a time, I think it's necessary to have a few keybinds to different loadouts of mutations. An example would be to have fighting-based mutations active in one loadout, then with the press of a key (or a radial wheel for controller) you can activate a different loadout of mutations. This would cut out a fair bit of menu time and would be a nice QoL improvement, instead of having to go to the menu and deactivate/reactivate when you switch active mutations.
  8. Hello everyone! I (41) play grounded with my kids (8, 10) and we absolutely love adventuring. I purchased the game on my PC just so I can play with them (both on xbox). I totally understand this game is a work in progress and the sky's the limit as to what could be added to it. I just wanted to share our experience and possible suggestions from all three of us, to the Obsidian/Grounded team. Really hope this post is seen by the team and I welcome any form of constructive discussion. Thank you! Bugs/Issues 1. Both kids are having and issue on an OG Xbox One and Xbox One X with getting "glitched" and not being able to move when standing on grass boards. We've had to reduce three bases to just one as I think many of these grass boards laying around causes an issue with slowing down the game and eventually freezing both my kids out of it on console. We've had to revert to an old save game in order for this not to happen. I'm not having these issues using a PC (Win10). Suggestions From Boy 8 years old 1. He'd really like to see more additions of animals such as: Frogs, snakes, snails/slugs, praying mantis, earth worms. 2. A lot more weapons/armor including being able to upgrading or improving them. 3. Expansion to the world, make it much larger, more areas to explore. 4. Vehicles (not sure how this would be implemented, but I'm just the messenger). Mainly flying aspect or boating on the pond. 5. More variety in missions. Because "Daddy, we have to kill 5 bees AGAIN?" is what I keep hearing (lol) From Girl 10 years old 1. More crafting, building, especially farming options. 2. Ability to do more with pet(s), such as taking them along on missions, maybe using them as a "loot mule" (her words, not mine). 3. Being able to customize her own character, appearance, clothing etc. From Dad 41 years old 1. Much larger world to explore 2. More RPG elements of upgrading your character, being able to gain experience and unlocking ability/skill points etc. 3. Being able to improve armor or having a matching set bonus. 4. Maybe encountering some NPC's? Aside from BURGL Overall, just wanted to say we love the game, spent countless hours on it and we can't wait for the next update (they make me check almost every other day for news on this). Thank you, as a Dad, for giving me the opportunity to bond with my kids. Sincerely, Lou
  9. So one last time the brain wrung out and this dripped out. Most important: The possibility to turn off the friedly fire. The plants with the thick leaves between oak and rose bed should become harvestable. My teammates often expressed the desire to use a large leaf as a boat. An inflatable boat made of beetle rubber would also be conceivable. A greenhouse as a new biome, where even exotic plants could grow, maybe even dangerous ones? A garbage can, a bird house, an insect hotel as a dungeon. More fungi: toxic earth balls near the haze biome, slimy stinkhorns, harvestable tree fungi. As a great danger at night, a bat. Sunflowers, hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops, butterfly-bushs. Dear developers I hope you can use anything from the 3 posts. Otherwise I am curious what the future updates will bring. Good luck.
  10. Okay! First, let me just say bravo and thank you for what has already been a super fun game to play! (and we're still in early access). With that in mind, I have some suggestions of things to improve overall enjoyment of the game and some suggestions for future development. If you read this and like my thoughts be sure to drop a like so Obsidian will notice it. Lets get started. The Obvious Things: The sap collectors. Stop making us pick the sap up one at a time! There should be some mass collect option. Please! We need an elevator option! Everyone who's a true master builder wants to make at least one "floating" base. That is EXTREMELY difficult without an elevator to bring up materials with. Even if it were for only building materials would be better than nothing, since I cant climb ladders and hold materials at the same time. Hatches! - Just as doors are to walls, hatches should be to floors. Fire Arrows. This one just makes sense. There ain't no way in hell that in a world where I was shrunk and had to fight inse... had to fight SPIDERS that I wouldn't be lighting them on fire with some Molotov ****tails and/or Flaming Arrows. "Kill it... Kill it with fire!" A boat or raft. There should be a steerable raft of some sort that we can use to fairy around on the pond with. Spider's Doom - Like the Ant-nihilator but for spiders. (I'll tell you what, if I were really shrunk I wouldn't be worried about how to better kill ants. What I would be studying? Spiders!) Tier 3 Axe - It should be a two handed item and it should be clippers. Made from ant mandibles or something that makes sense. This one should go without saying but we all want a entire crow armor set! I'm sure you're working on it already so that's not really why I bring this up. I bring this up because it should be obvious that we *want* armor sets for literally everything we can kill! (Or at least any predator). I know we aren't gonna get everything. An aphid armor set is probably never gonna see the light of day. And I get it! Some critters don't have strong enough hides to make armor sets out of. Like aphids and mosquitoes. That makes perfect sense. But some obviously can! and should taken into consideration. (IE: The Stinkbugs, The Bombadier Beetle, The Larva). The Not So Obvious Things: The Four Leaf Cover! The lucky four leaf clover should be a harvestable material. As to what for... there are a few options I could see right off the bat. First, you could have building parts that only can be made with "lucky clovers" and they could provide some sort of structure bonus or maybe just be really fancy (similar to the feather roofs)! Second, a luck tower. This would basically function as a booster for nearby structures. The mushrooms gardens would grow faster, the stem walls would be sturdier, the dew collectors would collect moisture more often. Etc. Etc. Essentially an enhancement beacon. Third, a new smoothie that gives you a percent chance to dodge attacks (or something, extra % crit, etc.). All these are nice but personally I would suggest option 4, a tier 2 shield! Just imagine it! Having a 4 leaf clover shield!! That would be super cool! As far as its bonuses there are tons of things you could do for it. It could just have more durability and a bigger threshold before getting stunned. Wielding it could give you the percent dodge bonus I mentioned. Though, I think it would be cool if (ya know, since its like all magical and lucky) it regened its durability given time out of combat! That would be sick!!! Lets be honest, farming weevil meat gets annoying. Its not hard. Just boring. It bogs down the game. So a solution to that would be awesome! (Plus there is still a chance you break your shield in combat so its not a cure all shield!) Option 5: I'm not sure that I really recommend because I'm sure many players, myself included, would abuse the heck out of this so there would need to be limitations somehow. But it would be awesome if you could make a 4 leaf clover beacon that stopped enemy spawns in a certain radius. This would let players build bases in cool areas where we otherwise wouldn't be able to. A great example is under the tree. Everyone planned on building their base there until they learned that not 1 but 2 wolf spiders spawned there! I still think option 4 is the best but figured I'd put this in here for food for thought. The Haze Reaper! So I am stealing an idea from William Akhurst Hultz's suggestion (so please go read his too) but tweaking it a little here because I think he missed some things. "Here's the idea, in the haze roams a praying mantis that has been affected by that weird fungus that's all over the place there. He attacks on sight with slashes, lunges, and stabs with his "scythe like" arms and occasionally flies up for a moment to come crashing down with a huge slashing attack." The loot that comes from slaying this beast could be his mantis arms that the players could craft into a two handed scythe weapon that would fit under the "assassin" mutation. I think having a two handed assassin weapon would be very unique and provide something new and exciting for the assassin players! A possible name for the boss could be the "Haze Reaper" and the name of the weapon could be "The Reaper's Claw". Additionally, this boss would drop the materials necessary to build "The Reaper's Mask" a mask that, like the gas mask, blocks the damage from the haze zone. However, unlike the gas mask it would not weather down given use. (Of course it can still take damage if you are attacked, like any other armor piece). This would give players a viable option to build a base in the haze zone (WHICH EVERYONE WANTS TO DO!!!) but as of right now its just not viable. Making us have to kill a boss (possibly 4 times for everyone on the squad) to get it would really make us feel like we earned it! Please consider it! (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Hopper's Doom! Okay so the name of this one is bad but the idea is good! (Also kinda obvious but I felt it belonged down here anyways) We have all these tadpoles swimming around and no frogs?! Dat don't make any sense... lolz. So! I suggest a three tiered new hostile creature "Frogs" that have a new deadly attack! A tongue attack that pulls players in right next to the frogs! Let me tell you, I abuse the heck out of a bow and a high rock! So an enemy that could pull me down from my safe high ground, down right next to him!! That would be scary and fun to deal with! The first tier would just be your generic pond frogs. The frog equivalent of the orbital weaver. The second tier would be poisonous frogs, aka "Poison Hoppers", that would be the frog equivalent of wolf spiders. These would obviously have poison attacks but as frogs poison usually comes from their skin I suggest not having its tongue attack be poisons us and instead make its melee attacks apply the poison. Okay so we've talked about frogs but now lets think bigger. A boss enemy. The Toad! Like the frogs he would be able to pull you in with a tongue attack but would also have a variety of other attacks. Other possible attacks could be a long jump up that ends with him crashing down where you were last standing when he jumped dealing a big aoe slam attack, a croak attack that if your in front of him dealing that melee damage would pushes you back off him and on your ass! and of course a venomous attack! Spiders aren't the only small creatures known for their venomous touch! Some of the deadliest poisons on earth are from frogs and toads. Don't let that go to waste. (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Loot Ideas: An suit of armor that each individual piece increases your jump height but when worn as a set give you immunity to fall damage! Come on! It makes perfect sense!!! And who doesn't want to jump and land like a superhero?! Regardless of the tier list I came up with, frogs should be an enemy in some way shape or form. Looking forward to it. Ice! Idk what for and what its benefits will be but I want to make ice! and maybe a freezer? Make it hard for me to achieve too pls! Maybe the freezer could just keep food fresh longer or something. Idk. I just want ice! Thx. PS: A personal shoutout to whomever over there at obsidian gaming drew the weird chef man as an easter egg for us more adventurous players! That **** made my day! Hilarious! Thank you!
  11. First of all, big praise, you've managed to make a nice locking and fun game even as an early access game. At this point, i can't think of a single thing that i would describe as annoying or distracting. Instead, there is a lot that I already love about it. From the adrenaline rush when you hear a spider scream to living in a mushroom castle. I'm looking forward to the future updates. Here are a few suggestions if you feel like it even though you've probably heard them many times before: A sandbox, maybe with a wooden frame that also has termites in it. A rideable bumblebee, everyone wants to wiggle through the air on a big fur ball. Maybe not as a permanent tame like in Ark but that you have to mount it and it flies away again as soon as you dismount so it doesn't get too easy. Otherwise I would argue against rideable beetles since Grounded is quite unique and would otherwise just become the Ark of beetles. Butterflies by day and moths by night. Caterpillars that hang on the top of grass similar to dewdrops. A frog that appears when you kill too many tadpoles with the fighting power similar to the wolfspider. Spiders that lurk on the ceiling of underpasses and pull players up with their webs if not freed in time. After a bite, it drops the player again and also goes to the ground to fight. If the player is freed, it also rappels down to fight. As a dungeonidea a compost heap. There could be earthworms, isopods, slugs and earwigs. As another dungeonidea a beehive. Bark beetles/deer beetles which can be found at the tree. Prefer some more powerful. Centipedes and millipedes lurking under foliage. Grasshoppers, dragonflies, snails and praying mantises. Water striders to be met in the flodded zone. Dormice and sparrows as major danger, difficult without tier II gear. Voles. A hedgehog which hunts at night in a certain area. Invincible like the koi. Increase durability of weapons by 15%.
  12. Hey, this is BedsideRobin66 and I came across something while playing this game. You know that you can make armor and equipment, but when its equipped it doesn't move from the bag or when something's moved from your backpack to your hot pouch it wouldn't remover it from the backpack. Well my suggestion is to move the item from to backpack to the desired spot if possible. Sorry, just I found this to be a big pain to me. Especially when I'm going out to gather material to build with.
  13. Hi everyone! I’m brand new here and I just want to start by mentioning how excited I am to have found this game! I think it has a lot of potential and I’m really interested to see how it grows and changes. This post is intended to give devs (and whoever else is interested) an idea of what the game looks like to a player that is brand new. Hopefully you can glean some interesting ideas or useful pieces of information from it. Let’s get right into it! Progress through the game so far: Spent roughly 10 hours (over about 3 sessions) in a single world on moderate, playing with 2 others who are also brand new players All three of us are on XBOX Completed the story mode objectives Built a small but substantial base (more than a 2x2, but not a sprawling castle or anything…) Challenged most insects we’ve come across to a fight (won some, lost many) Initial Spawn and First Hour On our initial spawn, we immediately loved how things looked and were very excited to get started. There was a little bit of “information overload” while moving through the inventory and crafting menus, and it took a little bit of getting used to but we eventually figured out how everything was organized. After about an hour of playing, moving through the menus became quite easy and intuitive. I was also impressed with how well the starting zone was set up. It shepards new players to the first research station very well. When starting out in a new survival game, I usually get lost almost immediately and have very little idea of what I’m supposed to be doing, but Grounded does a nice job of keeping that from happening. One issue we ran into on the first day (but haven’t experienced since) was a stampede of ants. At one point we had over 20 ants all crowding around the research station. This wasn’t much a problem while the ants were only workers, but whenever a soldier showed up we would get swarmed and almost instantly die. This was the source of a lot of our deaths during our first day, but eventually the ants dispersed and we were allowed to continue. My suggestion would be to severely limit the bug spawns around the research station during the first day so as to facilitate low risk exploration and learning of the game mechanics. That way new players don’t get discouraged in their first 10 minutes (which as we all know, are some of the most crucial minutes). Combat My younger brother quickly became the “combat expert” of our crew. He led the charge in most of our battles, and is always itching to take on whatever bug may be crawling around near us. He was the first of our trio to craft new weapons/armor, perform a perfect block (which he now declares that he has mastered), and challenge both variants of spiders. From what I can gather so far, the combat seems fun and engaging. We are punished (usually with death) for engaging bugs without a plan or the proper equipment, but dispatching them becomes pretty easy with a little bit of practice. I think this is the perfect balance for new players because it offers them a challenge while not being too cruel. (Note: this is excluding wolf spiders…we will get to those below) We do have a few suggestions! The first is to show us numerical stats on weapons and armor! That way we can quickly compare the equipment and be totally sure that wearing our ant helmet is better than the eyepatch. (is it?) Second is we want an indicator as to how much damage we are doing to enemies! This could take the form of numbers that float in the air for a short while which display the damage done on that attack or something of that nature (making that feature toggle-able is also a good idea). Finally we just want more stuff! I don’t want this to turn into an “Add this and this and this” thread so I won’t push all my ideas on you just yet, but keep adding more! (ok maybe just one real quick…maybe think about some special weapons that aren’t craft-able? These would have to be placed in specific locations around the world, and probably protected by some type of strong enemy, but they would provide unique properties to players who obtain them!) Base Building If my brother is the “combat expert” then I guess that would make me the “building expert” of the crew. I’ve spent the most time out of our trio working on the base and doing “basely” duties, and here are my conclusions… I like the concept of the building mechanics a lot. I’ve spent some time playing Ark, and let me tell you, I like this so much better for two main reasons. 1.) Building one wall piece doesn’t take an obscene amount of resources. 2.) The blueprint concept. Messing up and misplacing a wall no longer means sacrificing resources. 10/10 on that one. The building UI is also well put together and easy to understand, and I really like how holding blades of grass and other building materials is different from them just being in your inventory. Very neat idea. Of course its still rough around the edges, but that’s to be expected. Sometimes I’m able to build a wall that’s half in the ground and other times I’m not. If I put my head at the just the right angle while in blueprint mode, the wall flashes blue to red and teleports around my screen like its in the middle of a fight in DragonBall Z. Etc. You guys are aware of these I’m sure, so I won’t spend any more time talking about them. In short, I really like the building mechanics! Continue to polish them and they will be great!! Surviving I wouldn’t say I’m a survival game expert or anything, but I have spent some time playing a few. Ark, The Long Dark, Minecraft and Terraria (I know, I know…but they have survival game aspects) is what I’m basing this off of. Food and Water: Food is pretty easy to come by. At first we starved a lot but once you figure out where to look/what to kill you can get by fine (and you can’t call it a survival game without a little starvation). However, WATER. Always THIRSTY. Never ENOUGH. Really though, there should be more dew drops around the starting zone. I get not wanting to make it too easy, but we were practically fighting each other for the few dew drops we came across (with the loser often “Giving Up” just to get a full water bar again). Health: This circles back to the combat section, but give us some numbers! That way I can know exactly how many more ant bites I can take before its time to take off in the other direction. Stamina: Honestly I think we have a very fair amount of stamina, and it refills fast which is AWESOME. Miscellaneous: Please, please, please do not ever add a weight factor. I don’t care if its unrealistic for my character to carry an entire inventory of pebblets…this survival game is clearly not one that is striving for realism, so don’t add a weight factor (and actually ants can lift like 5000 times their own weight so…just pull that tidbit out if any of the survival purists come around complaining and whatnot). Spiders Why do spiders get a special section? Because, they are actually what enticed me to try the game in the first place. While watching Youtube clips of Grounded, I noticed a key element in most videos was wolf spider attacks. I would watch in fascinated horror as Youtuber after Youtuber would have a wolf spider seemingly materialize out of no-where and utterly obliterate them. So let talk about our spider experiences… Orb-Weavers: I think this enemy is well balanced. We need to keep our eyes peeled for them, but they seem pretty docile, and only really attack if you engage or wander too close. Fighting them is challenging, but we’ve killed most of the ones we’ve attacked. They are a good warm-up for Grounded’s real beast… Wolf-Spiders: The first 3 in-game nights were pretty much spent in anticipation of a wolf-spider attack of our own, but one never came. To be honest we were a little disappointed. We eventually set out specifically to look for them, and find them we did. I can confirm that they are every bit as vicious as they were in the videos. But there wasn’t any stalking! Come to find out, it was toned down significantly in a recent update. We were bummed! Personally, I kinda like the horror aspect of running around at night and constantly having to be hyper aware of my surroundings. Currently it doesn’t even feel that dangerous to be outside at night. I get that you guys probably toned it down in response the community, but bring back some spider stalking! One idea would be to make it so that 1 out of every 5 (or something) wolf spiders is of the stalker variety. That way it brings down the number of spider related deaths, but still forces players to stay on their toes. The wolf spider is currently your flag-ship insect (okay, arachnid, you get what I mean). Changing how they work too much might seriously affect how many new players you are drawing in. Story (no spoilers here) I really like the story so far. If we are getting more stuff like that, then I’m excited to see how the rest of it turns out! Keep up the good work and keep doing what you’re doing! Alrighty, that wraps up my post. It is very long, but I had a lot to say. In short, keep up the great work! We are very excited to see where this game goes! I plan to be hanging around on the forums here for a bit, so expect to see more posts from me (hopefully not as long as this one). Thanks! :) ~Nyr1n Oh, also shoutout to Sthen0z and Hawkeyeboy1 for being sick teammates!
  14. When turned off holding LB would open the wheel and then upon release it would equip or use once what was selected. This would speed things up. Especially when in combat as switching weapons or using heals quickly can give you an advantage.
  15. Having played about 10 hours of the game on Xbox so far, really enjoying it and love the world and story so far. With that said, here are some observations and suggestions I have (some of which have already been shared by others) in a hope they may be considered for future enhancements. Ability to name save files, or at least differentiate Auto-Save files between Single and Multiplayer Multiplayer Accessibility Ability to invite Friends into game from the Xbox menus (current option where you have to host and then they have to join from the menu is a bit clunky) Ability to set game to "Private" (we had a random person join our game multiple times and had to keep kicking them) Hotpouch Control - change to "Tap LB" to quick cycle through the Hotpouch items, and "Hold LB" to open Hotpouch radial menu. Currently very cumbersome to quickly or easily swap things in certain situations, especially if your items break or run out of consumables. PC players can easily assign these to 1-8 keys for example, so Xbox would benefit from another option and would be similar to Minecraft. Xbox can remap some of the Hotpouch spots to the D-Pad, but then you'd lose other commands (not that Non-verbal comms or emotes are that useful for Single player, I've also reassigned D-Pad Right to Open the Map) Find a new function for the Y button, as toggling the markers could be moved to the Map screen. This would allow for another remapped command as the Marker Toggle exists on the Executable Radial or to activate your "off-hand" items like torches, maybe an eventual Shield, Another option would be a "Ping" command for a temporary marker to highlight an item or location, and would be especially useful for Multiplayer (preferred option) I've currently mapped it to Swap to Previous Item, which is useful only if the equipment you last used compliment each other (I likely will be remapping it again to be Hotpouch Slot 1 and putting a weapon there) Inventory Quality of Life Armor once equipped should not take up an inventory slot Option to move stacks of items into storage Sort functions Being able to "tag" areas of interest (i.e. a juice box) on the Map to set a waypoint or marker for slightly easier navigation, but then disappears once you get to it. Adding a basic compass marker to SCA.B HUD/UI Currently very easy to get lost as the biomes are visually mostly the same in the majority of the map, and large defining structures (i.e. Oak Tree) aren't always visible. Option to slide by pressing crouch while sprinting, or to roll by double clicking crouch while moving (would be helpful for dodging bug attacks) Option to clamber up small heights by pressing or holding the jump button (this has become such a staple in games now that it just feels missing here) Ability to interact with "friendly" insects Petting Ants are a must, and feeding them food Option to "tame" temporarily Ladybugs and Ants to help you harvest or get somewhere Item/Equipment Requests Slingshot with different ammo types - rock, multi-shot, AOE effect shots (smoke bomb, sap trap, diversion lure) Bug Net - to capture Gnats and Aphids Shield - (alternative form of blocking) Healing Ointment - for immediate health recovery instead of recovery-over-time like the Bandage Baitball (Lure? - haven't tested those yet so unsure if this already exists) - throwable consumable that attracts predators so that you can escape/sneak past Crossbow - for more damage but slower rate of fire, and as optional "Zipline" alternative ammo type Zipline - for quick traversal of the environment from height Bug Types for the future - praying mantis, caterpillars, fireflies, bees/hornets, Or other animals that act as "world-events" - frogs, birds, snakes Building controls are a little wonky with the controller and how structures snap to build points, in that walls don't always align with each other or doors, or can float above the ground leaving gaps. Also, small observation - there are currently 4 characters, but when you first spawn into the world the canister with the body cutouts has 5 spots...is there going to be a 5th character, or option to "create your own" in a limited sense? I think that is it for now. As stated above, loving the game so far, and looking forward to see how it develops. Thank you Obsidian.
  16. My friend and I are enjoying this game quite a bit. We are hoping for some great add on's and game features. Some things I would like to see that may or may not be in the game yet. Traveling to different yards with completely different Biomes: A yard of islands from to much sprinkler time. A wasteland yard from improper care. Bugs: Rolly Pollys that we can ride, Dragon Flies that we can fly, Praying Mantis, Rhino Beatles, Caterpillars, Eearth worms, Pincher bugs, Moths that attack the light at your base, June bugs that ram your base at night because they are blind as a bat. Murder Hornets, Winged Ants, Furry Ants, Snails (I did see a shell), Daddy Longlegs, Bees, Stick bug Mammals and reptiles: Frogs, Lizard, Fish, mice and Birds. The truly terrifying creatures. Getting into houses and setting up villages just like the littles. Hot wheel track from getting from place to place and have races. Bushes where we can build our homes, up up and up. Tic-Tack Elevator Insect raids. Yard Raids for PVP Bases and trading. Each Yard is its own clan.
  17. Would be much better immediately if the save files were grouped by character name, makes it less likely to accidentally save over a different character!
  18. On the Groundbreaker ship i spoke to Belle Everson the weapon mod merchant, and she states you can put the silencer mod onto the dead eye assault rifle, but you can’t, it can only take scope and mag mods, honestly this is the one gun that needs to be able to equip a silencer, it’s pretty much a designated marksman rifle, please allow us to barrel, mag and scope mod all assault rifles with 3 mods instead of just 2, cheers guys loving the game so far!!
  19. Are there any keypad users out there that don't have an escape button on their gamepad having to use 2 keyboards? May we please have a change to the controls for the escape button for exiting all sorts of stuff during the game. Can we just right click the mouse button for exiting these simple type of things. Or at least give us the option to change that in the control binds. I guess I could always resort to using voice attack or something along those lines.
  20. Every time you get low health it re-tags the codex entry for emergency medical inhaler (Press F) as unread. Very small nuisance but also easy to fix
  21. A couple of ways that would immensely improve playability. - Obviously, a way to label the map with multicolored pins, as we were able to do in the later Infinity Engine games. Also an optional "Auto-pin" option which puts a pin identifying a location after you visit it. (before you scoff, remember, P:T did this) - Ability to move up and down a level on the map screen. For instance when looking at the world map, you should be allowed to view the local map of a location by either right-clicking on it, or adding a third option to the travel dialog (so: Travel Here, View, Cancel). These maps would only be available after you visited the location, of course. This would be especially useful in cases like Twin Elms and Defiance Bay where you have a city split up into three or more zones, and it's hard to keep track of which locations are in each slice of the location. By being able to go down to the local map (with your labels!) from the world map.
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