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Intro After having played Grounded only just 7 days (game time) since the 1.0 release I've loved every single minute of it. I played Solo on survival (Medium difficulty I think) and when watching some YouTube videos from other players (Mediocre Milton, JadeCraft, Sir Sim-slot etc) there have been a few things I think the game needs. I have completed the main campaign and currently collecting gold creature cards and building bases around the yard for when we get some new DLC. Now to the Juicy stuff... Ideas Bugs The variety of bugs in the game is awesome and after seeing some of the potential cut content there are a couple of bugs that I think would work really well. Stick Insects - They could be a nice addition to the lower or upper yard, since the size of them could be large in comparison to the player they could be menacing and could hide on the branches or plants and get agro when you're near. Wasps - This was something that looked like it was cut and understandably since they can be aggressive but could be cool as a hidden dungeon type area with a next being put on the tree or up on the blue tarpaulin. The issue would be the amount of them and them flying around but could be cool to have a nest. Frogs - Now these might not be creatures we can kill but similar to the Koi fish they could be leaping around the pond and potentially cause havoc on bases or get agro if you go near any of them. If we can kill them it would be cool to get some new armour that improves jumping height or swimming. Caterpillar - Again similar to the frog this could be something just around the garden to give it some extra. If we can kill it then again we could have some sort of mutation like the caterpillar does when turning into a butterfly. Butterflies - Just something else to be flying around the air that doesn't want to stab you like the mosquito Grasshoppers - These could be a cool addition and like the frogs when killing we could get some unique armour that lets us jump higher making the game have more verticality meaning the game doesn't have to stay in the one back yard but more on that later Beetles - I guess depending on where the garden is set you can have a whole range of beetles but something different to kill and with a whole range of unique colours. Quality of Life The game does a great job in guiding players through the garden but for those that are familiar with survival, games that have RPG elements where different builds offer different things we're used to seeing certain things and here are some suggestions. Mutation Phase Info - Right now when you unlock a mutation some have 3 phases, each phase obviously gives you a different value with that mutation but there is no indication on the percentage or dp it gives. Having a small bit of info at the bottom that says... Mutation Name Phase 1 - 10% buff Kill 20 more (bug name) for Phase 2 or something like that. Damage Numbers - In most RPGs you see the amount of damage you're doing to the enemy so we could have this as an option for players who actually want to see the damage being dealt like traditional RPGs. Map Markers - When you discover landmarks or key areas on the map the icon is shown on the map, for me this should be similar to Milk Molars, SCA.B's and Raw Science. Once you've found the location it can show up on the map until you collect it then it's gone. Reason for this is that there is no way to actually track which molars you've collected. Bug Attack Info - Currently and I could be wrong because I don't have access to the game when writing this but I don't think the creature cards tell you what types of damage the bugs do once you scan them. They tell you weaknesses and resistance but knowing what damage they deal will also allow those players who do go to certain areas with certain gear to better prepare Some New Things The game as mentioned has a lot of variety in what you can do with the game when it comes to base building parts, armour and weapons but I've got some other ideas. Weather - We already know that weather effects are going to be added at some point as it's been on the feature board but I want to go a little deeper with this. Snow 1. The pond could freeze over and we can break the ice to get through, once inside the water is colder so we also need to worry about temp as well as air. 2. The garden itself will be harder as ice will form on certain plants, the snow can cover a lot of it if it's a thick snow layer meaning traversal could be fun trying to work your way through the snow. You might not get as many bugs flying out in the snow or travelling but being out in it could allow other materials to be farmed like Frozen items Rain/Storms 1. The garden could have more flooded areas until the rain dries out, also if your base isn't elevated it could start taking damage from the mud and things moving in the garden through the rain. With this we could fashion little boats to travel to perhaps new areas that could be added. 2. If it's a storm you'd obviously have lightning that could strike your base or even you as a player. The field of view could also be reduced due to the storm being so bad which adds another dynamic to the game. Hail 1. hailstorms could just be another weather effect that can cause a lot of damage to not only you but bugs also considering the hail will be considerably bigger. Armour Customisation - We're in the back garden and it's super colourful, it would be cool to be able to perhaps go collect certain things that we can then make dye and recolour our armour. It's a simple thing and doesn't really offer any game value except it looks cool and for those in multi-player doing challenges and Whoa they could all look the same with cool coloured gear based on the builds and sets they like. Almost like a transmog for your armour but colour also. Base Building Free Cam- Right now base building is sooo much fun, after playing No Mans Sky for over 450 hours the one thing I think Grounded needs is a free cam base build. If you have the materials also then instead of having to climb to the top of that tower you're creating you can actually build from within free cam. Even if the base part needs stems or grass you can hold them on your character and still build in free cam. Now this might change the immersion a little because it was funny trying to build a tower and your parkour skills failed and you fell to your death or into a bunch of spiders but would make building easier. Underground Base Building- So a lot of the labs are underground, it would be cool if there was a way we could do similar and build these cool bases underground. With that we could introduce the worry of the weather above or worms causing damage but this is just a crazy idea and not something I'd do a lot of as there is soo much to see up top. Base Blueprints - So this is going into more of what I think would be cool for DLC but for those who have completed the game and really ventured into the labs they have cool shrunken down beds, cooler workbenches etc Obviously this tech is from Ominent but would be cool if there was a way we could make similar or get similar by perhaps stealing materials from the other labs or something along those lines. Mounts and Flight - So traversal is fun in the game, getting around can be great but once you're in the end game and building bases you want to get to sides of the garden to farm materials quicker. I think it would be cool to have perhaps an Ant as a mount, if Ominent have the little beeping thing on its head to control it then why can't we hack that and then control the ant? I know there was talk of pheromones and being able to control the ants that way which would be awesome. Other things for better traversal would be a more solid version of the Tuft, I know there was like a clover glider or something like that from the stuff I have seen but why not build like a wing suit from the moth wings and allow you to glide? this would mean you need to be high up to take full advantage of being able to travel the whole garden but it's a faster glider than the tuft and something cool. DLC Ideas and How it Could Work So the whole idea of the game is to survive the backyard and grow big and go home. Now once this Is done people might be wondering how could DLC or more content be added to the game, I have some ideas of my own New Garden - During the game it mentions that other kids have gone missing, with the main 4 kids being shrunk down against their own will we could make it that in the DLC they choose to be shrunk again and therefor more prepared as they're working alongside Wendell to try and stop Ominent. I won't spoil the good ending or bad ending but those who know both will know how this could work. If we're more prepared and we know that Ominent are up to no good like all evil organisations then it could mean we venture into a whole new garden because we know they've been kidnapping kids again meaning a whole new area even if it's the neighbours garden. We could have more tech since we're working alongside Wendell meaning cooler armour, similar base building options like the labs as well as cool tech suits and abilities that make building, traversing different. Another way we could introduce a new garden is to have the kids similar to above shrink down because there was something lost in the undershed, when they go down and into the sinkhole, a rain storm hits and flushes them away down the pipes and they end up elsewhere. Yeah it would be a little convenient if they managed to end up somewhere that happened to have shrunken labs but the pipes could have been how Ominent transported things from Garden to Garden. The Shed - I know there was a leak of the shed but as some of the content creators I mentioned above have stated in their videos this could just have been a dumping ground for all the assets but I think actually going into the shed is a cool idea for easy DLC for now until a new Garden or area is opened with story content. The shed could be introduced as Wendell may have a different version or an earlier model of the SPAC.R in there and he was using that with limited resources. Or we could just make it that Ominent knew what he was doing and took full advantage and setup base in the shed without him knowing. A whole world of possibilities in that shed. There are tonnes more things I have ideas for but this is a massive read for anyone that does chose to do so so thank you if you've got this far haha. Might see you in game Cheers
Hey guys, Really liking the game so far. Love the atmosphere and sense of scale. Very well executed. Seeing how awesome this game could be when it's done (probably will be the coolest atmosphere of any game since Bioshock 1 for me personally) almost made me sad to play it before it's complete but honestly the multiplayer aspect is just what we needed for the pandemic so thank you. I'm sure you're working hard on fixes and I appreciate that. Not sure of the best method to submit feedback so I'm posting here. I want to echo what others have said about the in-game feedback interface seeming a bit useless. I guess it makes feedback more accessible/likely but usually I'm making a sad emoji complaint about the game being buggy because my girlfriend's game has crashed seemingly for no reason and it feels a bit ridiculous. Not sure how useful that info would be, I would prefer a text box to provide the option of including some detail. Here is my feedback roughly arranged in order of how much they have affected our enjoyment of the game and by category. They are mostly bug reports with the building stuff bleeding into feature requests so I just included it all here. We're both running Windows 10 and playing through Xbox Game Pass. Host has nvidia graphics, client AMD. Bugs: [Multiplayer client issue] Hotlist is often unassigned when resuming a game. Tools need to be reassigned pretty much every time. Very annoying. [Multiplayer client issue] Client crashed when host jumped into soda can (first time discovering it) [Multiplayer client issue] Client crashed when host recycled a weed storage platform. [Multiplayer general issue] Spiders often appear in a different location/state for the client compared to what the host is seeing. [General issue] The Wolf Spider is extremely scary, well done. But I had an issue where I was running from it and actually managed to hide inside the mysterious machine which felt awesome. Imagine my shock when the spider just walked right through the walls and killed me. This was probably my lowest point playing the game and made me "end my session prematurely". I've also hid in the can, then watched the spider's arms no-clipping through the side of the can trying to feel me, and I know that if I get too close it can bite me even though I should be safe inside. [Multiplayer general issue] Host can't select difficulty in lobby. Client gets a "working" drop-down menu but selecting different difficulty doesn't do anything. [Multiplayer general issue] Ants grabbing stuff through walls or spawning in the base (including soldier ants). Also bugs sticking partially through walls or being able to attack and be attacked through walls breaks immersion. [General issues/feature requests regarding building] I am close to loving the building in this game but I think it would be better if the game was a bit more relaxed about building stuff which clips into hills or rocks. I am often left with ugly gaps between uneven surfaces and my buildings. I spend a lot of time trying to get a wall or whatever to click into what feels like the obvious position but that is the one position it doesn't want to go into. Also blueprints flailing around/flickering between two positions with only a glimmer of the correct option is very frustrating. I also wish you could build storage platforms etc a bit more flat out in the open. A lot of my stuff is at an angle because the ground is uneven. Yes you could build low platforms with tiny staircases but the resource cost of doing so is high compared to just building outdoor items on the ground. Please allow us to stack more items on storage platforms. Making us carry everything is cool but please be reasonable. [Multiplayer general issue] Repair tool doesn't seem to work. I tried whacking my walls with it but nothing happens. [General issue] It seems like certain graphic settings don't get saved. Even though I have set motion blur to 0%, every time I resume our game (continuing a save) motion blur is back on. In the menu it shows my setting of 0% but I have to turn it on and off again to get the setting to work. The same thing appears to be happening with my gf's gamma setting. Edit: [Forum UX issue] It's really not obvious that you need to select an item prefix to post. When I got rejected for that reason it just said "Your post will need to be approved by a moderator" and I was pretty sure it had submitted. It took me a few tries of adding tags, trying to change the title and eventually adding the prefix before my post went through. I wonder how much feedback is going unposted due to this issue. Thank you for your time and for this really cool game. ne
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Hi everyone, i hope you're doing ok during this difficult time, please stay safe and follow the WHO instructions. With that said i wanna talk about something that will really improve the game imo and i hope it'll be addressed in the near future. I think the features of the supernova difficulty should be free to choose. Hunger, thirst and sleep should be available no matter the difficulty you chose to play. Supernova combat is more difficult only because it makes enemies more bullet sponge and i really dislike that, not just in this game but in any t/fps really. For me Supernova should be different, it should be a more "realistic" mode where the player and the ai both deal way more damage. This is just an idea, i'm fully aware that could cause problems with companions dying too easily. Still I think and hope that this will be changed in the future, i was looking forward to play on supernova after my first playthrough but i ended up reverting to normal mode wishing to have those features available.
Starting topic of any/all ideas & suggestions for possible future games & DLC content. Here are a few things that I'd like to see in future installments or DLC content. 12 Companions Weapons/Armor DLC Archer companion that switches between standard crossbow & bow with power based weapons that include elemental damage ex: fire, plasma, shock, etc. Mimic/Shapeshifter companion that can take on identity/form of anyone in game which could be used for missions or to infiltrate a group/faction or replace someone in game or be used for humor aspects.
Hey, everyone. Update 2.02 is now live on Steam. If you would like to see some of the fixes for 2.02, please check them out here. Due to a last minute fix, we were a bit late in sending builds to Origin and GOG. They should have their updates live within a day or two. Be on the look out for a backer update later in the day that will have some additional info for you.
Hey, everyone. the 1.05 patch (Build 567) is now live on Steam. We are packaging everything up for GOG and Origin, so those builds should be updated in a day or two. Some highlights from 1.05 include: You can now rename save games. You can now change the portrait and sound set of characters from the character sheet. Click on the gear icon to open the customization window. You can only use this feature on player characters and hired (non-companion) characters. New Stash sorting. You can now sort stash by item type, enchant score, and sell value. Added a News Feed on the main menu to keep you informed on patches and Kickstarter updates. Added a new color for unique items in the inventory. Added a new hotkey for switching weapon sets on selected characters. You can now bind extra mouse buttons to Ability hotkeys. There's a new option in the Difficulty settings to reset newly recruited companions to level 1 (without losing the experience) when they get added to the party for the first time. This will allow you to level up companions to your liking. For the full patch notes on 1.05, please go here. During this patch we needed to change around our Steam depot structure. Most of you should be unaffected by these changes, but if you have problems please report them in this thread. You can also go to that thread for an explanation of the Steam depots and why we needed to change them. Enjoy!
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Update by Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Good news, everyone! We have a brand-spankin' new patch for you. This is a big one. Patch 1.05 features hundreds of bug fixes, balance changes, and new UI features. There are many minor fixes that are not listed in these notes. We anticipate that 1.06 will be shipping out later this month. 1.06 will continue the trend of adding in new features, balancing existing gameplay, and fixing bugs important to the community. More Shipping Info Physical discs are being printed for shipping now. One reason for waiting was so we could get the 1.04 patch as the base build on the disc. You should start seeing your discs in the next few weeks. To make sure that your latest shipping information is on record, please go to the Backer Portal and update your address by Monday, May 11th. Documentary We have received the final cut of the Pillars of Eternity documentary and are going through it now. Shortly, we will be able to give an exclusive sneak peek of the documentary to our backers before the general public gets to see it. Be on the look out for an update about it in the next week or two. Patch 1.05 Notes Note: We performed some changes to the game's Steam depots yesterday. Most of you shouldn't notice any difference, but some individuals that may have had non-standard game install locations were seeing some strange behavior where the PillarsofEternity_Data folder in the root of their game directory was getting renamed to EmptySteamDepot. If you rename that folder back to PillarsofEternity_Data, it should resolve the issue. If renaming the folder doesn't work, try performing the Verify Integrity of Game Cache option in Steam to fix the problem. You can do this by right-clicking on the Pillars of Eternity game in your Library, clicking on Properties, clicking on the Local Files tab, and clicking the button that reads Verify Integrity of Game Cache. This will repair any missing or damaged files so you can play the game again. Head to this thread on our forums for more information about the process. New Features You can now rename save games. You can now change the portrait and sound set of characters from the character sheet. Click on the gear icon to open the customization window. You can only use this feature on player characters and hired (non-companion) characters. New Stash sorting. You can now sort stash by item type, enchant score, and sell value. Added a Latest News feature on the main menu to keep you informed on patches and Kickstarter updates. Added a new color for unique items in the inventory. Added a new hotkey for switching weapon sets on selected characters. You can now bind extra mouse buttons to Ability hotkeys. There's a new option to reset newly recruited companions to level 1 (without losing the experience). This will allow you to level up companions to your liking. Balance Reblanced XP rewards of some quests, particularly the bounty quests, to prevent parties from hitting max level before Twin Elms. Ciphers now start with 1/4 max Focus instead of 1/2. Wizard and Cipher's base endurance has been raised from 30 to 36, and per level from 10 to 12. Wizard and Priests health multipliers were raised from 3 to 4. Interdiction range has been reduced from 20 to 10. Tuned down damage on the Retaliation mod. Citzal's Spirit Lance will now do 50% more damage, is faster, and has an increased AoE. Sanguine Plate's Retaliate mod has been replaced with Spell Holding: Frenzy. Wind Blight's Returning Storm is now set to 1/encounter. Earth Blight's Teleport ability is now set to 2/encounter. Sturdy bonus is improved from +20 to +30 vs Prone. Hand and Key's Preservation has been replaced with Loyal. Aru Breaker's Preservation has been replaced with a +1 Speed. Angio's Gambeson's Reflex bonus is replaced with 1/day Deleterious Alacrity of Motion. Rebel's Call Preservation has been replaced with Wary. Lightning Strikes damage is increased by 25%. Fan of Flames damage is reduced by 25%. Minor Arcane Reflection base duration is changed to 60 seconds. Llengrath's Displaced Image gives 50% hit to graze conversion on Deflection and Reflex. Wizard's Double now grants +40 Deflection against a single attack. Mirrored Images now grants a base +30 Deflection. It decreases by 5 after each hit. Ilengrath's Safeguard's bonuses are now unified. Crucible of the Soul, Speaker to the Restless, and Steps to the Wheel ranges have been increased. Arcane Veil now grants +50 Deflection, with Hardened Veil adding +25, for a total of +75 Deflection. Scroll of Paralysis is now slightly weaker and has a higher skill requirement. All Spell Holdings are 2/encounter. Soul Shock radius reduced from 2.5 to 1.25. Blizzard damage reduced significantly and attack speed increased to from 0.2 to 0.8. Overwhelming Wave now uses a range of 30-40 and stun duration lowered from 10s to 8s. Noxious Burst trap damage now is in line with other player trap damage. Reduced the accuracy on higher level player traps. Unbroken is now a per encounter ability. Malignant Cloud damage increased. Ghost Blades set to foe only. Death Ring damage slightly raised, made foe only. Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar switched over to foe only. Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon set to foe only. Stag's Horn damaged lowered. Reflex and Deflection penalties cut in half, and reduced duration from 15 to 10. Bracers of Spiritual Power and Archer's Gloves reduced damage from +20% to +10%. Scroll of Revival AoE reduced, range slightly reduced, and restored endurance halved. Marked Prey and Sworn Enemy have been set to 0 recovery actions, so they can be used and the Ranger/Paladin can immediately act again. Winter Wind has had its damage, range, and push decreased. Base interrupt has been increased. Vile Thorns has had its damage increased and range decreased. Petrified has had its damage bonus reduced from x4 to x2. Items, Spells, and Abilities Battle-forged status effect now ends when combat ends. This should prevent it from stacking because of save/load. Fix for Elusive Quarry so its status effects now end when combat ends. This should prevent it from stacking because of save/load. Many spells and abilities will have more accurate and updated stat blocks and improved output in the combat log, tooltips, and character sheet. Modal abilities now have activation and deactivation timers. Fixed an issue where some AOE attacks were not displaying the extra Intellect bonus properly. Added new effect when petrified. Traps can now be passively detected at -4 Mechanics. Added an animation to the Fox and the Hunter ability and removed the damage effect. Second Chance will no longer trigger the defeat screen if the entire party goes down right before the effect fires. Fixed display of the cast UI for Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept. Tuning Wheel's effect is not hostile anymore. Painful Interdiction is now correctly marked as hostile. Escape should now always prevent disengagement attacks. Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept will no longer attack allies. Barbarian Threatening Presence will no longer spam the combat log when the Barbarian loses all endurance. NPC Chanters will now resume chanting once they use their invocations. Getting maimed will not clear fatigue. All wall spells should now disappear when combat ends. New Glossary entries for spellbind, spell holding, and spell striking. Switched the ingredients for Freezing and Shocking lashes. Druid's Wildstrike Belt is now working as intended. Marked Prey is now working at intended. Draining Whip is now working as intended. One Stands Alone is now working as intended. Interrupting Blows is now working as intended, and will correctly increase interrupt. Mortification of the Soul is now working as intended, and should only award 1 wound. Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay, Secrets of the Rime and Heart of the Storm should now correctly increase damage of all abilities. Driving Flight will now work properly with Blunderbuss type guns. The Retaliate mod should not strike allies after using Field Triage. Pet fatigue has been removed. Wild Leech is now combat only and the Leech effect will last until combat ends. This fixes issues with it not working with save/load correctly. Fix to Total Max Focus stat that would reset to the base value if you had the Greater Focus talent after a save/load. This is a retroactive fix that will restore your Cipher with an extra +10 focus if you have the talent. Quests and Companions Party member stats on the character sheet will now show properly if the companion is removed and re-added from the stronghold. Fixed issues where companions could lose their items when assigned to the stronghold. Grieving Mother's Perception and Intellect scores have been switched. The Man Who Waits: The citizens of the Sanitarium will no longer become hostile if you kill and loot Azo after the Sanitarium riot and then fight flesh golems. Fix is retroactive. Fixed issue with a reputation loss with Gilded Vale when entering Raedric's Hold. Removed disposition exploit with the Records Keeper. A few encounter placement changes. Fixed issues with stronghold hirelings becoming hostile. Retroactive fix to update Sanitarium quest stage to proper state if you already talked to Ethelmoer and then asked for Sanitarium directions from a city guard. Added retroactive fix if you've advanced Heritage Hill quest to Icantha but then asked a city guard for directions to Heritage Hill. Fixed a number of issues with the Winds of Steel quest. This should be a retroactive fix if the quest was already started before working on the second quest with the Dozens or Doemenels, or if the quest was acquired or completed in conjunction with Bronze Beneath the Lake or Changing of the Guard. Attacking any of the main three Defiance Bay factions after having secured their invitation to the hearing will now make Lady Webb give you an invite in the name of Dunryd Row. Fixed issues with the Hermit of Hadret House quest. If Sul or Oernos were defeated before speaking to Desthwn for the first time then The Old Queen and the New King quest will not revert to an earlier quest stage. Hendyna's conversation is fixed up to be properly linked together. Fixed a case where one of Clyver's responses would not appear in conversation if you ask him twice about the hearing. Killing Alwah while she appears in Oldsong now prevents her from appearing alive in Galawain's Maw when you turn in the Prison of Ice quest. Fixed an issue where the Hall of Revealed Mysteries would turn hostile after opening the door to the Elder Archives and then re-loading into the scene (while not in stealth). Rinatto will no longer appear in the Celestial Sapling if you convince him to leave Twin Elms as part of the Hard Bargain quest.) UI Changed the display of most stat multipliers to be percentage based. Added Shift as a default control for multi-selection, in addition to Ctrl. Inverted the Stronghold log. Improved the output in the Bestiary and added beast abilities. Portraits now turn grey if Stamina is being capped by Health or Fatigue. Improved multi-selection. Stronghold adventures will now show the duration before you embark. Added apply button to resolution options screen. Default stealth key on Linux is now Ctrl. Weapon set buttons are now disabled when Spirit Shifted. Fixed several issues with containers and mouse cursor state on hover. Fixed an issue where the Lore requirement on scrolls was always displaying as red text. Fixed an issue where weapon sets were not visually unlocking. HUD does not upscale until 1920x1200. Fixed attack roll formula tooltips so they should now be readable in lower screen resolutions. Expert mode is now hidden on the main menu to avoid confusion about it not being selectable outside of a game. Changed slider bars so that they can slide the entire length of the options menu. Changed the order of the option buttons to make them more user-friendly. Tooltips now include sell price where appropriate. Chanter inspection UI should now display the correct durations. Armors should now correctly display DR in the inspection UI. Adjusted position of the Concentration skill in the Character Sheet. Cleaned up problems with improper ability icons showing if you switch party members with hotkeys. Improved loading screen scaling for resolutions greater than 1920 x 1080. Corrected a tooltip string on the voice volume slider. Fixed issues with tooltips being obscured in the inventory screen. General Fixes Removed exploit of being able to transition into a new area with a dead player character. Sorry speed runners. Spells and abilities stuck in 'Already Activated' state will be fixed whenever a game is loaded. Now camping in a stronghold map when Brighthollow is unlocked uses Brighthollow instead. Party members will no longer switch weapon sets when charmed. Resolved a problem where misses on some secondary attacks were not being reported in the combat log. Camera should center on party members faster. Trial of Iron: Loading a game will now force a save to happen to prevent save scumming. Fixed many issues related to auto pause. Firearms will now reload when combat ends on alternate weapon sets. Poison and interrupted VO now has a cooldown. Allow quick-loading when UI windows, like dialogue, are up. Removed unneeded navigation blockers in the Valewood that were causing animal companions to become stuck. Fixed issue where Guest Hirelings that were available at the Stronghold for hire were not being saved properly into the save games. Fixed additional problems with prestigious visitors visiting the Stronghold after they had been killed. Fixed a problem with Stronghold prisoners showing temp text at times.
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Wouldn't it be great if.. 1. a fireball or other explosive item/spell flung at a group had an impact on their positioning? 2. getting hurt meant characters started looking hurt and not simply kept standing up like marionettes while exchanging blows or magic missiles? The first item is a practical change that could add some extra tactical elements to encounters. The second is mostly cosmetic in nature, but it wouldn't be terribly hard to implement if taken into consideration from the beginning.
Update by Brandon Adler, Producer Hello, everyone. Like everyone here at Obsidian, I hope you had a great holiday season and were able to gorge on lots of treats and good food. This week I am going to go over a bit about the new Backer Portal (please log in if you haven't already), give a general update about where we are in our production, and show off some of the cool things that are happening in the game. In our next update we will be taking a more detailed look at some of the classes in Eternity. Backer Info Just a reminder to all of our backers, if you have not done so already, please head to the Backer Portal and complete your order. All backers need to go through the process so they can receive their rewards - even those that only have digital goods. To start the process, click on "Manage My Pledge Now" and click on the "Select Reward" button on the pledge management screen. From here, you may select the tier you backed (or upgrade to a new tier), select additional add-ons, fill out any shipping information, and file your surveys. Also, please make sure you fill out your surveys as soon as you can. If you have an NPC, item, inn, or portrait the sooner you get the information to us, the sooner we can make sure it gets into the game. If you are having any issues, e-mail us at and we'll help you out quickly. Areas As most of you know, we finished up Od Nua (our mega-dungeon) in our last milestone. I have to say, I think it looks pretty amazing. Currently, the area team is working on our second big city, Twin Elms, and it is looking just as good. Here, take a look for yourself. Ancient Engwithan ruins near Twin Elms. Without getting into too much detail, the Area Designers are fleshing out the end of the game right now and everything is really coming together. The area in the screenshot above looks like the perfect place for a big fight, huh? Characters Our character team has been cranking out new creatures and equipment. We are almost completely through all of our A priority creatures. Soon we will be working on our B priority creatures and lots of equipment variations. One of the creatures that was just finished to Alpha quality is the Cean Gŵla. These banshee-like undead are the spirits of women who died under particularly tragic or traumatic circumstances. Take a look at the comparison images below. In-engine and concept comparison of the Cean Gŵla. UI Most of our UI has either been implemented or mocked up to an Alpha level. The interface that we would like to show you today is the character sheet, which shows character and party information. You can find lots of useful info on the sheet including various party statistics, your reputations with Eternity factions, and character stats. The character sheet has many useful player and party statistics. Features Features have been going into the game pretty regularly. We just recently moved to Unity 4.3 and, while this might not seem like a big deal, 4.3 has ushered in some long awaited features. Animation annotations, for example, were added to Unity. We can now call sound effects based on specific frames of animation. This makes things like footsteps possible. A majority of our spells and abilities are in-game and usable. Josh has started auditing them and requesting changes for gameplay balance purposes. Tim has been quite busy with all of the small edits. Strangely, one of our more minor features has gotten me the most excited. Just recently we have gotten the ability to set custom party formations and I am having a blast testing it out. Concepts Have you been wondering what some of the Pillars of Eternity gods look like? Wonder no more. Representations of the gods Galawain and Woedica. Above you will see the representations of Galawain and Woedica, gods in the Eternity pantheon. Woedica is known by many names including "The Exiled Queen," "The Burned Queen," "Oathbinder," and "The Strangler." Her domains include law, justice, oaths and promises, (rightful) rulership, hierarchies, memory, and vengeance. Priestesses of the Exiled Queen serve as lawyers and judges in towns and urban centers, and the most prominent among them are advisers to kings and lords. They are of particular importance in the Empire of Aedyr, where by tradition, business contracts always require their endorsement. Her devotees are typically found in the upper classes, but any conservative person who longs for a vanished past will find a place in her faith. “When Woedica takes back her throne” is a common saying amongst her followers, signifying a utopian future when society will be properly ordered once again, and she will take her rightful place as ruler of the gods. Galawain is patron of the hunt in all its forms, and he is honored by those whose occupations are concerned with pursuit and discovery. His faithful include frontiersmen, constables, treasure-seekers, explorers, and even scholars, many of whom wear his carved symbol – a dog’s head – around their wrist or neck. He is also protector of wild places and untamed wilderness, where the hunt manifests in its purest form as a daily struggle for survival. That's it for this update. Make sure you head over to our forums to let us know what you think of anything you see here.
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- Pillars of Eternity
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I only plan on playing through the game once as one race and class combination, so I want you, Obsidian, to focus all your time and money on making that race/class combination the best gaming experience you possibly can. Please remove all other classes and races, since I don't plan to use them. I don't care which you include. Maybe you should have a poll and only include the most popular race and class. Also, I don't like doing sidequests, so none of those, please, and no extra regions. I find a world-map that's too large to be confusing. Please make the main quest the best you absolutely can. Maybe you can release sidequests for those who want them as DLC later. There should be exactly 5 characters that will (not may) join your party. I want every moment of gameplay specifically crafted for my exact party, with each character chiming in with the perfect dialog at exactly the right time. Obviously, once you start multiplying party makeups, there's no way you can make so many different cohesive narratives on such a small budget. Please, please, please no multiplayer. I'll never use it. I would prefer that you focus on making the game the best that it can be when experienced by exactly one person. You basically have to make the whole game over again for each additional player you allow. I don't know what other features you're planning to add, but I would really prefer that you focus on crafting the best versions of the features I am going to use and leave the others out. Oh, I almost forgot. I am a male that is almost overflowing with testosterone and manliness. If I am not looking at a humanoid female's sexy body I have to immediately leave the computer and go do adult-things with my girlfriend. I will not be able to spend the 15 hours I expect the main quest to take looking at a tiny digital man-butt. For this reason I expect to play as a female. Please remove all other sexes. Her name will be Alwethia. Now you won't have to waste your tiny budget programming a field to enter the PC's name. Thanks. EDIT: I plan to have my character look like the babe in my avatar picture. I don't know what she's from, but if it's not a copyright issue, please use that image for the PC. Otherwise, something as close as possible.
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