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  1. As a software developer as well as a gamer, the backer beta and the flood of feedback really got me thinking. By involving the customer base, which is a potential fan base in case of the game, into the development process at this stage, Obsidian has on one hand gained a lot more feedback than it would have otherwise, so they can polish the game to the testers' specific liking in addition to fixing more bugs. On the other hand, the players now had a look at a truly unfinished product. In some cases, a very thorough look. The beta players have developed an eye for inconsistencies, rule flaws and bugs. I think the beta players will not be able to enjoy the game upon its release (or after the first one or two post-release patches ) the way they would have otherwise. Instead of looking for and finding PoE's strengths, they will look for and find its weaknesses. All the other players will be profiting from the work the beta players put into the beta, but this part of the potential fan base will probably not turn into actual fans of the game. What do you think about that aspect? How do you work against such tendencies in your own attitude towards Pillars of Eternity? Or am I just over-analyzing things only related to my own point of view?
  2. I have restarted the game several times to test if it was just a one off bug. When leveling up my Cipher the powers do not seperate by level when you click the buttons above. I , II, III and so on. I am sure this is a small oversight. Loving the testing, was truly worth 25 to get a early look at the game.
  3. I'm trying to bind Move, Interact, and Attack to my Right Mouse Button (the idea being to have the game control like a modern RTS) but the control options won't let me. I can bind them to the left mouse button just fine, but not the right.
  4. Hey everyone. Here is a list of issues we are currently aware of and will be fixing. We will be adding and removing things from this list as needed. Pathfinding - We are in the middle of revising the pathfinding system. In the Backer Beta at launch, you may see issues with characters jittering, getting stuck, getting "bottlenecked" between other characters, and overlapping their selection circles with other characters in combat. Sliding - You may notice characters sliding in various situations, where their movement does not match their animation. This is a known issue. AI - Some characters (including party members) may not respond to a command. Alternately, they may become stuck in an attack or reload loop. We've also found that our initial batch of instruction sets for enemy AIs need additional functionality and parameters that we decided to continue implementing during beta. Selection Feedback - We are also working on the feedback you receive when selecting characters and actions for them to perform. It's important to us that the feedback is clear and immediate. Stat Blocks - Many spells, abilities, and items are not yet programmatically displaying all relevant information about them. We are in the process of adding that information to all appropriate interfaces. Attribute Balance - Testers have reported that Perception and Resolve are less compelling for their character builds than Might, Constitution, Dexterity, and Intellect. We are discussing different solutions for this. Stamina and Health are Unintuitive - We have consistently found with players and testers that the stamina and health system are unintuitive as presented in game. However, we have also consistently found that, once explained and understood, the system was well-received by the people who used it. We are working on solutions to this disconnect. Rangers are Buggy - The unique shared stamina/health of rangers and their animal companions has been a tricky system to implement and we are aware that their mechanics have a bunch of issues. Chanters are Overpowered - Yes, they are. They'll be dialed back a bit, but in the meantime, enjoy playing a game where the bard-type class is king. UI - Our UI is still being polished and fully implemented. Things like our death screen, stealth UI, and the engagement UI, are all being implemented or tweaked. Abilities and Spells are Buggy - We are working through all of our abilities, but you may find certain spells and abilities that are not working as they are described. Some Missing Assets - There are some pieces of the game that are still being implemented - like VFX, Audio, and Icons. You may notice that some assets are either missing or are temporary. Fog of War Working Incorrectly - The Fog of War is not currently blocking line of sight. Optimizations - We have not fully optimized the game yet. You may notice that load times and performance still need to be improved. Save and Load - We are still working through many save and load issues. Passive and modal abilities can sometimes double on a character after they are loaded. Also, the Continue option is still being worked on. It is best to use the Load Game feature instead of the Continue feature.
  5. It's normal for software to have a ticket system for tracking bugs and check it's development. Valve does it with dota and other software ( https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota-2/issues ) There you can follow the issues, look for solved bugs, old bugs and its more clear and easy for the testers to follow them or create new ones without duplications. I feel the beta bug with its 5 or 6 pinned threads a bottomless pit.
  6. Just starting up a bug thread here. No need to reply to anyones posts but if you encounter any bugs feel free to post them here. For one, When the game is full screen (Not in windowed mode) if you have two monitors and mouse off to the side to scroll the screen. the mouse cursor leaves the game screen and goes onto the other monitor. This makes moving the screen awkward. Bouncing around in the menus sometimes the font size increases far beyond the intended font and sometimes in the settings menu the tab names disappear. Some of these are probably already known but I hope every one can provide as much bug feedback as possible.
  7. So I had an Elf Ranger I created at the inn (Bear Companion). Enjoyed him so much I let my rouge die. I went back to the Inn and started to make another. I picked the aquatic race and I really wanted to have a second bear to block doorways All went well in the Character creation named the second bear Maxmillion. Once I exited the creation screen my first elf rangers face portrait was replaced with the new aquatic ranger. I thought this odd so I saved,exited and reloaded the save thinking this would self correct. When I loaded the new aquatic Ranger was missing but I guess old Maxmillion liked my party so much he decided to stay.
  8. Morning, just a little itemized list of the stuff I've found so far. Menu Tabs disappearing whilst in another. eg in Graphics and the auto-pause and others disappear. Music overlap. When exiting to the menu screen the in-game music continues to play over the top of the menu screen music. Infinite load screen after death. Unable to hand in dragon egg as dialogue option with Hendyna non existant. Floating equipment. Whilst in inventory screen character portraits often have their weapons floating to their side (shields particularly) Often can't zoom in and out. Highlights around interactive objects can be out of place, behind/to the side of the actual object. After hiring adventurer, infinite load screen on exiting the Inn. No combat noises. magic effects/ melee strike sound effects etc. Some items disappear from inventory when being moved in or out of item slots. Beards disappear when wearing helmets... i like my sexy beard...don't take it away. Game crashed after level up...it wasn't that awesome. Continue doesn't seem to use the latest saved game file. After level up character screen was...messed up.. for want of a better term. TTFN.
  9. I thought it might be a good to collect various bugs with items having to do with either their display or application of stats. I will start it off with: SUPER NAKED LEATHER ARMOR Item - Leather Armor, DT 9, Recovery 1 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999391268/screenshot/579031239332359651
  10. well here i am again this time with the mod list and a update on what happens. let's start with the mods: "First national bank of coruscant" "Enhanced merchants for tsl" "the sith lords restored content mod" "skip peragus" "bastila PC head" "survival items" "feat progression for tsl" i think that's all now for what happens: well, when i get to red eclipse again i go right to them, just to get it out of the way but i help the refugees, first then i fight the red eclipse but now i CAN board the ebon hawk but, atton never gets the call so i can't do anything so it's 2 things it's a: i'm retarded and don't know what to do. b: it's glitch. i have talked to the rat guy and payed him the 2000$ to tell the exchange that i don't like and he says the exchange is watching me but nothing happens do i just walk till i get the call or is it a glitch. (sorry for the bad english)
  11. So when I go to try to rest,hire or buy food at the Inn it goes through the dialog as if it is going to work but the secondary screen does not pop up for me to sleep,hire and so on. I have reloaded my save several time and this bus still persists. I have rested once and hired one npc but now cant. Anyone else hitting this bug? All my npc's are very sleepy. Love the game even with bugs.
  12. I'm about 40 minutes into a very leisurely paced run through the beta. Amuaua (or however you spell that) monk, good times. It will interest you to know that I've run into bugs. Here are a few of them: - At present, the fight at the Dyrford bridge between the party and the hooded dudes + their pet boars (shouldn't there be just one?) is an utter debacle, which I'm sure is some confluence of niggling combat bugs and unfamiliarity with the game systems, but more than that it looks like the combination of occlusion in the grassy area (?) and the color of the grass blending with the color of player indicators makes it very hard to track the whos and whats and whys of combat. The high resolution just makes things difficult to see. Beautiful, but incomprehensible. The indicators need to be good and thick and unmistakable when combat is happening. - It appears that priest spells that are described as only affecting enemies are affecting my party as well. - The priest spell "Despondent Blows" is ostensibly usable outside of combat but when activated, the spell won't cast and the targeting reticule apparently persists until the game is reloaded. No other mouse-dependent functions work while the reticule is up, though you can still switch characters with the hotkeys (note that the reticule persists when changing characters). - This has probably already been reported, but there is a problem with characters who get knocked out in combat being unresponsive after recovery. I played through the bridge fight three times - the first time I had cast a vampiric-type AoE spell in combat and had snagged one of my party members in the blast. After combat that character was locked in an unbreakable hit reaction loop at 0 stamina (while the rest of the party recharged in moments). Second time, two party members were knocked out but didn't get up once the enemies had been killed. Third time, a CNPC was knocked out, got back up after the fight, but couldn't be controlled. I reloaded from this point and was able to resume control of him. - Zoom bug: I've only encountered this at the starting area, near where the fight takes place (SEE ATTACHMENTS). Using zoom features in any other area, indoor and outdoor, seems to yield no problems, but it doesn't work here - instead of zooming, it seems like one or two layers of the visuals are affected. While the size of objects and characters on the screen stays the same, fog of war radius constricts with "zoom out", and it appears it messes with water effects as well, creating an empty "ghost" of the waterwheel animation (see image #2). - Beyond that, "The Dyrwood pt. 1" contains a brief shift from past tense to present tense that doesn't make a lot of sense (ex. "he did" vs. "he does"). It shifts back to past tense by the end of the text. I'm out of upload space on this post so I'm writing another one real quick.
  13. i was playing kotor2 and i just fought the red eclipse and when i leave the ebon hawk and i try to board it again it says "you may not board the ebon hawk at this time" no one said anything before i leave i have replayed the game 3 times and it happens every time anything i could do? (i have alot of mods and i forgot what the names are) and i'm a female exile
  14. I went to the forest and my parents found me and grounded me after that I spawned in my room and then left the house. I continued to walk to Kyle's house and than when I go there my parents showed up and grounded me again this time my father tells me to go to bed. [keep in mind that I've already finished the main quest line] but when I walk to my bed it tells me that It is not letting me sleep. Then I go downstairs a Speke with my dad and he tells me to go up to bed. But i I leave the house. So basically either the bed isn't working or just a minor glitch right? Can you advance days after finishing the main quest line?
  15. My game on the Xbox360 crashed after defeating Craig in Cylde's treehouse. The screen went black and says its loading but nothing happens. I can still move my character around and tell where he is by using cup a spell, but can't move on in the game. Has anyone encountered this? I heard its a known bug in PCs. Any help out there?? Thanks
  16. Hello. I don't know if the problem is with me or the game, but in some areas some textures start to flicker (disappearing and appearing repeadatly) or completely disappearing. For example in some cutscenes when I am walking my characters starts to flicker or when I go to the wizard's house and use his shower, the whole cabin with the door dissapears, along with the textures near it (in other people's houses this doesn't happen). Another time I saw this was when I left the starting area by destroying the sign thingy and in the first cutscene the character and the flag also started flickering. What is happening ? Maybe corrupted game files or drivers ?
  17. Hi everyone, Contributor to Project Eternity looking forward to my shiny, sexy badge at whatever the $250 level is making my first post. I'm just starting to poke my head around here and get a feel for the Obsidian community, so my apologies if i talk about anything that's been already discussed to death. The theme of this post, as the title indicates, are which things you want to make sure that Project Eternity does NOT have in it. My list, off the top of my head, is as follows: 1. Multiplayer 2. Co-op 3. Motion Control support 4. Social gaming of any kind 5. Any sort of casual tie-in like a facebook or phone apps 6. An overabundance of bugs My reasons for this are as follows. With regards to Multiplayer and Co-op, I agree with that theoretically it is possible to have these things and not detract from the Single Player experience, but in general I view that as being similar to how Unicorns and Elves could potentially exist in the depths of rain forests that have not been fully explored. In other words, I acknowledge that it has not been entirely DISPROVEN to be possible, but that the odds tend to be low. With motion control support, I simialrly acknowledge that there might be some games significantly made better by having it. I'd be hard pressed to name these games at this time, but I do admit to the possibility. In particular, I think there's a good chance that, say, a Golf game or a Zelda game could be made better. With a traditional RPG, I'd prefer, at this time, to stick with what has been known to work. My reason for not wanting social gaming is pretty straightforward. I hope that Project Eternity has an immersive, compelling story with fascinating characters that I grow to love a great deal. Just like how trying to read a book socially or watch a movie with someone constantly talking would be detrimental to such things in my opinion, I see social gaming as something that HINDERS narrative, plot and character development rather than helps it. Casual tie-ins like facebook and phone apps strike me as money grabbing and general bloodsucking. See: Mass Effect 3. Don't do this pretty please Obsidian? On the subject of bugs...this is one that I have to be a bit delicate on I think. I like Obsdiian's games for the most part. I enjoy the writing. I think they do good characters. If I didn't like this company, I wouldn't have donated at the level that I did. But I DO view that donation as being inherently risky because of Obsidian's track record in this area. I have often seen publishers blamed for incomplete, unfinished and unpolished offerings from Obsidian and I am sure there is some truth to that. But...Obsidian seems to not be able to release a polished and finished product REGARDLESS of who the publisher is. Hopefully the Kickstarter model will fix this, but I would be remiss in not mentioning this issue with past titles. Anyway, what about others? Is my list comprehensive? Do you have your own suggested additions or subtractions off of it?
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