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  1. Não consigo realizar um salvamento manual no meu jogo que está no NG4, aparece um erro dizendo que não tem espaço no armazenamento ( mesmo tendo espaço de sobra ) ... Criei um jogo do 0 e os salvamentos funcionam normalmente. Inclusive só meu mundo que está com problema o salve aparece como Desconhecido (onde seria o local que eu estou no mapa ex: matagal aparece desconhecido) . Não sei o que fazer pois o erro aparece como se não tivesse espaço mas relembrando tenho muito espaço livre de armazenamento!!
  2. Grass plank storage (large and normal) will not fit on one grid tile. Snap to grid won't allow things to be placed in spaces that could be placed in the same spot without snap enabled. Some structures float when the support connecting it to the ground is broken.
  3. So when I tried to enable the crossplay in ps5 it says “Grounded could not be linked to a Microsoft Account at this time.” And I cannot play with my friends that are on Xbox, any solutions?
  4. When trying to place a wall, the game might try to place it far away from where you are trying to place it. It happens when there are a lot of walls/places that it can snap to. can you guys make a button that when held or on a toggle will unsnap buildings to whatever its trying to snap to? there is a button thats called "snap to grid" but I don't know what it does or if thats what the button is supposed to do.
  5. I have built a big wall and it isn't exactly straight, when I try to place a floor it only connects the corners of the floor. it happens to more that just the wall I built, it happens with a lot of other things too, but I don't know what causes it to happen
  6. My jump stops working and the only way to fix it is to rebind the button to something else, It's not my controller because the "a" button still works but it just will not function when I use it to jump. It fixed itself at some point but it also came back after that.
  7. Hi, I peeped every creature except the red baby ant in my first playthrough. I then had to go into NG+ to get it, so went through and peeped it but the achievement did not unlock. My assumption is that this is due to peeping my missing card in NG+ and it's not taking into account the cards from my first playthrough. I just wanted to check if this was a bug or intended? I can't attach a screenshot of my creature cards or my save (due to size) but I have every card (8/8, 48/48 & 15/15). I am logged into Xbox and am not in a custom game. I peeped the red baby any about a week ago and have played daily. Thanks DxDiag.txt
  8. I have encountered a bug with the new pet ants and their favourite food being rotten slurry but they wont eat the slurry can this please be fixed? I'm also unable to provide a photo because of the file size is limited to such a low amount of data
  9. Prior the patch, I had no collisions or "Location Obstructed" issues building above a certain elevation against the tree. Now I get them constantly in both my single player and multiplayer saves. Its not all build able items. I can place a flag at that elevation as well as some bug mounts. Also grass planks and stem scaffolding seems to be unaffected. Other objects are untested. Moving objects still shows location obstructed even if overlapping or not. Platform PC(Steam) Is this an isolated event? Screenshots provided for context.
  10. When I play multiplayer, when me andy friends tamed all the ant queens it was strange that when my friend with the red ant baby, his had just was gone. Later I was trying to pet my baby black ant but then it just get deleted as if it wasn't even there. However my friend with the baby fire ant seems to be fine for now. Tbh just want my ants back T_T
  11. I was playing Grounded PS5 Single Player and I managed to craft a few higher tier weapons, like the Mosquito Needle, Insect Axe, and such. When I saved and logged back in the following day, I loaded where I saved at, but all of my weapons were converted into Pebblet weapons (axe, spear, etc.) I have no idea how this happened, but I have lost my desire to continue playing until this is resolved.
  12. I have always played Grounded solo "offline" without making xbox account, so there should be no other players in my world, why is there now suddenly "OfflineUser" in my world all of a sudden? I am not sure if this is related to some new feature after recent update, or is this a bug. I have +200 hours in this game and i never remember seeing this before, Aphid Chris from your discord told me to make a bug report. - Pc, Steam - Save file has 80 in-game days, ~200 real life hours, custom mode - Started seeing this after this new recent 1.4 Fully Yoked update - I have never played in multiplayer mode, i have never created xbox account, i have never connected my game with any xbox account - This "OfflineUser" tag was about 100 meters in front of me when i logged in to my save and saw it first time.
  13. On a multiplayer (or single player) world, when you get the slime lantern and don't analyze it, you're unable to forever. There's no way to get another rotten slime lantern nor analyze the used one. It's worse when you play with others as they could use the lantern and not analyze it. Maybe be able to craft them? Or put more in the world? maybe be able to buy them for raw science? Help the completionists please!
  14. I started playing the DLC after completing the mission Mostly Harmless, I fast travel to the unreliable the game crashes. I did 2 more test - try to walk to the unreliable then enter the game crashes - try load a older save file and was able to enter the unreliable but not after the Mostly Harmless mission so I can’t completely the dlc and ideas on how to fix this? Note: I bought it on the PlayStation store will try to do a work around by completing the missions later in the game to see if that fixes.
  15. I'm on my grind for 100% but I have hit a roadblock the milk molar from the salt morning star chest isn't there so yeah HELP ME
  16. I'm experiencing a repeat conversation between Aloth/Iselmyr and Eder every time we rest..the one where she talks to Eder and tries to get him to kiss Aloth as a prank. Every time we rest, no matter where it is, this conversation gets triggered. I don't know what is making it repeat upon every rest. I believe when it first happened was at the Engwithian ruins with the giant construct and the missing Vailian expedition party. (I forget the name) This has been going on, even after a reload. Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks!
  17. The game version I am running is modded, I notice no other performance issues or significant glitches but this one... I've tried to verify the integrity of game files without success... Any suggestions?
  18. There's a topic with same title over at Steam Discussions (making it easier to find out more feedback on this new issue). Joining friend's game, when fighting insects, I often see friend's healthbar instead of the insect's. Annoying bug, to say the least.
  19. Hello, I've just bought South Park: The stick of Truth from Steam. Installed it on my (C:) drive , started the game, everything worked fine. Created a character , played a bit, tried to save the game, but both Save Game and Load Game are grayed out which was odd, but I assumed that the game is going to autosave. After playing for about an hour, decided to reboot the game to check if the autosave is working. It was not. Since then I've spent a lot of time checking forums and googling for a fix for this issue. I'm running Windows 11. The save game directory is this one: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\South Park - The Stick of Truth\save and inside the "save" folder is a file called "steam_autocloud.vdf" I have tried uninstalling / reinstalling the game, installing it on other drives, nothing helps. Any help? TL;DR: Installed game from Steam, run game, can't save/autosave, gotta start new game every time I run it.
  20. After getting the Sealed Fate quest, I found and opened the satchel. Discovering the details of what's to happen I tried to talk to Avetta about it but all she would say to me was "Stop him!" (Screenshot 1). Haven't talked to her before that moment. Tried talking to Degnos and tell him "[Leave] I'm not interested in your explanations" and the captain would still not talk to me. Since she asked me to stop him I tried killing Degnos but Avetta still kept saying "Stop him!" After talking to Degnos and choosing either solution (give items back/forget the plan), Avetta begins responding again saying our business is resolved (screenshot 3). Screenshot 2 shows the quest log in case it's useful.
  21. My friends and I are playing together, and I'm the host. We've played together without issue since launch, but all of a sudden we've returned back and they're experiencing some extreme desync issues, especially when building or dealing with dew drops. Sometimes if they're building something it will appear built but they can walk right through the built item. Sometimes if they're building it'll appear that it hasn't been built, when it has. With the dew drops, they'll appear but they can't drink from them. This is becoming a pretty major issue for us. They have to keep reconnecting to fix their bugs which just isn't fun. I'm on an AT&T Fiber connection with over a gig worth of speed. I don't know if it matters what my machine is, but the specs are below: EVGA Nvidia RTX 3080 10GB GDDR6X Intel Core i7-11700K Rocket Lake 3.2GHz 32GB DRDR4 RAM ASUS Z590-A ROG LEGA 1200 ATX Samsung 980 Pro SSD 1TB M.2 Any help with this would be extremely appreciated.
  22. So recently my partner bought The Outer Worlds: Spacers Choice from steam on pc and everything shows up as the correct color, the menus, huds, and cutscenes all play with a normal color but the actual game itself is this weird yellow and white inverted type color scheme. When you look at a sun or planet it shows some reds but that is it. There were no changes on their part to the graphics menus and we have tried reinstalling and new save files as well as a few others and we are just trying to figure out how to work it :(( I genuinely hurts to look at its so bad
  23. My pet weevil somehow got stuck underground and I can't access it anymore. I was exploring the sandbox when I noticed the little weevil pet icon off to the left in the haze so I checked my inventory to confirm that yep, it was not following me anymore. When I went over to the icon to go get it back though I quickly discovered the thing was somehow underground. I don't mean in a cave or a lab by the way, I mean glitched under the ground and completely inaccessible. It's holding so much important loot please someone help me.
  24. So this is a minor bug issue and I don't know how to fix it. We are halfway into the game, I had the black ox crossbow, upgraded and once I logged out (the only one on the server, hosting) and came back later I logged in and the black ox crossbow turn into item name "xyz" and it's a white box as the item picture. I'm only reporting because I can't make another one; it's not available for me to craft a new one either. This problem happened on 05/14/2023. I wish either I can get it fixed or that you know about the issue. Can't post a picture my file is over the size limit.
  25. Just having an issue with the skeleton in the sandbox on xbox one version of grounded. Every time I dig up the skeleton in the footprint it appears for a second then dissapears completely leaving me with no loot or badge that I need to 100% the game. Anybody help me?
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